democrats become an official political party of Iran

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The outpouring of grief over the death of Qasem Soleimani is overwhelming. Protests are happening in many places. There is open weeping on TV. There are comparisons to the loss of great historical figures.

And that’s just the democrat party. There’s almost as much sadness in Iran.

When you see a Wounded Warrior Project commercial, you are looking at the handiwork of Qasem Soleimani. Soleimani killed over 600 soldiers and Marines and maimed thousands more with the EFP’s he furnished to Iraq and Afghanistan. Limbs were blown off, eyes destroyed, lungs burned.

Soleimani helped plan the attack on Benghazi– you know, the one the Obama administration said was spontaneous and caused by a video.

Soleimani’s security forces killed 1500 Iranians who were protesting gas prices in November.

Soleimani’s evil is the stuff of legend

In 2015 I went to Iraq to report on the state of ISIS after one year had passed since they unleashed a murderous reign of violence against the Iraqi people.

I met the family in the above picture at an IDP camp outside of Erbil, Iraq. The father explained their desperate situation, homeless because of the latest ISIS reign of terror.

His body was severely burned, his son lay silent on the cot in the tent. When we asked about these things, he explained how Iranian Shia militias had killed his wife, tortured him and his children, including his young boy. The militias, who would have been under the control of Qasem Soleimani, proceeded to drill holes in the boy’s legs as a means to further threaten the father.

The boy stared silently at the ceiling, seemingly void of all emotion. Dad explained that he still has nightmares daily, and often soiled himself because of them.

Listening to the details of such horrific violence and seeing the results of it face to face was hard enough to go through. One can only imagine what it was like to actually live it.

democrats assert that they, Soleimani and Iran are the victims.

Poor Ilhan Omar is suffering from PTSD. Not surprisingly, she sides with Iran

“This administration says starving the Iranian economy is in defense of human rights, when it is an abuse of them,” Omar said Thursday afternoon. “That withdrawal from the nuclear deal was a demonstration of American leadership when it is an abandonment of it.”

“Escalation is deescalation. War is peace,” she added. “In fact, they’re asking us to deny reality.”

But watch Omar and the Iranian lobby yuck it up when American casualties are being spoken of

Chris Matthews compared the loss of Soleimani to the loss of Elvis and Princess Diana

“You know, when some people die, you don’t know what the impact is going to be,” Matthews began telling a panel. “When Princess Diana died, for example, there was a huge emotional outpouring, Elvis Presley in our culture. It turns out that this general [President Trump] killed was a beloved hero of the Iranian people.”

Bernie Sanders lamented the loss of Soleimani, saying “call him what you want”

Sanders would gave similarly defended Hitler and Stalin. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders will host a phone call with a pro-Tehran lobbying group.

Democratic Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal defended Iran, saying that “had we not assassinated General Soleimani…we would be in a safer place,”

That’s because it’s not her ass at risk of being blown into hamburger.

An Iranian journalist is begging the US not to fall for the Iranian propaganda:

“Don’t believe Iranian propaganda about the mourning for [General Qasem] Soleimani.” That’s the message or plea from Iranian journalist and activist Masih Alinejad published by The Washington Post on Monday. Unfortunately, as NewsBusters reporting on the liberal media’s reaction to Soleimani’s demise has shown, they were not heeding her warning and were willingly becoming mouthpieces for the murderous regime.

Many Iranian so called “mourners” were not grieving voluntarily:

Without doubt, Soleimani had support among hard-liners and regime loyalists. The regime is not taking any chances, though. In the city of Ahvaz, where large numbers of people turned out to mourn Soleimani, the government has forced students and officials to attend. It provided free transport and ordered shops to shut down. According to videos sent to me by people inside the country, the authorities are making little kids write essays praising the fallen commander. First-graders who didn’t know how to write were encouraged to cry for Soleimani.

Lara Logan, who has extensive experience in the Middle East- some truly unfortunate- is aghast at the reaction here:

“It is kind of depressing,” Logan replied. “I’ve been a journalist for more than 30 years and I’ve never seen anything like it. What about the voices of the Iraqi people? What about the voice of the Syrians and the Yemenis and all the people across the region who have been celebrating Soleimani’s death? You won’t see them on the streets of Tehran. You are not going to see this great display because they are afraid. They are so afraid of what the proxy forces, the revolutionary guards are capable of.”

Such is the hatred of Donald Trump that democrats and the media have abandoned reality entirely.

Led by Nancy Pelosi the House passed a non-binding meaningless motion demanding that Trump seek the approval of Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib before taking any military action. It’s not hard to imagine Adam Schiff, Omar and Tlaib calling Soleimani directly during such a briefing and warning him of the impending attack.

Pelosi didn’t always believe that a President should be hamstrung:

When obama was President, it was just fine for him to conduct a full blown war, overthrow a government and cause the death of its leader.

Barack Obama authorized 563 drone strikes without Congressional approval, killing as many as 800 civilians and four Americans.

Let us also recall the Obama Doctrine according to John Brennan:

Some critics argue he should have had a few second thoughts about what they see as the overuse of drones. But John Brennan, Obama’s CIA director, told me recently that he and the president “have similar views. One of them is that sometimes you have to take a life to save even more lives. We have a similar view of just-war theory. The president requires near-certainty of no collateral damage. But if he believes it is necessary to act, he doesn’t hesitate.

Obama’s Head of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson said Trump had all the authority he needed to eliminate Soleimani:

“What I have said is that under existing [Justice Department] Office of Legal Counsel [OLC] opinions on the president’s constitutional authority to engage the armed forces without a congressional authorization, if you read those opinions, he had ample constitutional authority to take out General Soleimani, if you regard that as an isolated strike. What these OLC opinions say is that the president can take lethal force so long as it’s short of war if it’s in the important national interest. And this and this operation was.”

And to the chagrin of democrats, Trump is not seeking a war.

Florida Rep. Brian Mast (R) ripped democrats for taking Iran’s side:

Appearing on “Fox & Friends” with hosts Steve Doocy, Ainsley Earhardt and Brian Kilmeade, Mast said that he felt compelled to deliver his speech on the House floor on Thursday – discussing the War Powers Resolution passed later that evening – because lawmakers “need to be comfortable with the fact that we are justified to remove [terrorists] from the battlefield.”

“And, this is a common theme from the left, these American apologists that like to go out there and say that because America did something this resulted in some other country going out there and taking some unnecessary actions, some ill-fated action,” said Mast. “And, it’s not the Americans’ fault. It’s the fault of those that went out there and took those actions themselves.”

Mast added

“His life’s work was to kill and maim our U.S. service members,” Mast told the “Friends” hosts. Soleimani “ended up in a number of pieces on the side of a road next to the Baghdad airport. And, that’s exactly the way it should have ended for him.”

No one is more qualified to say that:

Outsider Stuns GOP in Florida Primary Upset |


It’s a terrible thing to have an American political party siding with an enemy of the country. democrats defend Soleimani and would have grieved for Stalin and Hitler had they been taken out by Trump.


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Imagine 563 drone strikes as effective as Trump’s was. The press and politicians should know what Achmed was all about. Its sad but we are used to it.
Good news More Democrats voted against reining Trump in than Republicans voted for it.
You would think by their reaction that we actually bombed Iran.

It Obama had done this these same Democratic Screwballs would be praising their al might god Obama like they did after they took out Bin Laden the idiot liberal news media were praising Obama after Bin Laden was killed off and they were hailing Obama yeah just listen to all their mindless braying Stupid Liberal Democrats

Does this mean Jeff Dunham has to get a “new” Achmed character now that we offed the real one? Just wondering?

It’s not hard to imagine Adam Schiff, Omar and Tlaib calling Soleimani directly during such a briefing and warning him of the impending attack.

Oh, beyond any possible doubt. Everything they’ve done since November of 2016 is oppose anything and everything Trump wants and will take the side of ANYONE that stands against Trump. This puts Democrats in the camp of a LOT of unsavory people.

Trump vs. ISIS; Democrats take ISIS

Trump vs. N. Korea; Democrats take N. Korea

Trump vs. China; Democrats take China

Trump vs. Baghdadi; Democrats take Baghdadi

Trump vs. Soleimani; Democrats take Soleimani

Trump vs. Iran; Democrats take Iran.

This is EVERY Democrat candidate. Whomever gets the nomination will have to answer for ALWAYS taking the side of US adversaries against Trump and, essentially, the United States. That, and they employ fascists to carry out their political violence. If you vote for these people, you have a lot to square with the loyal American people.

Pointing out the “Wounded Warriors” commercials is succinct. No doubt, they’ve ALL seen those and the horrific damage done to service men and women by Iran’s IED’s. Yet, they still don’t hesitate to place their loyalty with the man that organized and facilitated that carnage before the duly elected President of the United States. I really don’t have the terms to describe such a person.

Iraq is now throwing the US military out of that country
The killing of that general will allow Iran to be the major power in Iraq
The almost 20 year occupation of that country is coming to an end under a very dark cloud

@••••••: Uh…you’re cute if you think Iraq can “throw” the US out…

silly rabbit.

If you’d like more flag-draped coffins and countless permanently damaged young American minds and bodies, American involvement in another major war in the Middle East would be an excellent way to guarantee that end. The old men who are responsible, of course, wouldn’t be at any personal risk of such an outcome. Maybe we should sent them first.

Pompeo is lying about a specific imminent threat having been revealed at the congressional briefing. Even republicans who were in attendance denied it. Apparently loyalty to Trump required such a statement. Having Stevie Mnuchin standing beside him at the podium certainly didn’t lend his little presentation much in the way of credibility. I won’t be surprised if he resigns.

One TV commentator noted the anti-Mullah/Soleimani/quds forces in Iran flew US flags.
He added, those Iranians have more US flags than the entire Dem Party!
The photo on the screen juxtaposed the Iranian street vs the Dem debates.
He was right.


If you’d like more flag-draped coffins and countless permanently damaged young American minds and bodies, American involvement in another major war in the Middle East would be an excellent way to guarantee that end.

The only ones screaming “WAR!!!” are the idiots you follow on the left. But then, when Obama was bombing the shit out of Libya, you were A-OK with that.

Pompeo is lying about a specific imminent threat having been revealed at the congressional briefing.

And you know that how, Comrade Greggie? When did you become privileged to national security information?

Even republicans who were in attendance denied it.

Like who? Care to quote those “republicans” of whom you speak?

You are so full of crap it has ceased to be funny. And you’re a liar.

@Greg: “I can reveal that I believe it would have been four embassies,” Trump told Laura Ingraham during an interview on Fox News that will air in full Friday night.
“Don’t the American people have a right to know what specifically was targeted without revealing methods and sources?” Ingraham asked Trump.

“Well, I don’t think so.”

“We had specific information on an imminent threat and the threat stream included attacks on U.S. embassies. Period, full stop,” Pompeo said.

IF the Trump Admin had wanted the public to know he’d have told those members of Congress in the classified briefing, knowing the Dems would leak.
Even Never-Trumper Mike Lee came close to leaking he was so sputteringly angry that his allies among the Dems had nothing to leak.

@••••••: Fret not; we aren’t leaving until we’re ready.


If you’d like more flag-draped coffins and countless permanently damaged young American minds and bodies, American involvement in another major war in the Middle East would be an excellent way to guarantee that end.

Yet that is exactly what you Democrats want. You keep harping on it and all your actions are intended to accomplish that outcome. This is why it is important NO Democrats win the Presidency and the Republicans take the majority back. Killing Soleimani was a great thing, but almost as great was Trump exposing the widespread disloyalty to American and Americans of Democrats.

Pompeo is lying about a specific imminent threat having been revealed at the congressional briefing. Even republicans who were in attendance denied it

Nope. Wrong. The disagreement among a small number of Republicans was how some members of the military regarded Congress’ role in a military response to threats.

@Nan G: Note that when Obama and Hillary invaded Libya, Greg nor any other Democrat even bothered to ask for a justification. Then, when they let the Benghazi consulate get sacked, they told NOTHING but lies about the circumstances. But, again, Democrat lies are absolutely OK with Greg and all the other Democrats.

@retire05, #9:

How do I know Pompeo is lying about a specific imminent threat having been revealed at the congressional briefing?

(1) Because I’m smart enough to observe that his own statements are internally inconsistent and contradictory. If you’re aware of an imminent threat, you do have some specific idea concerning what, when, and where. Such an understanding is implicit in the meaning of term. If you don’t know what, or where, and or even approximately when, the term simply does not apply. This is typical Trumpian gas lighting.

(2) Because both republicans and democrats who attended the congressional briefing clearly stated they were told nothing that credibly added up to an awareness of any imminent threat, and were angry and concerned about it.

We can’t tell you or Congress any of the details, because that’s all classified? Horseshit. The problem is that they haven’t got a damn thing to tell. Even after a week, they can’t come up with a story that will stand up to casual inspection. Solemani was no more of an imminent threat on the day Trump ordered him killed than he has been all along—nor was he any less an enemy of ISIS.

You are so full of crap it has ceased to be funny. And you’re a liar.

Actually, I’m neither of those things. No doubt that’s why you feel compelled to make the claim. That’s also typical Trumpian behavior, which can be observed on a daily basis. It’s become part of the entire administration. You either go along with it or you resign or are fired.


How do I know Pompeo is lying about a specific imminent threat having been revealed at the congressional briefing?
(1) Because I’m smart enough to observe that his own statements are internally inconsistent and contradictory. If you’re aware of an imminent threat, you do know what, when, and where. Such an understanding is implicit in the meaning of term. If you don’t know what, or where, and or even approximately when, the term does not apply. This is typical Trumpian gas lighting.

You mean like how Clinton knew that an attack by OBL was “imminent” but he didn’t know the what, when and where? Why didn’t you save your energy and just link to the DailyKos article that you are parroting?

Don’t kid yourself, Comrade Greggie. You can be called a lot of things but smart is not one of them.

There is no need for you to know the what, when and where. Why should you? For that matter, why should any Democrat be given such sensitive information just so they can leak it to the NYSlimes/Washington Compost? The Democrats have proven they cannot be trusted.


Actually, I’m neither of those things

Add to the list that you’re in denial. That still doesn’t eliminate the fact that you’re an idiot and a liar who is full of crap and nothing more than a parrot for the talking heads on the left.

@Deplorable Me: The congress trying to tie the Presidents hands like Barry tied the militarys hands to respond.
Pelosi coulnt be bothered when Iran was firing its rockets. How can they be counted on to make timely decisions without the briefings the Prez gets?
It was Senator Lee that didnt like the briefing as they were all told to hold ranks with the Prez, which he did not.
Privately he could have called the prez and voiced his displeasure, I am disappointed with his public response.
The militias must be driven from Iraq so they can choose their own future and not be intimidated and tortured. We know there are no less than 6K of them in Bagdad alone.
@…. take your head out of your ass and learn the facts.
Those not loyal to Iran boycotted the vote, the Puppet PM who is Iran backed is stepping down.
As it is anyone Iran does not approve of that runs for that office will be murdered.

@retire05, #13:

That’s not much in the way of a rebuttal. But then you’ve got nothing but repetitive lies and pathetic insults to counter the observations and reasoning, do you?

Maybe all of the reasonable rebuttals are classified or something.


We can’t tell you or Congress any of the details, because that’s all classified? Horseshit.

No, that’s not horseshit. It’s also a pity. Trump cannot share all information with Congress because that would be revealing it to Democrats who, as they have shown repeatedly, cannot be trusted and will do anything to harm Trump, even if US military get killed as a result.

Soleimani not only was a threat, but he was a criminal. But, you don’t care about any of that; you just want to side with anyone, no matter how trashy, against Trump. This despicable, Greg. THAT is exactly what despicable is.


Pelosi coulnt be bothered when Iran was firing its rockets. How can they be counted on to make timely decisions without the briefings the Prez gets?

Indeed, what if her approval is desperately needed to authorize a response to a threat but she is, like the night of the attacks, too drunk and too busy at a restaurant opening to answer the phone? Yeah, she really inspires confidence and trust. Like everything else the Democrats have done since Trump has been President, all she wants to do is control and obstruct.

No, that’s not horseshit. It’s also a pity. Trump cannot share all information with Congress because that would be revealing it to Democrats who, as they have shown repeatedly, cannot be trusted and will do anything to harm Trump, even if US military get killed as a result.

I seem to recall it was Trump who famously leaked Israeli-sourced classified information to Sergey Lavrov during a meeting in the Oval Office. Trump has run one of the leakiest administrations in U.S. history. Does Giuliani have a security clearance? He probably lacks that, as well as any official position allowing him to legally negotiate on behalf of the United States with foreign governments. Trump handed out security clearances to family members who run international family businesses.

“Hey Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!”

Trump says Soleimani was plotting attacks on four US embassies

President Trump said in an interview airing Friday that Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani was plotting attacks against four embassies before the U.S. carried out last week’s airstrike that killed the top commander.

“I can reveal that I believe it would have been four embassies,” Trump told Laura Ingraham during an interview on Fox News that will air in full Friday night. The president also said Soleimani was targeting the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, repeating a claim he made on Thursday.

“Don’t the American people have a right to know what specifically was targeted without revealing methods and sources?” Ingraham asked Trump.

“Well, I don’t think so. But we will tell you that probably it was going to be the Embassy in Baghdad,” Trump replied…

Clearly the trick still needs some work. Give him a few more days to practice.


I seem to recall it was Trump who famously leaked Israeli-sourced classified information to Sergey Lavrov during a meeting in the Oval Office.

You must mean the warning of an impending terrorist attack that he shared, with Israeli permission, with the Russians. Good that you recall that. It’s called “the war on terror.”

Since Giuliani has probably the MOST experience fighting terror AND fighting organized crime, I am pretty sure he has a security clearance. No, the concern is those who are such ideological zealots (Democrats) that they would harm the country by leaking sensitive information. You know, like your people have done with phone conversations and classified briefings with foreign representatives, just for spite. Your people have a long, established record of treachery.

Diane Feinstein famously revealed, ON TELEVISION, the existence of a secret, operational US base in Pakistan. Hillary made ALL State Department classified information available to all our adversaries, then all her colleagues defended her. NO DEMOCRATS should be trusted with classified information.

@Greg: Any disagreement the attack on the Bagdad embassy was approved of by Achmed?
This guy planned attacks and terrorism for a living, it was his specialty.
When should he be taken out? This creature that existed to kill and maim other humans, not just Americans, Iraqis, Iranians, Saudis the list goes on.
The world is a better place without him sucking oxygen. Gee it upset Irans leaders awwwwww that breaks your heart.
If there was any bastid that needed vaporizing it was this demon riddled general.
You sit and worry you dont know what plot was stopped, give me an ever loving break, every thing he did or was ever going to do was frigging evil.

“The old men who are responsible, of course, wouldn’t be at any personal risk of such an outcome.”
President Trump just proved you wrong. Soleimani was no Spring Chicken, y’know. The old men in Iran who send young men out to die should be very afraid.
President Trump is a surgeon who knows exactly where the cancer is.

Well, Dr John…..
Looks like the title of this thread might need an adjustment.
It reads: democrats become an official political party of Iran

But look:

Protests Erupt IN IRAN after Military Admits Downing Ukrainian Passenger Jet: “Death to the Dictator”
Protesters in Iran are demanding that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei steps down…..
On Saturday afternoon, thousands of people gathered in Tehran’s main squares as meetings organized on social media to mourn the dead transformed into protests against the military’s mistake, The New York Times reported.
Chants in videos seen on social media by the newspaper included “Death to liars!”, “Death to the dictator!” and “You have no shame.”

An angry crowd in front of Amir Kabir university in the city appeared to chant “Commander-in-chief (Khamenei) resign, resign” in a video, according to Reuters.

It’s the Trump Curse.
Look it up and see.

@Nan G: People are asking was that the ONLY plane that left the airport that day? Was this really a “mistake”?
Expect the internet in Iran to go down too many of these vids are getting out.

Who will fill Soleimani’s shoes and kill the Iranian protesters?

@Deplorable Me: Dont worry, they couldnt find his shoes. check somewhere in Kwait.

@Deplorable Me: Greg and his colleagues…as long as it makes Trump look bad.