Netlflix is bringing to its content a very unique show. It called “Cuties.” The above is the poster promoting this kiddie porn. A summary:
The film is directed by Maïmouna Doucouré, a French-Senegalese screenwriter and filmmaker whose last film focused on a girl in a polygamous family who is being raised by two mothers, according to Variety.
“‘Cuties’ is about the hyper-sexualization of pre-adolescent girls,” wrote Variety’s Martin Dale in January. “It follows an 11-year-old girl of Senegalese origin, living in one of Paris’ poorest neighborhoods, who is raised in a pious tradition, but joins a group of young dancers who hope to twerk their way to stardom.”
This is simply one more left wing foray toward breaking down all social mores. The left is pressuring children to take hormone blockers and undergo sexual assignment surgery without thinking. Now they are seeking to mainstream pedophilia, probably in part to blunt the coming Jeffrey Epstein revelations. The domino to follow after that will be bestiality.
FYI, the obama’s are now part of Netflix
Netflix has secured a deal with former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama to produce series and movies for the streaming service. The former first couple will, according to an announcement Monday from the company, potentially work on scripted and unscripted series as well as docu-series, documentary films, and features under the multi-year deal.
“One of the simple joys of our time in public service was getting to meet so many fascinating people from all walks of life, and to help them share their experiences with a wider audience,” said Barack Obama. “That’s why Michelle and I are so excited to partner with Netflix — we hope to cultivate and curate the talented, inspiring, creative voices who are able to promote greater empathy and understanding between peoples, and help them share their stories with the entire world.”
Even hypersexualized 11 year old girls who twerk, eh?

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Malia Obama Interned for Harvey Weinstein’s Company, good parents?
That bridge has already been crossed. Both Hillary and Chelsea have spawned.
For the Obama’s, this is simply the logical step from entertaining rappers in the White House.
Does Donald make an appearance in the girl’s dressing room?
I think I know why Netflix might suddenly be in the cross hairs:
July 22, 2020 – Netflix’s Fear City Hints at Trump’s Mob Connections. The Real Story Goes Even Deeper.
@Greg: Of course you support this Netflix kiddie porn just because….um Barry and Michelle feeding their eldest to Harvey the bundler.
I don’t support or have any interest in trashy reality TV or child beauty pageants.
The Obama’s don’t have anything at all to do with either.
@Greg: Your party is being taken over by sexual deviants. Own it or denounce it.
I don’t seem to recall hearing anything about Joe Biden having to pay off porn stars. When is the release date of Cohen’s upcoming book? September 8th?
@Greg: That’s because his opponents don’t have to make shit up to argue against him. Besides, rape, sexual harassment and groping children is bad enough.
The Obama’s made an arrangement, for money, to CURATE content at Netflix.
That makes them deeper in than mere “guilt-by-association.”
Sexualizing pre-teens has been part & parcel of the Dem agenda for years.
I can barely remember when we commented on sexualizing children here at Flopping Aces it was so long ago.
@Nan G, #9:
The Obamas had nothing whatsoever to do with the film shown at the top of the page. They have a contract with Netflix to produce socially relevant documentaries. The name of their company might be a clue to the sort of material they intend to promote: Higher Ground Productions. The first film they’re promoting is American Factory, which documents cultural issues involved in the Chinese take-over of an American plant.
Donald Trump has been a teen beauty pageant owner and promoter. I don’t know why his supporters are trying to work this angle against Biden or Obama. Donald Trump’s own comments and behavior have been positively creepy.
Sacha Baron Cohen speaks truths. Without the wholesale use of calculated social media manipulation, Trump would never have been elected. Allowing social media to become a platform for lies and disinformation has turned truth and much of reality on its head.
The hilarity of Greg desperately trying to change the subject is something to behold! I’ve never seen him work so hard.
Flak due to being right over the target?
@Meremortal, #13:
The Obamas had nothing at all to do with the movie.
Trump has a history of invading the dressing rooms during girls’ beauty pageants, and then publicly bragging about it.
This observation isn’t really off topic. Think of it as one of those “compare and contrast” exercises that some people always had trouble with in high school.
Really? So why don’t you list all those wonderful bills that Bargain Basement Joe Biden authored and got passed that made our lives so much better? I’m sure the list will be long but you’ve already shown you’re not adverse to extensive posts.
You constantly call Trump a liar. It is curious that you never mention the encyclopedic list of lies told by Bargain Basement Joe. Why is that, Comrade Greggie? Are you saying it is wrong for Trump to lie but not Bargain Basement Joe? And you seem to want to ignore the documented scandals of Bargain Basement Joe. One that actually cost him a shot at the Oval Office in years past
So, tell us exactly what it is that Bargain Basement Joe intends to do if he takes the election other than pander to the poverty pimps that hate white people?
Everyone has lied on occasion. Trump lies constantly.
As of July 9, 2020 – In 1,267 days, President Trump has made 20,055 false or misleading claims
@Greg: Wow. Is that one of your employer’s trigger words?
Too many shotgun posts to read from you, little guy.
As for Trump’s supposed conduct, just have the police charge him and arrest him. I’d be all for it.
Oh, it’s just a partisan rumor you’re using like a novice to change the subject?
Let me get your sub-educated ass back on track.
The above program is wrong.
Obamas are linked to the organization hosting it.
By your own standards, that’s grounds for complete legal obliteration of someone…if they are Republican, of course.
Tara Reade has come out about Biden, but you haven’t?
Don’t be a hypocrite now, greg.
The show in question is both sexist, racist, and most of all, pedophilia-laced.
I hope they aren’t paying you that much, or at all.
As a disinformation operative, you suck.
I’m so glad the Obamas used the office of the Presidency to be one of the “rich-folk”.
Good for them.
And Dems wonder why electing a reality star president (Obama) attracted a reality-show owner (Trump).
Trump is the result of Leftist/Dem hubris, and they know it.
As for the show, I laughed so hard at the picture.
“Shock” TV is nothing new, and yes it should be opposed, but the Right should calm down. This is pretty standard.
The erosion of values and conduct until we are third-world monkeys is the goal of China, Marxists, and the Democrat Party.
@Nathan Blue, #17:
They have a contract with Netflix, which will rent and stream documentary films that they produce and/or promote. Their company, Higher Ground, currently has several projects in the works. It sounds like some worthwhile material.
Alas, poor Donald… All they offer by him is a single season of his reality TV program. Once again, he finds himself in the shadow of Barack Obama.
Maybe he could work up a reality TV series about white collar criminals behind bars? That could be huge.
Except for that lifetime of achievement, and all…things you can actually look up that are not “sealed”.
I guess Trump’s been too busy fixing the mess Obama caused to worry about repeating his 15-year-old TV successes.
He’s certainly dismantled Obama’s “legacy”, though, thank God.
I’m glad Amateur Hour ended four years ago.
Partisan rhetoric.
Why don’t you get out and fight in the streets, little guy?
You obviously think it’s ok to replace the Constitution with…well, a few select people who will make us like your employer, China.
How much do they pay you, by the way? The CCP?
You know they kill people, right?
Well, I know you go to sleep knowing you have no power in American elections, and no one will care or remember your name.
Play “intelligentsia” here at FA all you want. We understand. It’s hard being ineffectual, but at least you post a lot!
@Greg: Of course, if the Obama’s objected to pre-teen soft porn, they would disassociate themselves with Netflix, wouldn’t they?
What do you bet it doesn’t address how over-regulation, high taxes and union control made that possible? How convenient for Obama to have a production company to rewrite his sorry legacy in history. No wonder he tolerates kiddie porn. Maybe he just considers it a going away present for Joe; something he can watch in his basement in retirement.
Can’t you at least give evil Trump credit for manipulating Joe’s mind and getting him to confess, on video, that he, not Trump, extorted Ukraine to get them to leave the company where his son drew a check alone? Is that what you consider “inventing”?
Poor Trump; languishing in the shadow of Obama, who works for a porn merchant. Media aside, Obama is in the shadow of Trump, who is securing the border, protecting US citizens, restored a dormant economy, correcting trade inequities, reducing poverty, helping blacks like no one has before, destroying terrorists and getting the US out of endless wars. But, Obama is making self-serving flicker pictures. Wow. Such a long shadow he casts.
@Greg: Hey greg, this is your base, you stupid f*ck.
@Nathan Blue: That is EXACTLY the level of trash that helps Greg promote his causes. They are also those who whine the most about civility and divisiveness. Left wing terrorists. Then needed the shit beat out of them.
Of course, all that would be left would be their improperly worn masks.
@Nathan Blue:
Notice the rough and tough girls go after a seven year old boy. Preying on the weak is a time tested tactic of leftists. Would love to see these bitches try the same on someone their age and size. They would deservedly get the shit kicked out of them.
@Nathan Blue:
As I’m sure you noticed, Comrade Greggie avoided listing all the congressional achievements of Bargain Basement Joe with his 47 years of being paid by the taxpayers of this nation. Surely, he could have found at least a dozen or so, right?
Instead, he links to one of the DNCs largest proponents, the Washington Compost to tell us all the lies they claim has been perpetrated by Donald Trump. Ironically, I don’t believe that same trash news outlet lists Bargain Basement Joe’s lies which are many and frequent.
@Nathan Blue, #23:
Yep. There’s Donnie Jr, dutifully stoking audience outrage on behalf of good ol’ Dad.
What sort of mother turns her 7-year-old child into a political prop for a mentally unbalanced politician who puts other mothers’ children in cages?
Assuming the incident was even real rather than a staged “Students for Trump” video, what sort of mother encourages her 7-year-old child to “get back your hat” from two apparently angry young adults, while she keeps the video shoot running? No doubt that would be every mother’s first instinct in such a situation. Right?
When did Trump supporters become totally incapable of critical analysis? All of the clues are there that this is a contrived propaganda video.
That was a rhetorical question, of course. A diligent application of critical analysis would have revealed everything you actually need to know about Donald Trump a long time ago.
Topped only by Hunter Biden, druggie and child support dodger, attesting to the honorability of his dad, Bargain Basement Joe.
What sort of mother turns her 2 year old toddler into a BLM proponent and having that toddler carry a “F**K THE POLICE” sign? That’s your base, Comrade Greggie.
And what about those cages that were build by your Messiah, Obama?
Still waiting for you to provide us with a list of Bargain Basement Joe’s legislative accomplishments. Tick, tock, tick, tock.
Hitler needed his Hitler Youth. Donnie has got Students for Trump. These are the little a-holes who put a Trump hat on a statue of Martin Luther King Jr near the anniversary of his assassination.
Their organizational co-founder, John Lambert, is currently facing prison time for posing as an attorney online and scamming people of tens-of-thousands of dollars selling bogus legal services. (Another political hit job on a righteous Trump supporter, no doubt.) Ryan Fournier, Students for Trump’s current National Chairman, worked with white nationalist groups while head of one campus chapter. James Orien Allsup, director of Student for Trump’s Campus Ambassador Program, is a member of the American Identity Movement, a neo-Nazi white nationalist organization. He currently hosts The Right Stuff, a neo-Nazi internet podcast.
All of which you are no doubt aware of? Students for Trump produced the video concerning the alleged attack by Biden supporters on a 7-year-old child. Which, as I pointed out, clearly has some improbable elements that critical viewers will quickly pick up on.
Biden is making a rational argument as to why he’s the better choice. Trump is relying on gutter politics and efforts to disrupt the election process. Add that to the fact that he seems to be going increasingly off the rails into delusional thinking, and to me the choice seems clear. Trump needs to be removed from the wheelhouse before he sinks the ship.
The kid was just there with his mother. Damn, I guess no one should be allowed to express their beliefs for fear of triggering some leftists lunatics.
No, Greg, just like with the Covington kids, all the fault lies with the aggressors (you do have a thing for supporting adult cruelty to children, don’t you?) There was no reason for these thugs to assault the Trump supporters other than they knew they would be supported by other leftist thugs.
Hitler had the Sturmabteilung. Democrats have ANTIFA and BLM. No group supporting Trump is resorting to violence; the left is the party of violence and hate. Just like their socialist cousins, the Nazis.
@Deplorable Me, #30:
You seem to have missed all of the obvious clues that the video is likely staged. No normal mother would encourage her 7-year-old child to retrieve a hat from two angry, hostile adults while she kept right on recording the incident. Then there’s the source of the video, plainly displayed in the bottom left corner: Students for Trump.
Do you think I made up all of that stuff up in post #29 about the Students for Trump leadership? It’s all true. Check it out for yourself. The organization is run by a bunch of far-right scamsters. Apparently they’ve got some aspiring James O’Keefe wannabes among them.
Mommy is encouraging her 7-year-old child to confront two angry young adults over a Trump hat while she gets it all on video? No right-thinking mother would behave in this fashion. It would be enough to warrant a call to child protective services.
@Greg: The only thing approaching “Hitler youth” is cancel culture and antifa/BLM thugs beating people in the streets.
You are the Nazis. You are the Bolsheviks.
You know it.
There’s always some pitiful excuse made by idiots like you for these people plainly caught on camera harassing Trump supporters and stealing property.
What happened is because the two Democrat supporters attacked the woman and her son.
I’m sure some of the central Students for Trump figures are very fine people. (And that the 75-year-old man who received a concussion after being flattened onto a Wilmington sidewalk was an ANTIFA provocateur.)*
As an experiment I’m hoping to see Trump go away following the November election, just to see how much of this sort of b.s. also goes away. We should then at least be able to deal with serious problems without every single one of them becoming a for-or-against-Trump issue.
*Trump also claimed in the same twitter post that the old man was “aiming a scanner” to “black out police equipment”. This was probably provided to him by our Leftist Reptilian Overlords. Perhaps questions about this should have come up during his cognitive evaluation.
What rational 75 year old goes to a Burn, Loot and Murder/Antifa protest knowing that those people are violent? Only someone who is a dedicated rabble rouser. And he was waved off by the police only to have him walk up close to them, using his phone to “scan” their equipment. But you’re too damn dishonest to admit that.
Oh, right. The Democrats will then call off their field troops (BLM/Antifa) and all will be peaceful again, NOT!
@Greg: You Leftists are responsible for almost all of the violence in our streets right now, and I expect increased left wing riots after the election.
Trump will win handily of course, but even if he didn’t, Marxist pigs like you will be out in the streets beating up the rest of us.
It’s funny to watch you struggle to form an equivalency between the lunacy of the left and the Democrats, and the sanity of the rest of us.
#walkaway, greg.
Everyone else is.
Unlike Donald Trump, Democrats are generally smart enough not to try putting out fires by throwing gasoline on them.
Unless those fires were started by Antifa/BLM.
In that case, give them more bricks to throw and use their fully-owned disinformation outlets to either deny it or blame it on Trump.
#walkaway and blexit are real. The Dems have lost, and made to sure to run the most un-electable duo in their arsenal: Biden/Harris.
I said they should focus on 2024 and it seems they took my advice. Good for them.
Maybe Trump will buy Netflix after 2024 just to show Obama what it’s like to be a real businessman…after showing him what it was like to be a real President.
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up,”
— Former President Barack Obama
@July 4th American: One of the “girls” has been charged with Endangering a Child, 2nd Degree Theft and 2nd Degree Conspiracy.
@Greg: The assailants have been charged with crimes. If this was staged, she is really into her role.
Do you simply assume no one has seen the video? They were ATTACKED by the leftists, triggered by the mere thought that someone would be allowed, without being beaten, to have their own opinion. Cmon, MAN!
It will stop when the left stops. It’s that simple. Now, the question is, if Biden wins and reverts the nation back to ruinous taxes, regulations and open borders, will that be enough for the Marxist monsters you employed to provide all this violent terrorism? Will they just stop on command? I have my doubts; they want total upheaval and Marxism, not socialism lite. They want to replace police forces with mob justice. They want to take private property and dole it out (after keeping what they can) and Democrats own quite a lot of “private property”. Sure, it is a given that YOU are the source of the violence and only when YOU stop the violence will it stop but, at this point, I doubt you have the power to end it. YOU will become the target unless you surrender to their terms.
Only leaders that maintain law and order can prevent that and there are NONE of those in the Democrat party.
Um… Democrats and their useful idiots are who have been STARTING the fires. But literally and figuratively.
You seem to have missed all of the obvious clues that the video is likely staged. No normal mother would encourage her 7-year-old child to retrieve a hat from two angry, hostile adults while she kept right on recording the incident. Then there’s the source of the video, plainly displayed in the bottom left corner: Students for Trump.
Greg, you seem to have missed where both women have been arrested for assault, endangering a child, and robbery. Ach, I guess that was staged by “Students for Trump” as well, ne-c’est pas?
@kitt: mitt have you personally viewed this movie ? Or are you just relating things that you have read about it ?
Netflix stock up 33% in the last year
Capitalists love Netflix !!
I understand they are also interested in doing a series on Jerry Falwell Jr
Why is conservative media ignoring that reality and focusing on a fictional movie ?
Is it left wingers and progressives who compete in the beauty pageants for 7year olds?
What about Trump owning the Miss Teen International beauty pageant ?