Inactive Shooter Open Thread




Late Saturday morning, a young white man entered a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, and opened fire with an AK-47-style rifle, killing 20 people and injuring 26 more. Police apprehended the suspected shooter, a 21-year-old man from Allen, Texas. It didn’t take long for internet researchers to find a four-page manifesto posted less than an hour before the violence, a document that El Paso’s police chief appeared to later confirm was being examined by officials. The document had been uploaded to the notorious, unmoderated message board 8chan at 10:15 a.m. local time, and it included a request: “Do your part and spread this brothers!”

In the anti-immigrant screed, the author describes plans to perpetrate a mass shooting against the Latino people he believes are invading the United States, the weapons he will use to do it, and his white-nationalist beliefs. Soon after it was first posted on 8chan, the manifesto could be found on 4chan, another message board with scant rules about what people can or cannot share. And not long after that, it was circulating as images on Twitter and Facebook and easily findable in a Google image search. Clearly someone got the author’s message.

The writer of the manifesto said he was inspired by the mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand—before which the gunman, another young white man, posted a sprawling essay on 8chan as well as a link to a Facebook Live broadcast of the massacre and instructions to share. That video was removed about 45 minutes after the broadcast began, giving his audience ample time to copy the footage. It was posted to Facebook 1.5 million times in the first 24 hours after the shooting.

The involvement of 8chan is becoming a familiar detail in cases of white-supremacist violence. The El Paso shooting appears to be the second one since the Christchurch massacre to draw from that killer’s playbook. About five weeks later, two hours before another young man murdered someone at a synagogue in Poway, California, the suspected shooter also posted a manifesto to 8chan. In it, he detailed his ideological rationale for mass murder and gave instructions to spread his words far and wide. Each of these shootings appeared to have been designed to go viral—a horrific act would catch the world’s attention, and a manifesto would deliver the hate-filled payload.


In light of this and the shooter in Dayton, here’s something I had written a while ago, just to get the conversation started (I’m literally out the door, about to be late to work; but wanted to get something up so readers could discuss/debate):

The trend over the last few decades (overall until maybe very recently) in murder rate and violent crime has been going down.
What’s really been changing is our connection to each other and to be overwhelmed with news. If it bleeds, it leads. Social media is lit up. Every morning on FB, friends and news sites are flooding my news feed with endless talks about the Florida shooting (back in February when it happened). And because of that? It’s a magnet that draws other troubled people to find attraction in earning “fame” and try and outdo the previous shooting that attracted so much notoriety for the shooter.
Bullies and the bullied have been around for ages. The disturbed and mentally-sick; ones who don’t quite fit into society. Yet in the past, how many decided to act out through school shootings? When we consider how many schools in society exist, is it an epidemic uptick of school shootings? Or just that we live in the information highway age of social media and 24-7 news coverage of if-it-bleeds-it-leads? And does that massive amount of attention feed into the likelihood of inspiring other copycats who also seek attention and fame, even if it’s negative fame? Everyone seems to want to be noticed; even those not interested in harming society and achieving negative attention (look at all the Youtube channels from people trying to get subscribers and earn celebrity notoriety through facebook pages and video channels).
This is a little dated now:
Recent school shooters seem to indicate that their actions are finding inspiration from all the attention given to previous shootings.
Joshua Alexander O’Connor from Everett, just a day or so before the Florida Stoneman Douglas school shooting:
“O’Connor wrote that he wanted the death count to be as high as possible so that the shooting would be infamous, according to court papers. He went into detail about building pressure-cooker bombs, activating inert grenades and deploying explosives for maximum casualties.
“I need to make this count,” O’Connor reportedly wrote. “I’ve been reviewing many mass shootings/bombings (and attempted bombings) I’m learning from past shooters/bombers mistakes.”
And the Stoneman Douglas shooter himself made comments about wanting to become a professional school shooter and being influenced by those who came before him.
“Investigators found messages on his cellphone that showed the teen had been planning an attack for at least a week at Jackson Middle School, near Massillon. He also showed admiration for the two students who carried out the Columbine High School shooting in Colorado nearly 19 years ago.
“I’d hurt and destroy something bigger but my schools an easy target,” Simons wrote in one message found on his phone.
“I want to leave a lasting impression on the world,” he said in another message written days before he took the.22-caliber gun to school on Feb. 20. “I’m going to die doing it.”
He had been researching other school shooters for months and, determined to outdo them, learned exactly how many people they’d murdered: 13 at Columbine High; 26 at Sandy Hook Elementary; 32 at Virginia Tech.
“I think ill probably most likely kill around 50 or 60,” Jesse declared. “If I get lucky maybe 150.”
On Valentine’s Day, at the same time police say another angry teen, Nikolas Cruz, slaughtered 17 people at a Parkland, Florida, high school with a semiautomatic AR-15, Jesse was sitting in a South Carolina courtroom, waiting to find out if he would be tried as an adult for a 2016 rampage that left his father and a 6-year-old dead.
The two teens have much in common. Both, investigators say, tortured animals, obsessed over guns and bragged of their deadly intentions on social media. And in the hours after Cruz’s alleged killing spree, as the nation began, once again, to ask why, a group of detectives, prosecutors and psychiatrists were providing answers about Jesse, now 15. He’d detailed his motives in dozens of online messages, in his 46-page confession and in lengthy interviews with doctors who evaluated him, offering extraordinary insight into the mind of an American school shooter.
For Peter Langman, one of the country’s leading experts on the subject, the teen’s calculated approach and lack of empathy called to mind Eric Harris, one of the Columbine killers Jesse idolized.
“The coldbloodedness, the callousness of the attack — not only before but afterwards,” said Langman, who was not involved in the case but has reviewed Jesse’s confession. “Even having done it, he’s not struck with horror or guilt.”
In fact, James Ballenger, a psychiatrist who interviewed Jesse for a total of nine hours, found that the teen reveled in what he’d done.
“He wants to talk about how dangerous he is,” Ballenger testified. “He wanted people to know.”
“I HAVE TO BEAT ADAM LAZA …,” he wrote nine days before the Sept. 28, 2016, shooting in a misspelled reference to the Sandy Hook killer, Adam Lanza. “Atleast 40.”


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Patrick Crusius has a profile on

MyLife is an American information brokerage founded in 2002 as MyLife gathers personal information through public records and other sources to automatically generate a “MyLife Public Page” for each person, described by MyLife as a “complete Wikipedia-like biography on every American.”

At 2:46 PM today MyLife had this profile for the deranged killer Patrick Crusius.
comment image

At 2:50 PM leftists changed his political affiliation from Democrat to Republican.
His description now says he is a Republican and QAnon member.
comment image
(And an “incel,” as well as self-identifying as African-American.)

Hackers have feasted.

@Nan G:

What I find odd is that the shooter was first listed as a registered Democrat, then as a registered Republican. Texas does not register voters by party. In the event he was even a registered voter, the state/county registration rolls would not list a party affiliation.

As the political rhetoric gets amped up, the question we should be asking ourselves is which groups value and protect human life and which groups accepts violence as an acceptable means to “make a point”?

And when will Democrats realize that cramming illegal immigration down our throats (along with through other orifices) is a threat to peace and order? Anyone thinking going out and killing some Hispanics is going to make Democrats think illegal immigration is a bad idea hasn’t thought things through very well; this plays right into their hands, for they will put this to very good liberal use (as they do every tragedy they can).

I read an article this morning blaming (of course) Trump’s “hateful rhetoric” for the shooting. What “hateful rhetoric”, specifically, you ask? Well, he called people “filth”. Yeah. When he said Baltimore was rat-infested and filthy, what he MEANT was, the residents of Baltimore (the black ones, of course… it plays better that way) are “filth”.

No. Really.

So, where DOES the hateful rhetoric originate? I say hate, violence and racism would diminish greatly if the left would simply STOP doing it.

@Deplorable Me:

Yesterday during the conference held by Gov. Abbott and the Chief of the El Paso PD, there was a web site given to help the victims and family of the horrendous shooting.

Well, what do you know, just hours after Robert Francis landed back in El Paso, and gave his [heart wrenching] TV interview, there was a place to donate to the victims of El Paso. Only one problem, it went directly to El Beto’s campaign web site.

Nothing like trying to garner campaign donations off the backs of the poor dead victims that had yet to be removed from the crime scene.

Those victims had not even turned cold before the Democrats were screaming “We have to do something about all the guns in America.” Just look at Nancy Pelosi’s first tweet. Purely political. “Never let a crisis go to waste” should be the DNC’s motto.

Here’s the El Paso shooter’s manifesto, posted yesterday by the conservative news website, The Drudge Report.

He helpfully included the following disclaimer at the end:

“My ideology has not changed for several years. My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I (am) putting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump’s rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that. Many people think that the fight for America is already lost. They couldn’t be more wrong. This is just the beginning of the fight for America and Europe. I am honored to head the fight to reclaim my country from destruction.”

Remember folks: It’s not the President’s fault, because the shooter already had these ideas in his head before Trump was elected. And he isn’t a white supremacist. If you think racism had anything to do with it, you’ve been tricked by the false news media. No, it’s actually the beginning of a campaign to take back Europe and America—apparently by the indigenous multi-cultural natives, beginning with non-native Walmart shoppers.

It’s strange how articulate he seems, while being simultaneously crazy.

his manifesto has the same structure as all previous ones. boring, plagiarism abounds, no real rational thought other than smear wanted emotions of a piece of paper. Mao’s Red Book and Hitter’s Mein Kaumpf are recognized literary works. this POS’s manifesto will become trash. reagan killed mental care in this Country and the muslin terrorist pres continued its dismantling . hatred and envy are the same. hatred always has a “brute” to be identified and destroyed. envy is a side bar of hatred and morphs hatred into conscious reality . one needs to read the classics more often-Plato.


I will not read this for one reason; the shooter didn’t write this (if in fact he did) because he didn’t want it read. He wanted it read; that was part of his seeking fame.

Congratulations, Greggie Goebbels. Not only did you [apparently] read his ramblings, you provided a link to them..You gave the shooter exactly what he wanted.

BTW, Matt Drudge stopped being “conservative” a long time ago.

@MOS # 8541:

It wasn’t Reagan that killed mental health in the U.S. . The blame for that lays at the feed of LBJ.


something like mueller not having read his own report.

@retire05, #7:

I think it can be useful to know what the perpetrators are saying when the violent behavior that follows forms a pattern. Unless, of course, we want to continue to miss the warning signs.

These events are not random.


Remember folks: It’s not the President’s fault, because the shooter already had these ideas in his head before Trump was elected.

Possibly he is referring to all the anti-illegal immigration rhetoric many of these candidates and other Democrats issued back when they gathered votes and before supporting unrestricted illegal immigration and open borders drew MORE support from liberals.

At any rate, from what you show of his “manifesto” directly contradicts what I have read from leftists on the NYT site accusing that this shooter was a follower of Trump. So, without knowing it, you revealed how blatantly you liberals will LIE in order to try and blame Trump for anything bad that happens.

THAT, my friend, is what HATEFUL RHETORIC really is. And the left produces the bulk of it.

And, to remind you, illegal immigrant is not a “race”.


Congratulations, Greggie Goebbels. Not only did you [apparently] read his ramblings, you provided a link to them..You gave the shooter exactly what he wanted.

Greg, like every other liberal, read and shared it because he/they thought there was some anti-Trump value in it to be exploited. They sit around salivating at the anticipation of the next tragedy they can exploit for political gain. Meanwhile, they continually diminish the value of life. Late term partial birth abortions and violence against political opponents is promoted by the left, then they pretend to be surprised when someone actually commits violence to promote their views and draw attention to themselves.


What you think is not important (you don’t think, you emote). You are not investigating the case, you will not be prosecuting the case and you damn sure are not going to be sitting on the jury.

But like all leftists, you will give the shooter the notoriety he so desires.

I wish the moderator of this blog would remove your link.

I believe that Trump’s careless rhetoric, deliberately used to fire up his base and rally crowds, fires up white nationalist elements as well.

Why else do you think the El Paso shooter felt a need to close his screed with a disclaimer?

You want the link removed because you don’t want people to think about this. I think they should. They’re free to draw their own conclusions.


I believe that Trump’s careless rhetoric, deliberately used to fire up his base and rally crowds, fires up white nationalist elements as well.

The left’s LIES about Trump’s “rhetoric” is what fires up those inclined to violence.

@Deplorable Me:

Late term partial birth abortions and violence against political opponents is promoted by the left, then they pretend to be surprised when someone actually commits violence to promote their views and draw attention to themselves.

Right on cue, the leftists started screaming “Gun Control.” Robert Francis has sunk so low as to be trying to garner campaign donations off the shooting. What a slug he is.

This guy lived in Allen, Texas. Did you see the house he lived in? Four car garage. Yeah, next we will be hearing from the left how he was an “underprivileged” kid that was not loved. In reality, he is a 21 year old snow flake and chances are, a product of not only our public school system that taught him how to be a snowflake, but someone who loved the dark web.


I believe that Trump’s careless rhetoric, deliberately used to fire up his base and rally crowds

Go back and read some of the things you have said about Trump, Greggie Goebbels. Anyone who is sick of mind would be angry at the people you rail on. You, YOU contribute mightily to the anger some people have. And funny, I don’t remember you blaming Bernie Sanders when one of his supporters, who also loooooved Rachel Maddow, tried to kill Republican Congressmen and damn near succeeded killing Steve Scalise. Where was your outrage against what the Democrats were saying then?

Tu quoque is one of your favorite illogical rebuttals. I’m not going to play.


I’m not going to play.

Of course not. Like the shooters in both Texas, and Ohio, you’re a coward and don’t want to be held responsible for your own hateful rants right here on this blog.

There was also a mass shooting in Chicago, 7 killed in a drive by. But, oh well, just another Chicago weekend. At least strict gun control Democrat leadership works there, huh?

@Deplorable Me, #19:

At least strict gun control Democrat leadership works there, huh?

This is a bogus argument. Chicago’s gun laws haven’t been all that strict since 2008 when the Supreme Court overturned their handgun ban. They were relaxed further in 2013, when the Illinois state legislature passed a law allowing Chicago residents to carry concealed weapons. By some odd coincidence, shortly afterward the Chicago homicide rate—which had been cut nearly in half compared with the early 1990, began its ongoing dramatic rise. Handgun violence accounts for the rising numbers.

@Deplorable Me:

Well, well, well………………… seems the Ohio shooter WAS a registered Democrat who voted in both the 2016 and 2018 Democratic primaries.

Let’s see how the Democrat candidates spin that.


Of course not. Like the shooters in both Texas, and Ohio, you’re a coward and don’t want to be held responsible for your own hateful rants right here on this blog.

You should have some objective third party compare our various comments and tell you which of us they believe is speaking hatefully.


Greggie Goebbels, go back and see if I EVER called Obama, who I disagreed with on policy, the names you have called President Trump, or even said, about any president, the nasty things you have said about Trump.

I doubt you require Secret Service protection because other prominent Democrats are calling for violence against you like they are against Trump. Instead, I have been concerned with how off-the-rails you have been lately, and told you so.

You were so quick to link to the Texas shooter’s (supposed) manifesto. Like all left wingers, you just knew it would prove he was a conservative/Republican. But from the sections I have read on other blog sites, he was a left winger who supported Medicare For All and basic income payments. He has more in common with The Squad than he does with any conservative except he was a racial supremacist.

Sorry to burst your bubble but there is evil in this world and as long as you, and your Democrats, continue to rail on those who “cling to their G-d” and promote the crap that is taught in our modern educational systems, this is not going to end.

Perhaps now you will tone down your rhetoric about Trump, or maybe, due to your acute TDS, you will only double down. It remains to be seen.


This is a bogus argument. Chicago’s gun laws haven’t been all that strict since 2008 when the Supreme Court overturned their handgun ban.

Yeah… bogus. Because it all rests in the lap of Democrats, that makes it bogus.

The gun crime was worse BEFORE the handgun ban was overturned, but even now Democrats make it so expensive and difficult to own a handgun that only the liberal elite can afford them and their own security detail. Plus, they have the means NOT to live in the neighborhoods they keep in perpetual poverty.

You can’t blame legal handgun ownership for Chicago’s shootings; honest people can’t afford them.


Perhaps now you will tone down your rhetoric about Trump, or maybe, due to your acute TDS, you will only double down. It remains to be seen.

Liberals have nothing else but lying about Trump. Don’t expect any of them to give up on their insanity.

Word Thanks for your clarity on this–Your 4 paragraph summary CLEARLY AND CONCISELY illuminates what happened in El Paso in Christ Church and S.D. I commend you and suggest all read it.

Before running their mouths with wildly concocted stories.


You should have some objective third party compare our various comments and tell you which of us they believe is speaking hatefully.

Nah, you’re just speaking “partisanly”, no substance or actually belief behind it.

@Greg: You are correct they are not random, lets look to see if he was on some drugs to make him behave in school, lets look there, at big pharma, lap dances for doctors to prescribe the latest poison, putting all our kids on mind altering medications.
Anyone blaming the weapon or a political figure is a total idiot.

This guy was a white supremacist—and a very sick one like the others in Christ Church, Poway, and Pittsburg—they feed on each others killing sprees–it ‘s gonna get worse.
I denounced Antifa
I denounce these white supremacists/nationalists and the others among us–you are nothing but spineless scum

@Richard Wheeler:

This guy was a white supremacist—and a very sick one like the others in Christ Church, Poway, and Pittsburg—they feed on each others killing sprees–it ‘s gonna get worse.

Are there copy-cat crimes. Yep. But the root cause is being totally ignored. While your side of the aisle screams “Gun Control” no one is really looking at the root cause. What has changed that would cause young men to want to murder a bunch of people because they have no value for human life? Answer that question and you will know why they really do the things they do.

I denounced Antifa
I denounce these white supremacists/nationalists and the others among us–you are nothing but spineless scum

And that helps how?

Answer this, Wheeler: what are you doing to stop the insanity of “a trophy for everybody” with our children? What are you doing to change societal norms of single parent households where the baby daddy is AWOL, or it is not even known who the baby daddy is? How many of these killers had done drugs, or worse yet, how many of their mothers did drug during pregnancy? How many of these young men were hooked on violent computer games that take the human aspect out of killing? How many of these killers were bullied but never taught how to deal with a bully and expected someone else to deal with the bully for them? How many were taught how to deal with disappointment (the loss of a job, a bad grade because they didn’t study hard enough, being dumped by a girl friend or not accepted into the “cool kids” club) and understood that they should learn from their failures?

We don’t have a gun problem, we have a societal problem. Drugs, the dark web, violent video games, not letting our children learn to deal with the disappointments that every life has to deal with and having a desire to make their mark even in a horrible way, missing fathers, the list goes on. How many of these shooters were church goers on a regular basis? How can you convince these people that life has value when killing 20 unborn babies is a good day at an abortion clinic?

You, and the rest of the left will not change what is wrong with society until you accept what is wrong with society. Your party worked for decades to take religion/faith/G-d out of society and you succeeded. Now we have a generation of non-believers who think there is nothing higher than themselves who are seeking immediate gratification in their lives. Drug abuse; on the rise. Suicide in young adults; on the rise. Unwed mothers; on the rise. Society, Wheeler, not guns.

Fix the problems of our society and you fix the problem of young men murdering masses of people.

@retire05: It is no longer”Just wait til your father comes home”, its “did you take your Ritalin?” Starting at age 6, Stimulants prescribed for hyperactivity. Oh they have many now,
Adderall XR (generic available)
Dexedrine (generic available)
Dyanavel XR
ProCentra (generic available)
Just depends on who is giving the bigger kickbacks or lap dances from the candy girl sent around to sell the doctors on the next pill. When they stop working, the diagnosis and drug changes.
Handing a kid a phone to ease the symptoms of having to do without the video game.
Junk food cause mom is to tired from working, pizza, Mc Donalds, high fructose corn syrup and other names for processed sugar.
You are correct no child is taught to handle not being first, or what it takes to be great at anything.

I just saw a clip of Bernie blaming Trump for the El Paso shootings because of what Trump said (or, rather, Bernie’s version of what Trump said) about “Mexicans”. This means, I guess, that Bernie accepts responsibility for the Dayton and Scalise shootings.

When will the left find something other than exploiting tragedy to promote their ideology?

@Deplorable Me:

I guess, that Bernie accepts responsibility for the Dayton and Scalise shootings.

Of course not. Nor did the left wing press attribute that shooting to Bernie’s radicalism. Just like this a.m. while watching Fox, they talked about how the El Paso shooter was a “white supremacist” but never mentioned the Ohio shooter’s political views and how he said he supported Elizabeth Warren, only that he had also murdered his own sister and companion.

When will the left find something other than exploiting tragedy to promote their ideology?

They want to take guns from ALL citizens, including those who are law abiding. It’s not about GUN control, it’s about control, period.

Just a few weeks ago, a guy driving a pick up truck plowed into motorcyclists killing 7 of the 8. Where was the cry from the left to ban all pick up trucks? How many people were killed this weekend in motor vehicle fatalities? Where is the call to ban all vehicles? Where is the blame laid at the feet of GM and Ford for building weapons? When almost 3,000 Americans were murdered by radicals flying planes, where was the call to end all air travel and ban airplanes? We got crickets. How many people died from drugs that were brought across our southern border? Any call to lock down the border to end the booming business of the Mexican drug cartels from the left? Nope.

It will never end until the left gets what it wants, no guns. Never forget what Hitler said; that because he had removed guns from society (Jews) the children of Germany would now be safer.

@retire05: Based on the rhetoric blaming attitudes towards illegal immigration as the cause for the El Paso shootings, it appears that had the Democrats no denied the problem existed and not worked to make the problem far WORSE, there would have been no shootings.

@Deplorable Me:

It seems that Kamala Harris, following in the footsteps of Robert Francis, is now trying to raise campaign donations on the backs of the dead.

Do any of these Democrats have a soul?

President Trump:

In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and white supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hatred has no place in America.

Yes, we must condemn ALL racism, not just some racism.
ALL racism means blacks who hate whites, Asians who hate blacks, Hispanics who hate blacks, etc.
This whole lie that “you can’t be ‘racist’ unless you have power,” is BS,
ie., prejudice+power=racism.
This argument against “reverse” racism shakes out something like this:
In order to be racist, one must have power.
Black people have no power over whites in America.
Therefore, “reverse racism” does not exist.
But locally, there are power dynamics at work everywhere and they don’t always shake out to a white person being on top.
Jussie Smallett is racist & that’s why he created a make-believe MAGA boogie man criminal out of whole cloth.
In the media’s initial reports he had the power as opposed to the truth having the power.

@retire05: No. No soul, no morals, no character. Only a rabid desire for power. That is the socialist mindset.

@Nan G: The left will only condemn racism they cannot use, such as THEIR racism… which is the vast majority of it. Democrats cannot find nearly enough to suit their purposes, so they invent what they need.

Basically, if we believe the left wing rhetoric about El Paso, if the Democrats had not created the illegal immigration crisis and then made every effort to block reaction to it, there would have been NO shooting.

Just a few weeks ago, a guy driving a pick up truck plowed into motorcyclists killing 7 of the 8. Where was the cry from the left to ban all pick up trucks?

Unlike firearms, pickup trucks aren’t carriable weapons specifically designed with the capability to kill in mind.

It seems that Kamala Harris, following in the footsteps of Robert Francis, is now trying to raise campaign donations on the backs of the dead.

Why is it that the right unfailingly asserts in the immediate aftermath of every mass murder that it isn’t the proper time to talk about the firearm problem, and that doing so is political exploitation?

That’s wearing a bit thin as the body count rises. How do the people address such a problem, if not politically? Maybe we should never leave our houses, or all take it upon ourselves to routinely wear bullet-proof vests?


That’s wearing a bit thin as the body count rises. How do the people address such a problem, if not politically? Maybe we should never leave our houses, or all take it upon ourselves to routinely wear bullet-proof vests?

No you get conceal and carry, if a situation arises and you are there with your weapon, you end them.
Take cover, remain calm, draw and calmly end the situation.
All so worried about the one single shooter, how many shot in Chicago with the strictest gun laws? Laws dont stop criminals, not murder, drug dealing, robbery, or car theft, laws are meaningless go after the root of the issue.


Unlike firearms, pickup trucks aren’t carriable weapons specifically designed with the capability to kill in mind.

Guns are designed to SHOOT. A truck is designed to move a heavy mass across distance. Either one can either be a utility, a hobby or a weapon.

Why is it that the right unfailingly asserts in the immediate aftermath of every mass murder that it isn’t the proper time to talk about the firearm problem, and that doing so is political exploitation?

Is it the time to make a profit off the tragedy? Apparently, THAT is just fine, because that’s all Democrats do. What law would have prevented the shootings? What do Democrats propose that would have prevented the shootings? Ban guns? Really? Democrats merely use this as an excuse to grasp more power; if not, they would not have rejected the Republican proposal to have ICE notified whenever an illegal immigrant tried to purchase a weapon.

The problem can be addressed by supporting respect for life, ending using political violence as a weapon, toning down the rhetoric the calls opponents racists, criminals and traitors and normalizing threats, intimidation or even assassination. How about an end to ridiculing a religion that promotes forgiveness and love of fellow man? How about greater public support for holding people responsible for their own actions? How about some public support for discipline in schools and the family unit?

Looks like you leftists have a lot of work to do if you were actually serious about making society safer and more civil.

@kitt: The left only sees the opportunity to reduce individual freedoms, never an opportunity to actually solve a problem. Especially in light of the fact that they have CREATED most of the problems

@Deplorable Me, #39:

Guns are designed to SHOOT.

Dayton, Ohio: a modified AR-15 equipped with dual drum magazines having a capacity of 100 rounds each—a configuration intended for deer hunting or recreational target shooting, no doubt.

This equipment has no business being in the civilian marketplace. In Vietnam, standard issue M16 magazines held only 20 or 30 rounds. They were generally loaded two short. That was considered adequate in a war zone.

@Greg: While I have no need nor see no need for a 100 round magazine, it still is not designed to KILL. It is designed to feed 100 rounds of ammunition without reloading. The MURDEROUS INTENT is what results in killing. THERE’S the problem. How do you solve that or, if not eliminated, detect it and prevent it from being employed?

The “means justifies the ends” mentality is the problem. If a person has a problem, any means is justified to resolve the problem. If short of money, theft is justified. If hearing opinions one doesn’t like, censorship or intimidation is justified. And, most recently, if not getting enough notice or attention is the problem, then committing a heinous act is justified.

While we have media, music and video games to provide instruction on how to commit the acts, only the loss or suspension of respect for life can allow it to be carried out.

If one weapon is banned, another will be found as long as the ends justifies the means. And anyone that believes guns are going to be banned and removed from ownership is not only lying to the public but to themselves, if they actually believed it.

NO LIBERAL has yet offered a solution to gun violence. In fact, some solutions that would actually address specific issues are rejected by the left because they don’t like the implication. The left has not yet convinced me that they actually care about making society safer, only more compliant and subservient.

@Greg: It is no modification other than buying a different round magazine. A 180 dollar purchase, as much as a scope on a rifle is not a true modification. Adds 2 lbs fully loaded as compared to the 30 round factory supplied mag.
Survivalists are into extended magazines. There are many survivalists this mental case was not one of them.


Unlike firearms, pickup trucks aren’t carriable weapons specifically designed with the capability to kill in mind.

But like a pick up truck, a firearm doesn’t become operational without human involvement.

It would be awesome if you liberals were just as concerned about human life when someone is using a Metzenbaum scissors to end one.

Why is it that the right unfailingly asserts in the immediate aftermath of every mass murder that it isn’t the proper time to talk about the firearm problem, and that doing so is political exploitation?

Because there is a time for all things. Now is the time to grieve and to pray for the victims and their families. Not the time to try to fatten political campaign coffers or to blame those who had nothing to do with the shooters, or to make gains in political power.

Maybe we should never leave our houses, or all take it upon ourselves to routinely wear bullet-proof vests?

Maybe so, Greggie Goebbels, because your chances of being murdered on one of America’s highways or byways by another motorist is much greater than being shot by a wacked out, mentally deranged snowflake.

@kitt: He was a Satanic Bernie/Warren socialist supporter (some of that was redundant). You can’t get more mental than that. But, he was the Democrat ideal. Took his ANTIFA indoctrination a bit too far.

@Deplorable Me:

NO LIBERAL has yet offered a solution to gun violence.

The only solution the left has is to take all guns away from everybody. Then murder by knives will increase just like it has in Great Britain.


There are many survivalists this mental case was not one of them.

Nope, and the El Paso shooter’s manifesto reads like it could have come from Ted Kaczynski.

@retire05: The story of his three-year long participation in a Harvard psychological experiment headed by Henry Murray aimed to discover the limits of psychic deconstruction through weekly encounters with humiliation continues to garner interest. Indeed, some suggest this experiment may have caused life-long damage to young Kaczynski who entered Harvard on scholarship at age 16 and describes this as “the worst experience of his life.”
Henry Murray should have been in a cell, Ted as a kid, only 16, was an MK ultra experiment.

When referencing the shootings in El Paso and Dayton—DT called it Toledo–Ivanka said “white supremacy like all other forms of terrorism must be destroyed.”
That’s what it was.
Ivanka got it right–those who deny her obvious claim become part of the problem

“[I]f we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?”
“Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love one another, but to use any violence to get what they want.”
“This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.”

Mother Teresa

@retire05: Babies don’t vote. Women do and Democrats feel the necessity to pander to them. Gun control is different; they have the need to make the population helpless, like the citizens of Hong Kong are helpless to oppose Chinese incursion on the rights they once enjoyed.

The left is more than happy to accept violence committed by illegal immigrants. They will not entertain ANY action to curtail that, including deporting violent criminal illegal immigrants. Kate Steinle’s killer got nothing but a wrist-slap in one of the most anti-gun cities in America. Democrats would not agree to restricting gun purchases by illegal immigrants because it would lead to pinpointing where illegal immigrants are; pandering to Hispanics is more important than public safety.

The left doesn’t care about human life of public safety; everything they do and say emphasizes this fact.

@Richard Wheeler:

Ivanka got it right–those who deny her obvious claim become part of the problem

I deny it, I think the problem is culture rot, encouraged by liberal policies.

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