Welcome back! Another crazy week, so let’s get to it…
7/17 – The Right To Make A Living. Revived By Virus?
Here’s a first – liberty expanded thanks to the Kung Flu Virus and the Boogie Wuhan Flu!
7/18 – Portland’s New Tourism Ad?
Honest advertising!
7/18 – Photo Of Activist Who Reportedly Painted ‘Baby Lives Matter’ In Front of Planned Parenthood
This might surprise you, but I absolutely hate painting “Baby Lives Matter” in front of PP. Paint “Black Lives Matter” instead – let the Lefties eat their own words.
7/19 – Portland Organizer Lilith Sinclair Calls for Abolition of USA
I used to find it amusing how the Trump presidency gave Lefties the freedom to be honest about how much they despise half of this country. Now I find it disturbing that they now feel no fear of being open about how they despise America and want to destroy it.
7/20 – A clever way to get the Black Lives Matter paintings off the street
This is more like it!
7/21 – Virginia Mandates “Slavery Lessons” . . . For Kindergarteners
Oh FFS what is wrong with Virginia? In Kindergarten – seriously? Here’s a better idea – start teaching 5 year olds that their teachers and elected leaders support an ideology that’s murdered over 100 million people
7/22 – ‘Healthy’ Is Now Racist
Yes, becasue those nonwhites are incapable of taking care of themselves. Nope, nothing racist about that!
7/23 – Bummer: BLM Vandalizes Oakland Mayor’s House
The most impressive part of stories like this is the genuine surprise that these leaders experience when the monsters they rqaised turn on them
7/23 – Sacrificing Children to Progressive Politics
I don’t know about the word “sacrifice” here – to The Radical Left this is a bug, not a feature
7/24 – Democrats continue to lay the groundwork for Resistance II: The Civil War
If there’s one thing that gives me hope, it’s the fact that in today’s version Fort Sumter has been under bombardment for a few years, while for all intents and purposes The Union Army hasn’t even started to mobilize.
Have a great weekend!
Yeah they’ve made such a Great Leap Forward….— Lyndsey Fifield (@lyndseyfifield) July 14, 2020
The National Museum of African American History & Culture wants to make you aware of certain signs of whiteness: Individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, progress, respect for authority, delayed gratification, more. (via @RpwWilliams)https://t.co/k9X3u4Suas pic.twitter.com/gWYOeEh4vu— Byron York (@ByronYork) July 15, 2020
If you haven’t been tracking the details of how the leaders at the NYT have been dealing with the rise of the woke commissars on their staff, this video will give you a quick update. pic.twitter.com/i3FNFJntks— Mike (@Doranimated) July 17, 2020
With the way they’ve handled themselves during the pandemic maybe we should pay grocery workers more and teachers less— Sean Spicier (@sean_spicier) July 19, 2020
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
And RIP Mike Adams, the opinion writer/criminology professor.
He was found dead at his home this week.
A loss for all of us.
Portland Organizer Lilith Sinclair Calls for Abolition of USA
Sure then cry about being grabbed tossed in an unmarked grocery getter and whisked off for processing, you want communism sweeties that is a main feature, except most of over 100 million never came back…Enjoy the preview.
I deam that Lilith Sinclair be listed as the FBI’s ten Most Wanted List and be arrested for Treason and Sedition
it is obvious that jody rosen never served in the military. probably the only thing she served was her comincal self image of an activist imitating a journalist. what these pathetic little snowflakes and potable social losers and their piss poor gene poop fat, ugly, stupid mothers is the failure to realize that there are thousands of men and women every day protecting this country form animals that are worse than them. these little piss ants have never faced an isis terrorist or a humas insurgent. none of them have ever buried of fallen warrior. military funerals are not pleasant especially when it was my daughter’s funeral.
-maybe it is time to harvest litth sinclair.
Nothing draws attention to reality like having it slap you upside the head.
Cities compete with each other to lure businesses (and revenue) to them. My brother told me long ago that Atlanta, Georgia CofC would show videos of the City Council Meetings in Dallas during their turbulent racial unrest to convince businesses considering locating in Dallas to come instead to Atlanta. No doubt, the same strategy works in regards to Portland, Seattle, LA, Chicago, NYC, Minneapolis or Baltimore. Anywhere Democrats are in charge and have been for any length of time.
I just like watching liberal heads explode whenever someone uses their own tactics against them.
She doesn’t even know what the hell SHE is, how is she going to convince anyone she knows how to improve society?
Demanding equal time doesn’t always get equal time or the discontinuance of the blatant use of public property and funds to promote a particular political view.
Will Northam put on a minstrel show in blackface for the kiddies? It’s odd that the first step in leftist indoctrination is to TEACH racism, then they try to mandate it out of minds. What are the odds that this “education” will never mention which party supported slavery, defended slavery, implemented institutionalized racism, never renounced their racist history but blamed everyone else for it and which party consistently and characteristically defended civil rights and personal freedoms.
This is along the lines of behaving in school, listening and learning is “acting white”.
Eventually, some of these bleeding heart liberals are going to realize that the left wing political terrorism monster they have released is not about blacks, lives or anything else except promoting Marxism.
I keep asking how kids going into schools, where discipline and hygiene can be maintained (mostly) is such an existential threat to life on this planet yet tens of thousands of screaming, crowding, mobs, night after night after night does not spread the virus to any measurable degree at all. To date, there is no answer.
Liberals learn nothing for Scalice’s shooting… or, it just wasn’t enough.
OoooooKay the Pentagon admits to UFOs and they have them like hanger 18 stuff.
Remember kids ITS A COOK BOOK! dont tell the libs or commies let them be served
@Nan G:
Horrible news! I always loved his sadly too infrequent columns
WHat was that line from Hitchikers Guide to teh Galaxy that this reminds me of? Soemthing like “They were the first ones to go to the wall when the Revolution came”
@Spurwing Plover:
I’d be OK with sending her to Cuba
As I like to say, “It will be a great day in America and an equally horrible day when Democrats come to hate the people who want to kill them as much as they hate conservatives”
@Deplorable Me:
Or as I like to call it, “Overrunning their artillery, turning the cannons around and shelling them with their own ammo.”
And it is a beautiful thing
@kitt: #6: Dave Mustaine was a prophet: