On Saturday I posted a piece noting that obama and democrats were in a state of panic. Now, their stooges in the left media join them in utter panic.
You’re going to see the word “deceptive” a lot.
Jimmy Kimmel deceptively altered a video of Mike Pence delivering medical supplies.
A small sampling of media people and Democrats pushing Jimmy Kimmel's deceptively edited video of Mike Pence delivering PPE. pic.twitter.com/GGUTL8JkyV
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) May 8, 2020
It’s a late night show, right? That didn’t stop the left wing media from using it as news.
It was retweeted endlessly
And that was just quote tweets, here are some of the people who gave it a straight up retweet: pic.twitter.com/D0j1NQBBxo
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) May 8, 2020
Kimmel’s video can be seen at Newsbusters. Kimmel later issued a half-assed apology that blamed Pence for Kimmel’s deceit.
it would appear that @vp was joking about carrying empty boxes for a staged publicity stunt. The full video reveals that he was carrying full boxes for a staged publicity stunt. My apologies. I know how dearly this administration values truth. https://t.co/hI9cO4lxcX
— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) May 8, 2020
Kimmel is an ass, but perhaps the most interesting thing is that the left wing media idiots swallowed Kimmel’s piece as fact without the least question. Kimmel is now a left wing media news source. That’s the level of quality now. Go figure.
Yesterday was a banner day for the mendacious left wing media. “George Costanza” Stelter did his best to shake his viewers off the trail of Obama being directly involved in the plat against Flynn and Trump:
"They’re treating the Michael Flynn story like it's a bigger deal than the deaths of 2,000 Americans a day."@brianstelter rips "right-wing media" for extensive coverage of @GenFlynn and the Russia investigation. pic.twitter.com/I2fNW4whGY
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) May 10, 2020
Also yesterday Chuck Toad deceptively edited the words of AG Bill Barr in order to ding Barr on Meet the Press. Barr’s spokesperson Kerry Kupec saw it and took exception
Very disappointed by the deceptive editing/commentary by @ChuckTodd on @MeetThePress on AG Barr’s CBS interview.
Compare the two transcripts below. Not only did the AG make the case in the VERY answer Chuck says he didn’t, he also did so multiple times throughout the interview. pic.twitter.com/PR1ciceMmE
— Kerri Kupec DOJ (@KerriKupecDOJ) May 10, 2020
What really was said
Greg Price put the videos together to demonstrate how slimy Toad was.
Today on Meet The Press, @chucktodd wildly took context out of an answer AG Bill Barr gave about his decision to drop the case into Gen. Michael Flynn.
I cut Todd's segment along with Barr's full answer together. Look at how blatantly dishonest this is. pic.twitter.com/tODOEwL48V
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) May 10, 2020
Chuck Todd is and always will be a democrat flack water boy. Later in the day MTP issued an “apology.”
You’re correct. Earlier today, we inadvertently and inaccurately cut short a video clip of an interview with AG Barr before offering commentary and analysis. The remaining clip included important remarks from the attorney general that we missed, and we regret the error.
— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) May 10, 2020
Inadvertently my ass. The damage has been done and it is highly unlikely Toad and MTP will retract it on air.
Then last night it was 60 Minutes’ turn to lie.
As the U.S. took the lead for illness and death from coronavirus, the White House moved the focus to the Chinese government. Last Sunday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo attempted to resurrect a debunked theory that the virus was man-made in China. https://t.co/MZbfe4LeXi pic.twitter.com/bIjTRfboTg
— 60 Minutes (@60Minutes) May 10, 2020
Scott Pelley has become pillar of deception all by himself. 60 Minutes ran to the defense of China. Pelley attacked Matt Gaetz:
Pelley deceptively made it appear as though Rep. Matt Gaetz’s (R-FL) remarks on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” were the genesis of the claim.
The claim originated in a report from The Daily Mail on April 11, a fact that Pelley did not tell viewers. The claim was also not completely false, as some of the money was found to be going to the Wuhan lab.
Pelley poured it on
Pelley goes on to praise the Wuhan Institute of Virology, saying that it was “internationally respected” and that State Department cables sent to Washington, D.C., in 2018 said that the lab was “critical to future… outbreak prediction and prevention.” Pelley downplayed the warning contained in the cables as the State Department was “concerned” about a lab not having enough trained researchers.
Pelley then went on to spit out a deceptive list
Again, Pelley’s claims here are misleading. The U.S. has conducted more coronavirus testing than any other country, China hoarded medical supplies, the U.S. used the Defense Production Act to ramp up needed equipment, and White House Coronavirus Task Force member Dr. Anthony Fauci has said that President Donald Trump has listened to all their scientific recommendations and put them into action.
Pelley then appeared to defend even China’s lies:
Next, Pelley promoted Chinese communist propaganda by claiming that the U.S. has “led the world in illness and death.” First, the U.S. has the most confirmed cases because it has done by far the most testing and because it is honestly reporting the cases. China on the other hand has lied about the outbreak in its country. Estimates from U.S. officials, foreign governments, and top think tanks all say that China has the most coroanvirus cases and deaths of any country in the world.
My favorite was this
“Last Sunday, Secretary of State Mike Pomepo attempted to resurrect a debunked theory that the virus was man-made in China.”
What Pompeo actually said was
“I can tell you that there is a significant amount of evidence that this came from that laboratory in Wuhan,”
60 Minutes then tried to dispel that assertion but they simply cannot- China has destroyed the evidence- something 60 Minutes deceptively left out.
The Federalist’s Ben Domenech minced no words:
Federalist co-founder Ben Domenech ripped Pelley and CBS News on Twitter, writing, “Because a lot of [CBS News] and [60 Minutes] personnel follow me, every single one of you is a tool of the Red Chinese for saying this unless you openly reject this falsehood. This is simply a lie. CBS should apologize and retract.”
Pelley is a jerk, but so is pretty much all of the left wing media. Rather than get too upset by all this left wing calumny, sit back and enjoy it. It is the beginning of the end for their fantasies.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Well! Maybe the MSN is finally relating their lack of popularity with publishing and airing fake news. Is there hope that the news media will actually revert to real news organizations? Nah, they are too seeped into their ideology.
Are you attributing Pompeo’s answer to Trump?
When I see how high our USA coronavirus numbers of cases are (per 100,000 population) compared to the rest of the world, I wonder if most of the world is using very faulty Chinese testing kits.
Those kits have a more than 50% false result.
Our tests test correctly in the 90% range.
Leave it to our twisted media to skew anything they can to make the Trump Admin look bad tho.
The media is in a panic because it knows about a LOT more dirt than it reports.
And that dirt is on the Democrats.
@Doug Maciejack:
My bad. It’s fixed. Thanks
VP Pence, maskless in the above photographs, is now self-quarantining.
May 11, 2020 – Coronavirus is ravaging the White House and it’s too late for anyone to learn from it
A bit hyperbolic, I think, but factually accurate, as near as I can tell…
@Greg: @Greg: You never understand do you. Too many drugs!
@Greg: Hyperbolic? Really? What a shock.
The media is nothing but a tool of the Democrats so, by necessity, of course they lie and deceive on a regular basis.
And this proves that the media is in sheer panic? Okay.
@Marty Schmidt: I see your point; they lie all the time, this is just barely more than normal.
@Marty Schmidt: Yes. When there isn’t even an attempt to hide their misinformation behind something true, the slander and libel become so egregious as to be charged as a crime, since you can prove they had ill-intent.
Panic, indeed.
Which no doubt explains why the May 7th delivery from FEMA, four months into our own nation’s involvement in a global pandemic emergency, was a newsworthy photo-op event, rather than an example of a routine event that should have been going on all along. More on that:
A short refresher on a relevant point of English grammar:
Jimmy Kimmel is a comedian. He uses comedy to make his point, as he has done here. Why aren’t you all laughing?
@Greg: greggie, do you mean why are we not laughing at Jimmy like we laugh at you?
Because the media hoovered it up as fact.
Because YOU people accept these “comedians” as pundits that bring you your facts. Remember “I can see Russia from my house”? You all actually came to believe Palin herself said that. You look for ANYTHING you can find to HATE. You have to constantly feed your hatred to keep it burning hot. The lying, corrupt liberal media is what feeds it. If Trump is so terrible, why do they need to lie about him calling Mexicans criminals? Why do they have to lie about him calling white supremacists “good people”? Why do they have to lie about calling the virus a hoax? Why do they have to lie about him saying states were on their own? Why do they have to lie about hydrochloroquine? Why do they have to lie about him telling people to ingest Lysol? You have to keep fanning the flames of that hatred… otherwise, you might become a human being.
Because idiots like you make voting decisions based on his rather blunt propaganda thinly veiled as “comedy”.
I don’t want talk show hosts to decide who is President, using a group-think pop-culture trick-f*ck method to make people line up like Lemmings and run off the cliff, like they do with these idiot Democrats.
Obama almost destroyed the country, and thankfully Trump put it back together. HRC would be welcoming Chinese tanks right now to help us “combat the virus”.
still eating out of the toilet bowl, mentally and physically?
A nation that once put a man on the moon is now celebrating the government’s delivery of initial boxes of basic personal protective equipment over four months after the beginning of a pandemic…
Sorry, but I don’t consider this amazing feat an indicator of administrative competency—particularly when FEMA has been bidding against states and medical care providers to obtain supplies to dole out, or actually intercepting and appropriating orders directly placed by those who need them. In a time of declared national emergency, it shouldn’t take four freaking months to crank out an adequate supply of medical-grade paper filter masks and gloves. We shouldn’t still be pretending that adequate testing is being done.
Either corruption or incompetence alone should be sufficient to oust this administration. There’s been abundant evidence demonstrating the presence of both.
Your Daily Dose of COVID-19 Flapdoodle. (This shouldn’t be taken in conjunction with hydroxychloroquine.)
@Greg: I’d take hydroxychloroquine before Faux xis franken drug.
None of that is remotely accurate, but just partisan spin. Trump orchestrates such things to bait and trap morons like you.
You selectively ignore the oceans of accomplishments during this pandemic to schlep this turd of non-story? God, you are daft.
Meanwhile: Tesla ventilators, excess hospital beds and support for all states, More tests, better tests, and like to have a vaccine before New Years.
Dems: using the pandemic deaths for political gain, lying reporters/governors out spreading the virus to others and ignoring their own rules, Flynn exonerated and the trail leading to the previous administration.
Yeah, PPEs and stuff. Good one, bro.
All in all, Trump and our Country are…
A lack of having stockpiled PPEs for a un-predicted natural disaster isn’t the failure you propaganda-addicted morons prayed for. Instead, the type of lies perpetrated by Todd et al is going to cost the Dems votes, and the House in November.
@Walter McKenna:
The majority of those are in Democrat states whose governors praise Trump for the aid and support he has provided. Do you blame them for those deaths or are you simply in the business of politicizing tragedy?
Except Obama failed to mention he burned through all the PPE and equipment and didn’t replace it. No such “playbook” exists. Obama golfed while people died of H1N1; he had no clue whatsoever.
No. He didn’t.
Those are all liberal propaganda. They’ve been long ago disproved.
@Walter McKenna: You may want to review your “facts” before your comments are accepted as truth.
@Deplorable Me: @Randy:
Sorry guys, was Gary Miller our resident sock puppet again.
@Randy: Walter McKenna must never pay a dime in State taxes, therefore nothing is expected of the clowns he votes for to run his state and its many abc departments.
Here there is enough testing available every one symptomatic or not can get one. Hospitals are reopening for silly elective things like heart operations and other so called elective surgery. In this short time seems one of our 2 hospitals became over 6000 surgeries behind.
@Bobby Sanchez: A play book is not any good if it is not specific to the threat and if the medical supplies have been expended and not replaced. The primary responsibility for pandemic is the state. Look at what CA and NY did. There was a plan with supplies but they failed to maintain the inventory. Look at the states who have been sending infected people back to the nursing homes. That is Governors, not Trump.
@kitt: We fought a war over states rights, but the people in the states must elect people who can govern, not cry to the feds to always bail them out.
@Randy: The States lost that war not just in the 4 years where the southern states rebelled. Now by making a deal with the devil for federal tax money.
@Curt: Oh, I suspected as much. No facts, pushing disproven lies, irrational, uninformed…
@Randy: And if this “playbook” was so informative and predictive, why didn’t OBAMA take any steps? He was buying billions of rounds of useless ammunition for FEMA, the IRS, the USPS, the EPA instead of replacing the PPE and equipment he burned through in 2009. Kind of like Clinton telling Bush about all the “credible threats” al Qaeda posed, yet Clinton never did anything to stop them. Liberals are just as full of shit in hindsight as they are in prediction.
@Curt: Is Gary Miller the guy who used to have the ( -Huntington Beach) tag in his posts?
No, think that was Larry…I know he lived over near me in HB. Miller is the asshat liberal who couldn’t understand what the most wanted section was about and will try to comment as different people to get passed the filter.
@Nathan Blue, #21:
The PPE shortages are only imaginary? Tell it to the doctors, nurses, and other front-line pandemic responders
Perhaps he should have been devoting less time to baiting and trapping morons like me, and more time to figuring out how to provide medical care workers with an adequate supply of basic protective gear. And the general public? I had to buy a cloth face mask from an Amish leather belt company now selling masks on eBay. Neither CVS nor Walgreens had anything.
Here in Colorado, all the stores hand you one at the door if you need one. What shitty, mismanaged state do you live in?
LOL. But yes, there were and are PPE shortages.
And so what? It’s hardly the “gotcha” moment you morons pray for. Nobody outside of your shrinking group blames the PPE issues on Trump.
Morons like you cheer on such shortages and think it gives you the right to just pull Trump from the Oval Office. It’s weak tea, and you know it. Disliking a President is one thing, but your obedience to the propaganda isn’t helping anyone at all and is creating a civil war of tribalism, not Constitutional rule of law. Win the god-damn election. That’s how it works!
Your party is using “rule-by-public-opinion” instead of seeking the truth. I want the Truth, not what is going to make Trump look bad…or any president, for that matter…including a Democrat one.
Now Biden is being implicated in the illegal unmasking of Flynn. Oh my.
But that’s just “mis-direction” right, because it was Trump’s job to pull billions of n95 masks out of his ass during a pandemic…and now we’re going to GET HIM!!!
Hahahahaha….good luck with that.
You have a sexual predator/Stalin-style dictator running for president on the Dem ticket. Better tend to that, slick.
@Nathan Blue: Maybe, Obama should have thought about the importance of medical equipment being manufactured in the US instead of China. When Obama under Obama Care put the tax on medical equipment, the medical equipment manufacturers had to move to China to be world competitive. Another Democrat failure to understand the issue of unintended consequences for their actions.
@Randy: Maybe he asked Biden if he could cut into some of China’s profits, Joe asked Hunter and they decided it would hurt their bottom line.
Haven’t been posting for a while due to health issues with my better half. I have been lurking when I can though…
You mean like banning travel from China (Jan 31)? That seems fairly close to the four month timeframe you refer to in #18.
Although the reaction from your media folks (plus your candidate for President AND Comrade Bernie) wasn’t particularly positive or supportive at the time…
Maybe if there hadn’t been the distraction of the Dem’s umpteenth whiff at flinging excrement at the walls trying to find something that might stick, there could have been some productive bi-partisan discussion of what to do when.
Note that Comrade Bernie’s response is from March, LONG after you contend ‘something’ should have been going on.
Yeah, THAT sounds helpful to prevent the spread of the pandemic (rolls eyes)
Um, WHO declared COVID-19 to be a pandemic March 11th. President Trump declared the national state of emergency on March 13th, two days later.
Not to pick nits, but from then to May 7th is 55 days, slightly less than TWO months – but, then again, I know math can be an issue for lefties.
Just for fun, can you name which federal agency exactly is responsible for ‘cranking them out’?
Oh, that’s right, it’s private industry that actually makes things.
Subject to government regulations…and, as you say, “More on that:”
Remember that one of President Trump’s goals was to decrease regulations. And, as usual, there were those who ‘resisted’ any suggestion from President Trump and opposed any decreases in regulatory authority.
Hmmm, DE-regulation will be the danger/tragedy/disaster according to the ‘regulatory expert’.
(Although ‘Flirtin’ with Disaster’ is a pretty good song…but I digress)
So what part of Trumps’ DE-regulation is “jeopardizing the health and safety of Americans” and preventing companies from ‘cranking them out’?
Surely that can’t be the case. After all, ‘experts’ have assured us that the regulations are vital and necessary to prevent ‘causing a disaster’!
Methinks perhaps the ‘regulatory expert from Public Citizen’ doesn’t understand cause and effect very well.
Or, is just anti-Trump…
You DO realize don’t you that the CDC only changed that recommendation a month or so ago. Prior to that, masks were NOT recommended for the general public.
So, really, the homemade mask is just a placebo anyway.
But, you know, ‘Party of Science’!
@Jay: Glad you are back!!
@Randy: Thanks!
Not sure how much I’ll be able to be around, but had some time today.
What is truly (sadly) hilarious about that is that whenever Democrat governors complained about Trump’s response, it was about how long it took to get something done, such as approving private enterprises to make and conduct tests. What WAS the holdup? Regulation. The FDA would not allow it to happen without extensive REGULATION. Yet, these are the worshipers of BIG GOVERNMENT.
Good to see you again and hope everything turns out OK. Good Luck.
Nobody is going to jail over masks. That’s why it’s suddenly all liberals want to talk about. Just the latest distraction from the attempt to close America until she dies of economic paralysis at the hands of certain state governments that suddenly act totalitarian instead of in the interests of the citizens.
Meanwhile, the Supreme Court of Wisconsin slapped down that state govt for unconstitutional actions.
@Meremortal: Minions at county level are now in action trying to keep businesses closed, fighting at county or city level will be easier.
Oh the Guv’ner is calling the decision judicial activism. I just dont see shopping at the Piggly wiggly more dangerous than shopping for a pair of blue jeans at Macys, or buying a couch or chair at the furniture store.
We can get tested here without symptoms. Our hospitalization rate was never even significant.
5.81 million in Wisconsin infection rate .001724%, 421 have died without comfort of family and no proper funeral.
We must learn to live with this virus as just another thing that can kill us, like auto accidents or any other disease.