Some people have struck again. This time some people attacked Easter worshippers in an edifice in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
At the time of this writing, 290 Easter worshipers are known dead and at least 500 injured. At least two Americans were among the Easter worshipers killed.
The liberal dog whistle was blown and it ordered everyone to obey and describe the event properly.
Thing is, once the term “suicide bomber” is used, you know instantly who “some people” are.
There is never a hesitation to identify the perpetrators of crimes when they are of the right color (white) and religion (Christian) but it always is “some people” when the third rail of religions is involved. It was the case in San Bernardino, Orlando, Chattanooga and Boston.
Over the last 30 days this is what “some people” have done: 86 attacks in 20 countries, in which 694 people were killed and 1256 injured.
As previously noted, the violence against Christians far outpaces the violence against some people. The problem is, some people’s lives matter while Christian lives do not- not even to liberals.
Not identifying some people is wrong. The miscreants who engage in this are fools and they do the public no service. Nothing will change until the evil that dare not speak its name is confronted. Dennis Prager:
The reason neither of them mentioned Christians or churches is that the left has essentially forbidden mention of all the anti-Christian murders perpetrated by Muslims in Europe, the Middle East and Africa and of all the Muslim desecration of churches in Europe, Africa and anywhere else. This is part of the same phenomenon — that I and others have documented — of British police and politicians covering up six years of rape of 1,400 of English girls by Muslim “grooming gangs” in Rotherham and elsewhere in England.
Essentially, the left’s rule is that nothing bad — no matter how true — may be said about Muslims or Islam and nothing good — no matter how true — may be said of Christians or Christianity.
Some people killed 90,000 Christians in 2016. There is a war on Christians worldwide. They’re being persecuted and anti-Semitism is growing.
The liberal kitty litter may cover it for a while, but it still reeks.
I don't know about you, but I'm really looking forward to being called a "Christmas worshiper" in a couple months
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) April 22, 2019

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Some People did something on December 7th 1941 to Pearl Harbor Some People did Something to the Lusitania on May 7th 1915 in both cases ships and lives were lost. Someone needs to inform this Dumb Cluck
The retardation of the english language shines on in the hearts of progressive terrorist sympathizers.
There is no such thing as an Easter Worshiper, that doesnt exist.
Both Barry and Hillary had their Muslim handlers, according to Wikileaks Podesta emails Barry had lists of Muslims to nominate and put into government positions ahem Brennen. They stuffed “refugees” into certain congressional districts.
Some people play the victim, then fly an ISIS flag on American soil. Some people poison dogs. Demand any crime against them be labeled a hate crime or “hate speech”, theres another retardation. Hate Speech. No such thing. Lets criminalize words. Use the excuse of that “offends us” to take away your rights.
We live in a progressive clown world where any freaky, insane, Luciferian idea they push must be accepted. These people are sick.
Yeah, but is it “impeachable?”
When Donald Trump ran for the office of president, he openly said some of those illegals slipping into our country everyday were felons, gang members, drug runners, rapists, even murderers.
And he was ripped a new one over his words.
Later, when he was President Trump, he named 6 “countries” – that were such failed states as to have no record-keeping for the purpose of vetting emigres- as places he would refuse incoming visitors or residents from.
The media called that “racist,” because 4 of the 6 countries were primarily Muslim (NOT a RACE).
When Obama was president he put children in cages, refused legal entry from certain places and “thwarted” many Islamic terror attacks by entrapping Muslims.
But, he kept his mouth shut when he did it. And, when he did speak, it was in lies about how peaceful illegals are as well as Muslims.
Maybe the secret isn’t to not do the right thing, but to do it quietly so the media never finds out.
No, wait.
The media never asked under Obama.
But that same media is all over Trump like white on rice!
Is it common for people on the right to be confused about what religion “Easter worshipers” belong to?
Consider that Trump didn’t even mention that a religious holiday was involved:
If we’re looking to get all riled up about complete nonsense, maybe we should be outraged that Donald puts as much importance on hotels as churches. Of course he is a Mammonite, so I suppose he might be thinking in religious terms.
@Greg: But that same day, President Trump RETWEETED this from Rep Mark Meadows:
Most of the time the Lefty effetes hold President Trump to every syllable and shadow in the pictures of his retweets.
Not this time?
The whole “they didn’t say Christians” thing is complete nonsense, like the absurdity about flag pins. It reduces something serious to petty bickering about semantics, and promotes a division between people who should be working together for their mutual benefit.
Over 300 innocent people were killed by terrorist lunatics. I don’t care what their particular brand of religious insanity might be. They’re the enemies of innocence, peace, and civilized behavior.
@Nan G:
Yes extreme confusion as no one worships Easter, you are sick. You are a terrorist sympathizer. A progressive Luciferian. Did you catch the photos of The first couple going to attend Easter services? The first lady had on a beautiful spring frock. They did not attend church to worship Easter.
I wonder if Barry will tweet out his well wishes to the Ramadan worshipers and their 72 virgins.
Stinky and Barry couldnt even spell the retardation correctly.
Gosh, Hillary and Obama… WHICH faith was attacked BECAUSE of its faith? Why can’t liberals SAY it? Why can’t they accuse the guilty and name the aggrieved? Because they are COWARDS, that’s why.
You will literally defend ANYTHING liberals do, no matter how stupid, racist, unethical, biased, politicizing or insensitive it is, won’t you? What the left does is not only inexcusable, it is unnecessary and transparently biased. But, you have not the slightest hesitation in defending it, just like you defended the merciless and totally unwarranted attacks on the Covington kids.
Maybe it would be best if you would just shut up.
@Deplorable Me:
For years, I struggled with the question; why did everyday Germans support the megalomaniac Adolph Hitler? The answer? Greggie Gullible, and his like minded fellow travelers. He will deny the comparison, Deplorable Me, but I know you understand it.
Never fails to specify “some people” by religion.
@retire05: At least Hitler got the trains on schedule. All liberals do is wreck and disrupt.
Nobody is saying that anybody worships Easter, any more than the phrase “holiday travelers” means that people are climbing into a holiday and driving it around on a road trip.
Saying “Easter worshipers” underscores the fact that these Christians (and of course they were Christians; they were worshiping on Easter) were in church on one of their most sacred holidays — making the story even worse than simply saying “Christians.”
The phrase “Easter worshipers” thus makes the attack seem even more of an atrocity than it would seem if written the way you want it to be.
@retire05: Funny. I asked the same question (about other tyrants as well like Lenin and Stalin) and came to the same conclusion.
@Michael: They couldnt spell worshipers maybe Catholics was above their abilities. Stinky was able to say Muslim community when they were attacked and even call out the perp for his twisted ideology.
There is no such thing as an Easter worshipper (worshiper)you dork, never was.
There are Devil Worshipers most of them vote democrat.
I have a sufficient grasp of my own native language to know when a word is being used as an adjective rather than a noun.
Holiday shoppers are not out on a mission to purchase a holiday. Christian worshipers do not worship Christians.
Maybe this is the same deficiency that has given rise an insistence that there’s something called The Democrat Party.
@Greg: Read the entire last post why could they not be as personal with the Catholics as they were with the muslims?As Muslims are responsible for a larger percentage of extreme terrorism, Stinky failed to call them out as she had for the Christ Church massacre. I suppose there is no need to “condemn their leaders or stop their muderous hatred”. Maybe they were just out for a walk one Easter Day and decided to attack some Catholics What difference does it make now? You are both sick.
@Greg: @Michael: Of course, they could have simply said “Christians”, had they not been such politically correct cowards as to fear insulting those who support the terrorists or the terrorists themselves.
I don’t think what she said was wrong. Stop trying to nitpick at stupid words.
@Johnny No-War: Its a liberal game, we play by their rules, parse every single word, nothing from their side is to be taken with an ounce of humor or basic understanding. Even if we have to lie about what they say that is in their rule book as well.
@kitt: @Deplorable Me:
As I already pointed out up above, “Easter worshipers” gives more information and actually underscores the atrocity of the act more than simply saying “Christians” would, but I know that you need to feed into the Poutrage of the Moment.
@Michael: As I already pointed out you, like Greg, will literally defend ANYTHING liberals do, no matter how stupid, racist, unethical, biased, politicizing or insensitive it is. Calling the victims of radical Islamic violence anything but Christian tries desperately to suppress the identity of both the victims and the perpetrators. For someone that likes to make people think you are interested in ethics and truth you certainly support a LOT of people who have no regards for those aspects.
Why would there be a coordinated effort to use a description other than “Christian”? Aside from morons, who exactly do they think they are fooling?
@Deplorable Me: As I already pointed out up above, “Easter worshipers” gives more information and actually underscores the atrocity of the act more than simply saying “Christians” would.
Kitt very clearly laid out your strategy on these things:
As the kids say these days, she said the quiet part out loud.
What is the difference between
on Easter worshippers
on Christians at Easter
two freaking characters, TWO
Guess Shillary and Obama didn’t have the time for two more characters.
And while Shillary calls out “white supremacists” and demand that we “fight the perpetuation and normalization of Islamophobia” not one word about calling out radicals Islam or fighting the persecution of Christians all across the globe. It also doesn’t go unnoticed that Obama mentioned the tourists before he mentioned the “Easter worshippers”, giving tourists precedence (standard writing practice seemingly missed by the smartest guy to ever be president).
But then, perhaps she just didn’t want to be called out as a “racist” by the radical Ilhan Omar.
@kitt: You meant Greg, not me, right?
@Nan G: Yes Nan you already know about their attempt to control language.
You are not one of those things it was directed at our favorite troll,
@Michael: And, again, as I clearly and accurately pointed out, it was nothing but a cowardly political gambit to avoid speaking the truth. Hillary and Obama are incapable of speaking the truth. If they can’t lie, they don’t speak. But, you like liars, don’t you?
No doubt their staffs had to meet and discuss how to wordsmith an expression of pretend sympathy without acknowledging who the victims or the terrorists were. It’s what Democrats do best; waste loads of time trying to avoid speaking the truth because the truth burns their skin.
Most innocent victims of radical Islamic violence have been Muslims, not Christians.
@Greg: When did the issue of MOST VICTIMS become the issue? We know Muslims are murderers. The issue here are gutless, cowardly Democrats who cannot admit to the fact.
Obama’s ISIS takes credit for this, by the way.
@Deplorable Me: That JV team? The one he couldnt defeat with his rules of engagement?
That does not detract from the worldwide war on Christians. Far more churches and burned and Christians dying than in any other religion.
@Michael: I have to agree with you here. I was trying to think of an example to show that the kerfluffle over “Easter worshipers” was a bit overblown. Hillary and the rest of the lefties say and do enough real stupid stuff to be worrying about this.
@retire05: A long time ago, I wrote a paper for one of my military courses concerning how Hitler and the Nazis conned a whole population of Germans into what became the Holocaust. The initial part was dehumanizing the victims or at least making them an adversary to the German population. Then continuous escalating evolution through media and other propaganda sources until the German population actually supported the Holocaust.
At a slower pace but very similar process, that is what is happening today. The left through their propaganda sources and elected officials minimize the acts of radical Muslims by calling them “some people” and reducing the status of the victims by calling them “Easter Worshipers” .
The initial converts to the Nazi effort were the ignorant and gullible people who failed to use reasoning power to understand what was happening. Greg, Michael and others who always support the evolutionary propaganda process by ignoring facts or accepting without thought the subtle propaganda being presented by the left and those advocating socialism.
Any one with even a minimal knowledge of history can follow the intent of those who want to destroy our country and change the principles that has made it successful.
@Randy: The left is using the same propaganda tactics, though genocide is probably not their goal, just trying to make the opposition look worse than they are. Which means that they have to make the opposition look like WORSE racists, WORSE misogynists, WORSE anti-Semites, making the opposition despicable and sub-human. This has already resulted in attacks, violence and deaths, but they feel no remorse. It’s all the cost of doing business.
Part of the Dem platform is the shrinking and or nullifying of any Christian belief, influence, or culture. Of course the resident Dem trolls on this site are going to defend Clinton and Obama.
The Dem platform has been about creating crises that then feed of the anger of their indoctrinated, seizing power as a result. It’s not that climate change, racism, rape, and all these other existential things don’t exist: they do. It’s that they aren’t the impending doom that the Dems make them out to be.
The “secular humanist” crowd, atheists, whatever they are now… their goal is the same as any fundamental faith throughout the ages: annihilation of other faiths.
The difference in language is very overt, and it matters. The Dems want to create the sense that Christians are white supremacists Nazis. That’s their agenda.
Michael and Greg are the kind of minds susceptible to this kind of influence, and they just aren’t listening to reason or using critical thinking of any kind.
Oh, and as Biden just announced his candidacy, he did it while talking about white supremacists. That’s their play for this election: seed racial tension then blame it on Republicans.
As I said, they create a monster then make their voters think it’s life or death…and to not vote is like actually voting for Hitler.
Makes me sick.
When Joe gets the crowd roiled up, the Dems will discard him somehow and have a woman of color waiting in the wings. This is basically how it went down in 2008, with Obama. Hillary took all the hits, then they switched her out with a cardboard cutout.
It’s not going to work this time.
@Johnny No-War:
Genius Joe just reminded us about how the left likes to take words, statements and ideas and warp them into their own version of reality. Biden mentioned, once again, the erroneous remark accredited to Trump that he said neo-Nazis were “good people”. I would be shocked that a liberal started their Presidential campaign off with a gigantic lie, but he’s a Democrat, so… no surprise.
So as you liberals whine and cry about the justified outrage over Obama and Hillary purposely and intentionally downplaying the murder of CHRISTIANS, think back to YOUR mis-placed fake umbrage at “fake news”, “immigrants are murderers”, “Muslim ban” and “I hope Putin hacks Hillary’s emails”. Dedication to truth and facts have long since ceased to be a liberal tenet.