Welcome back! As the summer winds down our Lefty pals get even crazier from the heat! Busy week, busier weekend, so this week’s post will be relatively short:
8/15 – The Tea Party Isn’t Dead. It’s More Vibrant and Essential Than Ever.
Despite what Matt Kibbe wrote in this great piece last year, Jenny Beth Martin makes a good argument that this is not the case.
8/16 – The Left’s ‘White Nationalist’ Fraud
“Just because most of what The Radical Left says is insane doesn’t mean we can ignore them” – Part I
“Just because most of what The Radical Left says is insane doesn’t mean we can ignore them” – Part I
8/18 – Hong Kong is a huuuuuuuge embarrassment for Democrats
Good post, although it ignored the notion of a tyrannical government crushing an unarmed citizenry
8/19 – Palestinian Authority Bans LGBT Activities, Urges People to Spy on Gay Rights Activists
This week’s edition of “The biggest problem with building coalitions based on identity politics is that eventually your allies run out of other people to hate”
One interesting point in the post – however wrong the NY Slime may be, they wouldn’t supply heapings of Trump Derangement if there weren’t a demand for it
This could be a massive post in itself, and it perfectly sums up the mindset of The Radical Left that’s taken over the media/academia/the DNC.
8/22 – All The People Who Think They Are Better Than You Are Much, Much Worse
Let’s go back to the always great Kurt Schlichter:
What have they ever solved? Hell, they created most of these problems in the first place. They whine about student loans, but who set up the college cash machine that is American academia? Our medical system is a wreck? Dudes, our medical system is Obamacare, and you’re the ones who stuffed it down our gullets!
From the archives, we go back four years to Everything that Is Wrong with our Government Summed Up in One Headline
Have a great weekend!
Because they are all UckingFugly https://t.co/TrVSTCGPPi
— chetbtester (@chetbtester) August 17, 2019
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
It just seems like they are gone because the left has Trump to invent accusations of racism about.
Remember that under Obama, being a veteran or opposing any of Obama’s policies made one “extremist”. If given the opportunity, the left would exclude the sane from gun ownership and leave guns in the hands of criminals… namely, THEM.
Because real history, truth, facts and stuff does not benefit the leftist agenda. The left (which includes the media, of course) is in the business of demonizing America. America is racist, always has been and always will be… UNLESS a liberal socialist is elected President. Never mind that they do all they can to keep racism alive and use it as a political weapon whenever possible.
I wait for further installments where the history of Muslims providing the product for the slave markets and Democrat perpetuation of slavery and racism and Republican support for civil rights is carefully and thoroughly examined.
You gotta love those candidates that refer the question to their campaigns so they don’t have to remember what they’ve said in the past. Silicon Valley is merely using China to finance the research the Democrats want they to use against US citizens.
Inclusion is only required for those that promote destroying Israel. Otherwise, all the Muslim prejudices remain in place.
Like all the liberal media, the NYT is not in the information business, they are in the liberal propaganda business. Imagine if a Fox News memo came out stating that the birther story didn’t pan out as destructive as they wanted, so now they will push the IRS angle until something else arises? (the difference is, of course, that these were legitimate stories)
We’ll solve the non-existent global warming problem even if it kills you. Note that our beloved environmentalists would rather stay in Illinois for their convention in Milwaukee, leaving a much larger carbon footprint, than suffer the indignity of staying in Wisconsin. THAT’S how much they actually care.
Like all of liberalism, they fail, create ongoing problems with their failures and them blame everyone else for the failures.
“A man in tattered clothing and a ragged cap appeared on a makeshift stage. He gave his name as “Jim Crow.” His white face was covered with black paint. ” Had this been true, this clown’s political career would be done. Sadly, would those of all the kids that laughed.
ANTIFA carries concrete to break up into projectiles, hammers, mace, bats and chains… because they are so peaceful.
Meanwhile, the Amazonian rain forest is burning, we’re in the midst of a mass extinction of species, and the global population of human beings has doubled since 1960 and is on track to do so again.
Do you know the answer to the question concerning how much unused resources remain in a Petri dish on Day 99, one day before total collapse of the colonizing bacterial population occurs on Day 100?
It’s an instructive analogy. The Earth is our Petri dish. The answer is worth thinking about.
Might i suggest that all these enviromentalists nuts be sent down to the Amazon and help to stop the fires after all since the Amazon produces 20% of the oxigen as they claim lets see them put their money where their mouths are
Hong Kong is not only an embarrassment but will loose its two state autonomy. Taiwan has tighten the hangman’s knot for China take over by giving political sanctuary to the terrorist leaders in HK. the central city’s damage in now in the hundreds of millions and growing daily. Once China steps in with the military HK will be under one rule. the rioters and alleged freedom fights are millenniums and clueless of the consequences of their actions. this “democratic” revolt is pathetic and will not end well when Chinese troops occupy the country. these assholes just set in motion an accelerated take over of Taiwan by China.
There’s an old truism that a picture is worth a thousand words. Here’s a NASA satellite image of the Amazon rain forest taken August 22, 2019, showing the heat signatures of the current fires. Does this appear to be irrelevant?