Welcome back everybody! Let’s get to the crazy:
6/18 – Study: Almost No Straight People Are Willing to Date Transgenders
Damn. How do I get paid to conduct a study that shows that straight people want to date members of the opposite sex?
6/21 – How long before we begin burning witches at the stake to counter ‘climate change’?
I’m OK with this as long as we ensure that each Climate Denier Witch weighs as much as a duck. Why not? My method is as sound as the rest of their science.
6/22 – Bitter LGBT community purposely working to contaminate the blood donor supply
This is happening over in the UK, and nothing Governor Moonbeam hasn’t already legalized over in Northern Venezuela.
6/22 – Anarchists at UT Austin Threaten Incoming Freshmen With Doxxing if They Join Conservative Groups
Sadly, we’re reaching the point where lawsuits and violence are the only things that the savages that make up The Radical Left will respect.
6/22 – Trump and Iran: Damned if you do, damned if you don’t…
It is kind of funny watching the Leftists in the press and the Democratic Party freak out that they weren’t given the war in the Middle East they so desperately hoped for.
Even the cowards at the Leftist Star Tribune has been forced to stop ignoring this story.
6/24 – Project Veritas Reveals Google’s ‘Fairness’ Efforts to Prevent 2016 From Happening Again
(Emphasis mine)
“Elizabeth Warren is saying that we should break up Google. And like, I love her but she’s very misguided, like that will not make it better, it will make it worse because now all these smaller companies who don’t have the same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next Trump situation. It’s like a small company cannot do that,” Jen Gennai, head of Responsible Innovation at Google Global Affairs, tells an undercover Project Veritas journalist in the video.
Maybe this is just me, but shouldn’t any company that has the resources and lack of competition to pay somebody to be the “Head of Responsible Innovation” get targeted to be shut down or broken up by the government on general principle?
6/25 – Clint Eastwood defies abortion boycott, says he’s gonna film new movie in Georgia
What was that ad campaign for some bourbon company? I believe it was “Get older. Get better.” They should have hired Clint for their ads.
6/26 – Climate Crusaders Defeated in Oregon—For Now
I followed this story for a bit, and even I was surprised at the disgusting practices The Radical Left was taking in their attempt to destroy Oregon. And it’s pretty hard for Leftists to surprise me these days.
6/27 – Joe Biden Learns You Can Never Be Woke Enough
I wouldn’t have minded Bidet getting a pass for every bout of verbal diarrhea that he passed if Republicans would get the same consideration. So let’s go to the great Kurt Schlichter to give Biden’s soon to be dead political career the pre-mortem it so richly deserves:
Joe recently mentioned how he was able to work with the loathsome Democrat racists infesting the Senate when he got there in the early ’70s. They were a different breed of loathsome Democrat racists back then. They hated everyone who was not white. Today’s loathsome Democrat racists now hate everyone who is, but they are more flexible than that. The loathsome Democrats of today are not merely racists, but sexist religious bigots who hate men, observant Jews and Christians, as well as individual members of sexual and racial minorities who reject the poisonous ideology of progressivism. Their word for this evolution is “progress.”
What’s hilarious is Baffled Joe’s reaction to this perfectly predictable uproar. He was legit outraged that anyone would say something like this about him, yet it was cute how he was surprised at the world he made and at the behavior of the Children of the Damned he helped raise. Joe was happy to slime Republicans with the same kind of garbage he’s lately been pelted with. Remember what he said about Mitt Romney, who is useless for dozens of reasons but none of which is that he hates black people? Joe said: “They’re gonna put y’all back in chains!”
The byline says it all – “When everyone is Hitler no one is Hitler”
ICYMI – Better late than never, I wrote about a Farewell to a Memorial Day Tradition
ICYMI II – Good week; I actually got two non-TWIRL posts up in one week, the second one coming as I watched the Kiddie Table Democrats’ debate – Julian Castro for President!
From the archives, let’s observe Gay Pride Indoctrination Month with The Bigotry and Intolerance Behind the Gay Marriage Debate.
Have a great weekend and a fantastic Independence Day!
Yo, @JoeBiden,
How does it feel to watch media and your dem rivals willfully misconstrue your civility-with-segregationists comment? You know, the way you, dems and media willfully misstate @realDonaldTrump's Charlottesville "both sides" comment.#Karma
— Larry Elder (@larryelder) June 20, 2019
I'm impressed! I expected a headline explaining how ICE "seized" or "pounced" on Gulag Barbie's remarks
— Ultra Magas Brother Bob (@Brother_Bob) June 18, 2019
“Inform the Senate that Daddy’s battlestation is fully operational.” pic.twitter.com/nnK8oLC8AG
— Peter Wolf (@peterawolf) June 16, 2019
I am taking a stand on behalf of every person who has become liberal mob roadkill- having our lives, reputations, livelihoods, families, & legacies dragged through the mud for defending a position not aligned w/ liberal brainwashing.
Full statement:https://t.co/hlKzqBcPjI pic.twitter.com/NNNJdsiRde— Brandon Straka (@BrandonStraka) June 19, 2019
You spelled Obama wrong https://t.co/C7wLfiPtz8
— Worst President (@WorstPresident) June 17, 2019
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Sorry Bob, you are good, but you cannot beat the look on Joes face as he wets his finger and puts his finger in the air to see which way the leftists are blowing the flames of burning down America. Kamala says America doesnt want to see a food fight then hits Joe square in the puss with a racist cream pie, while lying her ass off about her past. Hey didn’t Barry hand pick this racist as his VP, WTH was that Barrys racist white half??
“Inform the Senate that Daddy’s battlestation is fully operational.
First lefty meme I actually thought was funny or was’nt a pathetic copy of one of ours.
I’ll be gone for a day or so dont make me come back and smack you with broken links 😉
On a positive note, if Julian Castro were President and a guy knocked up a transgender woman, they could get a government-funded abortion. So, we got THAT going for us. Which is sweet.
It will happen. The moment is rapidly approaching when the evidence against the climate change scam is so overwhelming even the lying liberal media can’t effectively promote it.
No doubt the UK is the same as the US; they ask if ANYONE has had unprotected sex. If not, perhaps that is their “anti-discrimination” answer. Which reminds me that the entire explosion of the AIDS epidemic was because gays refused to practice safe sex. So, they’ve never possessed a large amount of personal responsibility or concern for others.
For some reason, the story stopped short of where UT administration stomped such intolerant, illegal assaults on free speech into the ground. I guess there wasn’t room.
This holds true for anything Trump tries to do, so he should not worry about pleasing the impossible to please… which he doesn’t. Yet, it irritates the left when they whip up fantasized scenarios of Trump’s imagined actions, they whip themselves into a frenzy over how they imagine he is going to act, and then he screws them and acts like the leader he is.
Omar is one of those people like Hillary that no one can explain how and why they are still in a position of any authority when anyone else that did what they did would be in jail. No doubt Pelosi will soon address this ethical calamity, since she has pledged to make the House THE most ethical ever.
Because liberal ideas are so much better. You know.
Hollywood can’t even make movies in California because of the expense; their options are growing slim.
Democrats in Texas did the same thing some time back, but they were fighting redistricting. These Republicans in Oregon saved their state, not just their political power.
Genius Gropin’ Joe thinks some of that adulation aimed at Obama was for him, too. Suddenly, he has become an old white guy and he has not yet realized it. Too bad, because I was pulling for this dimwit to be the nominee.
Aside from using everyone else’s tragedies to promote their own agenda, the left doesn’t like for socialists to be shown in a bad light.
Joe the Schmoe Biden ELECT ME AND I,LL CURE CANCER Woo Hoo who is going to beleive that load of horsie poo we have yet to find a cure for the Common Cold and this doofus is making this kind of promise
climate warming and burning at the stake is most interesting. the dominicans, useless POS, carried out the Inquisition until 1905. Daniel de Lorne notes “The condemned would be bound to the stake with a rope or chain around their neck, or positioned on a stool. The fire would be lit but before it caused any harm, the noose or chain would be tightened, or the stool kicked away, and the individual would be strangled before the fire got hold of her. In some instances, the executioner would also deliver a few strikes to the chest to hasten her demise. Not everyone was so fortunate, however.” tanks to whore dog billy and radicalized muslim terrorist ex. pres the US lost billions of dollars to fund liberal colleges/university and line the pockets of sleazy alleged professors with douche brain mentality. as Joseph Goebbels has noted a timeless and recurring manner “propaganda does not have to represent the truth but to be present in a manner which is acceptable to the masses.
@Spurwing Plover:
so why didn’t sleepy joe cure cancer when he was in v.p under the muslim terrorist for eight years and why did he not cure it when he entered the senate in 1972. ever considering urine drug screen all the demorat for illicit drug and medications in their urine.
@kitt: Biden is the perfect punching bag to allow the 23 dwarves to attack Barry O’s legacy without directly attacking him. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy than Joe.
I didn’t realize until I checked the dude’s Twitter feed that he was a Lefty. That’s still one of my favorite things about the Trump era – you can’t tell whether memes are meant to be pro or against.
I hope you’re enjoying your Saturday offline!
do not be surprised if slut hilary suddenly appears in this race, only to be anointed as the appointed leader of the demorat party with elephant michelle in toe as the vp.
Funny Kamala attacked Biden for working with segregationists to pass legislation yet she doesn’t explain why she CHOSE the party of segregationists to join. If she felt so strongly about it, why would she ignore the fact the this was the party of slavery, Jim Crow, Robert Byrd, George Wallace and which never apologizes for any of that but merely points a finger at Republicans and calls THEM racist?
@Deplorable Me:
Gunga gunga la gunga!
@Spurwing Plover: Watch Louder with Crowder’s debate party – at the end they do a great song based on the Rolling Stones’ “Wild Horses”, called “Wild Horse sh**”, only they didn’t self censor. And it’s awesome!
@MOS#8541: #5. He’s also become the perfect proxy for the 24 Dwarves to attack Obama’s horrible legacy without aiming directly at Barry O