The Week In Radical Leftism, 7/10/2020

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Welcome back! Another busy week, and another relatively light post. Let’s get to it!

7/2 – The Coming Collapse of the Republic

You’ve probably seen a story or two like this already, but it’s a good read even if you have.

7/3 – U.N. Warns of Devastating Environmental Side Effects of Electric Car Boom

Even the UN is arguing against one of The Radical Left’s favorite cults

7/4 – 1793, 1776, or 1619: Is the New York Times Distinguishable from Teen Vogue? Is It Living in a Parallel Universe? Or Is It Simply Losing Its Mind in an Industry-Wide Nervous Breakdown?

Q: Stupid or evil?
A: Yes.
Or as The Vodkapundit likes to say, embrace the healing power of “and”


A pretty sobering look at what a Biden presidency might look like

7/6 – Violent Crime Explodes Across American Cities Following Nationwide Protests

To The Radical Left, this is a feature, not a bug

7/7 – California duo charged with hate crime for defacing Black Lives Matter mural

Vandalizing vandalism is now a crime. These are what Robert Heinlein called “The Crazy Years”

7/8 – The Gangsterization of the Democrat Party

I don’t share Gindler’s optimism, but his theory makes sense.

7/9 – Antifa in Tears: The Fragility of the Woke

VDH documents the beginning of the counterattack to protect America

7/10 – 7/10 – Virginia circling the Green New Drain
Pay attention, America. Virginia is a road map for how Democrats plan to punish America whenever we next elect a Democrat President.

Have a great weekend!

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Cross posted from <a href=”
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This gal has an interesting take
It isnt being heralded from the mountainside that This Kung Flu no longer qualifies as an epidemic per CDC guidelines so Fauchi will need to change the parameters.
Germs cant infect you at protests, but are deadly at Trump rallies and 4th of July picnics, and churches, oh man, super infectous at church so what if we just burn the places down before we disperse, I pass on burning in hell for torching the house of God, but maybe a a bit of spray paint?
When the spray painted slogans will be removed from protest areas? They won’t be anytime soon because the riots keep happening and if you even try to remove any graffiti especially those that have a Black Lives Matter message you will be told that you are racist, or charged with a hate crime, NY with its crushing debt has found the money to pay artists to paint the Street in front of Trump Tower with a Marxist organizations slogan.
This week song to those that think they are out protesting racism

7/2 – The Coming Collapse of the Republic

How far left have we gone? In the past, Trump was EXACTLY the President most wanted; not beholden to any moneyed interests, has the interests of the country at heart and does not favor any group. Yet, today, that is a threat to the establishment and is attacked from all sides. People bow to BLM because BLM will employ violence against them. Until the violence is met with force and stopped, expect this to continue and get much, much worse.

7/3 – U.N. Warns of Devastating Environmental Side Effects of Electric Car Boom

But liberals look so WOKE (or is it “woked”?) driving around in their cute little climate-killers.

7/4 – 1793, 1776, or 1619: Is the New York Times Distinguishable from Teen Vogue? Is It Living in a Parallel Universe? Or Is It Simply Losing Its Mind in an Industry-Wide Nervous Breakdown?

Public opinion is being intimidated and controlled by intimidation and violence. Sounds frighteningly familiar. The 1619 Project has the same credibility as a Klansman writing a history of the civil rights movement.


I would imagine several people would take turns setting Biden on their laps and pulling his string before they discard him altogether.

7/6 – Violent Crime Explodes Across American Cities Following Nationwide Protests

This is the result of Democrat “leadership”. Pelosi today couldn’t even denounce the destruction of statues. She encourages violence as long as it serves her purposes. That is the Democrat agenda. Only they have a use for violence and destruction.

7/7 – California duo charged with hate crime for defacing Black Lives Matter mural

Now it’s a “hate crime” to deface a street that has been defaced?

7/8 – The Gangsterization of the Democrat Party

I know it is being over-worn, but the comparisons between today’s Democrat party and the Nazi Party of 1933-1945 are stark and frightening. It seems every component is in place.

7/9 – Antifa in Tears: The Fragility of the Woke

How can you be a Harvard graduate and NOT see that response coming to publicly threatening to kill people based on their speech. Oh, yeah… “Harvard graduate”. But, it is difficult for a terrorist to live on Soros’ $15 an hour.

7/10 – 7/10 – Virginia circling the Green New Drain

Like the defund the police insanity, in some cases it is simply going to be necessary to allow the Green New Stupidity to run its course until people finally revolt against it. Hopefully Dominion can sue Northam and exact some more pain from their socialism.

@kitt: Trump should load a street sweeper with black paint and have someone drive across that racist graffiti.

@Deplorable Me: Better yet red white and blue paint 3 street washers in tandem.

@kitt: Paint over it with a picture of MLK.

“What is more depressing than capitalist architecture?”
Only the prices on the sign at the bottom left. Where would we be without fuel taxes and government regulation?

Need to look at American Thinker today:
BLM Agitator’s Advice Could Turn Road Blockers into Road Kill or Lifers.

your life may depend upon a review of this post.

did you know that chess is now racist-white always goes first.No joke.

@MOS# 8541: The St. Louis couple that defended their property against a trespassing mob, has lost their right to do so.
There is a castle law in St. Louis what is going on? No one was harmed by the couple, the angry mob destroyed property, going to the mayors house was a lie, or not one had a GPS AP on their phones. What judge signed the warrant?
You only sort of have a 2nd amendment right?

@Deplorable Me:

This is the result of Democrat “leadership”. Pelosi today couldn’t even denounce the destruction of statues. She encourages violence as long as it serves her purposes. That is the Democrat agenda. Only they have a use for violence and destruction.

Malig-Nancy and the rest of the Socialist Democrats think they will be spared the violence of BLM/Antifa if she doesn’t call them out. They will not be because all she knows is power, not public opinion. Wait until BLM/Antifa run out of places to deface. Her nice home will be next because the sharks are never not hungry.