The left wing media knives come out for Catherine Herridge

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It never made sense to me.

Last October Catherine Herridge left Fox News for CBS News after being at Fox for 23 years. She is a fabulous reporter whose works are impeccable. If she reported it, you could make bank on it. Jay Wallace, president of Fox News Media, said of Herridge:

 ” We are grateful for Catherine’s many contributions to the network, wish her continued success and were proud to honor her as she received the Tex McCrary Award for Journalism last week from the Congressional Medal of Honor Society for her enterprise reporting at Fox News.”

The George Costanza of CNN, also known as Brian Stelter, framed her departure this way:

Fox News departure: Catherine Herridge joins CBS News, saying ‘facts matter’

Sounds as though she was angry with Fox, right? Later on in the article you find this:

Some journalists at the network have complained about a lack of space for real reporting and described feeling squeezed out by the right-wing talk shows that President Trump and his supporters prefer.

It is unknown whether Herridge felt those frustrations. She frequently appeared on Fox’s opinion shows with her reporting, as well as daytime newscasts.

Oh that Costanza….

But like I said, to me this made no sense. CBS is or was the domecile of the likes of Dan Rather and Scott Pelley, two long time partisan hacks. Then there’s Paula Reid, who regularly attempts to impugn Trump at press conferences frequently in matters regarding China.

Her husband is a lobbyist for China.

This does not seem the proper milieu for Herridge, whose work has always been unassailable and spot on accurate. I keep wondering why CBS would want someone unafraid to tell the truth- especially when it comes to democrats and barack obama. It was only going to be a matter of time before the left wing media pulled out the knives for her if she touched that third rail.

That time has come.

Herridge’s first offense was interviewing AG Bill Barr and actually allowing him to talk. That was the interview that the loathsome Chuck Toad of NBC deceptively edited to make Barr sound evil.

Her most egregious offense was to report on the list (released by Acting DNI Rick Grenell) of those involved in the unmasking of Gen. Michael Flynn

You’ll note that the last person on the list is Joe Biden. When asked about this by Stephanopoulos, Biden was totally flummoxed.

Biden, as does Trump, has a rapid response team, led by one Andrew Bates. Bates took to Twitter and unleashed a beauty at Herridge.

You’ll note that it was so nasty that even the CNN hack Jake Tapper was offended. I doubt he would have been so upset had Herridge still been at Fox News.

Not to be outdone, the Daily Beast (You remember them. They were first to publish the Russian disinformation known as the Steele dossier) then posted a hit job on Herridge as well.

Stacey Lennox at PJ Media shared a glimpse inside the DB article.  democrats are unhappy with Herridge, as they are used to having CBS reporters fawn them.

“The problem we had with the Russia stuff and FISA stuff from day one was that people are getting two sets of news depending on what you watch,” one Democratic hill staffer said. “Some Dems were willing to live with that if it was limited to Fox News. But at CBS you are giving it the imprimatur of neutrality and that of a serious news organization.”

People at CBS News are also perturbed at Herridge’s reporting:

“Personally I and a few of my other colleagues are really frustrated because we thought she wanted to come to CBS to do real news, not just GOP talking points, but she’s just doing more of the same stuff,” one insider said. Several CBS staffers noted how the Fox News editorial standards are different than those at the more buttoned-up traditional broadcast news outlet, perhaps an inherent challenge in Herridge’s transition to her new outlet.

Got that? CBS has been in the cesspool so long that they don’t even notice the sewer stench of bias that they wear.

They’ve gone nose blind as it were. In the left wing media bizarro world nothing that shines a negative light on democrats can be factual or worthy of reporting.

Which is why I wonder why CBS hired Catherine Herridge. She’s too good for them. I have always liked Herridge and I hope she is not shut down by the morons at CBS News.

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propaganda has been the tool of inciting violence in a totalitarian state. when you incite the masses to acton this structure than becomes a classless society that can be manipulated. stalin, hitler, mao, obama all tried. the left continues to try since slut hillary lost. i have followed Catherine Herridge work for years. she is a very good reporter. maybe she can see what is occuring?? Carl von Clausewitz was a military genius. he constructed an intellectual entity titled the Trinity: “inevitably, new solutions spawn new problems and new dependencies create new vulnerabilities.” for those to lazy to read, The Trinity consist of primordial violence, hatred and enmity, all very relevant in today’s world.

Liberals have forgotten Mrs Herridge’s troubled past at Fox News.
She had to fight for extensive time off to give up a piece of her liver to her very sick newborn baby.
She also had to sue Fox News when they were dumping all their older Fox females for young beauty queens.
Her discrimination suit saved, not just herself, but quite a few of the older, more seasoned reporters at Fox who happened to be female.

So, maybe CBS better watch out.
Mrs Herridge is not aboving fighting like a tiger for her family and her job.
She’s done nothing wrong in reporting a breaking news story about the unmaskings.

I love this: just give us the facts, give us the real news. I can’t say Fox isn’t biased, of course, but when I watch CNN or any of the other ones, they are so rabidly foisting their political agenda that I can’t stand it…and they give no facts. Fox at least talks about real happenings, but you do have to sort out the bias.

Ms Attkison could have told her how CBS treats investigative reporters attacked by Democrats in power.
Is this Cathrines next gig teaming up with her or Solomans Just the News perhaps?

Can you say Sharyl Attkisson and Lara Logan?

One point: Paula, not Joy Reid is married to Jason. Reid.