Take your lynching outrage and shove it



In 1977 country singer Johnny Paycheck popularized a song entitled “Take this job and shove it.”

Take this job and shove it
I ain’t working here no more
My woman done left
And took all the reasons
I was working for

You better not try to stand in my way
As I’m walking out the door
Take this job and shove it
I ain’t working here no more

The rest of the lyrics can be found here

Yesterday Donald Trump likened the treatment being inflicted on him by the House Democrat Secret Police as a “lynching.”

It was met with much derision- “fury” even.

“That is one word that no president ought to apply to himself,” the South Carolina representative James Clyburn, the House majority whip, said on CNN. “I’m not just a politician … I’m a product of the south. I know the history of that word.”

The California representative Karen Bass, chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus, told CNN Trump’s “lynching” tweet was consistent with his pattern of throwing out “racial bombs” to give “red meat” to his base when his back is against the wall.

democrats immediately leaped to prove what a collection of hypocritical morons they are

In 1998 Jerry (the Hutt) Nadler accused Republicans of running a “lynch mob” against Bill Clinton

I am the president’s defender in the sense that I haven’t seen anything yet that would rise, in my opinion, to the level of impeachable offense. …

I wish we could get this over with quickly. … In pushing the process, in pushing the arguments of fairness and due process the Republicans so far have been running a lynch mob.

Then there was Greg Meeks

Here’s CNN

And I can state unequivocally after watching Thursday’s Benghazi House committee hearing and considering the email transcripts, media statements, debates and intense partisan focus on the former secretary of state for the past few years that she has been treated unfairly. Unprofessionally. And frankly, disrespectfully.

I believe that like Justice Clarence Thomas before her, she has been publicly lynched in a way that we Americans only reserve for uppity black men and uppity professional women who don’t know their place. She has been dragged through the media and partisan mud of Capital Hill politics and asked to answer questions that she has already answered. She has been attacked. Accused. And berated by members of Congress who should know better.

How about Harry Reid and John Kerry?

And no discussion of hypocrisy would be complete without Quid Pro Joe Biden who today said:

But back then:

Wikipedia describes “Lynching” this way

Lynching is a premeditated extrajudicial killing by a group. It is most often used to characterize informal public executions by a mob in order to punish an alleged transgressor, convicted transgressor, or to intimidate a group. It can also be an extreme form of informal group social control, and it is often conducted with the display of a public spectacle (often in the form of hanging) for maximum intimidation.[1] Instances of lynchings and similar mob violence can be found in every society.[2][3][4]

And there is this little tidbit

 Tuskegee Institute records of lynchings between the years 1880 and 1951 show 3,437 African-American victims, as well as 1,293 white victims.

So democrats,

Take your lynching outrage and shove it

I ain’t puttin’ up with it no more

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I guess since Democrats have historically committed the racial lynchings, they much think they own the term.

A lynching dispenses with all aspects of due process and ends with a hanging.

Impeachment involves investigation, the gathering of evidence and testimony, a vote on Articles of Impeachment by the House of Representatives, and a formal trial in the United States Senate, where a two-thirds super-majority majority is required for a finding that a public official is guilty as charged. If that is the outcome, the process ends with removal from office.

Impeachment is a constitutionally prescribed process. It’s no more a lynching than it is a witch hunt. If it ever made any sense at all in connection with the wrongs of Bill Clinton, it certainly makes sense in the case of Donald Trump.

@Greg: After illegal surveillance, spying and three investigations, you have nothing. Not a thing. The only source of your imagination of what to accuse Trump of having done is knowing what DEMOCRATS have been guilty of. Collusion? Democrats. Obstruction? Democrats. Corruption? Democrats. Extortion? Democrats. Abuse of power? Democrats. Perjury? Democrats.

Not one single shred of evidence against Trump, but persecution based on bias, prejudice and bigotry. Just like Democrat lynchings of old. The only difference is, THIS victim has the power to fight back.

The one and only thing the Democrats have going for them is the equally corrupt and dishonest media. Without their protection, their lies would not be possible.

Charles Lynch was a Virginia planter, politician, and American revolutionary who headed an irregular court in Virginia to punish Loyalist supporters of the British during the American Revolutionary War. The terms “lynching” and “lynch law” are believed to be derived from his name.

It so upsets the Democrats to be reminded of their KKK roots, perhaps they should update tactics.


A lynching dispenses with all aspects of due process and ends with a hanging.

Yup. Like what your party is trying to do to Trump.

Glad you got it.

If it ever made any sense at all in connection with the wrongs of Bill Clinton, it certainly makes sense in the case of Donald Trump.

If only there were actual “wrongs” to speak of on Trump, beyond lies being repeated by politicians and media alike.

The worst thing Trump did wasn’t getting elected, it was being good at being president. Many achievements, but the hysteria of the Left is now on full display for all to see. There is nothing, nothing, Trump can’t do that the media won’t spin into a negative.

Any act to impeach this president by Democrats in office will be considered a coup and not acknowledged. This is sedition, pure and simple.

After illegal surveillance, spying and three investigations, you have nothing.

It hasn’t been established that there was illegal surveillance anywhere outside of the right-wing propaganda bubble, which is now so over-inflated with utter nonsense that it’s about ready to pop.

@Nathan Blue, #5:

Yup. Like what your party is trying to do to Trump.

House democrats are responding to Trump’s behavior as the law prescribes. It’s all that’s left, given that he asserts he is immune from both prosecution and investigation. His responses to congressional investigation have involved misuse of his power of office. He has ordered that congressional subpoenas be ignored and that subordinates break laws. He declined to answer questions during the Mueller investigation. He has retaliated against anyone who he felt to be a threat with firings and personal attacks. He has filled governmental positions with people he calculated would serve his personal ends.

Any act to impeach this president by Democrats in office will be considered a coup and not acknowledged.

He can not acknowledge it as they remove him from the Oval Office in a straight jacket. This is a nation ruled by constitutional laws and processes. That did not cease to be the case with the inauguration of Donald J. Trump. It will not cease to be the case after he’s gone.

Somtimes having real History books handy is a help.
Many whites were lynched for helping blacks. According to David Barton’s extensively well-documented book, “Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White,” the original targets of the Ku Klux Klan were Republicans, both black and white. The Klan terrorized both black and white Americans not to vote for Republican tickets.

“Of all forms of violent intimidation, lynchings were by far the most effective.”

Republicans often led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and their platforms consistently called for a ban on lynching.

“Democrats successfully blocked those bills and their platforms never did condemn lynchings.”

So there it is, the inconvenient truth. The truth that more than 1,000 whites were lynched and many of them were lynched because they were Republican and because they supported their fellow black citizens.

How the shoe fits.
I suppose that’s why Dems can’t stand it.


It so upsets the Democrats to be reminded of their KKK roots, perhaps they should update tactics.

I think it upsets them to think of their glorious days gone by when they had the power to take anyone they didn’t like and imprison or kill them. They seem to like that.


It hasn’t been established that there was illegal surveillance anywhere outside of the right-wing propaganda bubble, which is now so over-inflated with utter nonsense that it’s about ready to pop.

Not yet, scooter. But, when you use information you KNOW is false, hide the origin of that information as well as exculpatory evidence from the FISA judge giving out warrants, well we all know what that means. Even if we lack the courage, integrity and honesty to admit it.

Likewise, NOT ONE IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE Trump is accused of has been proven to be based on any evidence at all (saying you heard something from someone else won’t even get a conviction on a traffic ticket). But, you happily overlook that minor fact, don’t you? Overlooking, when it comes to Democrats, seems to be a full time experience with you, isn’t it?

House democrats are responding to Trump’s behavior as the law prescribes.

Democrats are responding to Trump getting awfully, awfully close to fully exposing their corruption, collusion and sedition to the world. They are a wounded animal caught in a trap and they are lashing out violently (and unconstitutionally). But they are about to be skinned.

It’s all that’s left, given that he asserts he is immune from both prosecution and investigation.

So, if he asserts it, it is so? If you have something (after three investigations, three years, spying and ILLEGAL surveillance), then PROSECUTE. Democrats don’t care what is Constitutional or not anyway. But, he IS immune, based on the Democrats’ very own rules: he’s a candidate for President and Democrats believe a Presidential candidate cannot be investigated.

He has ordered that congressional subpoenas be ignored and that subordinates break laws.

Not one single time. If he had, we would not be having “inquiries” looking, desperately, for something to use to impeach him with.

He declined to answer questions during the Mueller investigation.

Nope, wrong again. He answered Mueller’s questions.

He has retaliated against anyone who he felt to be a threat with firings and personal attacks.

Not once. Not one single time.

He has filled governmental positions with people he calculated would serve his personal ends.

Did you notice Obama putting people in positions in his administration that opposed his personal goals? In fact, one of the major threats to the security of this country are the residual scum Obama left behind that leak vital classified information to damage Trump. Considering Trump’s personal goal is to repair the damage wrought by the Obama regime and make America more prosperous, safer and stronger, he is doing everything proper to achieve that personal goal. That is a far better goal that Obama’s to punish America for being great and prosperous.

@Nan G:

the original targets of the Ku Klux Klan were Republicans, both black and white.

Not much has changed, has it?

Is all the media/Dem “leader” outrage being orchestrated by President/candidate Trump for the purpose of Free Publicity?
Could be.
Pres Trump knew his desire to host the G-7 at one of his family’s resorts would be shot down.
He didn’t need to even put it out there in public.
But he did.
And the fury of the Dems boiled down to they don’t care how much of OUR taxpayer money has to be spent, as long as Trump = bad.

Pres Trump also knew all about the previous use of the term, “Lynching” by Dem and media during the Clinton impeachment hearings.
He also knew his own using that term with regard his own impeachment kangaroo court or star chamber would be shot down by media and Dem leaders without a moment’s self-reflection.
He didn’t need to put it out in public.
But he did.
And the fury of the Dems boiled down to how “racist” the term “Lynch” is and how Trump = bad.
Then Trump pulled the trigger, exposing all those Dems/media saying LYNCHING in regard to impeachment.

In both cases the Trump campaign had a ready response that shot Dems outrage down and made Dems look like fools, hypocrites and spendthrifts.
Trump got FREE PUBLICITY by trolling these easy targets.

Will they ever learn?
Ever play laser tag with a cat?

@Nan G: As long as they assume they are the smartest species in the world, they will NEVER learn.

It can’t be a lynching when Trump ultimately hangs himself with his own rope.

Was the lynching Tweet suppose to imply some continuation of wealthy white folks being strung up by angry out of control mobs? Maybe in your gas-lighting world, we need reparations for the rich man?

@Ronald J. Ward: Charles Lynch (judge) Charles Lynch (1736-1796) was a Virginia planter, politician, and American revolutionary who headed an irregular court in Virginia to punish Loyalist supporters of the British during the American Revolutionary War. The terms ” lynching ” and “lynch law” are believed to be derived from his name. Do you think all those loyal to the crown were poor?
Do you think all those from Greenwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma, were poor or hung themselves?

@Ronald J. Ward:

It can’t be a lynching when Trump ultimately hangs himself with his own rope.

And what, exactly, is the evidence to support that? We’ll wait. (and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait… until it is obvious you, once again, are simply and ignorantly repeating a talking point you heard)

Though when we think of lynching in the historical context we remember all the racial lynchings carried out by Democrats, there is no inherent racial connotation to “lynch”. It merely means to execute without cause or evidence…. like Democrats are doing now. But, I don’t expect you to understand smart talk.


So we might want to consider reparations for the historically mistreated rich white man?

@Deplorable Me:
Okay so just as you see no racial issues with Trump, you likewise see no signs of racism associated with the history of lynching?

It’s an interesting sales pitch that for other than the rich white man, racism has been pretty much eradicated.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Okay so just as you see no racial issues with Trump, you likewise see no signs of racism associated with the history of lynching?

As usual, you make of a statement what fits your warped concepts. No, I see racism associated with lynching; Democrats/KKK created the racism characteristic because they were/are the racists. However, anyone of any race, creed or religion can be lynched. But, you knew that, didn’t you? You merely wanted to impress me with your stupidity.

Racism was close to eradicated but Democrats insist on using it as a weapon and keeping it alive and well. You play your part in keeping racism alive.

@Ronald J. Ward: reparations reparations Never mentioned by anyone except by us seeing a General made bankrupt.
Who said racism is eradicated? We see it practiced by democrats examples Blacks are too stupid to obtain IDs for voting, they cant do anything without government help and we must lower standards for them., White privilege, affirmative action. I could give you more. Just shove it.

The reference to lynching was probably just an unfortunate choice of metaphors that was then recognized as useful distraction. Better to have the media’s attention diverted to that, rather than summarizing what has just happened with Syria, or what the Ukraine proposition actually boils down to.

@Greg: Thats the problem with your clown show media they have the habit of pouncing on every single thing to distract your short attention span.
So now you are mad withdrawing from a conflict never authorized? The clown show will vote to condemn something they never approved?
Did you read this in your copy of Hillarys book? Sep 23, 2014 · In her book “Hard Choices” former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claims she supported arming the Syrian rebels in 2012, further destabilizing the ME, that dumb bunny would have us in a world war over oil and we have plenty.
Jul 20, 2017 · A covert CIA program created under the Obama administration to train and arm Syrian rebels, how did that work out? Loads of tax payer cash flushed on that failure.

@Greg: Lynching is merely the best term to describe what the Democrats are intending to do, especially since it is in the Democrat DNA to lynch.

Trump just got us unsnared from a trap Obama made. Sure, the area is still screwed up, mostly THANKS to Obama and his gutless blundering. But Trump had the GUTS to get us out of an absolutely no-win situation we should NEVER have been in.

@Ronald J. Ward: I can’t help but notice you daintily danced out of answering exactly WHAT “rope” Trump is using. Still waiting on that talking point?

@kitt: @Deplorable Me:

isn’t it cute how Comrade Greggie Goebbels, realizing he has lost the “lynching” argument, pivots to Syria/Ukraine. Perhaps he read how the Dems use that term with frequency during the Clinton impeachment. But then, Quid Pro Quo Joe Biden, felt using the term was fine during the 90’s but now it is oh, so, politically incorrect and even if Quid Pro Quo Joe is dishonest to the top of his head, he wants us to know that he is politically correct NOW. Lynching was a Democrat activity to begin with and nothing has changed except now they do it using high tech.

As to Ronald J. Ward, seems to me he just has a problem with not being “white.” Talk about a racist.

@retire05: They are sooo adorable its a shame we have to ‘splain everything to them, when we point something out that kills the twisted logic they squeal what aboutism. They dredge up 30+ year old offenses but we shouldnt drag up offenses from a much more recent time frame.
They are a comedy team here to amuse us.


House democrats are responding to Trump’s behavior as the law prescribes.

No they are not. They are, however, proving they are unfit to objectively make such claims and investigate them appropriately

He can not acknowledge it as they remove him from the Oval Office in a straight jacket. This is a nation ruled by constitutional laws and processes. That did not cease to be the case with the inauguration of Donald J. Trump. It will not cease to be the case after he’s gone.

Funny how you’re accusing Trump of doing what House Democrats are doing. The laws and processes are being eroded by your Party, and that’s the issue. And I don’t need to see Pelosi, Shiff, and the others taken out in straitjackets; handcuffs will do.

*laughing* Is that still the battlecry? “Trump is CRAZZZZY!”

If only the Dems would follow constitutional laws and processes…they’d be nothing. This is about taking power for you and your Party, but no one is behind you. Obama era ideals and policies failed. Trump, for all his faults, has better ideals and his policies are working. This is about ego and power for the Dems.

@Ronald J. Ward:

It’s an interesting sales pitch that for other than the rich white man, racism has been pretty much eradicated.

Only white people like you have the ignorance and hubris to think you speak for blacks and others. That’s the issue.

“Racism” is a construct currently being used by Leftist white people to use non-whites as fodder for political gain. Meanwhile, everyone loses….

Good sales pitch, though. You’re living about 30 years in the past, however. Get with the now.

@Nathan Blue: Just 18 years ago we laughed like crazy at foolish racism and stereotypes. It was a joke. Mel Brooks movies played every goofy ignorant stereotype. Seem we are much less evolved in our society than just 18 years ago. Could Blazing saddles be released today, Young Frankenstein, History of the world, Robin hood or Spaceballs?


As to Ronald J. Ward, seems to me he just has a problem with not being “white.” Talk about a racist.

Hold your cards everyone, we have a Bingo! You’ve just identified the problem with enablers of the Party of Trump.. They rely on “seems to me” rather than facts.

@Deplorable Me:

@Ronald J. Ward: I can’t help but notice you daintily danced out of answering exactly WHAT “rope” Trump is using. Still waiting on that talking point?

To be clear and as you know and have pretty much portrayed me as such, I don’t ” daintily dance out of answering” anything you ask but rather flat out ignore your questions completely. Can you not even agree with me on that one?

October 23, 2019 – Pentagon’s Ukraine expert provides impeachment testimony after Republican protest causes 5-hour delay

Republicans on the three panels — the Intelligence, Oversight and Foreign Affairs committees — have been permitted to attend the depositions and ask questions. Some of those who barged in ahead of Cooper’s testimony are not members of those committees.

These are the guys who claim democrats aren’t following the prescribed process.

@Ronald J. Ward: First thing you did was play the over the limit race card …thats a fact Jack. So shove it.

@Greg: Yup then there is
they have been making fun of Biden since 87 now its an impeachable offence….
Quit linking to fake news sights we knew about GOP storming the gates hours ago you just got the script?

@Ronald J Ward:

They rely on “seems to me” rather than facts.

Oh, do we? Well, when anyone asks you for YOUR facts which you have based your idiotic comments on, you scurry off like a rodent. What is the “rope” that Trump has provided himself? Or, why did you cross the road?


These are the guys who claim democrats aren’t following the prescribed process.

Push-back is both expected, and the appropriate response in the face of an opposition forfeiting due process and law.in favor of totalitarianism.

Good job to them.

@Nathan Blue: The Democrats are creating chaos and are responsible for an almost complete breakdown of the government. I hope enough people see this childish buffoonery for what it is.

Remember when Democrats sitting in the middle of House chambers singing and acting like children, disrupting legislation was regarded as “heroic”?

@Deplorable Me:

Oh, do we? (They rely on “seems to me” rather than facts.)


See, I answered your question.

@Ronald J. Ward: You are as much a lying coward as your Democrat handlers. Do you think Biden should be investigated for extorting the Ukraine government to kill an investigation that would have led to his son and corruption? Or, do laws only apply to Republicans?

@Ronald J. Ward:

You’ve just identified the problem with enablers of the Party of Trump.. They rely on “seems to me” rather than facts.

I’ll give you credit for one thing; at least you didn’t deny the obvious. You hate white people.

@retire05: He hates smart people. They make him aware of his stupidity.

Most of the blacks were lynched by the Democrats who founded the KKK the same democrat party which Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton belong to the same Democrat Party Obama belongs to let that sink in Rosebud