Welcome back everybody – Let’s jump right in!
5/29 – I’m Nick Monroe. Banned on Twitter Because I Mourned A Death.
Stories similar to this are becoming way too typical.
A sane Democrat? Even Bigfoot and The Loch Ness Monster get spotted more often these days!
5/31 – TREASON: Former Obama Administration Officials Speaking With Iran, Report Says
Yes, just last week I pointed out how the term has been overused since 2016, but a better move would be for President Trump to have Kerry’s passport cancelled the next time he goes to visit his gay-murdering buddies over in Iran
6/1 – Moonbat Demands We Ban Lawnmowers
Once again the anti-science Radical Left demand we ignore the inventions our evolved brains have created and revert back to the neanderthal living that matches their mentality
I’ve asked this before and I’ll keep saying it – Where the Hell are the so-called feminist groups in all of this?
6/3 – Why P&G Has Gone SJW
A good post by The Other McCain that unfortunately undermines the rest of his post at the end. RSMc closes by noting that automation is staking jobs away, which contradicts his argument that wokeness is hurting sales, and in turn, jobs. I buy more into the theory that a number of these companies see that they are losing market share in an irreversible manner due to industry changes, and are circling the wagons to secure a small chunk of the remaining market share and will bottom out and stabilize at some point.
6/4 – Colorado’s Governor Unmasks Himself As An Anti-Energy Extremist
A good look at what unrestricted immigration can do to a state. No, I’m not talking about migrants fleeing the Hellish conditions of Mexico or Central America – I’m talking about the migrants fleeing the Hellish conditions of California
6/5 – You’ve already lost the immigration battle if you say this
That said, this is a good piece specifically citing TuCa for playing The Radical Left’s game of controlling the language
6/6 – Target Celebrates Gay Pride Month By Grooming Your Kids
Warden over at Ace of Spades sums up how the gay community has also made my own position on gay marriage “evolve”
I admit that I used to take a very libertarian attitude towards homosexuality. I was even neutral on gay marriage up until about 10 years ago. But this acceleration-ism has hardened my position.
At the very least, if homosexuality is going to be presented as not only normal, but something to be celebrated by children, then we should talk about what comes with it.
Even if you don’t read this short piece it’s good to bookmark for a few sources that Warden cites.
6/7 – Democrats Once Again Trot Out Yale Psychiatrist to Declare Trump Mentally Unfit
Makes sense. Tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists would be authorities on being mentally unfit
From the archives, to acknowledge Pride Month we go back eight years ago to where I weighed in on gays in the Military with Actually, Your Opinion on Gays in the Military Probably Doesn’t Matter
Have a great weekend!
Or- hear me out:
Have them play outside and feed them vegetables. https://t.co/C9J529wgWu
— The Redheaded libertarian (@TRHLofficial) June 1, 2019
Disney has been filming in:
Bolivia, where abortion is illegal
Croatia, where abortion is illegal after 11 weeks
The UAE, where abortion is illegal and BEING GAY is illegalDisney has no problem filming in any of these locations, but now suddenly Georgia is the enemy?
— Will Not Comply Witt (@thewillwitt) May 30, 2019
Possibly the funniest political photo ever pic.twitter.com/4TWIkZjnU9
— Wojciech Pawelczyk (@WojPawelczyk) June 2, 2019
Dang. Thread https://t.co/nlxk3n4SvS
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) June 4, 2019
Things I hate:
1: racism
2: white people
3: irony— Renna (@RennaW) June 3, 2019
England Forced To Crown Donald Trump As King After Strange Woman Lying In Pond Lobs A Sword At Himhttps://t.co/YgXYcRaJTt
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) June 4, 2019
— JD Cowan (@wastelandJD) June 4, 2019
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook Also Gab and MeWe.
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Good stuff, but, a whole week without AOC or Ilhan Omar???
Looks like, in their quest to purge all-but-the-approved-opinion from Twitter, Jack Dorsey, et al, is willing to go back thru to one’s childhood silliness.
Makes a great side-case for never lowering the voting age more than it already is, tho, huh?
And, Nevada’s gov vetoing the bill that ends the Electoral College?
Looks like he sees what CA has become and says, No, to allowing that state to dictate to the nation how we should run ourselves.
– Moonbat Demands We Ban Lawnmowers
Somebodys nose is out of joint for the friendly reminder from the city to get off their arse and mow the lawn. Cant be the neighbors they put up the maximum allowed height in fencing….
Democrats Once Again Trot Out Yale Psychiatrist to Declare Trump Mentally Unfit, not just Trump but the awful people who wouldnt vote for Hillary.
We are not the ones stabbing ourselves, or lighting ourselves aflame, chasing away famous paying customers, nor measuring the length of a coat during a state Banquet with the queen. Surely an international incident.
I guess now the Thought Police ban things they don’t understand but SUSPECT they may be contrary to liberal-think.
That’s the kind of thing that can get a Democrat’s Liberal Idiot Merit Badge revoked.
These times cry out for an example to be made. Such treasonous actions will only continue and be more bold without one.
Here in Texas, maybe wait until the rain stops and the lawn quits growing. Usually by now I can “mow” my yard by walking on it and breaking it off. According to the story, the problem with mowing is as much how it represents “conformity” and “the establishment” as any environmental impact… which, by the way, stopping mowing would result in more mosquitoes, rodents, fleas, ticks and other blights. But, never mind that; control of the activity of citizens is too much fun to resist.
When victim-cultures collide.
So would I be appropriately “woke” if I only used razors that women use to shave their legs, armpits and… well, those to shave?
All sensible states in the surrounding areas should pass legislation not to sacrifice their own energy supplies to these idiots when, as California has, they find themselves in desperate straits with insufficient supplies of energy. No aid should come unless they themselves pass legislation to correct the problems they have brought upon themselves.
What gets me is the argument over people who will not vaccinate their children and the current outbreak of measles and other previously controlled illnesses. If you have 10% of a population un-vaccinated awash in a sea of vaccinated people, how do they get sick? My logic tells me you have to bring people that carry the illness to come in and spread it where it previously did not exist. This point, however, seems to get missed… possibly intentionally.
Although they have the best selection of birthday cards, Target ceased to be an option for me when they took the signs off their restrooms. However, it is important to know that politics is not the only method the left is using to undermine our system of government. They use drugs to deteriorate our society, dilute the electorate with illegal immigrants, make any aberrant activity acceptable and normal and demonizing normal behavior (see lawnmowers above). Making homosexuality not just tolerated by mainstream, normal, promoted and revered is but another front the left has opened on our society.
When is Yale going to change its name from that of a slave trader? I guess they love slavery.
Well, first, in many areas, you have to control gangs, illegal immigration, street-defecating and syringe disposal before you can let your children outside.
The Dana Loesch tweet is a clear indicator of why the Electoral College is not only necessary but indispensable.
@Nan G:
I’ve got a feeling that won’t hold up for next week. Talk abotu checking all the boxes!
@Deplorable Me:
What is important was this a 2 bedroom home or did they all get in the same bed, where is CNN and MSLSD with her former husband 24/7?
Its not about the bigamy its about the sex.
@kitt: No matter what, I’m sure her brother wouldn’t cheat on his favorite goat.
@Deplorable Me: The CNN interview, we suspect it was edited.
@kitt: A cry for help.
In other news some American made a citizens arrest of some dirty lowlife Antifa Bottom Dweller who tried to chain shut the door at the the University of Washington the lowlife reptile tried to run but they chased the scumbag down and made a Citizens Arrest of the dirty Bolshevek
The university has denied it’s returning the donation because of the abortion comments. It says it based its decision on Culverhouse’s “numerous demands” about how the university is operated.
Cant buy me love…everybody tells me so…
@Nan G: #1: That tells you how crazy the week has been when they don’t even make the final Crazy Cut!
As I’ve driven a number of Leftist crazy while debating, “Just because you’re intellectually capable of understanding or emotionally incapable of accepting facts that contradict your beliefs doesn’t make them wrong.”
It always goes over well!
@Deplorable Me:
Be careful doing that. I recently saw a story about a dude in Britain whose marriage got ruined when he contracted herpes after his daughter used his razor. I’ll bet the next family gathering was interesting!
@Spurwing Plover: It’s so nice seeing the rare Antifa story that has a happy ending. And this will be in next week’s edition!
@kitt: #9: As much as everyone hates a sports juggernaut, I’ve always kind of liked The Tide because I liked Bear Bryant when I was a kid. This has made me an official fan – Roll Tide!
@Brother Bob: If it were not for the Badgers, I could be a fan of a team from a college that tells rich libs to suck it.
So was Hillary’s brother going to turn evidence on her?
@Brother Bob: Clemson destroyed/rolled em I loved it
#16—typically ugly
Leftist fascism justifying the removal of thousands of videos, for wrong think, internet censorship justification. It will be worse as the election draws close only one side of an issue is allowed, only far left wing radical voices left
With only 1 side will AOC sound reasonable, intelligent, sane?
Certainly there are privately own companies that have the right to censor their content, but do they also have the right to pressure banks and credit card companies to defund alternative websites? Deplatform or 451 other opinions?
These people are criminally insane they call investigative reporting conspiracy theory a CIA mockingbird term.
Operation Mockingbird is not a conspiracy theory there was congressional testimony ex CIA agents are hired openly by media outlets, remember it was their job to effectively cover up things the government did not want you to know.
They simply need to be honest about it. Instead of claiming they are fighting “hate speech”, they should simply admit they are a leftist-only propaganda platform. No one is fooled when they remove conservative posts that pose NO violations to any “community standards” while allowing the most vile and violent leftist posts. Just be honest about the bias.
Everything the left touches turns to shit, why should women’s sports be any different?
Unfortunately, many of them are leftists. They are leaving the mess they created in California and bringing their failed leftist ideology to other states. They wrecked California now they are working on states like Arizona and Colorado. Perhaps the wall needs to be expanded. The loony left in California is every bit as dangerous (if not, more so) as what we have coming across our southern border in the form of MS-13, foreign terrorists, and disease.
@another vet: Just wait until there is an Ebola out break in CA. Maybe then there will be a crisis at the border! ISIS has attacked the Ebola treatment facility several times. Then you see that African people are being smuggled across the border. It only takes one infected person to spread it across the country, especially since they have determined that it can be transmitted though aerosols.
@Randy: They don’t even have to make it here. They can infect people in Mexico and spread it there. It would spread rapidly here since our border security is kept on a liberal level of efficiency… which is no security at all.
But, liberals would love an Ebola outbreak; they could blame Trump and the collapse of Obamacare. They love tragedies to exploit politically. If they can’t find one, they’ll create it.
@Deplorable Me: They would repeat the anti semetic blaming the jews in NY for the measles outbreaks.
Saying its illegals would have to admit that it isnt central Americans as measles pretty much wiped out there too, so one of the illegals they classify as other, Africa.
@kitt: Never expect liberals to admit any problems that do not promote their agenda.