The Week In Radical Leftism, 7/31/2020

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Welcome back! Another crazy week, hopefully things calming down soon. In the meantime:

7/23 – Absolute Proof That These Mandatory Mask Orders Are Politically Motivated

Not that there was ever any doubt as to the motive behind the American Taliban’s forcing burkas onto America

7/24 – No Charges For Man Who Drove Through Tulsa Protesters, DA Says Truck Was Attacked

Nobody should ever be forced to become the next Reginald Denny

7/25 – The Democrats’ Cargo Cult

Good description of modern Leftism

7/26 – SUV Hops Curb Attempting to Mow Down Patriotic ‘Defend the Police’ Protesters

Note to Lefties, this is how you peacefully protest. And if you’re going to carry on like this expect to face armed crowds going forward

7/27 – Rep. Jerry Nadler (D, Crazytown) Believes Antifa Are Mythical Creatures Like Unicorns

“Nadler will get away with this, because the press is biased.” Fact check: False. The press aren’t biased – they are lying b*stards who are enabling the Democrats’ efforts to gaslight us.

7/28 – How Biden plans to destroy the suburbs

Pay attention. Just becasue you live in a state and town that’s intelligent enough to not put Democrats in control won’t stop them from having the reach to destroy your neighborhood.

7/29 – Surprise: “Journalists” Try to Cancel Chicago Tribune Writer John Kass For Daring to Write — Factually — That George Soros Has Spent Millions to Elect Leftwing DAs like Kim Gardner and Kim Foxx

How dare he commit an act of joournalism!

7/30 – Trader Joe’s wises up, reverses course, tells the leftist political-correctness mob ‘no’

The Radical Left should take notes and learn from this. Thankfully they won’t – please keep digging.

7/31 – The great Herman Cain, R.I.P.

First, let’s get the bad part out of the way. Herman Cain was never a serious presidential candidate. 9-9-9 was not an answer to foreign policy questions, but as one of his first Cainaanites I’ll be forever grateful for how he got the 2012 debates away from the dopey “boxer or briefs” questions from the Lefty simp moderaters. You’ve probably already seen the Lefty vitriol that c
ame out within hours of his death – this post focuses on the positive, as does this short video.

You won’t see me in the comments this week, as I’ll be taking a few days of some much needed R and R. Have a great weekend!

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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LOL about Whole Foods.
It must have thought that a poster/banner granted them immunity from whites pretending to be blacks.

For years I’ve been recording good movies so I can fast forward thru all the commercials.
But this year I am seriously considering recording the news maybe two different hours a day, so I can fast forward thru all their commercials.
I mean, political ads are non-stop on news channels!
It’s more than 90 days out til the election!
It’s too much.

This week, wow, check out techno fog on twitter seems a few pedos get their cover blown big time sure they were on the flight log but….

Then The hearing where Bar laughs at Rep Dean, ya that one

Policy, Policy ? I dont see no stinking policy lol.
100 police agencies tell the democrats to shove their convention where the sun is defunded, including deep blue Madison ..WTH!
Take away our tear gas and pepper spray for marxist rioters, wheres the fun in that?
This goes out to those that vote democrat defunders

7/23 – Absolute Proof That These Mandatory Mask Orders Are Politically Motivated

First, federal employees don’t spread the virus? Second, Trump is tested EVERY DAY. He knows if he has the virus or not.

7/24 – No Charges For Man Who Drove Through Tulsa Protesters, DA Says Truck Was Attacked

Why are “protesters” blocking a highway? That’s usually how people get run over. Imagine the fear the horses were in; why doesn’t PETA condemn the violence?

7/25 – The Democrats’ Cargo Cult

Hey… there’s an idea to make Biden viable. Have someone else’s mouth transposed over Biden’s mouth and have them speak as if it is Biden’s mouth, like on Clutch Cargo. Change Klutz Joe into Clutch Joe.

7/26 – SUV Hops Curb Attempting to Mow Down Patriotic ‘Defend the Police’ Protesters

Yeah, just more of the peace and civility from the left. It also explains their confusion; they think you drive on the sidewalks and walk on the streets. No wonder they vote Democrat.

7/27 – Rep. Jerry Nadler (D, Crazytown) Believes Antifa Are Mythical Creatures Like Unicorns

Nadler gets away with it because everyone already knows he is an absolute idiot. Then, he held his “hearing” and proved it… again.

7/28 – How Biden plans to destroy the suburbs

As usual, the Democrat solution is the exact opposite of what it should be. The Republican solution is to provide the economic opportunity to all so they can raise themselves out of poverty. The Democrat “solution” is to impose poverty into areas where it doesn’t already exist. Putting a multi-family affordable housing unit in a suburb doesn’t increase the opportunity of those who can only afford to live there one bit; it simply introduces the associated poverty and crime into neighborhoods that didn’t have it. Better to give those in the projects better jobs so they can move out of and away from the projects and get their own home in better neighborhoods. No doubt this would be as successful and fruitful as the Community Reinvestment Act.

7/29 – Surprise: “Journalists” Try to Cancel Chicago Tribune Writer John Kass For Daring to Write — Factually — That George Soros Has Spent Millions to Elect Leftwing DAs like Kim Gardner and Kim Foxx

We should be grateful that these Soros puppets expose themselves in relatively harmless examples of their disregard for law, order, rights and justice as they did in the McCloskey and Smollett cases.

7/30 – Trader Joe’s wises up, reverses course, tells the leftist political-correctness mob ‘no’

Good for them. It should be noted, though, that those who opposed the name changes and submitting to woke tyranny would not likely appear after closing and burn down their store; the other side just might. I would recommend around the clock security. Beyond that, hopefully this is a trend.

7/31 – The great Herman Cain, R.I.P.

He was an early example of (along with Justice Thomas) of just how nasty and despicable Democrats will get when a powerful black voice gets off their plantation.