Statue tipping has become the leftist activity du jour of late. Astonishingly, the magazine Popular Mechanics has published a story about how to take down statues without anyone getting hurt:
“Should you happen to find yourself near a statue that you decide you no longer like, we asked scientists for the best, safest ways to bring it to the ground without anyone getting hurt — except, of course, for the inanimate racist who’s been dead for a century anyway,” writer James Stout begins.
Stout also taps mechanical engineer Scott Holland to provide explicit details of how to safely bring down a statue that includes assembling a team of up to 70 friends for the job.
In what can only be described as karma, one protester had a statue fall on him, causing severe injury.
A protester was seriously injured in Virginia this week when a Confederate statue he helped tear down toppled on top of him, according to reports.
The man, believed to be in his 30s, was part of a group of demonstrators Wednesday night trying to take down the Confederate monument in Portsmouth, WAVY reported.
Protesters were seen hitting the 35-foot-tall granite obelisk with a sledgehammer and using ropes to pull it off its pedestal before it fell directly on him, knocking him unconscious, the report said.
That’s a real shame. It is also a shame that this country no longer has police who are interested in stopping this vigilantism.
The destruction of statues has become wanton. It is utterly mindless and stupid. It is ignorant.
Today Byron York wrote in his Daily Memo:
What do George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Ulysses S. Grant. Father Junipero Serra, and Christopher Columbus have in common?
The answer was that none was a Confederate General. All were interested in making things better for the country.
But that doesn’t matter. Anarchy matters.
Most of these damned idiots don’t know the history of any of their targets. Cervantes? Serra? Grant?
The most egregious statue destruction was that of Ulysses S Grant. Ulysses S. Grant gave just about everything he could to this country. He admired Robert E. Lee as a soldier, politics aside, but had this to say:
The South’s defeat saddened Grant. As he wrote in his Personal Memoirs, he felt “sad and depressed…at the downfall of a foe who had fought so long and valiantly, and had suffered so much for a cause, though that cause was, I believe, one of the worst for which a people ever fought.”
It is widely acknowledged that US Grant once came into ownership of a slave, but despite his own poverty freed the man.
The same year, Grant acquired a slave from his father-in-law, a thirty-five-year-old man named William Jones.[96] Although Grant was not an abolitionist, he was not considered a “slavery man”, and could not bring himself to force a slave to do work.[97] In March 1859, Grant freed William by a manumission deed, potentially worth at least $1,000, when Grant needed the money.[98]
The use of slaves on the farm…was a source of irritation and shame to Grant. Jefferson Sapington told me that he and Grant used to work in the fields with the blacks. He said with glee, ‘Grant was helpless when it came to making slaves work,’ and Mrs. Boggs corroborated this. ‘He was no hand to manage negroes,’she said. ‘He couldn’t force them to do anything. He wouldn’t whip them. He was too gentle and good tempered and besides he was not a slavery man.’”
Whether or not Grant wasn’t a “slavery man” by inclination, we know he briefly owned William Jones. He does not mention Jones in his memoirs or other writings, so the exact nature of their relationship remains a mystery. We do know that in March 1859 Grant filed the following manumission document.
“I Ulysses S Grant of the City and County of St. Louis in the State of Missouri, for diverse good and valuable considerations me hereunto moving, do hereby emancipate and set free from Slavery my negro man William, sometimes called William Jones(Jones)of Mullatto complexion, aged about thirty-five years, and about five feet seven inches in height and being the same slave purchased by me of Frederick Dent-And I do hereby manumit, emancipate & set free said William from slavery forever.”
By any standards Grant was a good man. He defeated the Confederacy, smashed the KKK and appointed many black people to significant posts. Not good enough, says Nikole Hannah Jones, the author of the 1619 Project. Grant, you see, was just like Hitler or Bin Laden
This is the kind of blatant ignorance that won a Pulitzer Prize. The rest of the 1619 Project is likely to be as accurate historically.
Antifa are simply pure scum. BLM, on the other hand, have more soaring goals. The founder of BLM says “we are trained Marxists”
“Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on, sort of, ideological theories,” she said, adding that the group’s founders sought to “build a movement that could be utilized by many, many black folk.”
The she adds:
“We don’t necessarily want to be the vanguard of this movement. I think we’ve tried to put out a political frame that’s about centering who we think are the most vulnerable amongst the black community, to really fight for all of our lives,” she said.
Frankly, that’s bullsh*t.
While the cowardly statue tipping weasels are wreaking havoc on history, we are reminded that black lives really don’t matter.
Chicago saw its highest number of gun violence victims in a single weekend this year with 102 people shot across the city from Friday evening to Monday morning, 14 of them fatally. Five of those killed were minors.
BLM cares not for them
Antifa cares not for them.
Neither group makes a scintilla of effort on their behalves. They don’t really care about black lives. This is all about ignorant and stupid effort at destroying the country.
Nothing more, nothing less.
BTW, this is what Frederick Douglass had to say about US Grant:
The great abolitionist and former slave Frederick Douglass, who viewed Grant as “the vigilant, firm, impartial, and wise protector of my race,” perhaps best summed up Grant’s importance to the newly freed ex-slaves:
To Grant more than any other man, the Negro owes his enfranchisement…. May we not justly say … that the liberty which Mr. Lincoln declared with his pen, General Grant made effectual with his sword—by his skill in leading the Union armies to final victory?
Later, following passage of the Reconstruction Amendments—the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution–guaranteeing, respectively, emancipation, voting rights, and full citizenship to African Americans, in large part, due to the support and efforts of Grant, Douglass would observe,
…Abraham Lincoln made [the Negro] a free man, and Gen. Ulysses S, Grant made him a citizen.
This is the man whose statue they tore down. This is the man that idiot Nikole Jones likened to Hitler.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Juneteenth is the Kwanza of the 21st century.
It is based on the myth of the 1619 project by the fablist at the NYTimes.
The “goal” of both 1619 and Juneteenth is to remove white people from the freeing of slaves in the USA.
Oh, and, Cleopatra was black.
And Wakanda was real.
And whatever fiction works for these useful idiots to continue doing the work of their communist, Cloward-Piven puppet masters.
Blacks, in these movements will be thrown under the bus after they’ve served their purpose of taking down the USA.
And there’s no doupt that George Soros and Bill Gates as well as the CFR is behind it all and lets not leave out the UN and Americas big enemy the Democrat Party
Napoleon once defined history as “a set of lies agreed upon.” The Nazis and the Bolsheviks were experts at engineering history to serve their political purposes and so are Palestinian leaders, who, together with their efforts to prove the historical existence, as it were, of a Palestinian peoplehood, try to undermine the Jewish nation’s historical connection to the Land of Israel, and to Jerusalem in particular. The 1619 Project is an effort by the Times to commemorate the 400th anniversary of slavery’s beginning in America.
1619 project is a fabrication by the NYTimes and is a jounralistic hoax. the slime heavily promoted this book for the Pulitzer Prize. Joseph Pulitzer was a Ukrainian Jew and laundered monies to columbia univ. a very socialistic school. Pulitzer was a hard core democrap and pushed the socialist envelope via his journalism school. as for ida wells, just another socialise racist bigot singing “can u you imagine” when this is all over, her time will be limite, she will have a nasty accident. she has made a lot of enemies. the slime fabricated a several hoaxes but more under the muslin terrorist pres: the hustler-in chief of democrap party): islamic zakat, new world order, zero population growth(part of marxist manifesto-control population growth), sanctuary cities ( TWIN FALLS , IDAHO JUNE 24, 2016) victim hood, transgender transitioning in the military, gun control,DACA, just to name a few.
-these riotings have reverberated around the world. there are many country leaders that will seek “payback.
I got a real kick out of the sudden awareness of Juneteenth across the nation. It is a date that means absolutely NOTHING to anyone but Texans but, since Trump had originally scheduled his Tulsa rally on June 19th, the left went to searching for something to be outraged about and found Juneteenth, even though Oklahoma wasn’t even a state in 1865 and HAD no slaves.
These anarchists are out of control and the left, that was using them to induce chaos for them to promise to solve, has no idea how to stop them. Hitler used the “Night of the Long Knives” to solve his problem with uncontrollable Brownshirts; what will the Democrats do with theirs?
@Nan G:
This is not true in any way. Juneteenth has been around for a long time, even if you never heard of it before now.
@Deplorable Me:
Wrong, as usual. From Britannica:
This is the first year I have heard of Juneteenth, I think its great there is a celebration of what 360,222 a vast majority white men sacrificed everything for to free black slaves. Its sad they tear down statues and symbols of the healing of the nation in an attempt to begin another civil war, that this time they will be the losers of. We will make sure no statues are erected to their lost and misguided cause.
It’s probably time we moved away from public statues to honor particular people, anyway. They’re now clearly divisive. If everyone’s not on board with celebrating a person, why erect a statue to him or her in the public square, anyway? There are other ways to get the job done.
@Michael: I find the statues less divisive than much of what they claim is art, foisted upon the public eye. The newer public buildings that dont serve their original purposes as long as the older ones are eyesores as well.
The Democratic Party is the Party of secession, the KKK, Jim Crow laws and filibustering the 1964 Civil Rights Act. I find them divisive. Time to ban all signs of the Democratic Party.
You’re right; there should absolutely be no public statues or monuments honoring any particular political party.
@Michael: No we want them defunded and disbanded, nothing else will erase thier rabid ideology and racist past and present.
@Michael: That’s a nice definition of Juneteenth, which I already knew. However, you don’t disprove my FACTUAL point that it went largely unnoticed, unrecognized, uncelebrated and unacknowledged anywhere but Texas. Hell, it was largely unnoticed in Texas.
It is the day in Texas former slaves learned of OTHER dates. OK, celebrate what you want for whatever you want. Just don’t pretend you’ve been observant just because it is suddenly, for racist reasons, brought to your attention.
1619 project is a hoax. the alleged scholarly author missed a very big slice o history. the slime and democraps pulled another one on the clueless, hurd mentality of the public.
Slavery in America, typically associated with blacks from Africa, was an enterprise that began with the shipping of more than 300,000 white Britons to the colonies. This little known history is fascinatingly recounted in White Cargo (New York University Press, 2007). Drawing on letters, diaries, ship manifests, court documents, and government archives, authors Don Jordan and Michael Walsh detail how thousands of whites endured the hardships of tobacco farming and lived and died in bondage in the New World.
Slavery was viewed as the cheapest and most expedient way of providing the necessary work force. Due to harsh working conditions, beatings, starvation, and disease, survival rates for slaves rarely exceeded two years. Thus, the high level of demand was sustained by a continuous flow of white slaves from England, Ireland, and Scotland from 1618 to 1775, who were imported to serve America’s colonial masters.
@Deplorable Me:
I don’t observe it, and I never have, but I knew about it, since I pay attention to American history.
As an aside, you clearly didn’t read the quotes I cited, because they specifically address the fact that it is celebrated in other states than Texas and —news to me—other countries.
@Michael: Juneteenth has never been widely supported, acknowledged, or even known about. This year’s “observance” is a forced and pathetic bit of pandering for the Leftists to use against non-Leftists.
It’s only point to artificially keep the false idea that race is an issue in America, thusly using blacks to further a Democrat agenda.
Juneteenth is useless and insignificant in the modern era. It’s being used as a fascist belief “checkpoint”, and nothing more.
I’ll pass.
It’s now June 22nd, so…harping on this non-holiday is just weak partisan rhetoric from the Left.
Yes, indentured servitude was a thing in the colonies. The big difference between the indentured servitude of whites and the slavery of blacks is that indenturement was for a limited period of time, while slavery was guaranteed to be a lifelong condition. Unless they died before their indenture ended—which definitely happened—whites could look forward to life as free people, whereas black slaves generally could not.
@Michael: Juneteenth has been around, even I had heard of it before this year.
BUT, as a replacement for whites having anything to do with freeing the slaves, it is a useful lie when adjusted to add in the idea that the slaves freed themselves.
That was the “new truth” added to Juneteenth THIS year.
@Michael: Ironic, then, that there’s only been ONE statue erected since the George Floyd death:
Josef Stalin’s statue was raised.
@Michael: Very good points about the difference between white indentured servants and black slaves.
Ever wonder why two sets of standards were practiced in the Colonies?
Even sign a Warranty?
Most of them include terms of proper use.
Most sales of valuables also include proper terms of use.
Most slaves were sold to whites by Muslims whose own Koran set their proper standards for use of slaves.
Under the Koran, slaves could be beaten, raped, sold for payment of debt, even castrated.
Under the laws of the British Empire, their subjects could never be sold in perpetuity.
They had to have a set time when they would be freed.
Let the buyer beware.
@Michael: I read it. Provide some evidence of observance or celebration anywhere but Texas before this year.
@Nan G:
Michael said:
Clearly, the person that said:
never heard of John Punch or John Castor.
@Deplorable Me:
Why is Encyclopedia Britannica not enough for you? Are you under the impression that it’s an arm of Antifa?
Okay, here goes:
Here’s an article from the website of the Syracuse, New York Post-Standard newspaper documenting Juneteenth celebrations in that city from decades past. “Syracuse,” the article says, “has celebrated the day since 1988.” The article is from this year, but it discusses the annual Juneteenth celebrations throughout the years, and it’s illustrated with photographs going all the way back to that 1988 observance. Syracuse, New York is not in Texas.
Here’s an article about the annual celebration of Juneteenth in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which dates back to 1979. There are photos of past observances, including from that year. Milwaukee, Wisconsin is not in Texas.
Here’s a story about Juneteenth illustrated with a photo from the seventh annual Juneteenth celebration in Springfield, Massachusetts, from 2013. Springfield, Massachusetts is not in Texas.
Here’s an article about Alachua County, Florida’s seventh annual Juneteenth celebration in 2015. Alachua County, Florida is not in Texas.
I could go on, but why? You were wrong on this one. Deal with it.
Yes, we all went to grade-school, Michael.
Juneteenth is another cheap racial-dividing trick by the oppressive Left.
No thank you.
Juneteenth has never been widely celebrated in the US.
It’s current “observance” is pandering to weakened blacks in an election year because the Democrat Party is in shambles, and desperate.
@Nathan Blue:
Ah, but “widely celebrated” was not Deplorable Me’s challenge, was it? Here’s what he wrote:
So it did. Plenty of it.
@Nathan Blue:
That is–how shall one say?–not always evident.
Although this appears as mindless anarchy look into the coup of 1975 of the Austrailian government the numerous regime changes in South America and the pacific. There is a very creepy pattern to be found.
The intention to set us up as a vassel state to China and usher in UN laws .
Dont defund, defend our police.
Do we want our justice system put on its head like in Europe?
Just 1 week before 5 police were murdered in Dallas during a BLM march BLM marxists were guests at the White House.
The shooter, Micah Xavier Johnson is considered a Martyr by some of these defund fools.
This is no longer other peoples wars.
Nothing you’ve written has denoted an individual beyond average intelligence and average education is hitting the keys. Like many Left-wingers, your self-estimation of your intelligence, education, and worth in society is greater than reality.
Hubris. The mark of the mob.
@Nathan Blue:
I haven’t said anything at all about my own intelligence. I know it’s nothing particularly amazing, and I spend long hours each night crying into my beer over that fact. I was specifically addressing your comment that you’ve all been to elementary school. As a middle-grade teacher with thirty years of experience, I’m saying that there are two of you guys who comment here who are not obviously elementary school graduates, judging strictly by what I see of their thought process and use of the language. Chances are they did graduate, I know, but it’s not a foregone conclusion.
@Michael: Perhaps your 30 years of teaching children has adversely affected your ability to communicate on an adult level, you went to college then to a government job with no experience in reality.
You do communicate much on the level of your students immature know it alls.
You are a great example of why to home school.
Had you been one of my parents, I might have asked you to homeschool your kid.
@Michael: I seriously doubt you really know many parents of the now poorly educated kids in your classroom. My kids could have easily handled your middle school mentality on their own.
you know that slave trade is a very, very big business in the islamic world today. billions in trading. Oh! slaves in America had families and friends, in islamic slave trading the men, old women and older boys are killed. only young women and the boys were castrated for pleasure.
MOdern slave trade is very big. how come blm are not protesting in the streets of iran??
The only good place for vandals is doing 15 or more years in Prison and paying for their damage they do from their own Pockets/Bank Accounts
*almost vomits in my mouth*
That explains a lot.
It also bolsters one of the overarching ideas at FA that our current ideological crisis is largely due to the lack of diversity of thought in our schools.
You even sound like you are having an argument with an 11-year-old when you post, because that’s all you know how to do.
@retire05: Allen West is one of my favorite people…what a man.
A Sheriff’s challenge to a local gang.
St. Landry Parish Sheriff, LA State Troopers, US Marshals.
This is how it’s done.
@Nathan Blue:
You’re right: that’s what trying discuss something with you is like.
If you didn’t act like an eleven-year-old, I wouldn’t have to treat you like one.
@retire05: Good letter
Uh-huh. Good one, bro.
As I said, 30-year middle school teacher…that says it all.
“Part of the problem” doesn’t really say it well enough.
Thanks for bringing all your off-the-shelf beliefs and stunted knowledge/experiences here to FA…as if to prove most of us are right about the ideological enemy we’re fighting against.
Parsing words with 11-year-olds might work with your captive audience, but it doesn’t go far with an adults.
A preview of what is to come, from someone living in it.
@Michael: Juneteenth means shit to any real American. You wouldn’t know anything about being a real American because you hate this country and want to totally destroy it. I only wish for the destruction of its enemies of which you are one.