The Week in Radical Leftism, 11/08/2019

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Welcome back! We’re now in Thanksgiving season, which means that Christmas decorations are everywhere! Actually, I saw the first Christmas trees in my local BJ’s before Halloween. But you know what’s even crazier then early Christmas decorations? Our Lefty pals! As they continue to prove my point:

10/24 – Killing the Political Right – CCGN Pushes Back on “Free Speech is Killing Us” Article

This will come as no shock, but unsurprisingly this Radical Leftist solution in search of a problem is demanding your money and your freedom. The disturbing thing about this is that this is the sort of thing that got Leftists laughed out of the room 20 years ago and is now part of the DNC’s platform.

10/31 – Muslim Commissioner of Virginia Human Rights Commission: Gays Are ‘Abomination to the Human Race’

What is it with Virginia Leftists and their love of bigots?

11/1 – Whistleblower will not testify at the impeachment inquiry

Faithful readers know that I devote very little space to the various DNC fueled witch hunts. My biggest takeaway from these is when we hear about how we need to tone down the rhetoric, reach across the aisle, yadda yadda, I’m left with one question: where are the sane, moderate Democrats who should be saying, “Enough already – WTF is wrong with you people?!?”

11/2 – Instagram “Star” Says Learning About WWII Would Hit Millennials’ Mental Health

As disturbing as the headline is, when you read the story it gets worse – this punk is from The U.K. And for some reason the link to the original story that’s embedded is broken – here’s the correct link to the original story in The Daily Mail.

11/2 – Skateboarding hacker poet pervert with drunk driving and burglary raps drops out of presidential race

This is one of those stories that makes the cut just for an awesome title. But it’s still worth the read, especially the excerpt from Powerline,

My one personal experience with this goon was going to a rally he had in Alexandria out of morbid curiosity. 45 minutes after he was scheduled to arrive & no sign of his arrival I bailed. To take a page out of Kitt’s book, this very NSFW lyriced classic from Skid Row goes out to you, Beto! No need to whimper, no need to shout! The party’s over, so…


WTH is wrong with these people, and how do we not beat them in every election?

11/4 – Elizabeth Warren’s Cringe-Level Meme Team (Video)

This makes Fauxcahontas’ “I’m going to grab… a beer!” moment look cool by comparison! For some reason this also reminds me of Joe Piscopo on Saturday Night Live (back when they still did comedy) when he was doing his Frank Sinatra impression. He was in the recording studio and said, “I’m making an album of songs the kids will dig because it’s called Songs the Kids Will Dig”

11/5 – If Only Beto Listened to Joy Behar, Waited Until After Election To Suggest A Gun Ban

If Dems’ ideas are so great, how come they have to lie to push them?

11/5 – Hillary says Mark Zuckerberg should ‘pay a price for what he is doing to our democracy’ over Facebook fact-check policy

At some point Hillary’s weekly mental breakdowns are going to be more sad than funny. We’re not there yet, but we’re reminded once again how lucky we are that she’s not President.

11/6 – Kamala Wants to Lock Up Your Kids in School All Day

Or simply, do more to shift raising children from parents to the state to help further erode the family unit. This reminds me of a piece I wrote six years ago on MSNBC personality Melissa Harris Perry – Parenting Chicken Hawks? One point I raised there:

And of course, this entire discussion raises a very uncomfortable question for leftist thought: How come for the first nine months of life a child is nothing more than “a choice” for a woman to make, but after birth it belongs to the community?

11/7 – Sick: Boston Hospital Staff Protest Melania Trump’s Visit

We’ve reached the point where stories like this are no longer surprising. But it’s crucial that we not ignore what Mark Dice calls “The Liberal Pathogen”.

11/8 – Who are these ‘11,000 Concerned Scientists’?

(In Ron Howard’s “Arrested Develpment” Narrator Voice): Actually, they’re not.

From the archives, we go back ten years to offer How To Quickly End An Argument With A Global Warming Zealot. Not that you need any help, but it’s a great guide to how to annoy Climastrology zealots.

Have a great weekend!

Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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The schism between the Left’s factions is sad.
Gays who aren’t gay enough.
Muslims who call all gays abominations.
There’s going to be a reckoning.

So, how’s this going to end?
London, a few years ago (2003 – 5) shows us.
Mayor “Red” Ken Livingstone thought he could have a coalition of anti-war lefties parade down the street.
Anti-war gay groups and anti-war Muslim groups were invited.
There were threats and beatings by the Muslims on the gays.
Right on the parade route!
Gays reported that their lives were threatened if they EVER showed up in London again as a group.
The gay groups appealed to the mayor of London.
He weighed the situation and came down on the side of the Muslims.
In the following years all the gay groups were forbidden from attending.

My next door neighbor had his Christmas lights put up three weeks ago (at least they don’t turn them on). But, I imagine people that have others put their lights on have to get them put up early because the lights-putting-up-industry because they are busy. Perhaps that is an entirely different problem.

10/24 – Killing the Political Right – CCGN Pushes Back on “Free Speech is Killing Us” Article

Fix it with taxpayer funded government propaganda. What could go wrong?

10/31 – Muslim Commissioner of Virginia Human Rights Commission: Gays Are ‘Abomination to the Human Race’

I wonder when liberals will finally realize the problem they have with pandering to so many divergent interest groups? Ever?

11/1 – Whistleblower will not testify at the impeachment inquiry

Meanwhile, his attorney doesn’t like Trump attacking the anonymous guy that lies about him from the shadows. Go figure. I think Democrats hope all the discussion of their total lack of any evidence to impeach Trump will make us all forget there ever was a whistle blower.

11/2 – Instagram “Star” Says Learning About WWII Would Hit Millennials’ Mental Health

For liberals, ANY kind of knowledge of facts affects their ability to accept lies without question… their “mental health” as it benefits their ideological leaders.

11/2 – Skateboarding hacker poet pervert with drunk driving and burglary raps drops out of presidential race

And yet, somehow, the world continued to turn. Maybe O’Rook was born to do something else? This could be his theme song for his next campaign. Should raise millions.


When I was punished for doing things I wasn’t supposed to do, it usually promoted a sense to not do whatever it was again. But, that’s just a guy that was disciplined as a child talking.

11/4 – Elizabeth Warren’s Cringe-Level Meme Team (Video)

At some point, I clicked the wrong thing and now I get NYT articles on my Facebook. I didn’t ask for it, nor do I want it, but I don’t turn away from other opinions. so, I comment on their stupid, slanted, biased, liberal propaganda articles. I often post links. The response I often get is a meme… which, you know, really drives the lack of a point home. Keep in mind, Warren and all Democrats assumes their constituency is really, really stupid. Usually, they are.

11/5 – If Only Beto Listened to Joy Behar, Waited Until After Election To Suggest A Gun Ban

As if Democrats (except for O’Rook) had to be told… sheesh.

11/5 – Hillary says Mark Zuckerberg should ‘pay a price for what he is doing to our democracy’ over Facebook fact-check policy

Did you hear Hillary when she finally sobered up stating whoever runs as Democrat will have to win the Electoral College because… it’s in the Constitution? Notice how the left’s attitude towards Zuckerberg changed after he talked with some conservatives? TRAITOR!! Bad propagandist! Bad!

11/6 – Kamala Wants to Lock Up Your Kids in School All Day

One of my proudest moments for one of my children was when one of my daughters put off doing a project until the last minute and then was having me help with the project (building a model of “The Globe”, Shakespeare’s theater). We worked late into the night, but I had to get up early for work. I told her she is just going to have to accept the grade she gets for not taking care of this sooner. I went to bed.

She stayed up and finished the model. She got an A. She LEARNED. Kamala and other Democrats want useful idiots, my daughter became a responsible person.

11/7 – Sick: Boston Hospital Staff Protest Melania Trump’s Visit

The left makes good use of people who can’t (or won’t) make up their own minds.

11/8 – Who are these ‘11,000 Concerned Scientists’?

That was a typo. They meant to say “110,000,000 Concerned Scientist”. The bigger the lie, right?

@Nan G:

He weighed the situation and came down on the side of the Muslims.

The left always sides with Muslims in a dispute because THEY will actually kill you if you cross them. Is it any wonder why they feel political violence is a viable tool?

Kamala Wants to Lock Up Your Kids in School All Day
The kids…Where is middleman, where is middle man
From all the 4th graders to Kamala

Who are these ‘11,000 Concerned Scientists’? Do they recycle these from the green wing of the nazi party pseudo science of the 30s and 40s? I guess Learning About WWII Would Hit Millennials’ Mental Health. Spoiler alert…it ends with forced labor and humans in ovens.

most isis fighters are homosexuals

@Brother Bob: The Federal Bureau of Investigation is participating in an investigation with the Connecticut State Police concerning flyers that were anonymously distributed on a local university campus which stated that “It’s Okay To Be White“:
Couldnt the FBI be better involved in question ABC executives to find out how many other Pedos they are hiding?

@kitt: There is a general rule that you should not ask questions you don’t want to know the answer to.

Kamela Harris lock up its in school all day have them Brainwashed/Indoctrinated by the NEA and Dept of Indoctrination/Brainwashing(Education)have them be just like Thunberg and Hogg

[Search domain
Isnt it electricity thats causing all the fires and massive release of CO2 from burning forests and grasslands?
Gas heaters produce more heat when compared to electric heaters in the same amount of time. Since gas is generally cheaper than electricity, a gas heater has lower operating cost. But who cares about the poor or those on fixed incomes, and the electricity being cut off for days at a time.
Peasants you shall take only what we allow you.