The Week in Radical Leftism, 4/3/2020 – the Happy News Edition!

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Welcome back, everyone! Chateu D’ Bob has survived its fourth week of home schooling Little Bob, and we’ve been figuring out how to make lemonade out of lemons & are getting creative. For example, Little Bob’s teacher sent home a math game that invloved cutting out papers with numbers on them and counting to 20. Rather than make a mess, I just used a deck of cards. And since it’s just as easy to count to 21 as it is to 20, it just made sense to teach Little Bob how to play Blackjack. Given how he hates to lose I’ve had to let him be the dealer, but I make him play my hand. At least his hate for losing should keep him from developing a gambling problem in a few years…

Given how the news cycle has been dominated by The Chinese Pnemonia and the Boogie Wuhan Flu , I’m trying something different this week. I’m dropping just happy news to help cheer everybody up – this took some searching…

3/24 – Suggestions for This Difficult Time

Who better to kick this off with than with Dennis Prager?

3/25 – Coronavirus is exposing the economic ignorance of the left.

I disagree with this headline. I thought that eight years of The Radical Left’s blind devotion to an economically illiterate president exposed their ignorance.

3/26 – Professors Worry Their Bias Will Be Exposed by Online Classes

Early in this story is a link to The Chronicle of Higher Education. The fear that these bastards are feeling at the thought of sunlight will brighten anyone’s day.

3/27 – NRA sues California for shutting down gun stores during pandemic

I’m not always a fan of the NRA, but I’d like to see more of this. For that matter, where is the “Conservative Judge” counter to the “Hawaiian Judge” that tries to put injunctions on nearly everything President Trump does?

3/28 – NYU Students Request Refund, Dean Dances No

This may be the most valuable education these kids can get as to how Academia truly views them. Read it to the end for where this will hopefully lead.

3/28 – U.S.A. STRONG! Virus Data Does NOT Indicate Doomsday Scenario, Says Doctor

Despite The Radical Left’s hopes, we are not experiancing the apocalypse that will lead Americans to turn to a demantia patient as their savior.

3/28 – Trump DOJ Defends Reality and Fair Play in Women’s Sports Against Unfair Trans Rules

While I hate that what was once known as common sense now requires the force of government to fight, I’m grateful that it’s being used for the forces of good after an 8 year void.

3/29 – Globalism gone bust: Italians burn EU flag, vow to leave EU over EU’s lousy coronavirus response

At some point Germany will figure out that the rest of Europe doesn’t want to be ruled by them. At least they’re not starting wars that kill millions anymore.

3/30 – Rachel Maddow Calls The Timely Arrival Of Navy Hospital Ships ‘Nonsense’

This is this week’s entry #1 in “Are you enjoying as much as I am watching the media beat the drums on their march to irrelevance?”

3/31 – #TheResistance Media Mocks ‘My Pillow Guy’ Who’s Trying To Save Lives By Producing Masks, CNN Cuts Away

This is this week’s entry #2 in “Are you enjoying as much as I am watching the media beat the drums on their march to irrelevance?”

Which leads to the follow up question – The Radical Left is livid that President Trump is crediting those evil private sector businesses are stepping up and helping the country in a time of crisis. Out of curiosity I ran a quick search to see what three of the Lefties’ favorite Billionaires are doing these days. Tom Steyer and Soros came up…. nada. At least Bloomberg is ponying up some help… sort of. He’s helping to contribute by upping his donations to leftist health organizations. For once I wouldn’t mind hearing Berine’s usual braying about how greedy billionaires are.

4/1 – At last, some GOOD news

Suddenly journalists get an education in reality. When the businesses that pay for their ads are forced to close, the money for their salaries mysterioiusly goes away. Read to the end for the NSFW language in the “Posted In” section.

4/2 – Queen Beats Greens On Lawsuit To Build Hydroelectric Dam

Lawsuit is required to stop Climastrologists trying to prevent renewable power source from being built.

Stories like this truly make me respect the writers at The Babylon Bee for writing satire even more idiotic than our reality.

4/3 – Chuck Schumer just got a reminder never to pick a fight with Trump

Read to the end – great point about Dubya that The radical Left loves to forget.

And if the lyrics in the first tweet from James Woods about Gulab Barbie sounds unfamiliar, this will help.

Have a great weekend!

Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Yes now with the kids at home seems both praying and spanking are back in school….
There seems to be tons of Kung Flu parodies
Yes the ol Babylon Bee hard lifting now days.
Starting to get worried about you Grasshopper no snark on last weeks TWIRL. Be careful gambling with lil Bob he may have the deed to the house soon, but take heart they are saying you cant be evicted during the crisis. You could look for used nickle slots he could put himself through college with “play dates” if this ever ends.

I hope you’ve locked up all the guns in the house before you and Little Bob started gambling.

3/24 – Suggestions for This Difficult Time

I’m pretty good at piddling with crap. I have an old Iver Johnson top break .38 that I’ve had since high school. It didn’t have a firing pin. I found out what kind of pistol it was (I didn’t know until last week), found some parts being sold on ebay, found a picture of the firing pin and made one.

3/25 – Coronavirus is exposing the economic ignorance of the left.

I was listening to Cuomo this morning (I hadn’t read the article above yet) and he was bemoaning how we can’t make things like masks here; we should start. Either he is needlessly fanning unrest or he is too ignorant to know that MACHINES make those masks and when the manufacturing goes overseas, the machines go away. The left pisses and moans about the relief going to struggling companies as if they have no idea where income, jobs, tax revenues and economic opportunity comes from.

I have a book about the American aircraft industry during World War II. What they did during the war was nothing short of phenomenal; Roosevelt anticipated needing 10,000 aircraft; we built about 320,000… more than the rest of the world combined. But, you couldn’t just use automobile manufacturing techniques to building aircraft; constant engineering changes prohibits such assembly lines. So, they had to do “blocks” so improvements could be implemented. An entire 847,000 SF manufacturing plant was built in 147 days. I doubt you could get an environmental impact study done in that time now.

I wondered if that kind of effort could even be mounted again.

The point is, we HAD manufacturing here and the capability to produce all the machinery needed. Now we are used to having everything made overseas, yet far too many think not being able to instantly begin producing even simply pieces like masks is a personal failure of Trump’s. Not, it’s been a cultural failure.

3/26 – Professors Worry Their Bias Will Be Exposed by Online Classes

Well, gosh… here’s a thought. How about TEACHING instead of indoctrinating? Could that be an option? Aside from creating doubt about how vital the brick and mortar colleges are, if they did that, it might begin to produce intelligent students again.

3/27 – NRA sues California for shutting down gun stores during pandemic

Much of the left does not understand the concept of taking care of themselves.

3/28 – NYU Students Request Refund, Dean Dances No

We mustn’t disparage our elite betters, mustn’t we?

3/28 – U.S.A. STRONG! Virus Data Does NOT Indicate Doomsday Scenario, Says Doctor

This virus is highly contagious and dangerous, but had to be CAUGHT. It is possible to go out, avoid crowds and actually survive.

3/28 – Trump DOJ Defends Reality and Fair Play in Women’s Sports Against Unfair Trans Rules

I, too, find myself disgusted when a law is passed to force compliance of an existing law or mandate common sense. What is so difficult to the problem with MEN getting a sex change (or just reidentifying) and competing against girls in sports? You’d think those who pretend to care about women’s rights would at least pretend to be outraged by this.

3/29 – Globalism gone bust: Italians burn EU flag, vow to leave EU over EU’s lousy coronavirus response

Watching the EU fall apart is an example of why globalism will never work. Not without force, anyway.

3/30 – Rachel Maddow Calls The Timely Arrival Of Navy Hospital Ships ‘Nonsense’

The left is pretty much frantic watching Trump manage both the viral crisis and the economic crisis at once… and effectively. Of course, NYC doesn’t seem to be able to utilize the hospital beds.

3/31 – #TheResistance Media Mocks ‘My Pillow Guy’ Who’s Trying To Save Lives By Producing Masks, CNN Cuts Away

Of course, people singing songs is providing a LOT of masks. How many stories do we see of people singing out their windows and how uplifting and inspirational it is. Sheesh… do we have Kerry and James Taylor back? I wonder if Trump would consider making Gutfeld his spokesperson?

4/1 – At last, some GOOD news

Maybe they can learn to code… right? Of course, the people who throw the papers will lose their jobs. THAT part is bad.

4/2 – Queen Beats Greens On Lawsuit To Build Hydroelectric Dam

They would have us all living without any power… as long as they can microwave their ramen noodles.

4/3 – Chuck Schumer just got a reminder never to pick a fight with Trump

I keep wondering why these whiny crybabies always think Trump should always be “above all this” when they do nothing but hurl lies and insults.

At some point Germany will figure out that the rest of Europe doesn’t want to be ruled by them. At least they’re not starting wars that kill millions anymore.

That merely means they’re about due.

“At some point Germany will figure out that the rest of Europe doesn’t want to be ruled by them. At least they’re not starting wars that kill millions anymore.”
They are, they’re just using MudSlimes instead of soldiers and panzers this time.

I just read through some of Michael’s timeline. Sumbitch is quite good at sarcasm.

@Brother Bob:

“If” is a rather big word.

3/26 – Professors Worry Their Bias Will Be Exposed by Online Classes

Early in this story is a link to The Chronicle of Higher Education. The fear that these bastards are feeling at the thought of sunlight will brighten anyone’s day.

It must be a bitch!
I remember when I went to school, you could bring home all your schoolbooks to study at home whenever you wanted.
It was encouraged.
Then Howard Zinn rewrote American History as “A People’s History of America.”
Teachers, suddenly were more than reluctant to allow students to take home that book.
Perhaps it was because it was pure propaganda disguised as history and the parents would see thru it.
Now it is almost all books that teachers didn’t want the parents to see.
F’n “New Math is just the long version of an abacus. Any abstractualizing is verboten by that method. Therefore no new mathematicians will ever emerge.
Is “English” even still a thing? Spelling is mere suggestion.
Literature? Just social justice trash.
Sex education? What a filthy laugh.

Damn right these teachers are scared that parents are seeing these books.


@Brother Bob: #8
It gets past the censors.

@Spurwing Plover: Or at least give up any armed protection.

Just in case you were wondering why the Press asks such dopey questions over and over during the daily kung flu white house pressers
AP says the average journalist completed 10th grade. Um… so they were drop outs?

@kitt: The members of the media want to be the one that GETS Trump with that ultimate “gotcha” question. But, there aren’t any, so they substitute stupid for informative.

In Cuomo’s Q & A’s, only questions that elicit information are asked; certainly none about why he ordered solar panels instead of ventilators or is asking for far more aid than he needs. Just the facts, m’am.