Inactive Shooter Open Thread




Late Saturday morning, a young white man entered a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, and opened fire with an AK-47-style rifle, killing 20 people and injuring 26 more. Police apprehended the suspected shooter, a 21-year-old man from Allen, Texas. It didn’t take long for internet researchers to find a four-page manifesto posted less than an hour before the violence, a document that El Paso’s police chief appeared to later confirm was being examined by officials. The document had been uploaded to the notorious, unmoderated message board 8chan at 10:15 a.m. local time, and it included a request: “Do your part and spread this brothers!”

In the anti-immigrant screed, the author describes plans to perpetrate a mass shooting against the Latino people he believes are invading the United States, the weapons he will use to do it, and his white-nationalist beliefs. Soon after it was first posted on 8chan, the manifesto could be found on 4chan, another message board with scant rules about what people can or cannot share. And not long after that, it was circulating as images on Twitter and Facebook and easily findable in a Google image search. Clearly someone got the author’s message.

The writer of the manifesto said he was inspired by the mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand—before which the gunman, another young white man, posted a sprawling essay on 8chan as well as a link to a Facebook Live broadcast of the massacre and instructions to share. That video was removed about 45 minutes after the broadcast began, giving his audience ample time to copy the footage. It was posted to Facebook 1.5 million times in the first 24 hours after the shooting.

The involvement of 8chan is becoming a familiar detail in cases of white-supremacist violence. The El Paso shooting appears to be the second one since the Christchurch massacre to draw from that killer’s playbook. About five weeks later, two hours before another young man murdered someone at a synagogue in Poway, California, the suspected shooter also posted a manifesto to 8chan. In it, he detailed his ideological rationale for mass murder and gave instructions to spread his words far and wide. Each of these shootings appeared to have been designed to go viral—a horrific act would catch the world’s attention, and a manifesto would deliver the hate-filled payload.


In light of this and the shooter in Dayton, here’s something I had written a while ago, just to get the conversation started (I’m literally out the door, about to be late to work; but wanted to get something up so readers could discuss/debate):

The trend over the last few decades (overall until maybe very recently) in murder rate and violent crime has been going down.
What’s really been changing is our connection to each other and to be overwhelmed with news. If it bleeds, it leads. Social media is lit up. Every morning on FB, friends and news sites are flooding my news feed with endless talks about the Florida shooting (back in February when it happened). And because of that? It’s a magnet that draws other troubled people to find attraction in earning “fame” and try and outdo the previous shooting that attracted so much notoriety for the shooter.
Bullies and the bullied have been around for ages. The disturbed and mentally-sick; ones who don’t quite fit into society. Yet in the past, how many decided to act out through school shootings? When we consider how many schools in society exist, is it an epidemic uptick of school shootings? Or just that we live in the information highway age of social media and 24-7 news coverage of if-it-bleeds-it-leads? And does that massive amount of attention feed into the likelihood of inspiring other copycats who also seek attention and fame, even if it’s negative fame? Everyone seems to want to be noticed; even those not interested in harming society and achieving negative attention (look at all the Youtube channels from people trying to get subscribers and earn celebrity notoriety through facebook pages and video channels).
This is a little dated now:
Recent school shooters seem to indicate that their actions are finding inspiration from all the attention given to previous shootings.
Joshua Alexander O’Connor from Everett, just a day or so before the Florida Stoneman Douglas school shooting:
“O’Connor wrote that he wanted the death count to be as high as possible so that the shooting would be infamous, according to court papers. He went into detail about building pressure-cooker bombs, activating inert grenades and deploying explosives for maximum casualties.
“I need to make this count,” O’Connor reportedly wrote. “I’ve been reviewing many mass shootings/bombings (and attempted bombings) I’m learning from past shooters/bombers mistakes.”
And the Stoneman Douglas shooter himself made comments about wanting to become a professional school shooter and being influenced by those who came before him.
“Investigators found messages on his cellphone that showed the teen had been planning an attack for at least a week at Jackson Middle School, near Massillon. He also showed admiration for the two students who carried out the Columbine High School shooting in Colorado nearly 19 years ago.
“I’d hurt and destroy something bigger but my schools an easy target,” Simons wrote in one message found on his phone.
“I want to leave a lasting impression on the world,” he said in another message written days before he took the.22-caliber gun to school on Feb. 20. “I’m going to die doing it.”
He had been researching other school shooters for months and, determined to outdo them, learned exactly how many people they’d murdered: 13 at Columbine High; 26 at Sandy Hook Elementary; 32 at Virginia Tech.
“I think ill probably most likely kill around 50 or 60,” Jesse declared. “If I get lucky maybe 150.”
On Valentine’s Day, at the same time police say another angry teen, Nikolas Cruz, slaughtered 17 people at a Parkland, Florida, high school with a semiautomatic AR-15, Jesse was sitting in a South Carolina courtroom, waiting to find out if he would be tried as an adult for a 2016 rampage that left his father and a 6-year-old dead.
The two teens have much in common. Both, investigators say, tortured animals, obsessed over guns and bragged of their deadly intentions on social media. And in the hours after Cruz’s alleged killing spree, as the nation began, once again, to ask why, a group of detectives, prosecutors and psychiatrists were providing answers about Jesse, now 15. He’d detailed his motives in dozens of online messages, in his 46-page confession and in lengthy interviews with doctors who evaluated him, offering extraordinary insight into the mind of an American school shooter.
For Peter Langman, one of the country’s leading experts on the subject, the teen’s calculated approach and lack of empathy called to mind Eric Harris, one of the Columbine killers Jesse idolized.
“The coldbloodedness, the callousness of the attack — not only before but afterwards,” said Langman, who was not involved in the case but has reviewed Jesse’s confession. “Even having done it, he’s not struck with horror or guilt.”
In fact, James Ballenger, a psychiatrist who interviewed Jesse for a total of nine hours, found that the teen reveled in what he’d done.
“He wants to talk about how dangerous he is,” Ballenger testified. “He wanted people to know.”
“I HAVE TO BEAT ADAM LAZA …,” he wrote nine days before the Sept. 28, 2016, shooting in a misspelled reference to the Sandy Hook killer, Adam Lanza. “Atleast 40.”


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@kitt: “culture rot” fueled by the invasion at the border and the influx of Muslims into Europe and the U.S.—-threatening to replace our majority of white Americans and our traditional Christian values.—that culture rot??

BTW DT ,maybe with some encouragement from the first daughter,called for the end of white supremacists stopping short of calling them terrorists as Ivanka had done.
kudos to both

From Scientific American, March 14, 2018 – Why Are White Men Stockpiling Guns?

As for myself, I seem to be stockpiling guitars. Maybe this should also be the subject of a study.

@Richard Wheeler:

“culture rot” fueled by the invasion at the border and the influx of Muslims into Europe and the U.S.—-threatening to replace our majority of white Americans and our traditional Christian values.—that culture rot??

No, Wheeler, culture rot brought on by your Party: identity politics; victimhood; no accountability for your own actions; if it feels good, do it; replacing husbands and daddies with a welfare check; abortion; socialism taught in the schools; destruction of societal norms; the demonizing of Christians and Christianity; the list goes on.

From Woodrow Wilson to FDR to LBJ to Obama, the weakening of our social structure falls clearly on the shoulders of those you vote for, the Democrats.

Divorce: Red States vs. Blue States

Want to compare Obama’s traditional family values with those of Donald Trump? Most likely not.

That said, maybe I’ve found a rare position Donald Trump could be taking that I might support. I’ll have to see where he goes with it:

Trump backs ‘red flag’ gun laws. What do they actually do?

@retire05: Glad you saw Richie dive deep into the old bigot pool, he pulled out his mirror and perfectly described what was in his racist mind to project on me. What a piece of work he is.

@Greg: I read the article its a pile of crap, women are buying fire arms , the concealed carry class I attended was about 50/ 50 on male female attendance.
The author Jeremy Adam Smith is editor of Greater Good magazine and author or co-editor of four books, including The Compassionate Instinct and Are We Born Racist? He is a nutjob lib with a huge dose of bigotry!
Stock piling Firearms again survivalists some preppers Ive seen what the libs think is a huge cache of firearms, Ive seen hunters with more guns and tons more ammo.

@retire05: That may well be culture ROD —but I asked KITT about her culture ROT.

Kitt–#55 What kind of non answer is that? Is 05’s response your final answer or can you speak for yourself. Do you agree with the President’s call for the end of white supremacy/supremacists?

Greg—collecting guitars can be quite dangerous—look what happened to Hendrix, Morrison, Cobain and others

@Richard Wheeler: Why should I answer you after that claptrap you posted? Obviously your idea of me is what the boob tube told you about those that voted for Trump.
I dont know any white supremacists, never met a single one. Ive never met anyone who was anti legal immigrant dont know anyone that has those feelings.
There is a liberal supremacist that likes to post garbage about people on this blog. even once wanted to join Antifa and beat up guys with patio accessories, he believes the boob tube about everything, never looks for other opinions or sources, thinks he speaks for entire categories of people, just like the talking heads on his television.

@Richard Wheeler:

That may well be culture ROD

Since you seem to think you are the self appointed typing police, I changed it to ROT, just for you.

Of course, you offer no comment to the list I gave you. I understand it is hard for you, King of Typing Perfection, to dispute what is true.

And in the vein of your slam against kitt: funny, the people I know who fled the People’s Republic of Loonafornia, tell me that they are surprised how mainstream Hispanics are in my state, unlike in the People’s Republic of Loonafornia where Hispanics are not readily accepted by the white populace. But then, most of them fled Los Angeles so maybe that is just a local bigotry.

What is also odd is that Tejanos are mostly anti-ILlegal.

From an April 9, 2019 Politico article:

” McLaughlin & Associates revealed that Hispanic approval for Trump in March jumped to 50%. This number matched the January Marist/NPR/PBS survey that shocked cynics with its own 50% approval finding. Even if those polls are too aggressive, February’s Morning Consult/Politico poll showed Trump’s Hispanic approval vaulting to a still-impressive 45%.”

You see, Wheeler, the worst of what is coming across our borders hide in plain sight in the barrios and neighborhoods of Hispanics. The crime they bring, drugs, human trafficking, is right square in the neighborhoods of people who were born here, grew up here, and are building their families here. That is something the elite thinking, like you, have just never understood. American born Hispanics don’t want the issues brought to them by illegals any more than any other ethnicity wants.

So while you are waiting on kitt to answer your questions, why don’t you answer mine which were:

Wheeler: what are you doing to stop the insanity of “a trophy for everybody” with our children? What are you doing to change societal norms of single parent households where the baby daddy is AWOL, or it is not even known who the baby daddy is? How many of these killers had done drugs, or worse yet, how many of their mothers did drug during pregnancy? How many of these young men were hooked on violent computer games that take the human aspect out of killing? How many of these killers were bullied but never taught how to deal with a bully and expected someone else to deal with the bully for them? How many were taught how to deal with disappointment (the loss of a job, a bad grade because they didn’t study hard enough, being dumped by a girl friend or not accepted into the “cool kids” club) and understood that they should learn from their failures?

Oh, that’s right; you don’t answer questions, you only obfuscate or ignore them all together.

@retire05: Talk about obfuscating–you’re throwing up a bunch of BS.
We got 3 self proclaimed white supremacists in New Zealand, El Paso, Poway and Pittsburg—Donald and Ivanka Trump acknowledge it.
You deny the truth
Kitt acts like they don’t exist.
They do and there will be more killings of minorities that, in their sick minds,. are replacing them.

BTW—What’s with the polls—-DT will never get 40% of The Hispanic vote—25 % of the Black vote or 45% of the Female vote
He’ll always get 100% of the white supremacist vote

O5 AND KITT To use your terms White supremacists are hiding in plain sight in your neighborhoods

@Greg: @Richard Wheeler: These shootings are not driven by guns or gun ownership. They are driven by hate and a lack of enough respect for human life to cause them to pause before they consider killing people for what they believe. So, where does THAT come from?

Well, who HATES people that dares disagree with them? Who promotes the idea that it is OK to scream people whose views you don’t agree with out of public places? Who supports abortion, even up to and beyond the moment of birth and declares those who don’t support this hate women? Who declares that anyone that understands we have immigration laws and restrictions and they are there for a sound reason is racist? Who declares that pointing out people in some cities are being forced to live in poverty and filth because their long-time representatives are not representing them properly is racist? Who proclaims that skin color determines who rules and laws apply to, how they apply and that anyone that disagrees is racist?

Who believes people who believe in Christianity and the teachings of Christ are archaic and stupid? Who believes whatever one wants to do, one should be allowed to do? Who believes that anyone that does not believe the pursuit of personal desires overrides everyone else’s beliefs and those other people must be FORCED to abide by beliefs they disagree with? Who believes those who will NOT bow to all other lifestyles are hateful?

Who has photos of a decapitated head of the President made? Who produces plays of the President being assassinated? Who promotes killing or raping the children of the President? Who declares, without the slightest shred of evidence, the President is a criminal and a traitor? Who broadcasts on media, without proof, the President is a racist?

And, worst of all, who believes that violence is OK when applied to the people that have been decided are racist, criminal, hateful, treacherous or hate women?

Take an honest look at those questions and answer them honestly and you see WHAT the problem with mass shootings is. Understanding this is relatively easy. HOW to solve the problem is much more difficult for it means a decades-long trend of vilifying anyone that cannot be defeated with facts and logic must be changed. Banning a gun or two does not change the hearts of people whose impulses are not restrained by morals or religious tenets. The left wing culture is not suffering rot; it has rotted and blown away. There is nothing left of it but hatred, envy and anger.

@Richard Wheeler:

Talk about obfuscating–you’re throwing up a bunch of BS.

No, Wheeler, I was attempting to cover all bases of your programed opinion. Obviously, your mind is so closed you can’t recognize that.

We got 3 self proclaimed white supremacists in New Zealand. Poway and Pittsburg—

New Zealand has the right to deal with their own issues as they will. I do not live in New Zealand therefore I leave it to them to deal with their societal issues.

You deny the truth

What truth? The truth that it is your side of the aisle that is creating hatred and distrust within our society? Or do you deny that is true?

Here is some truth for you: Democrats, not Republicans, are trying to fund raise off the deaths of 31 Americans in Texas and Ohio; Democrats, not Republicans, are resorting to inciting rhetoric against their political opponent and those who do not vote for their party; Democrats, not Republicans, are telling the POTUS to stay out of their cities. I don’t remember one Republican telling Obama to stay out of the Texas after the Fort Hood shootings or blaming Obama for those deaths. As a matter of fact, it was Bill Clinton that decreed soldiers could not have access to their firearms while on base. Democrats, not Republicans, are downplaying the Ohio shooting because the shooter didn’t fit their narrative of “white supremacist.” And yesterday, Trump called out the white supremacists along with racism and hatred of all stripes. And Democrats, not Republicans, had to lie about what Trump actually said (see whacko Robert Francis and child of privilege, Cory Booker).

Kitt acts like they [white supremacists] don’t exist. They do and there will be more killings of minorities that, in their sick minds,. are replacing them.

Where are all the groups that you seem to think are hiding in plain sight? The only active radical group I see causing major harm is AntiFa. They are traceable and can be followed. And, according to the FBI, they are arming up. How long before there is even more violence by them? Will the LATimes cover that the way they have covered the recent shootings? I only know one person who is that bigoted and he votes DEMOCRAT.

BTW—What’s with the polls—-DT will never get 40% of The Hispanic vote—25 % of the Black vote or 45% of the Female vote

And you know that how? Or are you so mentally programed that you think all Hispanics think the same way the Hispanic illegal community in Loonafornia thinks? Hispanics are not some monolithic group that all think the same way just as whites do not all think the same way. Really, Wheeler, you’re one of the most bigoted people I have ever had the displeasure of reading.

He’ll always get 100% of the white supremacist vote

And what news channel just invited a white supremacist to be interviewed and give him a platform? It was not Fox. Ironically, the white supremacist said that Trump did nothing to help his cause.

You seem to want to label a section of our nation as racist (white supremacist)because they voted for Trump. That is just not true. And no matter what Trump says, it will be twisted by the radical left wing Socialists running for POTUS and judged to be ……….RACIST!!!! I promise you, the rhetoric coming out of the mouths of losers like Sanders, Booker and Robert Francis does not resonate with middle America.

Not that I think you will admit to the plank in your own eye.

Dep Bill and 05—You two putting up your own manifestos?
Lets keep it simple The President and his beloved daughter have denounced white supremacists–Ivanka calling them terrorists.
Do you agree with them—I believe Kitt said she didn’t.

Let’s be clear–my predictions on how the electorate will vote in 2020 are simply my opinions–no more no less–meaningless in the big picture I think we’ve all agreed polls taken 15 months out, by a variety of pollsters and wildly skewered, are equally meaningless—only one that matters is election day–let’s keep that one as honest as is possible.

@Richard Wheeler:

Dep Bill and 05—You two putting up your own manifestos?

Is that your way of evading the questions put to you? How about you accepting responsibility for the radicalism promoted by your Party against white, middle America?

Manifesto? No, it is telling the truth about you and your Party and the division in our nation that it has always fed on like a Lernaean hydra.

Of course, it is your common practice to not answer questions.

Lets keep it simple The President and his beloved daughter have denounced white supremacists–Ivanka calling them terrorists.

What rational person doesn’t? Do you denounce Black Lives Matter?

I believe Kitt said she didn’t.

I believe your cognitive dissonance has set in again.

@retire05: re Kitt see #50 –Glad to hear, you, as a self proclaimed “rational person”, agree with Ivanka that white supremacists should be condemned as terrorists–as you say. that should be easy for all.

Don’t miss my addendum re polling in #63

Off to work Enjoy the day


@Richard Wheeler: #60 Bull scat Marine, all of it. I do not pretend the white supremacists do not exist, can you just lay off attempting to demonize me, go back and read exactly what I posted. You have been filled with so much propaganda you honestly think all caucasians that dont hate their own race are ready to kill all people of color.
You with your propaganda infested mind just cant seem to accept that white supremacists are a tiny portion of the population nothing but yapping ankle biters, best to be ignored as they sprang from the democrat party.
Everyone I know are just hard working regular folks making their way though life, paying taxes, voting and hoping for the best future for their kids.
We dont wish bad things for anyone that is not evil, like the Dayton shooter he got what he earned, a bullet. The Walmart guy sad he didnt get the same, it will be costly to put that animal to sleep.

@Richard Wheeler: Lets keep it simple The President and his beloved daughter have denounced white supremacists–Ivanka calling them terrorists.
Do you agree with them?

I think the Trump family’s definition of what a white supremacist is differs from what Dems mean when they use the term.

For the Trumps and for me and many others, a white supremacist is a person who desires an all white homeland and permanent separation of the races.
Thus they (and I, too) are not white supremacists, since none of us wants that.

But for Dems a white supremacist is any white who is not ashamed of himself enough to vote Dem instead of his own enlightened self-interest.
White guilt is a way white Dems pretend they are not part of the problem of the institutionalized racism they claim all Republicans are immersed in.
White Dems are quick to claim they benefited from white privilege BUT somehow learned some lesson that confers immunity on them.

Frankly, the Left is moving further Left so far and so fast that even Mayor Pete found out he was too white to compensate for his victim-class of homosexual!
Lots of DNC staffers found out they were too white to compensate for their all 17 of them being women!
Before we get to the nominating convention Dems might have a few white males drop out BECAUSE they are white males, throwing their support to one POC or another.

Eat your own, Dems.

@kitt: I’ve accused you of nothing personally—did you not say you disagreed with Ivanka as white supremacists being terrorists?-Never said they were a large portion of society but they’ve been doing a large amount of damage.
I’m the one accused of all kinds of BS by the FA squad—I consider the source—-then ignore it

Nan Let me be clear I am not accusing you or The Trump’s of being white supremacists. I agree with your definition of white supremacists—and they certainly do exist NZ , El Paso. Poway and Pitt being four examples—The question is do you condemn them and do you, like Ivanka, consider them terrorists?

Have a lovely day.


And Democrats, not Republicans, had to lie about what Trump actually said (see whacko Robert Francis and child of privilege, Cory Booker).

Well, hell, how do Democrats even MAKE Trump a racist? By LYING about what he says. When he says criminals come from Mexico along with illegal immigrants, they say he said, “Mexicans are rapists”. When he says MS-13 members are animals, they say he said, “Immigrants are animals”. When he says fake news is the enemy of the people, they say he said, “The media is the enemy of the people.” When he says the people who were protesting statue have good people on both sides, they say he said, “White supremacists are good people.” Without lying, Democrats have not found anything to criticize Trump about.

And you know that how? Or are you so mentally programed that you think all Hispanics think the same way the Hispanic illegal community in Loonafornia thinks?

Well, you know the Democrat rule: they aren’t really Hispanic or black unless they think and say what the left wants them to say.

You seem to want to label a section of our nation as racist (white supremacist)because they voted for Trump.

How about that? Every Trump supporter is a racist, because they support Trump. Every gun owner is a killer because they own guns. But to believe, based on the statistical evidence that SOME illegal immigrants are criminals is WRONG and RACIST. Liberals can show us all the proper way to be a bigoted, prejudiced racist.

@Richard Wheeler:

The President and his beloved daughter have denounced white supremacists

Of course, they never NEEDED to denounce white supremacists because they have never given even the slightest indication that they ever supported anything white supremacist. What we need is for Democrats to apologize for their own racism, denounce it and promise not to do it any more.

: I’ve accused you of nothing personally

Well, sometimes people take being called a racist personally. Some of us a quirky that way.

@Nan G: Democrats hardly believe anything anymore. Their latest proclamation that to avoid being deemed a racist one has to vote Democrat proves they know their members suffer from so much racial guilt that they can be motivated which way to vote by exploiting it. After all, that’s how Obama got elected… TWICE.

They didn’t feel quite so much guilt about how they’ve treated women. That’s how TRUMP got elected.

@Richard Wheeler: Why lie?

Kitt acts like they [white supremacists] don’t exist. They do and there will be more killings of minorities that, in their sick minds,. are replacing them.

These types hiding in plain sight in my neighborhood? you are delusional, your mind polluted with democrat horse manure.
If the sick bastids act out like in Walmart they deserve and have earned a bullet, you will never ever eliminate the roots of the democrat parties thought, you just cant kill an ideology that would lynch blacks and burn crosses thats your party and they are projecting it on Trump and his voters.
Think about this Wheeler every talking head and Politican screaming this on your boob tube lives in a gated community locked away from people of color.
They have used this effectively to distract from Epstiens powerful pedo pals scandals, from Barrys FBI and DOJs spying crimes and other stories that make them uncomfortable.
Back peddle all you want Richie you insulted on purpose and the push back you get is deserved.

@Richard Wheeler:

The question is do you condemn them and do you, like Ivanka, consider them terrorists?

When you refuse to answer questions posed to you, why do you think others should give you the courtesy of an answer?
How about all the other questions asked of you that you dodge or simply ignore? Oh, well, we do have your answer:

“I’m the one accused of all kinds of BS by the FA squad—I consider the source—-then ignore it”

Of course you “ignore it” as it is much easier to ignore an issue than to have to defend your stance.

I guess you think that calling Republican voters “Trumpeteers” (rhyming with Mouseketeers, I’m sure) or what ever the he!! you call us makes you free from slandering those who are opposed to your political views? Again, your cognitive dissidence is blatant.

You’ve been spewing your radical leftist b/s on this site for years. Now others are fighting back against your bigotry. Pathetically, you have learned nothing of those who are not in your realm (left wing Loonafornia).

Amazing that someone could reach your age and show no signs of anything that could be remotely connected to common sense.

@retire05: Seem Richie expects a pass on his insults and ignorance, based upon his tattered over the limit liberal card. You know he is just ill informed and never heard of Antifa, blah blah blah.
Guess its past time to tell him his liberal card can no longer be accepted as a free pass to be dumb. We dont have to react or behave as he expects us to like agree with the Presidents liberal daughter, just because Don loves her.
As far as terrorists are concerned there are bigger fish to fry than followers of Q, former democrats, and those that refuse to believe MSM lies.


Seem Richie expects a pass on his insults and ignorance, based upon his tattered over the limit liberal card. You know he is just ill informed and never heard of Antifa, blah blah blah.

What do you expect? Rich lives in a bubble, clueless about middle America (every state between the Left Coast and the Beast Coast). He lives in a state that sold its soul a long time ago. With thousands of homeless in Loonafornia, some that Wheeler himself pointed out are veterans, the idiot Governor is giving free medical care to all illegals between the ages of 18-25, most who would be working aged males. Veterans suffer, illegal aliens get benefits and Wheeler was quiet, QUIET, on that disgrace. Does he call out his own? NOPE.

Then there is this that filters down into the brain of people like Wheeler and Greggie Goebbels:

“After today there is no longer any room for nuance. The President is a white nationalist terror leader. His supporters – ALL OF THEM – are by definition white nationalist terror supporters. The MAGA hat is a KKK hood. And this evil, racist scourge must be eradicated from society.”
— Reza Aslan (@rezaaslan) August 4, 2019

Aslan is an Iranian-American who was fired from CNN for his over-the-top comments about Trump yet Twitter does nothing about his violence.

Those black Americans who voted for Obama for no other reason than his skin color are just as racist as any white American who votes against a black candidate for no other reason than their skin color. But you will never get the left (Wheeler) to admit that racism is a two way street.

Let’s simply take this back to author Wordsmith’s introduction—you either buy it or you don’t—I’ll stick with my original comment in #25—-

Would love to hear from Word on the commentary he’s engendered.

Kitt Ivanka a liberal?

@Richard Wheeler: Yes Richie she is a flaming lib calling for federal gun control, a confused child with no understanding of the constitution, poorly educated at the finest universities in the east.
Federal programs to pay for maternity leave.
My slant on that, getting in a family way is a choice, I aint paying for your babies nappies either.

@kitt: She’s aligned with Lindsey Graham on gun control–he a lib?
Possibly just flaky like her dad who registered Repub in NY in 1987—switched to register independent in 1999—then registered Dem in 2001—back to Repub in 2009–
At 73 he’s still evolving
Any thoughts on author Word’s original comments?

@Richard Wheeler:

Let’s simply take this back to author Wordsmith’s introduction—you either buy it or you don’t—I’ll stick with my original comment in #25—-

No surprise that you would bail on being responsible and answering the questions posed to you. When challenged, you run like a scared rabbit. Then you try to drag others (Word) into the mess you created.

It’s clear any honor you might have once held you forfeited a long, long time ago.

@retire05: I @retire05:Same ol same ol from you—what a bore you are 05 What’s my honor got to do with this? Are you the honor police?–you’re simply a bad joke taking yourself much too seriously.
It’s Word’s post—not yours–he can join in any time he likes Do you feel a need to answer for Kitt. She seems to do fine without you

@Richard Wheeler:

what a bore you are 05

Well, I may be boring, but at least I am not a misogynist jerk.

What’s my honor got to do with this?

What honor? I’ve seen none in you. You damn sure showed no honor when you joined in outing my personal identity/information on this blog.

Are you the honor police

As much as you are the typing police.

you’re simply a bad joke taking yourself much to0 seriously.

Nope. I’m just a conservative who has tolerated people like you for far too long and will no longer let you just run your mouth without any accountability.

It’s Word’s post—not yours–he can join in any time he likes

True. But he doesn’t need you to beg him to join in just to try to pull your fat out of the fire no matter how much you may deny that was your intention.

@Richard Wheeler:

Do you feel a need to answer for Kitt. She seems to do fine without you

I will join in on any conversation on this open forum as I see fit. If you don’t like it, you are free to go on down the road. I promise, you won’t be missed.

Word has the respect of everyone at FA.–I’m not begging him I’m asking him because of that earned respect.

Other than myself, I’ve seen no one respond to his actual commentary—have you?

Other than myself I’ve seen no one respond to his actual commentary—have you?

Here is what you said in comment #25:

Word Thanks for your clarity on this–Your 4 paragraph summary CLEARLY AND CONCISELY illuminates what happened in El Paso in Christ Church and S.D. I commend you and suggest all read it.

Paragraph 4 is from the Slate article, not word. Paragraph 4 of Word’s actual summary doesn’t mention El Paso, Christ Church or S.D.

Let’s try this again—I’d appreciate Word’s opinion on the Slate article posted and I thank him for his well written commentary

Obviously anyone else’s direct response is appreciated

@Richard Wheeler:

From this:

Word Thanks for your clarity on this–Your 4 paragraph summary CLEARLY AND CONCISELY illuminates what happened in El Paso in Christ Church and S.D. I commend you and suggest all read it.

to this:

Let’s try this again—I’d appreciate Word’s opinion on the Slate article posted and I thank him for his well written commentary

Your stupidity shows again as you try a CYA correction.

I’m beginning to think compared to you Greggie Goebbels is a genius.

@retire05: One thing has always been certain—compared to you o5, Greg is truly a genius.

@Richard Wheeler: Any Elected Rep that tries to push “Red Flag” or “Risk Protection” laws which allow police to confiscate a person’s weapon before they are ever given a chance to defend themselves is a back stabbing, scum sucking, slithering slime from the deepest depths of the filthy DC swamp.
It would be challenged and struck down by any court that wasnt also out to gut the constitution.

People in El Paso believe Trump “painted a target on our backs” and needs to apologize for his hate filled and inciteful words.

@kitt: Is that your opinion of Lindsey Graham and the many Repubs who support “Red Flag,”
Should all these Repubs be primaried?

@Richard Wheeler:

So you’re saying “No, I’m not but I know you are” That’s the best you’ve got, Wheeler? Pathetic!!!

Well, you’re a real tough cookie
with the long history
of breaking little hearts
like the one in me
Before I put another notch
in my lipstick case
You better make sure
you put me in my place

@retire05: No idea what you’re saying but love the song—seen Pat in concert twice–thanks.

@Richard Wheeler: So there was a poll in El Paso of the entire city?

Yes every single one that backs red flag laws should get the old steel toed boot. Handed a 50 cent copy of the constitution as the clean out their former offices.
Under so-called “Red Flag” or “Risk Protection” Orders, anti-gun family members, neighbors, or associates could have your guns taken away based on mere accusations without any real due process or trial.

In secret court proceedings, where only your accuser is present, judges could determine that you pose a “significant danger” to someone, including yourself.

Imagine your surprise when a heavily armed SWAT Team arrives to seize your lawfully owned firearms.

It would then cost you tens of thousands of dollars in court costs and weeks or even months to try and convince the court they made a mistake.

@Richard Wheeler:

I’m saying your best shot is a dud. Guess you’re not smart enough to get the correlation.

People in El Paso believe Trump “painted a target on our backs” and needs to apologize for his hate filled and inciteful words.

People? And how do you know what all the people in El Paso believe? If you think these “people” are smart and informed, remember, they voted Beto into Congress. 65% of them are just as brain washed as you are.

@kitt: Thought we were through with polls—heard El Paso Congresswoman say those words–she said many of her constituents felt the same way.
Did you know on Monday DT voiced his support for Red Flag? Should he be primaried? Know Kasich and Sanford are thinking about it.

@Richard Wheeler: Dont know how you come up with such astoundingly stupid questions.
There would be better than those two goonies for a GOP Primary if Trump would sign any red flag style laws.

@Richard Wheeler:

heard El Paso Congresswoman say those words–she said many of her constituents felt the same way.

She is a Democrat and the people she claims feel the same way are only parroting what she said. But at least she showed one thing; she has no respect for the Office of the President of the United States. I hope she is defeated in 2020.

Too bad we Texans didn’t tell Obama to stay in D.C. when one of his Islamist buddies shot up Fort Hood. But hey, that was nothing more than work place violence, right?


There would be better than those two goonies for a GOP Primary if Trump would sign any red flag style laws.

#1) Any “red flag” law passed by the Congress would be unconstitutional.

#2) Only states can pass “red flag” laws

#3) Kasich and Sanford, LOSERS

@kitt: @kitt: So you are saying Trump is a back stabbing, scum sucking,. slithering slime ball for supporting Red Flag?

Who would you like to see take him out?

@retire05: 1) Any “red flag” law passed by the Congress would be unconstitutional.
When did that ever stop them?
They amended the constitution to get income tax theft.

@Rich Wheeler:

So you are saying Trump is a back stabbing, scum sucking,. slithering slime ball for supporting Red Flag?

No wonder you compliment Greggie Goebbels. You are just as radical as he is.

Who would you like to see take him out?


How violent can you get, Wheeler? And don’t tell me “Hey, that’s not how I meant it” when you give Trump absolutely no slack and call him a racist.

You are as disgusting as your Commie buddy, Greggie Geobbels, Wheeler.