Congratulations, dems. You’ve made an iron clad case against hillary clinton and the DNC

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Yesterday I wrote that Trump had goaded democrats and Pelosi into doing what he wanted, i.e. ban foreign foreign opposition research. He has repeatedly said that what happened to him should never happen to another President. But there’s more and the left still doesn’t get it and I need to spell it out even more clearly.

Trump has baited the left into making all kinds of caustic remarks and they have swallowed the lure.

Analysis of this Trump clip consumed most of the hour with O’Donnell interviewing several guests, including MSNBC contributor Jennifer Rubin, who went on an angry tirade against the President: “You have to ask a more fundamental question which is, how can anyone in their right mind and good conscience support putting this guy in office for another four years…” Another ‘fundamental question’: how does MSNBC retain viewership when it insults over half the U.S. population who voted for Trump?

Rubin continued: “He is a mess. He has betrayed his country. He will do it again. If he’s reelected can you imagine what he’s going to do, then? It’s really catastrophic.” The only one Trump has been betraying is the liberal media that he has rightfully labeled “fake news”.

Here’s what the DNC media spent its time on yesterday

Not that anyone should really care, but Andrew MCCabe, the disgraced former FBI agent who is wholly owned by the DNC and the Clinton Foundation, said Trump impeachment proceedings should begin immediately.

ABC’s cheap trick Ana Navarro called Trump’s words “treasonous.”

Even Judge Nap has been sucked in.

Asked by Fox’s Shepard Smith if Trump had any “wiggle room” when it came to listening to a foreign entity offering information on a political opponent, Napolitano said no.

“There’s no wiggle room with respect to dirt, with respect to opposition research because the Federal Election Commission has already decided in other cases that that is a thing of value,” he said, adding that it “comes from a statute which prohibits receipt of money or a thing of value from a foreign national. Whether the person is working for a foreign government or not.”

Serial unmasker Susan Rice said Trump’s not playing on the US team.

Rice said, “This is extremely serious. The stark reality, the sad truth is that we have a president in the United States whose not playing on America’s team. He is invited yet again foreign interference in our presidential elections. He said that and finally admitted, in fact, that he sees nothing wrong with collusion, which is in fact what happens when you accept information from a foreign entity. And he said he would do it again. He sees no problem with a president of the United States being beholden to a foreign power, even a foreign hostile power as inevitably one would be if you accepted information and support from a foreign government. They have their claws into you, and they can manipulate you.”

Joe Biden called taking foreign oppo research “dead wrong.”

Then FEC Chairperson Ellen Weintraub dropped the hammer (I am not sure if this was wittingly or not)

Federal Elections Commission Chairwoman Ellen Weintraub appeared to rebuke President Trump after he said he would be willing listen to foreign governments promising information on his political opponents.

Weintraub issued a statement Thursday night attempting to clarify federal law relating to political campaigns and foreign influence.

“I would not have thought that I needed to say this,” she said in a tweet with her statement.

“Let me make something 100% clear to the American public and anyone running for public office: It is illegal for anyone to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election,” Weintraub said.

“Anyone who solicits or accepts foreign assistance risks being on the wrong end of a federal investigation,” she continued. “Any campaign that receives an offer of a prohibited donation from a foreign source should report that offer to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.”

Remember all these words. They’re going to be used again and all of the above may be called as witnesses. Against Hillary Clinton and the DNC. Their hatred of Trump has made them clueless and careless and Trump was counting on that. They did not let him (or me) down.

Here is the key point:

  • It is illegal for anyone to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election

Christopher Steele is a foreign national. He solicited and obtained Russian disinformation which was then paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC and spread throughout the government because obama changed the rules. The Steele dossier was very valuable to democrats in the 2016 election and then even afterward.

Donald Trump was not talking about himself. He was talking about Obama, Clinton and the DNC. He let the left make an iron clad case for charging Clinton and the DNC with felonies. Remember, Obama’s OFA paid Fusion GPS nearly a million dollars beginning in April 2016, shortly after Josef Mifsud began poisoning the well. And while we’re at it, Adam Schiff may be similarly charged. He solicited nude pictures of Donald Trump and never told the FBI about it. No word on whether he still wants them.

Felony. Treasonous. Not on America’s team. Dead wrong.

There’s a lot for Barr and Durham to unpack here but Trump has set the left up like bowling pins. All Barr and Durham need do now is knock them down.

Congratulations, dems!


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Another ‘fundamental question’: how does MSNBC retain viewership when it insults over half the U.S. population who voted for Trump?

Actually, only 2% of the 39 people watching MSNBC voted for Trump.

He solicited nude pictures of Donald Trump and never told the FBI about it. No word on whether he still wants them.

Since he couldn’t get any from the pranksters, he just sketches his own. He has been seen smoking a cigarette after viewing them in private.

How about Schiff traveling meeting with Steele’s agent Simpson in what he hoped was a private, secret meeting? Or Mark Warner wanting to create an untraceable communications channel with Steele?

Just as the liberal media and all their liberal sycophants intentionally mischaracterize Trump’s “fake news” statement, so they mischaracterize what Trump said here. What the left intentionally ignores is Trump clearly stating that while he would listen to what someone would tell him, he would also go to the FBI with the information. I’m sure not with the intention, as Hillary ultimately did, with creating a false accusation and investigation of her opponent by the federal government.

Then Gnashing Nancy declares that the mischaracterized THOUGHT of Trump constitutes a crime and cover-up. So, then, what the hell is the hold up? Why hasn’t she already begun impeachment proceedings? I guess she does not think violations of the law are grounds for impeachment, which explains her attitude during the Obama administration.

Its the same old Democrat attitude, yes we did it but its totally illegal for you to do the same exact thing. Even just talking about it is just beyond horrible!
He puts children in cages and to prove it we will show you pictures of Obama doing it.
He is a bigot against Muslims to prove it we will point out the countries he has banned refugees were the same as Obama had a ban from.

@kitt: Can Democrat insanity be more clear? If they didn’t believe their own lies, they would be the happiest people in the world.

He let the left make an iron clad case for charging Clinton and the DNC with felonies.

My take as well. And the elitist bastards are too stupid/arrogant to realize it.

@Deplorable Me: Democrats have thrown their own people into the trash, now only represent very rich donors,illegal invaders, and the mentally ill . Their voters remember when the streets were not filled with crap, garbage and homeless, when rats didnt infest public buildings. This stuff is normal in the 3rd world so the invaders will vote for the conditions Democrats created. The citizens that remain ignore the rapid deterioration, its for the children….

I’ve often contended that the collusion hoax was simply to distract the Dems dwindling voters from the fact that the DNC was caught rigging their primary in favor of Hillary.

This is all out panic mode for this party now. Their only platform is negative propaganda and hyperbole.

I’ve talked to many Hillary voters who say they are going to vote for Trump in 2020, because the Dem party is just so screwed up right now.

Trump wins the EC and popular vote in 2020.

@Nathan Blue: I’ve often contended that they are criminally insane. They have through the media both broadcast and social, and education brainwashed their remaining voters into thinking it is normal even righteous.

@another vet:

My take as well. And the elitist bastards are too stupid/arrogant to realize it.

While they know the liberal media is still on their side, they think they still have the DOJ in their hip pocket as well.

How many questions about Hillary, Obama, the DNC, Schiff and Warner being guilty of what they themselves have now stated is a crime do you think will come up in the Democrat debates?

@Deplorable Me:

How many questions about Hillary, Obama, the DNC, Schiff and Warner being guilty of what they themselves have now stated is a crime do you think will come up in the Democrat debates?

Less than zero?

Notice the absence of liberals here telling us how we have this wrong.

You are aware that Hillary Clinton won’t be running against Don the Con in 2020, aren’t you? Such a waste of pixels… You should be using them to attack Uncle Joe, or Pocahontas. Don’t worry about Amy, though. Nobody needs to worry about Amy until the debates begin. Then you can start worrying.

@Greg: Does whataboutism make you feel uncomfortable with your programming?
Does the exposure of more crimes Hillary committed make you sad?
Please tell us what on the Democrat platform is going to keep our economy strong. Better educate the kids, secure the elderly make our country safer.
Your Amy when given the opportunity to question Barr did nothing but promote herself and some legislation she was pushing, wanted Barrs help with it without him reading it first, he was having none of that.
Klobuchar berated staffers over minor mistakes, misunderstandings, and misplaced commas. HuffPost reported that at least three people had withdrawn their names for running Klobuchar’s presidential campaign.
God only knows how this could be abused

I don’t believe I’m someone who is going to have any need of deprogramming. I pretty much question everything and come to my own conclusions about what’s most likely to be true. I’ve never been obsessed with Hillary Clinton. The main reason I voted for her was because she wasn’t Donald Trump. There are no Democratic Party hopefuls that I wouldn’t support for the same reason. There might be even Republican Party challengers to Trump that I would consider voting for over some Democratic Party candidates. A strong economy is not the only consideration. After a few years in power, Adolph Hitler could boast of a strong economy. Which IS NOT meant as a comparison of two different leaders. It’s only meant as compelling evidence that a strong economy should never be the only consideration.

A musical interlude…

@Greg: Dont get me wrong aside from wanting to regulate the internet, Nosing in on peoples prescriptions, being a total bitch to her staff, and being swept up in the impeach trump before there is real evidence of a crime shes perfect.


You are aware that Hillary Clinton won’t be running against Don the Con in 2020, aren’t you?

Are you aware that just because her political career is over, things she did was still illegal and all you liberals simply accepted. It’s not about politics (or shouldn’t be, but apparently for the left that’s ALL it is about); it’s about abiding by the law.

If Obama, Hillary, Schiff and Warner (to name but a few off the top of my head) have all accepted political information on opponents from foreign sources (and they have), then either they broke the law and you simply liked it or what Trump DIDN’T say he would do is not illegal. The days of you liberals having two separate books of laws for Democrats and Republicans are over; at least until another anti-Constitutional scumbag like Obama or Hillary take office again.

I pretty much question everything and come to my own conclusions about what’s most likely to be true. I’ve never been obsessed with Hillary Clinton.

Uh…. yeah. Right.

There are no Democratic Party hopefuls that I wouldn’t support for the same reason.

So, though Bernie is an avowed socialist, has loved and expressed admiration for the Soviet Union, has enriched himself while preaching his socialist agenda, is, along with his wife, under FBI investigation for fraud, believes women secretly want to be raped, does not discourage ANTIFA violence in his name, has NEVER accomplished ANYTHING while in Congress… you would support him, even though Trump has grown the economy, provided millions of GOOD jobs and is keeping the nation safe (as much as is possible with Democrats that don’t care about national security)?

After a few years in power, Adolph Hitler could boast of a strong economy.

Actually, no he couldn’t. His economy was based entirely on government spending on infrastructure expansion (for military purposes) and rebuilding the military (for war) and given another decade without World War II, Germany would have been bankrupt. Of course, socialism works the same wherever it is implanted.


Please tell us what on the Democrat platform is going to keep our economy strong.

They don’t want a strong economy; they want a “fair” economy, meaning high taxes and lots of opportunity for government theft. It matters little that their “fairness” policies (which punish and discourage success and reward and encourage laziness and dependency) has been the ruin of many a nation.

@Deplorable Me: The Dems and our rights.

@Deplorable Me: The Dems and our rights.

Gee I wonder why they blamed Russia

Wow … now I know where all the morons go. It’s to this site.

@You are Dumb: So, you DON’T think Hillary broke the law the whining, crybaby sore losers are claiming now? Hillary actually ADMITTED it in an interview and praised the practice.

Yeah, you PROVE this is where some morons come. Thanks; we really needed another one.

@You are Dumb: Well you are here so I guess there is some truth to that.

@Deplorable Me: Imagine the reaction if his answer would have been was “Oh hell no, thats what crooked Hillary did lock her up!””

Might I point out that Mueller gave the Trump campaign the benefit of the doubt about their awareness that what they were doing was illegal? That’s the only stated reason given by Mueller as to why he wasn’t able to say “we can’t rule out that Donald Trump and others in his campaign DIDN’T commit the crime of conspiracy.” as he speaks in roundabout ways.
The difference between the dossier and accepting solicitation from a foreign government is two fold. The dossier was created at the request of a U.S. company and Steele was not a foreign agent. Also, what was paid to Steele was considered a campaign expenditure rather than a contribution. In other words, it was legal.
If Donald’s statements can be applied retroactively, which I doubt, he’ll be indicted for conspiracy.

@Linda Jordan (Kappenman): Well, Steele WAS a foreign agent; former British intelligence. Second, payment is not the issue but accepting campaign help from a foreign source. What Obama, Hillary, the DNC, Schiff and Warner all did is exactly what the left is now saying is illegal.