For the last two months we’ve been watching as BLM and Antifa have knocked over statues, defaced monuments and churches and set fire to basically anything they can get their hands on. St. Louis had to go because he led the Crusades. Christopher Columbus has to go because he opened the door to colonizing a new world. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson have to go because they owned slaves. Fredrick Douglas and Ulysses S. Grant and Teddy Roosevelt and Jesus Christ had to go because… never mind.
And it’s not just statues that are under fire. There’s Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, Eskimo Pies, Mrs. Butterworth and the girl from Land O’ Lakes butter. There’s the NFL’s Redskins, the TV show Cops, the National Anthem, Goya foods, and basically all the police.
What started out as protests against the killing of George Floyd has metastasized into a battle against everything American, everything capitalist and anything that is not sufficiently woke.
Once can certainly appreciate those sentiments because the United States has obviously been a plague on humanity. America was built on land stolen from the Native Americans. The country had slavery from the beginning and Jim Crow laws until the 1960s. As a result, blacks are disproportionately represented in the justice system and those of European descent enjoy white privilege. Anything below a living wage is basically slave labor. College and healthcare are human rights and should not be the kinds of things that Americans should have to pay for, or the kinds of things people can make a profit off of. Some people have more money than they need while others don’t have enough to feed their families. And perhaps most of all, we elected Donald Trump as our president…
If the “peaceful protesters” who are telling us that capitalism needs to go and the United States is the problem had real principles, they would take their demands to the next level. It’s not enough to boycott Goya foods or or Hobby Lobby. No, if these activists really wanted to show the world that it can do without capitalism and the United States, they should refrain from using anything that American capitalism has produced.
Twitter – Gone.
Apple. Gone.
Air Conditioning – Gone.
Facebook- Gone.
Netflix – Gone.
McDonalds – Gone.
Google – Gone.
Cell phones – Gone.
Uber – Gone.
Call of Duty – Gone.
Flight – Gone.
Amazon – Gone.
Quicksilver – Gone.
Nike – Gone.
Starbucks – Gone.
Fortnite – Gone.
Supreme – Gone.
X Box – Gone.
Batman – Gone.
North Face – Gone.
Elevators – Gone.
CNN – Gone.
Not to mention staples like Coke and Pepsi and McDonald’s and Frito Lay and Disney and countless others.
If the goal is to tell us that capitalism is bad and should be destroyed, then doesn’t logic demand that the fruits of the imperialist, racist, sexist American capitalist system be obliterated? Isn’t using an iPhone or wearing a Supreme sweat shirt or Nike shoes the watered down equivalent of using the data from Nazi experiments on prisoners to develop new medicines?
Do these “activists” have the courage of their own convictions? Are they really ready to destroy American capitalism and everything that it’s created? If they want to burn the system down and replace it, then they should say so and start living a life without its fruits as an example to others. If their goal however is to continue to enjoy the fruits of the capitalist system but just steal the profits or take the ownership, they are not the freedom fighters they style themselves to be, they are not heroes of the downtrodden seeking to destroy the racist oppressive system of America, but rather, they are in fact simply spoiled, envious, sociopathic thieves who want to take what others have built and use it for their own purposes. They are nothing more than common criminals who covet their neighbor’s wares and seek to exercise power over them… and everyone in the country while they’re at it. George Orwell recognized this in 1984:
“We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power.
See author page
Straight out of the Black Lives Matter “What WE Believe,” page:
They are COMMIES.
They hate all things American, including the value we place on the importance of the nuclear family for success in life.
They are dangling out the promise of a welfare state that will take care of blacks without their having to lift a finger.
But, it’s an empty promise. History shows that their black useful idiots will be taken out and shot unless they get into line and work like dogs for their “god,” the State.
@Nan G:
remember when you were a child of 3 years and through you could fly? well, you argued you could but your parent did not argue with you. some children got on tables and chairs to see if they could fly. a few cuts and bruises, maybe a broken nose, arm or leg.
-the paragraph which you highlighted, note the use of the word “villages”. villages are financially non supportable in the world today. the revision to a 200-300 year type of living is noted in the word. so these villages would return to a 17th century style of living. recall that this order wold have a collegial relationship with other villages, wrong.
-this form of illiterate babbling is that of a 3 y/o who thinks he/she can fly.
-this type of cultural structure is historical and will not last long.
You keep blocking the top of the content with “Please Like Us” garbage.
I LOVE flopping aces, but I cannot find any way to “Like” you. I’m entering your site directly through the internet, just as I have for years.
We watched “1984” last night. Pretty frightening how many Democrat characteristics and goals are depicted.
Leftists cannot live by their own convictions. They expect other to, though, upon penalty of prison or death. Their sole hope and goal is to die before Venezuela sets in.
Another movie to see is Brazil and try out Logan’s Run at look at a future without any old people except for one living in the Capital Dome with lots of cats Peter Ustinov
“villages” require work, lots and lot of work, the Black Lying Marxists don’t believe in work and their sycophant idiot white baby supporters aren’t bright enough to recognize that.
Now the spoiled white babies and their idiotic wealthy parents are about to feel the joy of what they’ve spawned in lovely, privileged Los Gato CA. The White babies will be destroying their parents homes and businesses and the idiotic wealthy parents that went to the BLM rallies will be wondering WTF happened.
@Ronald J. Ward: Oh sure WAPO on the case, All motorcycle gangs are to be feared as racists wanting to cause riots. Notice until then they were Mostly Peaceful, where have I heard that before.
Umbrellas are carried by antifa types so police drones cant ID them you see them at all mostly peaceful riots.
Why no arrest? Because it is bunk.
An arson detective investigating someone who was not starting fires, sounds legit.
Wait a minute that wall of moms in Portland, it could be the Hells Angels have infiltrated and are in drag….Most of them are ugggggly! Portland should get a metermaid right on that.
The reality is that we really don’t know if the vandals and thugs are BLM, Antifa, those “good” Nazis you guys have become so proud of, other white supremacist groups, or Trump supporters doing his bidding to disrupt and sow devision.
@Ronald J. Ward: What the hell are they supposed to be sowing, is that those mystery seeds from China?
@Ronald J. Ward: OH! The WaPo found the white supremacist that is creating all the violence all over the country! THAT guy!
Actually, we do. They ARE BLM and ANTIFA. Left wing terrorists, fully supported and condoned by the DNC. Political terror.
@Ronald J. Ward: WaPo isn’t a viable news source.
Easily dismissed.
The violence is conventional marxism, using group-identity tensions and hatred to get one group to kill another group…so a very select few can grab and take power.
You should get some education on this.
The reality is that we DO know that it’s antifa/BLM/Left-wing fighters attacking police and killing innocents. As with all marxist revolts, they rely on feeding the useful fodder like you an “opposite-world” diet of propaganda so you’ll keep foaming like a rabid dog.
You are wrong and your beliefs are wrong. You are going to get lots of people killed.
@Deplorable Me:
You seem to say this in opposed to the impossibility of them being Nazis or KKK, which of course are fully supported and condoned by the RNC.
@Deplorable Me: Hahaha…did you see those people in antifa uniforms with antifa flags throwing firebombs and such…those were really the KKK!!!
Like all Marxist revolts, the information war starts first. Blame your own violence on your enemy and watch your cultists eat it up.
@Ronald J. Ward:
Since the Neo-Nazis and the KKK all have distinct clothing, perhaps you would like to show pictures of them attending the recent protests that are filled with young whites dressed in Antifa black garb?
Sorry, AJ/Ward, but the KKK was the strong arm of the Democratic Party and that is history you can’t erase. Can you show me anything that supports your claim that the RNC supports the KKK (the Democrat thugs) and the Neo-Nazis? Are is that just more of your projection b/s?
Persons who have the courage of their convictions do not hide their faces or use children (or moms) as human shields.
No wonder these Lefties had to “cancel” Mahatma Gandhi.
He put his face out there.
No wonder the Lefties are in the process of “cancelling” Martin Luther King Jr.
He never hid his face behind a mask to further his hopes and dreams.
A woman under an umbrella (to hide her identity) lit the Auto Zone on fire in Minneapolis shortly after George Floyd died.
She was confronted by a black person who begged her not to do it, that it went against the goal of police reform. She was antifa and white, an anarchist, not for police reform at all. She wants the entire country to fall.
@Ronald J. Ward: Well, ANTIFA are fascists and BLM is a racist organization. While the DNC tries to pretend they don’t exist or don’t commit acts of violence (because they employ them for their political terror), the RNC has consistently denounced any and all racist, violent groups
@Nathan Blue:
Like that fat lying pig Nadler, AJ likes to think he can spew out some stupidity and someone somewhere with a modicum of intellect will believe it. Portland and Seattle are ANTIFA-central.
No, he can’t. He never can. The left just lies, assuming all are as stupid as they are and just believe what sounds good.
Xbox gone?
That one would destroy these children.
@Terrence K Brock: #3
Adblocker Ultimate will stop that.
I can’t “like” anyone because I’m not on social media.
I don’t like many people, anyway.