obama sold us out for thirty pieces of Iranian silver



It was all so strange. Why were democrats so protective of Qasem Soleimani? Why did they side so strongly with Iran over the United States? Why were they emphatic about protecting the pathetic Iran deal which Iran has been violating since day one?

Now we know.

A few days ago Michael Doran,Senior Director for the Middle East under Bush, sent out a tweet


I found this astonishing. Now Lee Smith has fleshed it out.

Because the fact is that the Democrats are not pro-terrorist. They’re simply intent on protecting the historic agreement that legalized the nuclear weapons program of a terror state.

Democratic leadership is angry it wasn’t briefed before the operation, as were some Republican lawmakers critical of the scant information in the White House intelligence briefing on the attack. But there is reason to believe senior Democrats would have leaked it to the press, as they’ve done repeatedly over the last three years to prosecute their anti-Trump campaign. In particular, House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff and his staff have used CNN as a platform to push the discredited Trump-Russia collusion narrative. Why would Democrats endanger U.S. national security by leaking highly classified plans of a major operation against a terror leader? Because Soleimani was the centerpiece of the nuclear deal.

Here Smith mentions Doran and that a source confirmed Doran’s assertion:

Former Bush administration Senior Director for the Middle East Michael Doran said on Twitter he had knowledge of messages from the Obama administration to Soleimani. “We don’t know the subject matter of the messages,” Doran told Tablet, “but given the tenor of Obama’s letters to [Supreme Leader Ali] Khamenei, it is a reasonable assumption that the administration wrote to Soleimani to court him rather than to deter him.” A senior U.S. official confirmed to Tablet the existence of the messages from the Obama administration to Soleimani.

The Iran agreement was designed to allow Iran to have a nuclear bomb by the end of the second term of obama’s successor.

In 2023, the U.N. ban on assistance to Iran’s ballistic missile program will end. The ban on the manufacture of advanced centrifuges will begin to expire, shortening the amount of time it will take to build a bomb. Perhaps most importantly, in 2025, the U.N. snapback mechanism allowing the U.S. to reimpose sanctions will expire, meaning that we would need to persuade Russia and China to restore international sanctions on Iran. The effect is that there is nothing short of military action to stop the Iranians from marching toward the bomb. It was Obama who said that by years 13, 14, or 15 of the deal Iran would be within a hairbreadth of a nuclear bomb By 2031 with all nuclear restrictions lifted, the Islamic Republic will have a full-scale nuclear weapons program.

And that $400 million? It was your money, not theirs:

The most infamous payoff was the $1.7 billion in cash the administration shipped off to the IRGC on wooden pallets in exchange for U.S. citizens held hostage by the regime. The White House said that there was no “quid pro quo,” that it was Iran’s money to begin with—$400 million the pre-revolutionary government had deposited in 1979 to buy U.S. arms, plus interest. But the U.S. had already used the $400 million to compensate terror victims of the Islamic Republic. That was Iran’s money. The $400 million the Obama administration used to “pay back” the Iranians belonged to the U.S. taxpayer.

obama designed the deal to cripple the next President:

If this all seems unbelievable, it’s because it is—and also because you’re probably still imagining that Obama’s goal was to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. But once you understand the real purpose, these moves become much clearer. To wit: Why did Obama give the regime enough uranium to make 10 nuclear bombs? To pressure the incoming Trump administration to stick with the nuclear deal. If Trump chose to leave the JCPOA, he’d have to deal with the fact that with 130 tons of uranium already on hand Iran had an easier path to the bomb. In effect, the last president handed the Iranians a loaded gun to be pointed at his successor.

Trump would have none of this and blew Soleimani and the deal away. Now foction writer Ben Rhodes’ attack on Trump also makes sense. He boasted that he could make the press swallow anything he said

“we can tell journalists anything and they’ll believe it”

He could not bamboozle Trump.

To me the worst of this is obama’s dealing from a position of fealty to Soleimani and Iran. While Soleimani was killing and dismembering US soldiers obama was negotiating with Soliemani to protect obama’s legacy. Nothing mattered- not turning troops into hamburger, not testing ballistic missiles, not seizing Naval gunboats and humiliating the crew. And while this was ongoing, obama released the sanctions on Soleimani in 2015.

In 2015, when the JCPOA went into effect, Soleimani was removed from the U.N. sanctions list, a provision that, according to press reports at the time, the Iranians saw as “nonnegotiable.” That’s how Obama wanted it, too.

Sanctions relief to someone actively killing Americans? I found that sickening.

Nothing mattered but obama’s ego. We’ve been on this stupid deal –here, here, here and here– but I didn’t know that obama was begging Soleimani for scraps. His deal should be called the JCPOS.

Be sure to read the entire Smith article.

Trump is not going to kiss Iranian ass for his own benefit as did obama. obama bowed to the devil. He sold out this country for thirty pieces of silver.

Judas Iscariot’s Thirty Silver Coins | Warehouse 13 ...


For more background on the JCPOA, follow this thread- Goldberg knows what he’s talking about:

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I have told you for the last 9 years-obama is a radicalized muslin gay terrorist. his venal and bathetic exploitation of the Constitution is treasonous. drunk kerry, slut hilary, pediphile holter and company stole billions from the US

Probably in a technical sense, Iran has not violated the JCPOA; they were allowed to go forward with their pursuit of a nuclear weapon regardless. If it was such a great deal, there would have been no need for secret clauses or lying to the media, getting them to lie (which they happily complied with) in order to make the deal palatable.

In a turn of events, the EU is considering imposing sanctions on Iran, at least to the point of getting them to honor the deal.

@Deplorable Me: Except a clause forbidding military inspections, last time I checked a bomb is a military toy. We got f***ed , without dinner and a kiss. There was no way they would let money sit around with out spending it.

@kitt: Yeah, Iran got to inspect themselves. We got a real idea of how honest they are by their immediate acceptance of responsibility for downing the Ukrainian airliner. But, Obama the liar respects other liars.

@Deplorable Me: An article isnt proof, I bet Julian has the goods. I want to see the hard evidence either of us could have written this on the leaked info that was reported on.

Trump got a nice greeting at the LSU game.

Who is selling out whom? Consider this crap Trump retweeted today. Click on the link that leads back to the source, داون آندر @D0wn_Under, and ask yourself if you think such a source should be not only influencing a President of the United States, but also be rebroadcast by him on his most widely followed personal social media outlet. Is this sort of messaging beneficial to America? Does it promote national unity, or does it widen divisions and weaken the nation, only to further the interests of those who benefit from anger and hatred?

Trump is retweeting whatever he thinks furthers his purpose. If this داون آندر guy has access, you’d damn well better believe that far more sophisticated Russian disinformation trolls and propagandists can find their way in, and it’s a very short trip from Trump’s Twitter page to his followers’ heads. They might not see his Twitter posts directly, but they don’t really have to. Memes and marching orders go from there direct to thousands of other echo chamber outlets.

The FBI and intelligence community are reportedly investigating mounting efforts by
foreign actors to manipulate the 2020 election with another hacking and targeted social media campaign—specifically, the Russians are believed to be targeting Joe Biden. One detail that just leaked out is that the Russians are believed to have hacked Burisma’s computer systems.


The FBI and intelligence community are reportedly investigating mounting efforts by
foreign actors to manipulate the 2020 election with another hacking and targeted social media campaign—specifically, the Russians are believed to be targeting Joe Biden.

… I thought no one was doing anything to block Russian interference. If they are doing nothing, how did the find the hacking and targeting? Seems they are already doing more than Obama did who, after he was warned about interference, STOPPED the efforts to block it.

The Russians are wasting their time if they are looking for evidence that Gropin’ Genius Quid Pro Joe extorted Ukraine to protect his dope-head, knocking-up, criminal son. He ADMITTED it on video. Kind of like you exposing your own lie with an accusation, Joe erased all possible doubt of his corruption by ADMITTING it.

Like having Hillary as President, someone they could blackmail for her entire term, the Russians and every other adversary would LOVE to have Biden instead of Trump. Biden, the blundering, blathering idiot that has been WRONG on every foreign policy position he has taken, would be a gold mine for our opponents. Trump uses US strength to stop our opponents.

@Greg: Thats funny! Should have added Satan horns.
They take a vote to limit the powers of the president acting against Iran, whos side are they on? Iran voted unanimously in their parliament that the pentagon is a terrorist organization, now their proxies can, in their eyes, legally kill all American soldiers. Same as when they kill their own people.
You were pretty quiet yesterday when all the clips were coming out of the protestors tearing up their beloved generals posters and photos, refusing to step on the American flag. More Irani citizens love Trump than Ayatoilet Ali.

@kitt, #8:

They take a vote to limit the powers of the president acting against Iran, whos side are they on?

That of our constitutional republic.

It’s not about Iran. It’s about the fact that any president’s powers to act are subject to constitutional law and checks and balances. This president does not seem to grasp that essential point.

You were pretty quiet yesterday when all the clips were coming out of the protestors tearing up their beloved generals posters and photos, refusing to step on the American flag.

The Iranians’ opinions regarding our constitution and Donald Trump should not be a primary concern. We should not rationalize a killing because it was popular with one or another political faction.


t’s not about Iran. It’s about the fact that any president’s powers to act are subject to constitutional law and checks and balances.

Well, except for Obama, right? There was no restraint, and Democrats wanted none, on him entering country after country and creating chaos and tragedy, then leaving behind a tremendous mess.

@Greg: Greg continues his long and fruitless lonely battle. He’s a blessing, really.

Apparently Obama has traumatized some people for life. Lord only knows what will happen if a woman or a gay man is elected to be president.


The Iranians’ opinions regarding our constitution and Donald Trump should not be a primary concern. We should not rationalize a killing because it was popular with one or another political faction.

Wait a minute You clearly stated it united Iran, wanna look that word up brother? The forces of Achmed intentionally shot down that jet, perhaps they suspected the guy that gave the USA Ahmeds travel itinerary was aboard, it wasnt the only plane in and out of that airport.
Just another crime of the regime Barry wantonly bent over for.
Access you ignoramus?

@Greg: Well, he came close to destroying this country for life.

We should not rationalize a killing because it was popular with one or another political faction

But popularity is good enough to destroy a person’s reputation or impeach a President? Popularity had nothing to do with Soleimani’s brutal terrorism; he was a criminal the deserved and got the death penalty. Just because he was popular with YOU and Democrats is no reason to allow him to continue to kill innocent protesters or US soldiers.


Apparently Obama has traumatized some people for life. Lord only knows what will happen if a woman or a gay man is elected to be president.

Or an actual black person. Still waiting on that, although there are quite few prominent African Americans who call Trump the “First Black President”.

Guess it’s about values, not about the color of one’s skin or what they do with their genitalia.

Shame on you, you racist, sexist, homophobe…

@Meremortal: Greg has showed his hand, and he works for the Soros globalist movement. They are watching in horror as Trump, and America itself, is undoing all the corruption his people wrought, and also extricating the bad ideologies and indoctrinated morons from our sovereign constitutional republic that is ruled by the people, not entrenched Democrats.

They rely on people being lemmings, just following the Left’s bad doctrines because that’s all they hear. Greg is here to merely saturate the world with his parties/orgs propaganda, and nothing more.

“Nothing mattered but obama’s ego.”

Nothing mattered but President Obama’s religion, which is Muslim Shia. The evidence for this litters his path starting as a child in Indonesia and continuing through his time in the WH. He did his best to pave the way for Iran to rule the ME and become Israel’s equal or destroyer.

@Nathan Blue: Oh dude, I know Greg. He’s been around for years, and not just here. I just like to needle him occasionally for old time’s sake.


Well done and powerful synopsis of the degree to which Obama and the left hate America, its history, it’s present and it’s future.


why don’t you move to iran? you are such a communist

@Greg: Well, you’re quite the little bigot, aren’t you?
Unlike you and your ilk, we care more for the content of a candidate’s character than we do about the color of their skin, or their gender.
I would happily vote for a woman, man, minority, or gay if I could trust them to put the welfare of this great nation and it’s citizens ahead of all other concerns.

Obama bowed down to them so they could kick his backside Trump will not bow down the Demcrats are such a bunch of idiots

@Greg: Seriously a Gay and a woman, who the H do you think Obismal was? We’ve been there already and thankfully we’re done with that. BTW did mommy give you a time out from the internet or did you have to have your STD treatment?

@Boris Badenov: Boris its TDS, Greg couldnt possibly get an STD.

Obama is perhaps the greatest traitor our country has ever known! He should be arrested, tried for high treason, placed up against a wall, and shot by military firing squad!

@Boris Badenov:
do you know who your creator is??

@Greg is not going to move to Russia.
His current gig pays too well.
He lives in comfort, with food, water, a roof, electricity, and all the other perks of the US.
Why should he leave?
I wonder how much he gets?

Hey Neocons: Why are you so silent on Saudi evil? Iran isn’t perfect, but they get ALL the outage from the neocon “faux patriots”.

The Kingdom beheads gays and crucifies Christians who dare to speak the word of God there.

And the neocons say nothing.


The Kingdom beheads gays and crucifies Christians who dare to speak the word of God there.

ALL Islamic theocracies do. Why don’t LIBERALS denounce it? Why do they always coddle Muslims over Christians?

@Deplorable Me:

Why does your Orange Jesus not denounce it??? Saudi Arabia cuts a man up alive and Trump does NOTHING.


How do you know Khashoggi was alive when he was cut up? Were you there? Did you participate in his killing?

And what exactly do you think the President should do about a crime of killing a Saudi citizen committed by the Saudis on Turkish soil?

You’re an idiot. And a troll.

@Joachim: First, Trump DID denounce it and, second “Saudi Arabia” didn’t cut anyone up. In addition to all that, Khashoggi was a lying radical troublemaker and, as far as I am concerned, he got what he deserved. That’s what Muslims do to people they don’t like.