The Week in Radical Leftism, 09/20/2019


Happy weekend, everyone! It’s another beautiful fall weekend, so of course our Lefty pals have no trouble finding plenty of reasons to be miserable. First a jump into the wayback machine:

8/22 – Hasbro Has a New ‘Monopoly: Socialism’ Game and Socialists Are Not Happy

With the dopey “Ms. Monopoly” getting so much attention, let’s not forget this piece of awesomeness. I’ve told Sister Babe that I want this for Christmas, but I don’t think she’ll buy this for me. Maybe I’ll need to work on Little Bob for this one…

9/13 – Ocasio-Cortez Brands Republican PAC Ad Racist Because It Burned Her Picture

Legal Insurrection’s Mary Chastain makes the great point that Gulag Barbie is more offended at her picture being shown on fire than being compared to a mass murderer.

9/13 – Moonbats: Lower the Voting Age to Birth

Then again, maybe the Lefties are onto something here. Why don’t we put abortion to a national referendum, and lower the voting age on the issue to negative nine months? All in favor of not being painfully disemboweled kick once for “yes” and twice for “no”!

9/13 – France: Firefighters attacked in no-go zone with Molotov cocktails

I’m wondering when this insanity arrives on our shores. My bet is it will be in Minneapolis.

9/14 – Transgender Coffee Shop Employee Shouts At Conservative Customer, Gets Fired

It’s nice to see the tide turning in this war. It won’t stop until our side goes on the offensive – let’s see some nuisance law suits!

9/14 – Ecological Grief – when scientists think they need therapy, but what they really need is debate

Or even better, try practicing science!

9/14 – Supercuts: Dems Swearing They Don’t Want To Take Your Guns Away, Then Beto Promising To Take Them To Dem Cheers…

Should the Dems’ promises from the debates be categorized as campaign contributions to the RNC?

9/15 – The house Eric Holder built…

Friendly advice, Democrats: When Eric Holder is the voice of reason on border security, take the freakin’ hint!

9/16 – Christian Artists Can’t Be Forced to Make Gay Wedding Invites, Arizona Supreme Court Rules

As tempting as it was to roll with one of the many Kavanaugh stories, I decided to post another good news story for Monday.

9/17 – ‘PRESIDENT SWALWELL’: Lewandowski Mocks Swalwell During Hearing

Read Lewandowski’s statement – his comments on his emails is epic!

9/17 – Hillary Clinton: ‘Stacey Abrams Should Be Governor’ of Georgia

“Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”

9/17 – Snopes Fact-Checkers Strangely Silent on NY Times’ Kavanaugh Smear

If only there were some explanation as to why…

9/18 – Trump, Kavanaugh, Lewandowski and our malignant Left

We need to start hitting back, and soon. This is only going to continue to escalate.

9/19 – Buttigieg Hopes Discovery Of 2,246 Aborted Fetal Remains ‘Doesn’t Get Caught Up In Politics’

Nope, no Babylon Bee here – this is a real headline.

9/20 – Hating Cops and Raping Women at the Venice Film Festival

Sadly, among Lefties some rapes are more equal than others.

From the archives, with the school year well under way we go back four years to when I offered
A Few Observations on Education in the United States. Specifically, I included this for the last item regarding college football players possibly unionizing, and why it would be a good thing. Yes, really!

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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8/22 – Hasbro Has a New ‘Monopoly: Socialism’ Game and Socialists Are Not Happy

This is what all socialists should be seeing.

9/13 – Ocasio-Cortez Brands Republican PAC Ad Racist Because It Burned Her Picture

She should be relieved there was no assassination play or phony beheading. But, liberals are quite, quite sensitive to receiving the same treatment they mete out to others. I hope the waaaaambulance made it to her in time.

9/13 – Moonbats: Lower the Voting Age to Birth

Cereal and toy ads are bad enough during cartoons; imagine the inane campaign ads that would be run. Absolutely not.

9/13 – France: Firefighters attacked in no-go zone with Molotov cocktails

Hasn’t it already?

9/14 – Transgender Coffee Shop Employee Shouts At Conservative Customer, Gets Fired

No doubt she thinks she lost her job because of LGBTblahblahblah bias. Is more proof needed that these people suffer mental issues?

9/14 – Ecological Grief – when scientists think they need therapy, but what they really need is debate

Reality has yet to invade the liberal mentality. For instance, a comment I made on a NYT article about how air travel’s negative effects on climate (GND promotion) should cause liberals going to climate conference/parties to stop all flying in separate private jets was met with derision and attack. Was it something I said?

9/14 – Supercuts: Dems Swearing They Don’t Want To Take Your Guns Away, Then Beto Promising To Take Them To Dem Cheers…

“Did I Just Say That Out Loud” O’Rouke has done the 2nd Amendment a great service. I has been pointed out that O’Rook’s on background check should prohibit HIM from buying a gun, so that makes us safer. I also saw a satirical site’s story that he has ordered his security detail to only arm themselves with Nerf guns.

9/15 – The house Eric Holder built…

That’s like having Charles Manson tell you, “You scare me… you’re NUTS!”

9/16 – Christian Artists Can’t Be Forced to Make Gay Wedding Invites, Arizona Supreme Court Rules

We still await the first gay to try and force a Muslim business to declare support of their beliefs. Waiting…. waiting…. Bueller… Bueller…

9/17 – ‘PRESIDENT SWALWELL’: Lewandowski Mocks Swalwell During Hearing

I guess on the fourth testimony, you are familiar enough with the characters to josh around with them. The best, though, was him asking Jackson-Lee to “repeat the question”.

9/17 – Hillary Clinton: ‘Stacey Abrams Should Be Governor’ of Georgia

And who should be President?

9/17 – Snopes Fact-Checkers Strangely Silent on NY Times’ Kavanaugh Smear

They are simply overwhelmed by fact-checking Babylon Bee to make sure they don’t try to pull any fast ones on the public. Besides, does anyone really NEED someone to tell them the NYT is lying?

9/18 – Trump, Kavanaugh, Lewandowski and our malignant Left

As shown by AOC’s reaction to being targeted by ads, the left cannot tolerate being treated like they treat others.

Yeah, finding 2200 souls stored on shelves in jars shouldn’t be used to reduce the liberal’s love of abortion.

9/20 – Hating Cops and Raping Women at the Venice Film Festival

Do liberals really hate everything that is moral and respectable or do they just act that way for attention?

Embrace the gates
Also on my wish list are the plastic straws! (think I will wait til they go on clearance)
4 red solo cups for 20 bucks? I could make use of the Sharpie pen and make my own….

It’s another beautiful fall weekend, so ……………….

We had a HUGE hailstorm today about 2PM.
The seasons are definitely changing.
But liberals are not.

We need to realize Snopes is owned by a Soros’ front company now.
All its credibility is gone.

AOC and Hillary are always worth a laugh or two.

But liberals USED to demand women not be trapped “barefoot and pregnant,” in their homes.
Now, however, those same liberals want to force all Americans to be forced to stay at home, defenseless and hankering for meat.
The liberals in Silicon Valley insist that China’s Social Credit System would be a perfect way to see if our money is any good when we need to travel or even buy stuff.
Can you imagine being told you have had your mileage quota or your meat protein quota for the month?
The lower your leftist score is the lower your “right” to travel or buy meat or eat out is!
Then, they make cash illegal (they already tried to create cashless markets but it turns out they are ILLEGAL as of now) and, voila! you are effectively their slave!