Minneapolis provided a glimpse of what the future would be under democrat rule

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After you read this ask yourself if you saw any of it on the MSM.

Donald Trump held a rally in Minneapolis the other day. There were protests held outside the arena and they provided everyone with a glimpse into how the world would look with firm democrat control. Have a look at how these animals act:

Protests outside President Trump’s rally in Minnesota took a violent turn as demonstrators began to set fire to campaign memorabilia, confront police, and throw urine.

Trump was speaking at a rally in Minneapolis Thursday night after sparring with Mayor Jacob Frey for a week about the high security costs. Protesters turned out in force, with hundreds chanting anti-Trump slogans and waving handmade signs, according to the St. Cloud Times.

As the rally wound to an end and supporters began to flood from the Target Center stadium, demonstrators became more aggressive. Around 9:30 p.m., a video was posted to social media that showed protesters burning red “Make America Great Again” hats in the street. Those at the protest were reportedly calling the police “pigs.”

At one point after the event, a group of demonstrators could be heard chanting, “Nazi scum! Off our streets!” A video shows someone shout, “There’s a Nazi over there,” presumably at a Trump supporter. People are seen running and it appears the man was hit by one of the protesters.


Another view


These are the future leaders of the democrat party.

And they laughed at Trump for his remarks about a civil war.


Some claim Ilhan Omar was instigating outside the Trum p rally



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While Obama was charged $20,000 for security, Minnesota wanted to charge Trump $530,000. Why? Well, left wing fascist fanatics are not likely to attack an Obama (or any other Democrat) rally. Their job is to attack REPUBLICAN rallies and try to stifle any voices but far left, fascio-socialist voices.

The DNC should have to pay for security; THEY provide the threat. I’m sure they are aware that people expecting to enter the venue to see the President would not be allowed to have any sort of weaponry on them. Those only intending to attack OUTSIDE the venue can bring whatever they like, though, and be assured they are attacking defenseless people.

Trump has a rally in Dallas this week. Gutless trash ANTIFA won’t try that crap here; they just MIGHT get their masked asses kicked.

Hey, Doc… you didn’t mention the left wing media denouncing the senseless violence. Is that to be the subject of an entire separate post?

The sad fact is that too many places, once nice, are now good examples of what the national future would be like under Dem rule.
Los Angeles has the homeless crisis with it’s rats, lice and 16th century diseases.
San Fran has poop fever, with even the city employees afraid to pick up all the poop lest they insult the poopers.
Northern CA is on fire, or has a bad case of the winds. As a result PG&E has turned off the electricity to about 900,000 households and businesses.
Food at eateries is rotted, a man dependent on O2 has died, Teslas are dry, gas is over $5/gallon.

Just before this rally, Minneapolis PD arrested 19 men (all Somalis) who had viciously attacked white men near the stadium.
What the Somalis did after the rally was assist Antifa in attacking white people.

When Antifa tried to get our rally goers in Salt Lake City, the police and Secret Service figured out a way that we could safely leave our venue without being confronted.
Liberal cities won’t do this for their own Trump supporters.
They could.
But they don’t.

so when is the President going to declare these animals terrorist. not dometic terrorist but terrorist

Face it liberals are nasty,selfish,vile,foul mouthed filthy scumballs who should all be rounded up and parachuted into the Amazon jungle

@Spurwing Plover: What have you got against the Amazon jungle?

@Deplorable Me: Parachute them into a certain part of the Amazon and they might become dinner for a tribe. But then it may spread whatever lefty diseases

@Fenriswulf: They could certainly infect them with fascism, ignorance, hate and violence.