democrats: willing pawns of Black Lives Matter



Move me on to any black square
Use me anytime you want
Just remember that the goal
Is for us all to capture all we want

As soon as I saw this picture I thought of that song.

The pandering has gotten ridiculous. Over at The Conservative Treehouse Sundance also had a great take on this:

Today democrats took a knee in a great obsequious ceremony for all to see when they presented their bill basically meant to eviscerate police departments across the country. In essence, they pledged fealty.

democrats refused to condemn – or even acknowledge- the Antifa violence:

Every Democrat in the Senate has refused to acknowledge the violence caused by antifa throughout the protests and riots that have occurred since the death of George Floyd.

The Daily Caller contacted every Senate Democrat asking if they would consider legislation to label the group a terrorist organization. Each office was given over 24 hours to respond to the question. The group has been participating in riots since Floyd died while in police custody after an officer put his knee into the back of his neck for over eight minutes while he was handcuffed and on the ground.

democrats cemented their allegiance to BLM and to Antifa when they refused to say whether they were in favor of defunding, disbanding or dismantling police departments:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Democrats have largely embraced the activists packing into streets nationwide to decry the killings of black men and women by law enforcement but so far express wariness at protesters’ calls to defund the police.

While they are clearly attuned to the cries of demonstrators from New York to Los Angeles, some top Democratic elected officials are proceeding cautiously with any suggestion they would slash police budgets to fund programs to address other social ills.

Corey Booker took the coward’s way out:

Senator Cory Booker said during an interview Sunday on NBC News that he understood the sentiment behind the “defund the police” push but would not use that phrase.

Meet the new DNC boss:

Black Lives Matter leader has declared war on the police and plans to release a blueprint for change that involves Black Panther style armed ‘patrols’ monitoring the behavior of officers on the streets, DailyMailTV can reveal.

Hawk Newsome, Chairman of BLM’s Greater New York chapter, says the black rights group is ‘mobilizing’ its base and aims to develop a highly-trained ‘military’ arm to challenge police brutality head on.

Hawk is calling the shots now. Even at the NY Times and the Washington Post

See this scarf they’re wearing?

About that:

Andrea Mitchell laments that this anti-police rhetoric could be used against democrats in the fall:

No one needs to demonize democrats. They did that all on their own. All Republicans need do it remind America of it. No one thinks the police are perfect and can’t do with a bit of improvement but Americans overwhelmingly support them.

We’ll take all those pawns.

Check mate

I’ve seen all good people turn their heads each day
So satisfied I’m on my way
I’ve seen all good people turn their heads each day
So satisfied I’m on my way

Oh, and that song..

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@Nathan Blue:

This is a headline in Comrade Greggie’s “favorite” status in publications, the NYSlimes:

Angry White Counterprotesters in N.J. Mock George Floyd’s Killing

Gee, I wonder if the author of that little piece of b/s every looked up the word “angry?”

@retire05, #48:

If you are incapable of answering direct, specific questions, perhaps you should just stop posting.

It’s a lot easier just to ignore the bait you continuously throw out.

I notice you didn’t have much to say about the GOP’s systematic, multi-state voter suppression efforts. It’s good that the extent of it is being revealed in the primaries. It will make it much harder for republicans to get away with in November.

Between that, their denial of racial bias in law enforcement, their botched COVID-19 response, their disregard for the obvious dangers of a building second wave of infections, and their inexplicable infatuation with the incompetent, amoral opportunist in the White House, they may be setting themselves up for an epic political disaster. If so, they’ll blame Trump afterward, but it will really be their own fault for abandoning all conservative party principles to enable him. Deals with the Devil never end well.


Deals with the Devil never end well.

Antifa and BLM might do well to heed your advice and not deal with the DNC commies.


It’s a lot easier just to ignore the bait you continuously throw out.

OK, so you’ve established that you cannot discern between “bait” and a request for a open and honest request for your opinion. Got it.

I notice you didn’t have much to say about the GOP’s systematic, multi-state voter suppression efforts.

I haven’t said much about any subject other than my request for a dialog with you about the questions I posed to you. They were not “bait”, they were not “gotcha” questions, they were not a set-up. I sincerely wanted to know your answers and all you have done is reaffirm my opinion that you have no original thoughts of your own.

You simply proved you’re not up to the task. I’m glad you finally exposed your ignorance.


OK, so you’ve established that you cannot discern between “bait” and a request for a open and honest request for your opinion.

No, that hasn’t been established. Having observed your behavior for a long period of time, its patterns are now well known. You engage someone in discussion, and then gradually ramp up the personal insults and abuse until they’ve had their fill—at which point you revert back to some semblance of adult discussion in an effort to repeat the cycle.

@Greg: If we’re offering evaluation, greg, your usual MO is to post regurgitated Left-wing nutjob news and promptly change the discussion when handily proven wrong.

Your a troll. The goal is to saturate the discussion with an endless stream of your garbage, not engage in actual discussion.

You’re paid to pollute FA, or indoctrinated to do such.

I’ve noticed you diction changes as well, suggesting multiple people using one account.

Your merely an extension of the Cult of the Left and easily dismissed.


You could have just said you aren’t interested, instead you only post more clap-trap, which is your standard M.O.. No wonder no one takes you seriously.

Let me know if you ever change your mind.

@Nathan Blue:

If we’re offering evaluation, greg, your usual MO is to blah blah blah…

Now do me! Now do me!

@Nathan Blue:

You’re paid to pollute FA, or indoctrinated to do such.

I think that what you’re experiencing here are called “delusions of grandeur.” Why on Earth would you believe that you’re important enough for someone to pay a person to interact with you here?

@retire05: From who ever that is

Now do me! Now do me!

The comedy just never stops.

@Nathan Blue:

You should probably stop reading my posts. It would save you a lot of time and energy. Less strain on your brain, etc.

Your persistent delusion that someone would have to pay me to criticize the Trumpian Clown Circus might be a sign or a symptom. You really should have that checked out.

@Greg: You’d save everyone’s time and effort, especially your own, if you stopped posting altogether. You offer nothing to conversation.

I clearly engage opposing viewpoints, but that’s not what you offer.

Paid information “bad actors” are clearly out there for the purpose of information warfare.

You are such.

@Michael: Of course I and the other posters are worth money to shut down or silence.

We reject and oppose the Cult of the Left…and just like any takeover, the free-thinkers and advocates of freedom have to go first.

My voice is worth at least $500,000,000…

And as for my evaluation of you? You’re just like Greg without the pretense of having a brain.

@Nathan Blue:

I notice you didn’t have much to say about the GOP’s systematic, multi-state voter suppression efforts.

The Obama campaign paid people, like Comrade Greggie, to sit in their pajamas in the basements of their parents to “infiltrate” conservative blogs and spew the Obama talking points. They were on the Obama For America payroll. That’s just about the time Comrade Greggie showed up. Why is he still here? Obama For America morphed into Organizing For Action which is still in force.

@Nathan Blue:

Of course I and the other posters are worth money to shut down or silence.

Like I said: delusions of grandeur.

I’m assuming—hoping, I guess, would be more to the point—that your $500,000,000 figure is a rare joke on your part.

Trump’s average job approval rating is in free fall. Should I request a raise from my standard rate of a penny per post?

Seriously, nobody pays you to promote this guy, correct? So why would you think anyone would pay me to criticize him? Some people are just inclined to say what they think.


Should I request a raise from my standard rate of a penny per post?

Whoa, wait………… said you got five cents per post.

Were you demoted due to the fact that you have no argumentative skills?

@Greg: #67 Save that post, tell us I told you so after a couple of Trump rallies that have no overflow. CNN polling the DNC now theres something to rant about. Was it 98% chance for a Clinton win after they set up a fixed election for her?
How does defund the police to slush the money back to democrat donors sit with people?

How does defund the police to slush the money back to democrat donors sit with people?

How it sits probably depends on whether they’re wearing a tin foil inside their hats or not.

How quickly the Left morphs.
It was just 2015 when the DNC wrote a position paper advising all elected Democrats to stay far, far away from Antifa and BLM.

A leaked 2015 internal Democrat Party memo warned top House Democrats not to embrace the Black Lives Matter movement.

The DCCC is the official arm of the Democrat Party charged with electing Democrats to the U.S. House of Representatives. When this 2015 memo was drafted, Democrats were in the minority in the U.S. House—seeking a return to the majority that they did not achieve in the 2016 elections as now President Donald Trump won the White House and the GOP held its House majority riding the president’s coattails. Later, though, Democrats would win the House majority back in the 2018 midterm elections.

Perry warned recipients of his memo in the next line that it was top secret and confidential—not to be shared with anyone. “This document should not be emailed or handed to anyone outside of the building,” he wrote. “Please only give campaign staff these best practices in meetings or over the phone.”

But the document ended up leaking through hacker Guccifer 2.0.

Black Lives Matter seeks “Criminal Justice Reform,” particularly “sentencing reform, ending prison industrial complex, police reform: referring to hiring, training, and unfair policing tactics.”

The DCCC memo then elaborates on recommended tactics for Democrats to handle Black Lives Matter activists. When meeting with them, the Democrats warned against large gatherings.

“If approached by BLM activists, campaign staff should offer to meet with local activists,” the Democrat memo reads. “Invited BLM attendees should be limited. Please aim for personal or small group meetings.”

In this section, the Democrats warn their members and candidates against supporting anything Black Lives Matter activists are pushing them to back.

“Listen to their concerns,” the memo says, but “don’t offer support for concrete policy positions.

The final part of the memo recommends Democrat talking points in response to Black Lives Matter. The memo explicitly tells Democrats not to say “all lives matter” and warns them to not speak of “black on black crime.”

This is because, the memo notes, Black Lives Matter activists consider these points “red herring attacks.

The Black Lives Matter movement was furious with the DCCC memo at the time of the leak.,

@Greg: Fine you explain defund, do we take away pensions, cut budgets so fewer police cars take away bullet proof vests? When I call 911, if its funded, someone is breaking in, will I be simply advised to run away and call State Farm? Or do I shoot the 15 year old climbing in the window, and his 4 buds?
libsplain it to me.
What will the democrats do with CHAZ? Its now being patrolled by armed men you know guys with guns.


@Greg: Fine you explain defund,

Comrade Greggie doesn’t explain anything. He simply comes here with his verbose OrangeManBad. He can’t explain anything because he doesn’t think, or even have his own opinions, he only can parrot what he is told by his left wing handlers.

@retire05: The family of floyd request assistance from the UN, the Minneapolis democrats are willing to defund the police, so we have Strong Cities Network at the United Nations General Assembly ready to step in since 2015. They created these out of control police are we to trust their solutions?


We should defund the UN, not the police. And while we’re at it, we can defund all public universities and their radical left wing professors. No more NFL games in publicly funded stadiums. If the team wants to buy the stadium and pay for its upkeep, great. Defund ESL classes. Any punk tearing down public monuments should be identified from the videos (most of them have driver’s licenses), stuffed in jail a few days and fined heavily until the cost of those monuments is reimbursed. Give them a criminal record and see how fast they get a high paying job after having to pay a private university for a crappy education.

@retire05: The UN no longer functions as designed. The programs for investment into depressed neighborhoods have been contaminated by Democrats once at local level so the money never reaches those it was meant for.
Somehow it is left for conservatives to fix the regulate and tax that kills minority areas controlled mostly by black elected democrats looking for funds from these programs to be slushed back into their election coffers.
The democrats have abused the minority, they have legit gripes, and they are now hijacking the narrative with NWO propaganda that has no chance of becoming reality. If it does like the demands of the blacks in the 90s to lock up thugs it was used to target all black youth. They took it to KKK levels now Biden wants to disavow the legislation he helped author.
Getting the oppressors to let loose the iron fisted grip and not add another layer of corrupt crony democrat government isnt going to be easy task.

Critcal to the Democrats political platform is a) Convincing black people Republicans are racist and oppressing them, and b) manufacturing this supposed oppression in the form of disinformation while actually oppressing blacks just to get their votes.

Meanwhile, the Republican President is demonstrably doing more for blacks than the former “black” President, so…

Dems engineer a race-riot.

Vote these idiot Democrats out in November. They need to re-invent their party and stop killing black folks. Blaming it on other by corrupt media is no longer hiding their systemic black exploitation.

The vast majority of elected Democrats have no real life experience or expertise. The corona-virus and riots are a bright spotlight we’ve needed to make these racist roaches scatter like the scum they are.

“The white liberal is the worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man….The white liberal aren’t white people who are for independence, who are moral and ethical in their thinking. They are just a faction of white people that are jockeying for power. The same as the white conservative is a faction of white people that are jockeying for power. They are fighting each other for power and prestige, and the one that is the football in the game is the Negro, 20 million black people. A political football, a political pawn, an economic football, and economic pawn. A social football, a social pawn. The liberal elements of whites are those who have perfected the art of selling themselves to the Negro as a friend of the Negro. Getting sympathy of the Negro, getting the allegiance of the Negro, and getting the mind of the Negro. Then the Negro sides with the white liberal, and the white liberal use the Negro against the white conservative. So that anything that the Negro does is never for his own good, never for his own advancement, never for his own progress, he’s only a pawn in the hands of the white liberal. The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros, and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked, or deceived by the white liberal then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man. The only way that our problem will be solved is when the black man wakes up, clean himself up, stand on his own feet and stop begging the white man, and take immediate steps to do for ourselves the things that we have been waiting on the white man to do for us. Once we do for self then we will be able to solve our own problems’

–Malcolm X

@Greg: So… what should be done about Seattle?

@Nan G: So, in 2015, the policy of the Democrat Party was to USE BLM but not do anything to publicly support them.

Meanwhile Raz in Chaz is having police “Live action role-play”..and learning how hard that is.”

I’m impressed at Trump’s restraint. Part of me thinks these idiots in the CHAZ need to be exterminated for treason, the other knows it best to just let these videos surface and do the work for the Federal government.

It’s all about power, folks.

@Nathan Blue, #80:

An “autonomous zone” is nothing more than a temporary buffer zone separating the people from the enforcement instrument of official authority. For the moment, we’re seeing no tear gas, no pepper spray, no rubber bullets, no looting, no fires set, no serious injuries. Both sides may learn something in the process. So why would the video give rise to an impulse to exterminate somebody? Is there some perceived threat in a reduction of tensions? Is there a threat in people stepping back from direct confrontation to a place where they might get a clearer look at the problem?

@Greg: oh god… If I had any doubt that you were a troll that was not serious in truthful discussion, that doubt is now gone.

You can’t be serious.

There are no sides in this. There are law-abiding citizens and law enforcement, and there are bad guys.

I sincerely wish that a Raz-type figure takes over your block and starts enforcing his own rules.

We live in a constitutional republic, not a collection of warlords who act like monkeys.


@Nathan Blue, #82:

You can’t be serious.

I am completely serious. The question was completely serious.

There are no sides in this. There are law-abiding citizens and law enforcement, and there are bad guys.

There are two sides to this issue. One side is prepared to accept that any citizen killed by an authority figure was either a a bad guy or part of the cost of keeping them safer, while the other side is not. The other side recognizes that accepting this often makes them less safe.

We live in a constitutional republic, not a collection of warlords who act like monkeys.

Correct. No one is supposed to be above the law, or without the protection of the law. That includes authority figures, all the way to the top.

Donald J Trump@realDonaldTrump

Radical Left Governor @JayInslee and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before. Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stopped IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!

1:08 PM · Jun 11, 2020·

Cool your jets, Cap’n Bonespur. It’s a matter for state and local authorities.


There are not two sides to this issue. Police misconduct has happened and will continue to happen, because people are not perfect. Floyd’s death was politically advantageous for Left-wing extreme ideologies, as there is no outrage or riots about a racially-motivated black man beating white seniors. That case was blatantly racist, while the Floyd killing was propagandized to be without actual evidence.

That includes authority figures, all the way to the top.

Absolutely, and that cop was arrested. “Subject to justice”, however, is not subjective or mood-based. We have laws and a legal system.

That cops can do bad things doesn’t give you or anyone the right to supplant the existing governement.

There ARE NOT two sides to this issue. There are only normal people and the left-wing politically indoctrinated.

One side is prepared to accept that any citizen killed by an authority figure was either a a bad guy or part of the cost of keeping them safer,

Complete conjecture and nonsense. Floyd’s death has now been paid for with many more times that in the blood of other blacks. For you not to address that means you concede these riots are not about justice, it’s about white people like you using blacks for your own power…by blaming other whites for the problems of the world.

What you won’t face is this simple fact: the best way to not get accidentally killed by a cop is to not commit a crime.

People have to own their own lives and decisions. There is no other way.

The real issue is that Trump demonstrably has made black lives better, and that is the greatest threat the Democrats…who’s bread and butter is making false promises to get black votes. Now you have a non-Left president actually doing something for them. It’s making the Dem party obsolete and hence the panic.


An “autonomous zone” is nothing more than a temporary buffer zone separating the people from the enforcement instrument of official authority.

OMG, are you totally brain dead?

The “autonomous” zone is a six square block area of a city in which the insurgents neither own or rent the buildings they are occupying. Nor are they paying for the water, electricity or gas they are using.

For the moment, we’re seeing no tear gas, no pepper spray, no rubber bullets, no looting, no fires set, no serious injuries. Both sides may learn something in the process

Oh, so as long as they are not physically militant, you’re OK with the occupiers? Guess so, it’s not your home they are camping out in. But what about the businesses in that area that are now not only shut down to the Chi-Com flu, but because of a bunch of radicals making demands that are absolutely unreasonable. What about the owners of those businesses and their right to participate in legal commerce? Seems “screw them” is your mindset.

And you wonder why I call you a Commie. You just proved you are one.


It’s a matter for state and local authorities.

Until it’s politically advantageous for you propagandists to blame this on Trump…then SUDDENLY it will be a matter for Federal Authorities.

The facts remain that the worst hit parts of country in the way of riots, systemic crime, and systemic corruption are all Democrat controlled.

The Dems are desperate to obscure this by having three funerals for yet another exploited dead black man.


I understand that there is a dictionary definition to the word. I also understand that listening to people in the real world discuss the topic makes it clear that different people have differing visions of what the process entails. Almost nobody I’ve heard or read uses the word to mean “eliminate the police from existence.”

Perhaps a different word will arise to supplant “defund” in public discussions; perhaps the word will develop another meaning which takes into account whatever changes arise in the name of “defunding.” It’s difficult to tell what will happen, because both politics and language are unpredictable.

At any rate, I’d say that you and Ilhan Omar are possibly the only one who take anything she says on this topic as gospel. Whatever form it takes, defunding the police will be a state and local process, and Omar won’t have a lot of say in the matter.

@Michael: Hahahaha…

Yes, all of the democratic party is now trying to backpedal on this just like you.

The point of all of this is to abolish the police…and Dems got caught pandering before they realized what they were saying.

@Nathan Blue:

Yes, all of the democratic party is now trying to backpedal on this just like you.

I don’t have any backpedaling to do, since I haven’t called for defunding the police.

The point of all of this is to abolish the police

I assumed that, too, until I started looking into what actual people were actually saying, and then I realized I’d been incorrect.


Both sides may learn something in the process.

The lesson, which Democrats taught us, is surrender to terrorists and give them what they want and you lose what you gave them. The lesson is Democrats are cowards.

It’s a matter for state and local authorities.

The state and local government is worthless, cowardly and anarchist. They have totally failed the citizens.

@Michael: So, you’ll use the Democrat political definition of “defund”, which is, “Yeah, those goddamn police need to be fired and replaced with kind, gentle, loving social workers. Vote for us.” In fact, THEY define it as, “You think we’re THAT stupid? Vote for us.”

What do you think the BLM/ANTIFA occupation thinks it means?

@retire05, #86:

The “autonomous” zone is a six square block area of a city in which the insurgents neither own or rent the buildings they are occupying. Nor are they paying for the water, electricity or gas they are using.

As a landlord, Donnie must be beside himself with outrage. Surely the city is now saving some money on teargas, pepper spray, and rubber bullets.

The insurgency will happen at the ballot boxes in November. That’s how we overthrow unpopular governments in America.

@Greg: Have you knelt to your new Overlords and decried your racism yet?

Hitchens predicted it: someday the political left would become worse than the religious right.

That has happened, and like all radical cults, The Cult of the Left demands either obedience or destruction.

Trump is improving the lives of black people and that destabilized part of their voting base. Hence the Democrats needed to incite race riots to reinvent the false notion that we have systemic racism. fighting an institutional issue that doesn’t exist is the bedrock of their party.

But there’s no bedrock.

It’s taken all they’re infected institutions to promote a false Boogeyman, but like all inductions of angry mobs, the goal is always to take power.

As many as I said before, America has been in an ideological civil war for a while…. All commissioned by the left. Now they were elevating this civil war to a physical one.

I don’t think they’re going to like what happens that vast majority of the electorate who has remained silent finally starts to speak up… And to take action.

@Deplorable Me:

So, you’ll use the Democrat political definition of “defund”, which is, “Yeah, those goddamn police need to be fired and replaced with kind, gentle, loving social workers. Vote for us.”

Some of the people I’ve read are saying, “Take social work functions off the plates of the police and move some of the money over to actual social workers so the police can focus on apprehending criminals.”

As I’ve mentioned, however, there are nearly as many definitions of “defund” as there are people discussing the idea, so there isn’t really a definition that all Democrats agree with.

What do you think the BLM/ANTIFA occupation thinks it means?

Again, BLM is not a monolithic group. I imagine there’s a range of opinion. I’d guess that a lot of the people who share the anti-fascist mindset would have a definition of “defund” that is toward the more extreme end of things.

The phrase “defund the police” sprang up recently, in the middle of nationwide protests. It’s silly to think that you have a handle on what it means for everyone who uses the phrase.

The overwhelming evidence of what Democrats have done in failing and in fact amplifying the problems of American Blacks is what the news outlets are there to obscure.

Joe Biden has supported many policies that Trump is now fixing, and that has to burn.

Dem-run districts and states are doing the worst.

The fact speak for the themselves, and the voters will do the same…regardless of gamed and completely fallacious “opinion polls” meant to drive the masses off the cliff like lemmings.


The insurgency will happen at the ballot boxes in November.

Indeed, and that’s when the long-overdue cleaning house of Democrat rule will finally commence.

That’s how we overthrow unpopular governments in America.

That’s how we “corrected” the unpopular presidency of Barack Obama, for sure.

But please, it’s just normal business in a civil constitutional republic. No “overthrowing”, just people ruling themselves.

Sometimes your candidate wins, sometimes they don’t. You deal with and don’t stage childish coup attempts because you’re so blinded by your own cult-indoctrination.

That how it works. Challenge that at your own peril, greg.

@Greg: @Greg:

I understand that the only thing you have to offer is some verbose OrangeManBad, and that you suffer from cognitive dissonance, but do try to stay on topic. Or just post “OrangeManBad” and be done with it. You offer nothing. You never have.

You remain a cowardly idiot.

@Nathan Blue, #97:

I don’t think they’re going to like what happens that vast majority of the electorate who has remained silent finally starts to speak up… And to take action.

If the vast majority truly supported the policies and attitudes of Donald Trump, republicans wouldn’t have to be working every conceivable angle in an effort to suppress the Democratic vote in November. They wouldn’t be seeing Trump’s average job approval rating now standing at minus 13, and wondering about the election implications for those who have enabled him, and continue to do so.

The astonishing thing is that he just keeps doubling down on the words and behaviors that are the cause of it. Apparently no one can get through to him—a predictable result of having fired anyone who has told him what he needed to hear, but didn’t want to.


If the vast majority truly supported the policies and attitudes of Donald Trump, republicans wouldn’t have to be working every conceivable angle in an effort to suppress the Democratic vote in November.

How so? And for once in your miserable life, be specific.