democrats: willing pawns of Black Lives Matter



Move me on to any black square
Use me anytime you want
Just remember that the goal
Is for us all to capture all we want

As soon as I saw this picture I thought of that song.

The pandering has gotten ridiculous. Over at The Conservative Treehouse Sundance also had a great take on this:

Today democrats took a knee in a great obsequious ceremony for all to see when they presented their bill basically meant to eviscerate police departments across the country. In essence, they pledged fealty.

democrats refused to condemn – or even acknowledge- the Antifa violence:

Every Democrat in the Senate has refused to acknowledge the violence caused by antifa throughout the protests and riots that have occurred since the death of George Floyd.

The Daily Caller contacted every Senate Democrat asking if they would consider legislation to label the group a terrorist organization. Each office was given over 24 hours to respond to the question. The group has been participating in riots since Floyd died while in police custody after an officer put his knee into the back of his neck for over eight minutes while he was handcuffed and on the ground.

democrats cemented their allegiance to BLM and to Antifa when they refused to say whether they were in favor of defunding, disbanding or dismantling police departments:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Democrats have largely embraced the activists packing into streets nationwide to decry the killings of black men and women by law enforcement but so far express wariness at protesters’ calls to defund the police.

While they are clearly attuned to the cries of demonstrators from New York to Los Angeles, some top Democratic elected officials are proceeding cautiously with any suggestion they would slash police budgets to fund programs to address other social ills.

Corey Booker took the coward’s way out:

Senator Cory Booker said during an interview Sunday on NBC News that he understood the sentiment behind the “defund the police” push but would not use that phrase.

Meet the new DNC boss:

Black Lives Matter leader has declared war on the police and plans to release a blueprint for change that involves Black Panther style armed ‘patrols’ monitoring the behavior of officers on the streets, DailyMailTV can reveal.

Hawk Newsome, Chairman of BLM’s Greater New York chapter, says the black rights group is ‘mobilizing’ its base and aims to develop a highly-trained ‘military’ arm to challenge police brutality head on.

Hawk is calling the shots now. Even at the NY Times and the Washington Post

See this scarf they’re wearing?

About that:

Andrea Mitchell laments that this anti-police rhetoric could be used against democrats in the fall:

No one needs to demonize democrats. They did that all on their own. All Republicans need do it remind America of it. No one thinks the police are perfect and can’t do with a bit of improvement but Americans overwhelmingly support them.

We’ll take all those pawns.

Check mate

I’ve seen all good people turn their heads each day
So satisfied I’m on my way
I’ve seen all good people turn their heads each day
So satisfied I’m on my way

Oh, and that song..

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fears GOP will use left’s radical defund the police push to “demonize” Dems

Oh, you can absolutely count on it, Spartacus. This is your plan for the nation; police answering to the people disbanded and roving bands of “highly trained” vigilantes with a grudge. Remember; absolute power corrupts absolutely. I only hope this is implemented quickly so plenty of voters can see the practical results of listening to Democrats.

Nobody panders like a Democrat, especially in light of how they take every opportunity to crap on everyone when they get the chance (i.e. Nancy holding up aid to everyone in dire need due to the epidemic… just because she could). Trump’s popularity among minorities must really be worrying them.

Note that Nancy had had one too many tumblers of gin that morning; she couldn’t even get up from her pander-kneel. I thought Catholics did that all the time. Is she out of practice?

Pre- the George Floyd death, President Trump had introduced prison reform policies that pleased blacks.
He also signalled that, should a bi-partisan police reform bill reach his desk, he would happily sign it.
The Dems had been working hard on this billand it was almost ready.
Now, police reform is not enough for the Dems black radicals.
Only defund &/or abolish the police will satisfy those liberals.
What’s a Dem to do when the daily statement of obedience is ever-changing and never enough for the next day?

Talk about a “photo op”.

I wonder if it needs to be explained that pandering to 12% of the population isn’t going to win elections.

Trump wins re-election, the House flips, Senate stays Republican.

@Nathan Blue:

Agree! ALL good lap sucking political whores. a complete disgrace to the meaning of America. the founding fathers of this country would vomit witnessing this behaviour. do you think that booker uses a rubber when he fronicates his 17 y/o toy?

Yes the Democrats the Liberal Democrats the party of the Stupid Liberal Jackass has become a simple Beat of Burden for BLM and Antifa’s chief bootlickers

Today FOX is televising the funeral (traveling clown show) of George Floyd, who was seemingly murdered by a white cop. Floyd had a criminal history as long as my arm, including breaking into a woman’s home and helping others rob her as he shoved a loaded gun into her pregnant stomach.

Will any TV news outlet televise the funeral of retired St. Louis Police Department Captain David Dorn who was shot to death by a rioting and looting young black man? Or any of the innocent blacks murdered last weekend in Chicago by other blacks?

Why is a career criminal’s murder more important than a man who put his life on the line every day and served his community, raised his children and mentored other children? Will Nancy Pelosi take a knee for David Dorn?

I’ll also add that BLM is a hapless pawn of the Democrat Party.

Republicans have become the willing pawns of Donald J Trump, who not a patriot, or a republican, or a conservative.

Republicans have become willing pawns of Donald J Trump, who not a patriot, nor a republican, nor a conservative.

@Greg: Just a President who improved the lives of Blacks nationwide.

Hence the Dem-backed riots. They’ve lost their platform of racial exploitation and they know it.

@Greg: Funny you think a rich white guy posing with blacks for a photo-op even reads on the “moral compass”.

Here’s what real leadership looks like, moral compass intact.

Crime is down. Police misconduct is down. Black lives improved. Better jobs, more money, better housing…

Yep…time for the Dems to manufacture “opposite world” because they know they are losing the black vote.

The Dems have blood on their hands, the blood of all the blacks killed in this protest/riot period.

Voters WILL remember that in November.

@Nathan Blue, #13:

Crime is down. Police misconduct is down…

Any theories about this? It clearly wasn’t random.

@Nathan Blue, #12:

Here’s what real leadership looks like, moral compass intact.

It’s a staged photo. Like the earlier flag hugging photo series, it’s more than a little over the top. Given what we know about this poser’s conduct, it’s utterly absurd. Some people don’t seem to know when they’re being manipulated even when they’ve seen the entire photographed moment carefully set up.

Are kneeling democrats doing the same? Opinions vary, but the display is consistent with their past words and policies. A display of empathy is probably more useful at calming things down than reactionary defiance.

I find much ridiculous about our contemporary cultural displays. The George Floyd funeral turned into a televised musical, for example. The musical commemorations of school shooting victims hit me the same way. It sometimes seems like we have become a superficial, reality television culture. Maybe that’s our problem, or maybe it’s just another symptom of decline.

@Greg: Democrat conspiracy theories? Ok, loony-tune. And believing the de-funding of police will save black lives is like believing the Earth is flat.

Any comments on this one? It clearly wasn’t random.


It’s a staged photo.

Yes. Romney’s pandering to the enemy of his enemy was staged…as was the Pelosi in “black-scarf” and company, kneeling above.

The Democrats are doing all the photo-ops, so accusing Trump of doing the same is a bit weak.

Are kneeling democrats doing the same? Opinions vary, but the display is consistent with their past words and policies.

Opinions don’t vary. There’s the truth, and hypocritical partisan apologies. The Dems pose like no other party in history. It’s fact.

@Nathan Blue:

Defunding isn’t actually a synonym for abolishing, but I’m sure conflating the two will be totally irresistible to the right.


comrade greggie-poo. all of the major networks are broadcasting a memorial to your career felon comrade. big picture of the AH with wings and a halo: armed robbery, drug possession and trafficking, home invasion, rape, assault to do bodily harm, menacing. his role model for your children to follow.

@Greg: Oh, I’m aware of how the Dem/Left is playing those words suddenly, as are you.

The BLM movement is indeed supporting abolishing the police. The Dems are head-nodding behind, with loyal stooges like you now parsing words because you understand the moral and ideological hole you’re standing it.

You idiots were just caught on camera, including your candidate Biden, suggesting they weaken or abolish police, altogether.

The Constitutional Rule of Law…as enforced by Police…suddenly weakened…

The Dems were just caught effectively saying they want to abolish our form of government.

Good luck with those pesky elections in November.


do you think that booker uses a rubber when he fronicates his 17 y/o toy?

What on Earth was that about?

I’m aware that “thoughtful examination of the issue” is not the way you guys do things here, but I will share a link where the idea of “defunding the police” is revealed to mean different things to different people using term. The consensus on your site appears to be that it means “get rid of the police force,” but that doesn’t seem to be the way the term is being used by those who are giving the idea any actual consideration.

Link to the article


booker continues to have a very dark and sinister past. the comment will play out in time. as for defunding the police, some police department issue only one one box of ammunition/year to their deputies. practice on the range is at the expense of the deputies. contrary to the fake news lib media, small and medium size towns do not have funds to even fund a total police force. a mid size town in central ohio, a full police force is 60, only funding for 35. multiple major cities in this country can not fund the mechanical support need on its police cars. gas in a police vehicle was replaced to “full” at the end of a shift, now cars are maintained at 1/2 full.

@retire05: This guy is going to have more funerals than Kobe Bryant.


Defunding isn’t actually a synonym for abolishing, but I’m sure conflating the two will be totally irresistible to the right.

Oh… so you believe police will risk their lives for free and everyone will just donate all the equipment they need? Once again, you Democrats prove you need to get out more. You submit to those who scream the loudest (and loot, burn and riot) instead of doing what needs to be done. This one is NOT a winner and Trump will, I hope, shove this one right up your asses.

Take up loony, far, far left ideas and policies while promoting a goofy, dottering, discombobulated corrupt candidate. You should demand an investigation to see if the Democrats TRY to lose.


Defunding isn’t actually a synonym for abolishing, but I’m sure conflating the two will be totally irresistible to the right.

Well, yeah, that’s what Vox and numerous left wing outlets are saying. I suggest they look up the definition of defunding.

From the Black Lives Matter website:

We call for a national defunding of police. We demand investment in our communities and the resources to ensure Black people not only survive, but thrive.

Please, stop p!ssing on our leg and telling us it’s raining.

@retire05, #25:

Are you stupid enough to believe that any metropolitan area would seriously consider completely doing away with police departments? Maybe I should remind you that one of the most important goals of Obama’s stimulus program the last time a republican administration tanked the national economy was to provide emergency funding for local police and fire departments, which would otherwise have been forced to cut back or discontinue services due to lack of funds.

Possibly so. You’re seem to be stupid enough to unquestioningly believe every damn lie that comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth.

More likely, however, you know this is b.s. every bit as well as you know Trump is an inveterate liar. You’re just willing to parrot a new and useful propaganda meme, if you think it will help to keep this posturing, gold-plated, egocentric, chauvinistic, holier-than-thou, flag hugging, bible waving jackass in office. In which case he would have 4 more years to swing his wrecking ball at every stationary and moving target that it strikes his fancy to demolish.

Why did democratic leaders take a knee in support of Black Lives Matter? Because they recognize there’s a serious racial bias problem in this country that is also present in some members of the law enforcement community, and because black people are disproportionately part of their constituency. Reflecting and representing their constituents’ concerns is a central part of the Democratic Party’s philosophy. It’s why people vote for them.

@Nathan Blue:

I’ve given up, even for self amusement, any attempts of rationalizing with Trump enablers and cultists as they’ve mesmerized themselves to his pied piping to the point of no return but Nathan, your continued salesmanship of GOP triumph to an audience of perhaps 6 is increasingly amusing.

The RNC just spent $400,000 airing ads on Fox News in the Washington D.C. area for no other reason than knowing Trump would see them in hopes to somewhat sedate him in his obvious meltdown of dropping polls, dropping major donors, and even cracks within his very own base. Get that? They’re just wanting to convince him that he’s more popular than he is to keep him from going more bonkers on things like his armed assault on peaceful protesters for a photo op or his cheering police slamming a 75 year old peaceful protester to the ground. Such a useless expense for campaign expenses is unprecedented. They’re spending money so the dumbass’s ego will be stroked and he’ll quit doing stupid shit which is pulling them down his dead end rabbit hole as well,

Thing is and as I’ve noted many times and in which you ignore is that the GOP senate is in grave danger and many top donors are even jumping that ship. And Trump continues to make it worse.

And another thing that I’ve pointed out over the years is that if you really want to know who’s likely to win, look at Vegas. Trump’s odds are swirling down the toilet and his GOP lapdogs are going to have a hard time fighting that current.


Well, yeah, that’s what Vox and numerous left wing outlets are saying. I suggest they look up the definition of defunding.

Well, we have to defund it to see how much catastrophic damage will be done… to paraphrase Nancy the Drunk.

We call for a national defunding of police. We demand investment in our communities and the resources to ensure Black people not only survive, but thrive.

Investment that will, literally, go up in smoke.


Are you stupid enough to believe that any metropolitan area would seriously consider completely doing away with police departments?

So you are saying that, once again, Democrats are lying to their black constituents just to shut them up and get their votes? Could be, but Democrats have NEVER let stupidity keep them from doing anything.

Maybe I should remind you that one of the most important goals of Obama’s stimulus program the last time a republican administration tanked the national economy was to provide emergency funding for local police and fire departments, which would otherwise have been forced to cut back or discontinue services due to lack of funds

After Democrat policies crashed the economy, Obama wasted almost a billion dollars to pay back campaign supporters, which included propping up failing civil unions. As we can see, he did NOTHING to improve conditions.

@Ronald J. Ward: How much did it cost for the mayor of DC to have a racist slogan painted on the streets?

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?

7:34 AM · Jun 9, 2020

Could Trump need CT scan of his own equipment? This sounds even crazier than usual.


Are you stupid enough to believe that any metropolitan area would seriously consider completely doing away with police departments?

It’s not stupidity. It’s decades of watching Democrats destroy the major cities they rule. Detroit, St. Louis, Chicago, et al.

Are you stupid enough to believe that any metropolitan area would seriously consider completely doing away with police departments?

I didn’t quote Trump. I quoted Black Lives Matter that is leading Democrat mayors around by the nose.

You’re just willing to parrot a new and useful propaganda meme, if you think it will help to keep this posturing, gold-plated, egocentric, chauvinistic, holier-than-thou jackass in office.

Again, I didn’t quote Trump. He has no part in this debate with you as much as you want to make him part of it.

Why did democratic leaders take a knee in support of Black Lives Matter?

It’s called pandering.

Because they recognize there’s a serious racial bias problem in this country that is also present in some members of the law enforcement community, and because black people are disproportionately part of their constituency. Reflecting and representing their constituents’ concerns is a central part of the Democratic Party’s philosophy.

OK, let’s go there. Here is what I posted to you before:

What do you think it the main reason for the lack of success in black communities?

Do you apologize for your “white” privilege?

What do you think can be done to improve the lives of black people?

Do you think that discrimination against whites will solve the problem?

And my last question;
how many jobs did Mitt Romney offshore that could have gone to people of all races, ethnicities and creeds and does his marching with BLM absolve him from that?

You want to have a discussion without the name calling? Let’s have it. I am genuinely interested in your answers. I’m sorry that I don’t think you will ever do that. You’re only goal seems to be saying nothing but OrangeManBad in way too many words.

Like Greg, AOC wants the police destroyed but they should choose their words carefully to not run off white voters. In other words, lie as long as you can.

@Deplorable Me:

@Ronald J. Ward: How much did it cost for the mayor of DC to have a racist slogan painted on the streets?

Okay so this is simply for my amusement. I don’t know how much it cost for the mayor of DC to have a racist slogan painted on the streets, nor do I know if the mayor was involved nor do I know if a racist slogan was painted on the streets.

Let me repeat that answer. I don’t know. One more time for fear you may misunderstand me- I Do Not Know. Questions? Perhaps you can enlighten on both the cost and the relevance. But I suspect not. I suspect that your question to which there really is no knowledgeable answer to even if the insinuation was true is more of a sophomoric excuse for you to evade the argument in childlike fashion as only a FA resident troll is obligated to do.

Let me help you out for funnies. It cost the mayor 100K. Satisfied with that answer? Okay, maybe I’m wrong as I’ve admitted I really don’t know but how about $1 million? A $billion? 387 $gazillion? And considering you pluralized “streets”, 8976 different streets?

You can take any of those numbers or the answer that I don’t know and please explain precisely how they apply to my comment to Nathan Blue in # 27. You can’t, nor did you ever intend to.

But I do want to thank you for bringing some comedy into an otherwise mundane attempt to rationalize with a Trump licker.

@Ronald J. Ward: So, if you are so worried about the RNC spending their own money for campaign ads (during a campaign, I might add) why doesn’t the Mayor of DC spending taxpayer money (which I guess she didn’t have to protect public and private property) to paint an inflammatory racist slogan on the street?

@Nathan Blue:

White voters are turning on Trump which I know Trump has instructed you to pay no mind to WAPO but leading polls say otherwise and other polls say otherwise.

And yeah, I get it that the 2016 polls somewhat crashed and burned but Hillary is no longer on the ticket and Trump has been an abject failure when confronted with leadership. He did well riding the economic success of Obama and Dems from the rising above the Bush and GOP ashes but when time come to govern, such as Covid, riots, and the looming economic crises under his watch, he’s appearing to be like a squirrel in the road with no capability to deduce which way to go to avoid the oncoming car. It was fine when folks were doing well under the previous leadership’s policies but now the grifting importer is left naked. And people who feel the pain are noticing.

@Deplorable Me:

I’m not worried how the RNC spends their money. As a matter of fact I’m delighted.

You are indeed the slow one (or play the role of the slow one) of the trolls, aren’t you?

@Ronald J. Ward:

I’m not worried how the RNC spends their money. As a matter of fact I’m delighted.

Well, then…. it seems YOU are the troll.

June 9, 2020 – Led By Tim Scott, Senate Republicans Begin Drafting Their Own Police Reform Plan

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell tapped Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, the chamber’s lone black Republican, to put together a legislative package addressing the country’s policing system.

The plan would respond to the “obvious racial discrimination that we’ve seen on full display on our television screens over the last two weeks,” McConnell told reporters following a GOP luncheon Tuesday to discuss the issue.

The plan comes a day after Democrats – with the support of more than 200 co-sponsors – rolled out their plan to overhaul law enforcement departments across the country. Scott told reporters he hopes Republicans can get a bill on the Senate floor before their July Fourth break.

Scott said Republicans are considering a proposal to increase training to focus on de-escalation tactics that would lessen the potential for chokeholds and other dangerous forms of police restraints. But Scott was clear his GOP colleagues aren’t fans of the major items in the Democratic legislation, which includes bans on chokeholds and no-knock warrants in drug-related cases. He also ruled out reform of the legal doctrine for police known as qualified immunity — a key provision in the bill Democrats unveiled Monday.

The South Carolina Republican said there’s also talk about bringing more police departments under reporting requirements to the FBI and Justice Department. Today, only 40% are under such reporting requirements, and that needs to change, Scott said.

“We’d like to see all the agencies report, so we’re going to provide either resources for it or perhaps reduce grants if they don’t,” Scott said.

The GOP is also discussing setting up a commission to get a handle on concerns facing policing today, Scott added.

The plan would trigger “the establishment of a ‘National Police Commission’ study, so that we can figure out best practices that can used across all departments that we would at least direct funding and resources toward in that direction,” he said.

Scott also noted it’s time to increase funding for police body cameras, which stands at less than $20 million today.

“I’d like to see that number grow significantly,” he said.

Scott said he’ll be developing the legislation as part of a working group that includes Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Ben Sasse of Nebraska, James Lankford of Oklahoma, John Cornyn of Texas and Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia.

Scott said he’s in talks with the White House and he’s hopeful the plan could win President Trump’s support.

“We are on a separate track from the White House,” Scott said. “I have been talking with folks in the White House about the track that they’re on as well. I think there is some synergy between all three tracks.”

Later Tuesday, Scott received a visit from White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, White House adviser and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner and Ja’Ron Smith, deputy director of the White House Office of American Innovation.

“We’re making progress,” Scott said.

Meadows later told some Capitol Hill reporters that the group had a “real good conversation” and is hopeful for a plan sooner rather than later.

“We’re hopeful that we can address the issue in a real way,” Meadows said but declined to say whether the White House could be supportive of Scott’s plan so far. “It’s a work in progress.”

Scott said Republicans would also be working the phones Tuesday to see if any Democrats would join in the legislative effort. However, he was clear that Republicans aren’t on board with the Democratic proposal and wouldn’t be moving forward with it.

“I basically shy away from telling local law enforcement: You shouldn’t do that or you can’t do this,” Scott said, referring to bans on no-knock warrants in drug-related cases and chokeholds. “I think their bill has a tendency to be seen as perhaps a nationalization of some of the underlying issues or techniques.”

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said competing party-driven plans could make it difficult for Congress to approve a reform bill.

“I think there’s going to be a Republican proposal and a Democrat proposal. The only thing that bothers me about that, is what usually happens when there’s a Republican proposal and a Democrat proposal?” Paul asked. “An impasse and nothing.”

But McConnell said he remained hopeful of a plan moving forward. He noted 50 years after major civil rights legislation “we are still wrestling with America’s original’s sin,” adding, “It’s perfectly clear we are a long way from the finish line.”

The majority leader said it was important “to listen to one of our own” – Scott – who, McConnell noted, has personal experiences with racial discrimination that have continued since he began his Senate career.

Separately, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., introduced a resolution that called for justice for Floyd but also expressed opposition to calls from some advocates to “defund the police.” Cotton’s office indicated he would ask for unanimous consent to approve the resolution on Wednesday. Scott was not listed as a co-sponsor.


What do you think it the main reason for the lack of success in black communities?

Do you apologize for your “white” privilege?

What do you think can be done to improve the lives of black people?

Do you think that discrimination against whites will solve the problem?
And my last question;
how many jobs did Mitt Romney offshore that could have gone to people of all races, ethnicities and creeds and does his marching with BLM absolve him from that?

Why are you running from these questions, Greg?

@retire05, #39:

Trump’s average job approval rating presently stands at minus 11.8 percent. Maybe you should be asking yourself why that is instead of posing questions to argue about with me.

Maybe you should be asking yourself why there were 3 to 5 hour waits in line to vote at predominantly democratic voting districts in the Georgia primary, while no similar waiting times were involved in predominantly republican districts.

June 9, 2020 – Chaos in Georgia as ballot shortages and mechanical difficulties keep voters waiting for five HOURS in largely minority areas – raising questions about the state’s ability to run November’s election

June 9, 2020 – Georgia election ‘catastrophe’ in largely minority areas sparks investigation

In Iowa, republican legislatures are frantically trying to shut down any possibility of widespread use of mail-in ballots in the November election—not because any problems or irregularities developed when their primary was just conducted in that fashion, but because it worked remarkably well and resulted in a record primary voter turn-out.

This is how republicans hope to keep Trump in the White House and republican control of the U.S. Senate. Voter suppression is their only hope of doing so. They’ll never manage to hold onto either with high national voter turnouts and honest elections.


Trump’s average job approval rating presently stands at minus 11.8 percent. Maybe you should be asking yourself why that is instead of posing questions to argue about with me.

That has been explained before. The corrupt liberal media’s coverage of Trump is designed to support Democrats and hide the failures and disaster of their agenda. However, more and more can now see through the propaganda and realize just how radical and un-American Democrats have become.

There are 500 homes in a portion of Seattle called, “Capitol Hill.”
In the last few hours Antifa and the white part of BLM took over that community.
They set up checkpoints.
(Gee, didn;t I predict that’s exactly what they’d do if they took over?)
They occupy the entire place.
They communized all the food and drink.
They took over a police station.

What horror for those 500 homeowners abandoned to this mob by their city gov’t.

There’s a saying that America’s 50 states are each laboratories of democracy. The same can be said for its many cities and towns. Seattle is embarking on a grand experiment that sees white leftists virtue signal themselves into turning their rather lovely city into an anarchist experiment. This should be interesting.

Antifa is now running an insurrectionary state inside Seattle itself. This revolt is cause for State Police and arguably the National Guard to restore order to an American city. President George H.W. Bush used the Insurrection Act to quell the 1992 Los Angeles riots, and this antifa “free state” is arguably cause for Trump to do the same here and now.

Take over in Seattle

Idiots running a small chunk of a state hows this different than any democrat city?
Lets see how much they learned in college, any city planners are garbage men funded?
Cut off internet and cellphones they crumble and crawl out in short time. Who is dumb now for hoarding food and TP?

@Greg: Maybe you should be asking yourself why there were 3 to 5 hour waits in line to vote at predominantly democratic voting districts in the Georgia primary, while no similar waiting times were involved in predominantly republican districts.
It happened here in Wisconsin..we know why. Took mom to vote zero waiting time, walked in got a ballot filled it out and put it in machine all in less than 5 minutes.
Mom wore an N95 mask and disposable food service gloves cause she is 91.

@Greg: the approval rating poll is corrupt and irrelevant.

Just remember that Hillary Clinton was supposed to win by a landslide, and she didn’t. There has also in no extraneous factors such as the Russian collusion hoax to account for why the polls were such b.s.

Polls are simply used a Democrat controlled media now to influence public opinion in favor of democrat control.

That you can start BLM riot off of one police misconduct video and yet nothing happens when you have a racist black man beating up white elderly people shows that your media complex is unduly affecting public opinion in a corrupt and unjust way.

The majority of the country is going to vote for Trump.

So, BLM and ANTIFA have launched an armed insurgency against the Eastern District of Seattle and taken it over. Now what?

Do the authorities just let it stand? An armed force hostile to the US government now holds some US soil. Let THAT sink in. No place has been more liberal, more accommodating and more apologetic than Seattle. This is their reward.

Who is willing to use force to take it back? Is anyone? Do we start negotiating with terrorists?

Oh… and who was RIGHT about deploying the military? ONE guess.


Trump’s average job approval rating presently stands at minus 11.8 percent. Maybe you should be asking yourself why that is instead of posing questions to argue about with me.

No cigar, Greggie. I presented you with honest questions pertaining to a particular subject. Instead, I get more of your HateTrump/RepublicansEvil bullshit. I guess you are unable to articulate an opinion on these questions:

What do you think it the main reason for the lack of success in black communities?

Do you apologize for your “white” privilege?

What do you think can be done to improve the lives of black people?

Do you think that discrimination against whites will solve the problem?

And my last question;
how many jobs did Mitt Romney offshore that could have gone to people of all races, ethnicities and creeds and does his marching with BLM absolve him from that?

If you are incapable of answering direct, specific questions, perhaps you should just stop posting.

@Deplorable Me: They will soon get hungry. They have no effective plan, poorly educated in colleges of the NW. No need to create a WACO or Ruby Ridge simply wait them out.
The homeless they invited took away all the free food, they are asking to be restocked.
Seems they have a supply chain problem.

@kitt: Cordon it all off and let COVID do the rest.

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