Yesterday was a great day. Flynn has been freed. The DOJ has dropped the Flynn prosecution.
The Justice Department on Thursday moved to drop its case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, in a stunning development that comes after internal memos were released raising serious questions about the nature of the investigation that led to Flynn’s late 2017 guilty plea of lying to the FBI.
The announcement came in a court filing “after a considered review of all the facts and circumstances of this case, including newly discovered and disclosed information,” as the department put it. DOJ officials said they concluded that Flynn’s interview by the FBI was “untethered to, and unjustified by, the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into Mr. Flynn” and that the interview was “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis.”
Flynn was set up. Two years ago I said Flynn was caught in a perjury trap.
Trust us, the FBI said to Flynn. You don’t need a lawyer.
You might also remember that obama fired Michael Flynn. Here’s why- almost five years ago I wrote this:
Obama is cooking the intelligence about ISIS- and why
Obama had been warned three times about ISIS, including a warning from Lt. Gen Michael Flynn:
On Feb. 11, 2014, the Pentagon’s top intelligence official, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, warned the group would likely attempt to take over even more territory.
“ISIL probably will attempt to take territory in Iraq and Syria to exhibit its strength in 2014, as demonstrated recently in Ramadi and Fallujah, and the group’s ability to concurrently maintain multiple safe havens in Syria,” Flynn told the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Michael Flynn was the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency from 2012-2014, and was appointed by Obama. Flynn has been very critical of Obama’s disastrous Middle East policies. Flynn asserts that arming and funding ISIS was a “willful decision”:
And I wrote this
PS: Gen. Flynn has called for Hillary Clinton to be stripped of her security clearance. It’s likely only a matter of time before Flynn is visited by the IRS or is suddenly embroiled in some curious affair.
Now superimpose that on obama warning Trump about Flynn
“Stay away from Michael Flynn”
Trump was going to hire Flynn, so the FBI set a perjury trap for Flynn.
And obama knew.
President Obama was aware of the details of then-incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn’s intercepted December 2016 phone calls with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, apparently surprising then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, according to documents released Thursday as exhibits to the government’s motion to dismiss the Flynn case.
Obama’s unexpectedly intimate knowledge of the details of Flynn’s calls, which the FBI acknowledged at the time were not criminal or even improper, raised eyebrows because of his own history with Flynn — and because top FBI officials secretly discussed whether their goal was to “get [Flynn] fired” when they interviewed him in the White House on January 24, 2017
obama wanted Flynn crippled so he could not disclose what he knew of obama’s deceits. Flynn knew where the bodies were buried. He had to be set up. Now there is no question that the Jan.5 2017 meeting was about how to frame Flynn.
At that point, the documents showed, “Yates had no idea what the president was talking about, but figured it out based on the conversation. Yates recalled Comey mentioning the Logan Act, but can’t recall if he specified there was an ‘investigation.’ Comey did not talk about prosecution in the meeting.”
The exhibit continues: “It was not clear to Yates from where the President first received the information. Yates did not recall Comey’s response to the President’s question about how to treat Flynn. She was so surprised by the information she was hearing that she was having a hard time processing it and listening to the conversation at the same time.”
How they went about it is well, criminal.
- FBI policy requires 302 forms to be submitted within five working days of an interview. The FBI took three weeks to deliberate on and compose Flynn’s 302 form, and it was mislabeled a “DRAFT DOCUMENT,” requiring a resubmission of the form three months later.
- Other messages reveal that Page, who did not attend the interview, reviewed the 302 form and made editing suggestions. On February 14, Page texts Strzok, “Is Andy good with the 302?” – presumably referring to FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe. The next day, February 15, the Flynn 302 was officially submitted and filed with the FBI.
- FBI supervisors, however, are not supposed to rewrite other agents’ 302 forms. Nor are 302 forms supposed to be edited by FBI personnel who were not present at the interview, and both of these things happened in the Flynn case.
- Both former agents also expressed concern that Page, who was not present at the interview, was editing the 302 form against FBI protocol. “For [Strzok] to send that 302 to Lisa Page, a non-badge wearing, non-credential-having FBI agent, is unconscionable,” says Galiano.
- Even after the Flynn 302 was collectively written during the weeks-long delay in submission, the original wasn’t initially used in the case. Instead, Baker said, Mueller’s team submitted their own interview with Strzok “about his recollection of the interview with Flynn five or six months ago. Now that’s just bizarre.”
- On May 4, Republican Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio and Mike Johnson of Louisiana sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray demanding, among other things, that he make Pientka available for a transcribed interview regarding Flynn.
You may also remember James Clapper directing his toy David Ignatius of the Washington Post to “take the kill shot” on Flynn. The execrable James “Slimy” Comey bragged about he was able to set Flynn up. There was absolutely NO REASON to send agents to interrogate Flynn. The Flynn-Kislyak transcript was in hand. The only reason to send them was to By threatening to ruin Flynn’s son Mueller’s rabid and mendacious team coerced Flynn into pleading guilty to something that wasn’t a crime.
Who framed Michael Flynn? We now have that answer. All the pieces of the puzzle are in place and it begins with obama.
So now if I’m Trump I appoint a task force to investigate the abuse of power by the FBI, the CIA and Adam Schiff.
With Michael Flynn in charge.
The party is just beginning.
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
@Greg: Because the bottom line is, if the defendant is guilty, it is not necessary to knee-cap him with an ambush interview, asking him questions about a phone call the interviewers have the transcript to, but the defendant does not, a 302 is not filed until months after the interview (or the original is destroyed and replaced months later), the 302 is altered to make sure it looks like the defendant lied, the 302 is withheld from the defense, no Brady material is provided, exculpatory evidence is hidden, a shady side deal made to coerce the defendant to plead guilty is hidden from the judge, or us a judge that is a liberal sycophant that goes off on a rant accusing the defendant of crimes not even charged. So why was all that done? How about you address all that before you determine dropping the case against Gen. Flynn is such a miscarriage of justice? Oh, and ALL THAT HAPPENED, so don’t come back with some BULLSHIT that none of that is true.
@Greg: Here Greg, comment after you read this piece of well sourced TRUTH:
@Meremortal: That was a good reference. I read that earlier. greggie will find some excuse to refute it though. His purpose is to continue the distribution of the lie, not accept the truth.
@Greg: Brother you want a credible explanation for dropping charges.
How about I charge you with beating a your wife to death, and you dont even have a wife. You never had a wife, you never even had a girlfriend, let alone beat any woman. Yet I dont allow any evidence that proves your innocence before the court. I hide you have always been a single lonely loser that has to tie a bone around your neck to get the dog to sit by you.
So it is with Flynn he never lied as the original interrogators noted, they hid all exculpatory evidence, got him to confess to false charges under duress.
Suddenly Ward finds all the evidence I have been hiding that proves you are a lonely loser and makes it public.
Now the Judge wants to charge him with perjury for his original plea that he signed under duress with the worst lawyers ever.
Now why did you murder your wife I have made a charge, so now everyone here believes it. Retire05 will be your Lawyer.
Now all we have to do is wait a few minutes for the chorus of, “But Obama is not President anymore. You guys are obsessed!” Of course, we wouldn’t be discussing the media-whore Obama, who can’t stand not being the focus of attention if the big mouth media-whore would keep his stupid, ignorant opinions to his stupid, big mouth, media-whore self.
Three Facts:
1. Unmasking a U.S. citizen and leaking their identity is a Federal Crime.
2. General Flynn’s name was unmasked on January 12, 2017
3. Declassified records prove Joe Biden unmasked General Flynn on the same day – January 12, 2017
@skyshark91: Leaking the continence of the conversation to the media is a felony unless you are Hillary Clinton.
obama ordered surveillance of a he ruskie amb, was hen booted out the riskiest diplomats while Flynn was in the domican republic knowing the riskiest amb would call Flynn. A complete set up…
@Randy: Perjury is a crime as well and every one of Obama’s maggots that have testified have committed perjury. But, apparently, that only applies to Generals when they don’t do it.
@Randy, #100:
No, it’s because you have no plausible explanation or excuse for any of it. No one on the Trump side of the divide has ever addressed any of the most important issues. There’s only deflection, distraction, counter accusations, and blame shifting.
The game around here is to push any troublesome posts up out of sight and out of mind with a barrage of inane blather, and then circle back to recitation of the Deep State conspiracy b.s. that’s been poured out by right-wing propaganda outlets by the bucketful. That’s Trump’s own reality TV show act in a nutshell.
@Greg: The plausible explanation has been provide dozens of times. Obama wanted to wreck Trump’s campaign. He failed, so he tried to wreck his administration. He NEEDED to do that because all his other illegal surveillance and spying was going to be exposed. THAT failed.
What you need to provide is a plausible explanation of why an innocent man was targeted for destruction, if not our scenario.
The Gen. Flynn scandal is not getting smaller, it is expanding, touching Obama and now Biden. Dozens of others, who had no business unmasking anyone, are not suspects of illegally leaking him and his phone call to the Washington Post. Why? Why was it necessary to leak it to the media if he was so goddamn guilty of something? The more the Obama administration is examined, the dirtier it gets. THAT’S the plausibility… scumbags.
@Greg: No ignorant one. We have referred you to the DOJ justification so many times. You just fail to understand. You just put your fingers in your ears and hum lalalalalalala. You are either too dumb to understand or lack the intelligence of a rock. When Flynn is set free, then please go somewhere else and commiserate with your resister buddies. They are also rocks.
I was going to spend the time to explain the legal issues to you greggie for the who knows how many times. But then I remembered that rocks can not recognize facts or think. Since you are a rock, it would have been a waste of time. However, there had to be an underlying crime, not suspicions of a crime. There was none according to the FBI, yet Mueller continued to prosecute. McCabe, Comey and the gang said under oath there was no Russian collusion between the Trump organization to include Flynn. Schfty failed to release those documents. Yet Mueller continued to prosecute. Mueller actually threatened to go after Flynn’s son unless Flynn took a plea. The Prosecution, Mueller, failed to release the documents required under Brady. Flynn’s own legal team (who worked for Obama crowd), withheld 6,500 pages. Barr asked a Federal Attorney from MO to review the Flynn case. His response was, “there is no case”. “There is potential for government malpractice.” So Barr submitted the findings and the government withdrew from the case. The “facts” are that Flynn has a very good civil case against the US Government and many individuals who worked for the government as individuals. The basic criteria for lying to the government is that the lie had to be material to a case. There was no case and the comment was not material. This is the findings after all of the documents were released and examined by someone not on the resister team.
That is it. The Flynn case will be dropped with prejudice either by Sullivan or a higher court. Clapper and the whole gang testified under oath that there was no Russian collusion with the Trump organization. Those documents were published. Can you read? They were written at a high school level, so you may be excused. When that happens, please go somewhere else since we here want to discuss real issues with real people, not sock puppets!
@Randy Fritz, #112:
Sorry, but I’m smart enough to realize that the “justification” the DoJ provided makes no sense whatsoever. One doesn’t have to be a lawyer to figure that out.
That would require you to first figure them out yourself, which you apparently have not yet done.
It has not been established that the Deep State conspiracy theory the Trump administration is incessantly pitching is anything more than imaginary. Consequently, the Trump peanut gallery’s unquestioning belief in the reality of this propaganda construct cannot serve as evidence that Flynn was framed as part of it.
That Flynn lied to conceal information from FBI investigators is a fact. That he was a paid agent of a foreign power and failed to disclose this before taking the job of national security advisor to a President of the United States is fact. That knowledge of this secret would have given the Russian government leverage over an advisor who had both inside information and the ear of the President is a fact. That he perjured himself at least once when he submitted contradictory sworn statements to a federal court is a fact. That he acknowledged and pleaded guilty to reduced charges in return for cooperation that he then refused to provide is a fact.
He may or may not have lied to the Vice President; that depends on who’s lying about what was said. It depends on what Trump and Pence knew about him. It might be worth remembering that the Obama administration warned the Trump administration that they should be wary of Flynn. That tip went unheeded.
This was a 100% politically motivated case that should never have been brought. It’s not complicated. Currently, Sullivan is proving that is the correct assessment.
That Trump is the single most dishonest, corrupt, and dangerous individual ever to occupy the Oval Office is a fact. Unfortunately no amount of evidence will ever convince his most loyal followers of this.
@Greg: No, we now know that was Obama. A thoroughly corrupt, anti-American, socialist, fascist liar.
Uh huh. How about Trump’s new “Super Duper Missile”? The man is a cartoon character.
@Greg: Ya Ya Ya he knows how many states there are.
@Greg: Well, I guess you finally got tired of getting your ass kicked on the political persecution Gen. Flynn. Time to tangent off to another boondoggle.
obama intentionally spied on Michael Flynn. He is guilty of treason…
I stand by every point I’ve raised in this thread concerning Flynn. They’re fact-based conclusions, and no one has offered a coherent, rational rebuttal to any of them. The reason is that there is none to be put forward. Do you understand the significance of that? It means that you’re WRONG.
@Greg: Its hard to provide a coherent rebuttle when the prosecution of Flynn wasn’t based in any rational, by the FBI or DOJ under Barry and dirty holdovers. They got busted lying and illegally withholding evidence its proven, why would they go after an innocent man? He would have the security clearance to uncover and stop their cutsie pie coup.
You can sit and give us the communist party line of propaganda on every single thread.
Why did you murder your wife?
@Greg: Of course you do. Why not? You haven’t faced up to a lie yet. No one is surprised.
@Greg: You really are a rock. Watch what we have told you happen again and again, and again while you continue to deny it again and again.
There, I fixed Comrade Greggie’s comment. So…………………now let’s look at the time line;
Dec. 29, 2016 – Phone call between Flynn and Kislyak
Jan. 4, 2017 – FBI closes investigation into Flynn re: Crossfire Hurricane, even going so far as to have a supervisor approve the closing document
Jan. 4, 2017 – Peter Strzok emails the FBI and tells them not to close out the Flynn part of Crossfire Hurricane as “the 7th floor (Comey’s office)” is on this.
“While Jan. 4 was the date the FBI was to shutter its counterintelligence investigation of Flynn because it established no “derogatory” information about him, then-FBI head of counterintelligence operations Peter Strzok scrambled that day to keep the probe open. Then-FBI Director James Comey later told the House Intelligence Committee that the probe was kept open after the FBI obtained Flynn’s calls with Kislyak regarding the sanctions.”
Jan. 5, 2017 – Meeting held in Oval Office with Obama, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Biden and Sally Yates. Obama asked Comey and Yates (according to Yates’ testimony) to stay behind. She was shocked he mentioned Flynn in the meeting as she testified she had no idea of anything with Flynn.
also on January 5, 2017 – Flynn is unmasked by Dennis McDonough, Obama’s Chief of Staff.
Now, it is also being reported that Clapper stated that he got a copy (transcript) of the call from Comey. But it wasn’t the actual transcript Clapper got but a synopsis of the call that included Flynn’s name. So Flynn was not unmasked, he was never masked to begin with when Comey gave Clapper the transcript.
“Comey said the calls were “turned up … at the end of December, beginning of January.”
Then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper requested copies from Comey and then briefed Obama, his Vice President Joe Biden, and Obama’s senior staff about the calls, Comey said.”
Flynn was fired on February 13, 2017. Who was it that advised VP Pence and President Trump on Flynn?
It was this “transcript” that was provided BY COMEY to show that Flynn had lied to Vice President Mike Pence as Comey was not fired until May 9, 2017. Mission accomplished. Comey and gang had gotten Flynn fired.
And then there’s this:
@Randy: You are insulting rocks. Rocks have many uses, Greggie, not so much.
@Boris Badenov: Well, on a bell curve, he boosts us into the top 90%.
@retire05, #125:
Some 365 words, and you still managed to avoid each every point raised about Flynn’s established wrongdoing, and his vulnerability to Russian blackmail.
@kittm #122:
I’ll quote myself:
The foregoing sure as hell justifies the investigation. Without it, a compromised national security advisor subject to blackmail by the Russian Federation might still be in the White House. Flynn was charged because lied about his conversations with the Russian ambassador. He obviously knew he had crossed a line. He has subsequently lied again, under oath, in connection with one or the other sworn statements submitted in federal court.
Flynn put himself in this situation—most likely with some carefully calculated help from Putin’s associates. You can’t blame the FBI for finding out about it. Looking into possible national security threats is part of their function. Not doing so would be irrational.
I think it’s entirely possible the that the Russians also have leverage over Trump. The entire Deutsche Bank loan situation is totally inexplicable purely in terms of sound financial practices. Consider that aberration in conjunction with the fact that they’re known to have been heavily involved in Russian money laundering.
Why do these shitbags always spend someone else’s money to conduct their dirty work? The Clinton Foundation has hundreds of millions that it won’t use to rebuild Haiti or any other charitable cause. No, they need that for their final defense, I guess. Pick other people’s pockets.
Remember when TRUMP wouldn’t accept the election outcome if he lost? Yeah… good times.
So Gen. Flynn did this to himself with something he “most likely” did? No proof? Well, you passed the test, Scooter! You qualify as a Director of the FBI under a liberal socialist dictator! You just have to wait for the next one. We can blame the FBI for not finding ANYTHING, then making up what they needed and keeping exculpatory evidence away from the defense and judge (who, in this case, didn’t want to see it because he had convicted Gen. Flynn before he started anyway).
Then Flynn’s son should have been prosecuted instead of used as a dirty pawn.
@Greg: Isolate the target. “It’s all Trump.”
@Meremortal, #132:
Michael Flynn was prosecuted. His case was heard by a grand jury. In accordance with the grand jury findings, he was formally charged in federal court. He then acknowledged the accuracy of the charges in sworn testimony submitted to the court and entered a guilt plea, thereby avoiding trial by jury. His agreement to cooperate with the larger investigation resulted in his own charges being limited to those he pleaded guilty to, and likely spared his son any further involvement.
A trial by jury would have resulted in all of the detailed evidence and testimony against him becoming part of the federal court record. We would know many things that are in the grand jury transcript, which of course remains locked down. Some of that would undoubtedly have involved Flynn’s activities as part of the Trump campaign organization and later as the President’s national security advisor.
Having reduced charges with a promise to cooperate, and having kept all he knew from public exposure by avoiding trial, Flynn then declined to cooperate. This continued as Trump and the DoJ methodically discredited the Mueller investigation, stonewalled the House investigation, and then successfully rigged the Senate impeachment trial. With that all out of the way, the DoJ is now going to make Flynn’s guilty plea magically disappear.
Can anyone say “quid pro quo”?
Actually, Comrade Greggie, I doubt you have ever had an original thought enter your head. Your posts are nothing more than compilations of easily found left wing sites and their talking points.
Seeing that you have a fondness of Wikipedia, I checked out a couple of the Russiagate actors. Anyone connected to Trump was reported on that not-so-illustrious site as bad, referencing only outlets like CNN, MSNBC, et al. Not one conservative site was referenced. Now why would that be?
Here you prove why you discount every fact that disputes your claims of “guilt” for Flynn; you don’t care if he is innocent of the charges brought against him as you want him to be guilty and that is the end to that.
Here’s the deal; others have plead guilty to crimes that they didn’t commit. Reasons are many; pressure against family (as in Flynn’s case), intense interrogation tactics of police interrogators, etc. Defendants plead guilty and prosecutions have later discovered the defendant was really innocent of the charged crime. Generally, it is due to DNA testings that reveal another committed the crime. But by your standard, those defendants should still have to be sentenced and imprisoned. Perhaps by another hack in black, that when the prosecution drops the charges, then brings in an independent prosecutor to charge the defendant with perjury.
You don’t want the truth. The roads to the truth all lead to the man whom you bestowed worship on, Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. Where is the original Flynn 302 that Sally Yates testified she received on January 24, 2017?
Maybe you would like to explain why McCabe’s testimony on the Flynn investigation differs so greatly from Comey’s? But I doubt it. Again, you are not interested in truth, just a pimping of the excuses made by Lawfare.
You really are a pathetic pos, Comrade Greggie.