This is a good time to recall that barack obama rewarded Iran for killing American GI’s

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U.S. Sees New Weapon In Iraq: Iranian EFPs - CBS News


The DNC Times, formerly known as the NY Times, reported an incendiary story that suggested the Trump administration was briefed on Russia offering bounties to the Taliban for killing Americans. It was flatly denied

“The CIA Director, National Security Adviser and the Chief of Staff can all confirm that neither the President nor the Vice President were briefed on the alleged Russian bounty intelligence,” press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said.

The statement did not confirm that the intelligence existed, in keeping with ordinary practice, she said, but was a comment on “the inaccuracy of The New York Times story erroneously suggesting that President Trump was briefed on this matter.”

The report claimed that the president and the National Security Council were informed of the covert operations in March, but had taken no action in response.

The current DNI denies it

The former Acting DNI also denied it

The story may not even be accurate. I am not buying any more of this crap until someone actually puts his or her name to it.  But that got me thinking. I know of someone else who in essence paid Iran to murder Americans.

Early this year, on the orders of President Donald Trump, Qassem Soleimani met his demise. Soleimani was personally responsible for the deaths of more than 500 Americans:

“Soleimani is the guy that sent the copper-tipped IEDs into Iraq,” said Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain, referring to powerful improvised explosive devices, which Marine Corps Commandant General Joseph Dunford testified last week were responsible for the deaths of 500 soldiers and Marines.

Soleimani supplied the Explosively Formed Penetrators, which were used to kill at least 603 Americans, to Iraq. In 2007 Soleimani said that he “was the sole decision-maker on Iranian activities in Iraq.”

Iran is directly arming the Islamic State - Thomas Wictor


Got that?

For these murders, Barack Obama rewarded Iran with $1.7 billion in cash, and freed up $8 billion in assets. Additionally, obama gave Iran everything it wanted in the JCPOA agreement.

Not only did obama reward Iran for these murders, he gave Soleimani sanctions relief

That Soleimani—who runs Iran’s elite paramilitary and covert operations group, the Quds Force—was even on the list appeared to catch some U.S. officials by surprise. A senior administration official briefing reporters on Tuesday morning didn’t have a ready response when asked when and why Soleimani was added. Secretary of State John Kerry reportedly denied that the 58-year-old general was on the list to be freed from the sanctions yoke. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, agreed, saying Soleimani—whom the U.S. accused in 2011 of plotting to launch a terrorist attack in the United States—had been confused with someone else with a similar name.

They were all wrong—or maybe didn’t want to be right. Soleimani is, in fact, on the list, a Treasury Department official later confirmed to The Daily Beast. And his presence definitely surprised some powerful lawmakers, who are already sharpening their knives for a filleting of the Iran deal.

Iran put that cash to good use, funding terrorism across the region.

The U.S. government has traced some of the $1.7 billion released to Iran by the Obama administration to Iranian-backed terrorists in the two years since the cash was transferred.

According to knowledgeable sources, Iran has used the funds to pay its main proxy, the Lebanon-based terrorist group Hezbollah, along with the Quds Force, Iran’s main foreign intelligence and covert action arm and element of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

The number of deaths underwritten by that money has yet to be determined.

So let’s be clear. There is concrete proof obama rewarded Iran for killing American soldiers.

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Desperate, the Democrats spread lies instead of enact policies. It’s no one’s fault but their own they have the WORST candidate ever (but not the most corrupt; that was Hillary).

Have Obama tried for war Crimes and Treason

Dr John, of course “it’s a good time to recall” something “Obama” did, even if the recollection is a blatant propaganda spin. That’s your job. Protect and suck Trump butt when he murders and then blame Democrats, or of course, your favorite black bogyman always readily holstered, Obama. When Trump kills babies, allows 123K Americans to die for his political gain. or covers for the brutal dictators which he infatuates on after they’ve been hit men of our very own men in uniform, of course you’d suck Trump’s ass while blaming Democrats. It’s what I’ve been saying all along. It’s what you and your disgusting American hating ilk have been doing all along.

Nothing new here.

@Ronald J. Ward: It’s always a good time to recall what a worthless, failure piece of sh!t Obama was so that mistake is never made again. That mistake being putting a unknown empty suit that never accomplished anything in the White House as President. It’s also good to point out all the idiotic garbage all you lemmings gobbled up that you scream at the sky about when you believe a lie that Trump did.

@Deplorable Me:

All that’s really sarcastically nicely worded but it doesn’t exonerate Trump for butt sucking Putin while he has our soldiers executed. Or for that matter, the FA Trump cultists who abet this murderimg bastard, on every occasion.

Apparently Mr. Ward cannot post without being one of the most crass individuals I have ever had the displeasure of reading.

@Ronald J. Ward: Where’s your proof that accusation is even true? The IC has not validated it and there is no verification. So, Trump is not guilty of something that didn’t happen, unlike Obama who actually got TENS OF THOUSANDS of people killed by ignoring ISIS and Iran. But, you loved that… because he had so much “class”.

Provide an example where Trump has done anything favorable to Putin. He has been tough on Putin while Obama rolled over on his back and whined.

@Deplorable Me:
Your comment is radically unhinged and ignorant by even your standards. Answer a to questions are never accepted nor is proof.

Trump has bowed to and idiolize foreign advasaries while snubbing foreign allies his entire time in office and it’s been noticed, reported, and discussed by the entire world. To argue otherwise is asinine.

This is simply another example of this freak show of a presidency. He Tweets supporting “White Power” to distract from his failure to protect our men in uniform which distracted from his invited war against the black community which he tried to distract us with his assault on peaceful protesters which distracted us from his gross failure on a pandemic which he sent armed thugs into states simply following his guidelines which was a distraction from his $1/2 trillion heist ment for small businesses. And his usual muddying the water and throwing sand in the air is meant to distract us of his admission of slowing testing because it makes him look bad.

But again, of course it’s a good time for a “buh, buh, but OBAMMMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Deplorable Me: Obama…..actually got TENS OF THOUSANDS of people killed by ignoring ISIS and Iran.

I, for one, don’t miss those frequent videos of ISIS’ latest sadistic act of the day.
Would it be drowning a soldier in a cage?
Burning caged men?
Throat-slitting on the beach?
Tossing men off tall buildings?

Obama put up with all of that, even promising that, someday, maybe before the sun binks out, we might be done with ISIS (isil, as he affectionately called them).

@Ronald J. Ward:

Trump has bowed to and idiolize foreign advasaries

Who? List them and how he bowed to them. He has never pledged to offer his stink-hole up for Putin’s personal use if he just let him get reelected, like Obama did.

He Tweeted a video which had someone yelling “white power” to someone chanting “black lives matter”. It was inadvertent. He deleted it. Meanwhile, you on the left support systemic racism, political violence and killing cops. Hardly any position from which to be lecturing anyone on morality.

@Deplorable Me:

Blah, blah, and more of the same old Trump ass-slurping blah. It doesn’t’t matter if Trump pawns are very own soldiers protecting our country, you and your ilk still Trump suck.

Like what House Foreign Affairs Chairman Eliot Engel said today:

“It just makes no sense at all. Why doesn’t the president question Putin? Why doesn’t the president condemn what Putin has done? Why doesn’t the president stand up for the United States? I mean, for God’s sake, these are our soldiers and if we’re not going to protect them, what are we going to do?”

It’s a valid question.

Why is Trump still discouraging masks? Why did they remove distant seating signs at his Klan fest. Why did he slow testing. He does these things to downplay the virus to help his reelection. He’s promoting death of Americans on live TV and you are fine with it. He allows his hero Putin to put a bounty on our soldiers heads and that’s fine with you too.

I’m sure there’s a special place in hell for Trump and his enablers.

@Ronald J. Ward: Why do you lie so much in every comment you post?

Why are you in such denial in every comment you post?

While small fractions of my comments are perhaps spiced up a bit, Trump has failed spectacularly in so many areas and for the most part, and has done so for no other reason than his own personal gain. He puts American lives over his own aspirations. Not only is this acceptable to people like you, but you even lie and spin blame in order to protect neon Dr. God King you worship.

@Ronald J. Ward: Iraq’s weapons program because of their “heavy reliance on a human source–codenamed ‘Curveball’–whose information later proved to be unreliable.”
Years later, Curveball admitted he had completely fabricated his claims out of a desire to oust Saddam Hussein from power.
This is why the President isnt given unverified information.
This source is most likely code named Screwball. We are done with the NY Times and their Russian conspiracy theorys, un-named sources.
The intelligence failure became a widespread media failure when reporters uncritically regurgitated the weapons of mass destruction claims from their intelligence community sources. Academics, pundits, and journalists themselves have decried the media’s performance in the lead-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The New York Times and Washington Post even published their regrets about their own coverage, which frequently took the intelligence community’s claims at face value.
The media forced a war, Bush was dumb enough to give it to them.
I remember history, I hope we dont repeat it.
Yap on MSLSD comment section, the other imbiciles there still believe all the lies you post.

@Ronald J. Ward:

You like to make a lot of claims so the onus is on you to back them up. Here’s what you need to back up:

when he murders and then blame Democrats,

Trump kills babies,

Why is Trump still discouraging masks?

Why did they remove distant seating signs at his Klan fest.

Why did he slow testing.

He’s promoting death of Americans on live TV and you are fine with it. He allows his hero Putin to put a bounty on our soldiers heads and that’s fine with you too.

allows 123K Americans to die for his political gain.

covers for the brutal dictators which he infatuates on after they’ve been hit men of our very own men in uniform,

he sent armed thugs into states simply following his guidelines which was a distraction from his $1/2 trillion heist ment for small businesses.

OK, those are your claims. Can you back them up with credible sources and not just what is rolling around in your crass brain?

You want us to accept what you say? Back it up.


Much alludes to Trump’s downplaying COVID for personal gain, thus leading to people dying. The blood is on his hands.

As for the rest of the list, if you deny the validity, there’s nothing I can tell you. But denying reality has become rather commonplace of the Trump licker.

@Ronald J. Ward:

As suspected, you have nothing to back up your claims. All you can do is post crass comments about those who support the President, while ignoring what he has actually done that is good for the nation.

I would think you more informed if you were not buying into an article published by the NYSlimes (which has been discredited for shoddy reporting for decades) that they offered no proof for their claims, like you.

When I see the PDB that backs up the Slimes, I will believe their claims.

I feel sorry for you as, like Comrade Greggie, you have nothing but hate in your heart.

And before you label me with one of your crass comments, FYI, Donald Trump was not my pick in the 2016 primary.

@Ronald J. Ward: How about we get some confirmation that the accusation is actually true before we look like idiots going nuts over an unverified rumor? I know that is the sole basis the Democrats operate by, just making up lies and then dropping everything to pursue the lies until another one can be concocted, but in the world of international affairs, the stakes get a bit higher.


OK, those are your claims. Can you back them up with credible sources and not just what is rolling around in your crass brain?

No, he can’t. I asked him to back up his claim of who Trump has been bowing to (Obama’s specialty) and he came back with… MASKS. So, nothing new here.

His side pushes massed, chaotic, irresponsible riots and protests, then blames Trump for a measured, metered reopening of bits of the economy for the testing-generated spike in infections. There is no intelligent life there.