The Week In Radical Leftism, 7/3/2020

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6/25 – It Is Becoming Clearer and Clearer What Side the Left is Really On

Damn, I’m actually old enough to remember when cheering on Satan was counter culture!

6/26 – WATCH: White leftists says Black residents better off without police, but Black residents say NO WAY

When will black Americans learn that white Leftists know what’s best for them?

6/27 – Young Woman From Venezuela Warns Americans the Toppling of Statues is ‘Where Revolutions Start’

Remember, every Leftist watching this video sees it as a blueprint, not a warning.

6/28 – The Washington Post makes a laughingstock of itself

I know, I know, it must be a day ending in a “Y”. This is brought to you by teh same jet fuel geniuses who demanded that President Trump pay up his bet when Fauxcahontas proved that she was 1/1024th Native Anerican

6/29 – Washington Post Editor Karen Attiah Calls For ‘Revenge’ Against ‘White Women’

Perhaps the Lefties have a point about this “systematic racism” thing after all…

6/30 – As Rioters Topple Statues of George Washington, DNC Singles Out Another Symbol of ‘White Supremacy’

Perhaps Democrats can bring in their spiritual bretheren from The Taliban to take artillery to these statues for them.

7/1 – Seattle Mayor Outraged That Protesters Showed Up At Her Home

Funny how Leftists suddenly disagree with the policies they cheerlead when it affects them personally

7/2 – 5 Ways You Can Fight Back In The Cultural Civil War

Don’t expect massive tactical advice that will guarantee change, but these small gestures add up after a while. “Army of Davids”

7/3 – Independence Day and the ‘Woke’ Revolution

If Sundown Joe wins in November, we might be able to count down how many more Independece Days this country celebrates. If that sounds insane, keep in mind that the same Leftists are tearing down statues of guys who seceded from America and took up arms to set up an independent terrirtory are now celebrating guys who seceded from America and took up arms to set up an independent terrirtory.

ICYMI – I droppped a quick post about having some fun with a flunky who texted me.

PSA – Remember kids, it’s dangerous for you to handle fireworks. That should be left to the adults who’ve been drinking all day!

Have a great weekend and Happy Independence Day!

Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Chop is no more, is the mayor afraid of democracy?
This weeks selection goes out to Ghislaine Maxwell recently arrested,

Who is taking bets?

Red Skeleton, was a masterful performer. He gave a very wonderful interpretation of the Pledge Allegiance

open it up. you ming find it interesting

were any of you readers aware that durkan is gay and the house she lives in is valued at over $7 million. her lush and plush neighbors are the elitist class of shit hole seattle. her partner has been investigated for tax fraud.

6/25 – It Is Becoming Clearer and Clearer What Side the Left is Really On

I guess to wreck a sacred tradition, all one has to do is say, “That looks racist.” No questions asked; can’t risk offending ONE person. If you close one eye, squint the other, this looks almost kind of racist. Destroy it.

6/26 – WATCH: White leftists says Black residents better off without police, but Black residents say NO WAY

Just like white Democrats knew black slaves would rather be chopping cotton or sugar cane for free than working to advance their own lives. It’s all for their own good.

6/27 – Young Woman From Venezuela Warns Americans the Toppling of Statues is ‘Where Revolutions Start’

That’s the kind of intuitive knowledge that liberals have to actually see demonstrated, like the explosion of violence when the police are removed, before liberals will see the truth.

6/28 – The Washington Post makes a laughingstock of itself

So, in order to prove Trump is lying, they absolutely and unmistakably prove his point. Good job!

6/29 – Washington Post Editor Karen Attiah Calls For ‘Revenge’ Against ‘White Women’

I guess that’s not racist, because only white people can be racist. Right?

6/30 – As Rioters Topple Statues of George Washington, DNC Singles Out Another Symbol of ‘White Supremacy’

Historical note: the Sioux took the land from the Cheyenne.

7/1 – Seattle Mayor Outraged That Protesters Showed Up At Her Home

It’s all a weekend of love block party until they show up on YOUR front door. Note how quickly it was disposed of when it became inconvenient to a liberal. Those business and homeowners within the Nation Formerly Known As CHOP Formerly Known As CHAZ should sue the living shit out of the city government. They should spend a lot of money suing, then lose because the VOTED for that shit.

7/2 – 5 Ways You Can Fight Back In The Cultural Civil War

When I am looking for something, I always shop around. I particularly like Walmart because I can pick it up at the store when shopping.

7/3 – Independence Day and the ‘Woke’ Revolution

Well, once again, the balance of the Supreme Court is at stake. The only appeal Gropin’ Joe has to the left is that he is a ready-made puppet. More people need to take whatever the the left has declared as being racist (unless if, by some bizarre quirk, it actually happens to BE racist) and celebrate it enthusiastically. The left’s control of our sacred culture needs to be demolished.

@MOS#8541: I love the ones from my childhood, when I was the voice activated remote control, it was easy only 3 channels and volume.

#4 You mean she is a democrat?

yes a very very gay democrap-mayor jenny

@MOS#8541: You crack me up, I always look forward to your posts


Semper Fi, have a safe and wonderful 4th of July

Your sunbather teaches us the truth of this:
If you reward behavior, you get more of it.

Today the book 1984 becomes the manual for Leftists.
Even Room 101 where Winston Smith is tortured for saying 2+2=4 when Big Brother says it equals 5.
Now we have a math teacher (with a PhD) saying the same thing.
2+2=whatever you want.

I’m guessing there’s a job opening at the Florida International University where designers once built a bridge using her same attitude toward what is a right answer.
Their bridge collapsed and killed six.