Having Fun With Democrats Canvassers II

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How about a quick diversion from our gradual slide into Civil War II? Back in early March, just before the Kung Flu Pnemonia and the Boogi Wuhan Flu came down, I had some fun responding to text messages I was getting from Moveon.org, thinking that I was Sister Babe.

A few days ago I got another text asking me to come out and march to provide cover for the domestic terrorists of BLM and Vanilla ISIS while they destroy ourr nation’s capitol. Of course I had fun rresponding:

Ah, but my clever new friend Mary was already prepared with a response:

I guess that last text means that this will be the last post you see from me on the topic.

And that’s all, just a quick post to brighten your Monday morning – have a great week!


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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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They were not giving away masks and hand sanitizer? The nerve! Cherry on top, you had to BYO can of lysol for the bricks. Its a good thing they moved on.

One black radical protester claimed that “racism only exists because of capitalism” and therefore the black community “need to cut off their money, we need to make a bigger challenge, stop paying our taxes, stop turning up to their workplace.

Yeah, right.
This is why education is so important.
And this is why it is being sabotaged by Lefty teachers, textbook writers and school boards that ratify books.
Any small modicum of knowledge about the history of slavery would prove that it thrives under Kings, theocrats, dictators, communists, socialists, kleptocrats.
ONLY under capitalism has slavery been outlawed.

I think we have a “shy Tory” issue when it comes to polling.
Even in Red States it is dangerous to your 4 tires and your paint job to place a Pro-Trump bumper sticker on your vehicle.
Whenever a pollster calls and I pickup, I lie like a rug to them about my political leanings.
I hope Dems stick with Biden until his brains are all over the floor at the end of the 1st debate.

There are other ways of dealing with canvassers

Funny I have been in that neighborhood, its near Barnes Jewish Hospital.

Does it even work messing with folks who have no minds of their own?

Of course watching them go into conniptions can be fun

Biden would make ask manditory It figures he would that’s just what liberal Democrats are always doing thats why we should quit electing these stupid liberal Democrats

@Spurwing Plover: The mask mandatory issue is about local fund raising that 100 bucks a pop for everyone not wearing a mask, where does the money go…to the land of the left socks ,where is that, nobody knows.