The End of the Climate Hoax is Coming

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The “elite” that are in positions of power in our country have decided to make a final push on climate change before being debunked in the future. The man-hater from Hawaii Mazie Hirono stated in the past week that the Green New Deal is recognition that climate change is happening and that we should not stick our heads in the sand. She has described President Trump, and his minions know zero about the subject and that they deny the “science” behind climate change. Since the subject has gone from global cooling to global warming, to climate change, it proves that those who are pushing the globalist agenda are the ones who profit from instilling fear in the world population. Looking to move the globalist agenda forward through intimidation and indoctrination are being used to force the program on the people who look to the talking points with skepticism.

Global warming talking points are inundating the country to the point where we now have low information liberal women telling us that they are so afraid that they can not see any reason to have children. Over the last 150 years, there has been global warming.  Accepted by many scientists although the reason why is in dispute. Many climatologists and others in the climate change field agree that the climate and the global warming era we are in is regulated a great deal by the sun’s activity. The solar cycles over the past 60 years have been higher than average for the 1150  year period data collection period. The period of high solar activity in the 1970-1990 period is the cause of slightly rising temperatures. In the past 19 years with the decrease of solar activity, the temperatures have stabilized. The next cycles show a lack of sunspot activity called a “solar minimum” which will lead to cooler temperatures. Any sane climatologist must admit that solar energy input is more important than driving an SUV or pick up truck. Solar activity has been and will be more of a driving force on our climate than any globalist agenda they continue to lie to the people about.

They seem to think that they and they alone, by using governments to legislate the people back to the stone age can control nature. If they are so well versed on how to control the climate, why can’t they control hurricanes, or earthquakes or any other natural events that cause such damage to the Earth?

In 1992, Democratic Senator Tim Worth said:

“We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”

Mikhail Gorbachev in 1996 :

 “The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.”

Our own State Department in 1992 demanded a global warming treaty even if there was no scientific evidence. Globalists have turned the global warming “science” into a state-sponsored corrupt religion to be used to bludgeon the world population  to subjugate the community to the agenda of global governance.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and the other Climate fear mongers are nothing new, it has been going on since at least the 1950s as I have written about before and will continue using false facts and bought and paid for “scientists” and “celebrities” like  Bill Nye the Science guy who never has been a reliable source of facts. It has gone so far that Senator Sheldon Whitehouse has put forward legislation to attempt to use the RICO Act  for organizations, companies and people with who disagree with the faulty science of climate change.

The Green New Deal which is nothing more than a socialist wish list rants on about the 97% consensus among scientists. This has been thoroughly debunked before. A peer reviewed study by Organizational Studies has shown that only 36% of geoscientists and engineers  believe that human caused climate change is true. A strong majority of those involved in the study of over a thousand responses believe that nature is responsible for the climate changes. Even the Wall Street Journal has called the Green New Deal being based on faulty science. In the words from the Wall Street Journal: “A large and growing number of distinguished scientists and engineers do not agree that drastic action on global warming are needed.”

Geologist Ian Palmer : “Climate change is a natural phenomenon. It has been going on for millions of years.”

Physicist Thomas Sheahan: “The science is NOT settled at all and it would be a great disservice to children to indoctrinate them with one currently-fashionable theory.

Dr. Will Happer, Princeton University Physicist and appointed to set up the Presidential Committee on Climate Change : “You should not let yourself be deceived by those who claim you are opposing “science”. Science has been badly hurt by the global warming cult.”

UNIPCC Tom Tripp: “Despite what you may have heard in the media, there is nothing like a consensus of scientific opinion that climate change is a problem.”

35 Year Senior Research Scientist for NASA Dr.Leonard Weinstein: “Any reasonable scientific analysis must conclude that the basic theory is wrong. The Earth will always heal itself. Climate is beyond our power to control. Earth doesn’t care about governments or legislation. You can find much actual global warming in present-day observations. Climate change is a matter of geologic time, something the earth routinely does on its own.”

Nobel Prize for Physics winner Dr. Robert B. Laughlin and a Research Scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory: The jig is up. The whole thing is a fraud. Perhaps what has doomed the Climategate fraudsters the most was their brazenness in fudging the data.”

Even the Russians are waking up to the lies of climate change. The head of the geomagnetic laboratory of the Russian Academy of Sciences has said: “Hundreds of billions of dollars have been wasted with the attempt of imposing an Anthropogenic Global Warming theory that is not supported by physical world evidence. AGW has been forcefully imposed by a barrage of scare stories and indoctrination that begins in elementary school textbooks.

Research Chemist William C. Gilbert: “The dysfunctional nature of the climate sciences is nothing short of a scandal. Science is too important for our society to be misused in the way it has been done within the climate science community. The global warming establishment has actively suppressed research results presented by researchers that do not comply with the dogma of the IPCC”

Atmospheric Physicist Dr, John Reed who has worked with Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific And Industrial Research Organization: “We maintain there is no reason whatsoever to worry about man-made climate change because there is no valid evidence that such a thing is happening.”

Climate Statistics Professor Dr. Caleb Rossiter of American University and an Obama Liberal in every sense of the word is now being shunned by the Democrat Party for being a climate skeptic. Once his climate skepticism becomes news in a Wall Street Journal op-ed in May 2014, he was terminated from his fellowship at the liberal Institute for Policy Studies after 23  years. He called the Nobel given to Al Gore the worst Nobel Prize since Henry Kissinger. Al Gore, along with Obama vilified people who disagreed on climate change and took steps like those against Dr. Rossiter to ruin lives and assure that publications would not publish and disagreement with those in power. Dr. Rossiter explained that Al Gore was supported by the progressive socialists in the party because they want to move away from an industrial society to a post-industrial, non-fossil fuel, post corporate society.It has been made clear that those pushing the false science of climate change from Congress to corporations will continue to maintain a zero tolerance policy in regards to climate skeptics. They will not debate nor even recognize that there may be those who read real facts concerning climate change and have a different point of view.

So, in an effort to ignore the facts as they are Crazy Mazie has declared that it is settled and those who are too ignorant to agree have their heads in the sand. Can you explain why these scientists mentioned above and many others do not deserve to be heard? Can you explain why those scientists that are ramming through climate change are allowed to manipulate facts and figures and put forth lies that lead to debacles like the Green New Deal? It is nothing more than a progressive socialist agenda that is one further step to the totalitarian power that the socialist demand and will be destroyed and thrown on the ash heap of history like the rest of socialism.

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July 15, 2019 — Earth just had its hottest June on record, on track for warmest July

Boosted by a historic heat wave in Europe and unusually warm conditions across the Arctic and Eurasia, the average temperature of the planet soared to its highest level ever recorded in June.

According to data released Monday by NASA, the global average temperature was 1.7 degrees Fahrenheit (0.93 Celsius) above the June norm (based on a 1951-to-1980 baseline), easily breaking the previous June record of 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit (0.82 Celsius), set in 2016, above the average.

The month was punctuated by a severe heat wave that struck Western Europe in particular during the last week, with numerous all-time-hottest-temperature records falling in countries with centuries-old data sets.

Notably, 13 locations in France surpassed their highest temperature ever recorded. The heat wave’s highest temperature of 114.6 degrees Fahrenheit (45.9 Celsius), posted in Gallargues-le-Montueux, was 3.2 degrees above the old record, set during an infamous heat wave in July and August 2003.

NASA is the second institution to confirm that it was Earth’s hottest June, as the Copernicus Climate Change Service had already determined that June 2019 was the warmest such month on record for Europe and globally.

June featured unusually mild conditions in the Arctic, particularly in Greenland, where the melt season got off to an early start.

July is picking up right where June left off. Zeke Hausfather, a climate scientist based in Berkeley, Calif., tweeted that the month so far ranks as the hottest on record narrowly ahead of 2017, the previous record holder.

“If this July turns out to be the warmest July (it has a good shot at it), it will be the warmest month we have measured on Earth!” tweeted Michael Mann, a climate scientist at Pennsylvania State University.

Like June, July has featured some notable high-temperature extremes, including in Nunavut, Canada, the northernmost permanently inhabited location on Earth. It hit a record high of 69.8 degrees Fahrenheit (21.0 Celsius) Sunday, breaking the previous record of 20 Celsius.

In addition, Alaska last week posted its hottest two days on record, highlighted by a temperature of 90 degrees in Anchorage for the first time.

The June monthly record and July’s toasty first half raises the odds that 2019 could make a run for a top-three finish for warmest year, rather than top five. According to data from NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, nine of the 10 warmest years on record have occurred since 2000, a trend that scientists have tied mainly to human emissions of greenhouse gases.

@Greg: Perhaps they should stop with their geo engineering agenda.
The only proven human activity that alters weather.

‘We had expected more melting’: Thick Arctic ice forces Norwegian climate research icebreaker to turn back

Global warming research ship forced to retreat due to ‘massive’ Arctic sea ice! “The ship will monitor the environmental and climate conditions in marine areas in the Arctic and Antarctic,” according to its website. The ship is designed to “perform a range of research missions, including climate change.”


The research vessel and icebreaker “Crown Prince Haakon” turned almost 85 degrees north. They went northeast of Svalbard on their way to the North Pole, but met thicker and more massive sea ice than expected.”…Thick one-year ice, combined with large batches of multi-year ice. In many places, wind and ocean currents have pushed the ice together into powerful helmets, and several of these are impenetrable to us,” says Captain Johnny Peder Hansen.

The ice is still 3m (10ft) thick, in mid-July. Even the researchers’ long special-purpose chainsaws proved hopeless, while the 20,000 horsepower Kronprins Haakon, at a cost of USD $175 million, failed miserably at attempts to push through. “In the middle of July, we saw a few signs of thawing and [assumed] that spring had come, said Captain Hansen, who for several decades has worked on various vessels in the Arctic. “We had expected more melting.” Klassekampen, a respected left-leaning Norwegian newspaper writes: “Polar bears were seen on Bjørnøya this past winter –located in the middle of the Barents Sea– which shows that the ice edge was very far south.”


Factsheet on the ‘Gore Effect’– ‘Happens when global warming-related event, or appearance by Gore is marked by exceedingly cold weather/snow’

By: Marc Morano – Climate DepotJuly 17, 2019 10:43 PM with 0 comments

The Norwegian research vessel and icebreaker Kronprins Haakon (Crown Prince Haakon) was forced to turn back north of Svalbard after meeting considerably thicker ice than expected.

Thick one-year ice combined with large batches of multi-year ice have merged to form powerful helmets, and several of these are impenetrable to us, said Captain Johnny Peder Hansen.

The ice is still 3m (10ft) thick, in mid-July. Even the researchers’ long special-purpose chainsaws proved hopeless, while the 20,000 horsepower Kronprins Haakon, at a cost of USD $175 million, failed miserably at attempts to push through.

@Greg: Because it is hot in Europe, how does that relate to “global” warming? Facts would be if temperatures were gathered all over the world in a grid and the average this year exceeded previous years. That did not happen, so, Climate change AKA Global Warming is not happening. The only thing that being hot in Europe means is that it is hot in Europe.

@Curt: Can people POST ANYTHING they want on this site?—Do you EVER think the line is crossed?
Semper Fi—–hope you are continuing to protect and serve.
Any contact with Word?–if so please give him my best

Thanks RJW

Watching one of 05’s and my favorite movies The Manchurian Candidate–gotta say original better than remake–both are excellent.

And there are articles like this that essentially debunk the importance of trace gasses like CO2 as significant contributors to the GHE:

Scientists: Oxygen & Nitrogen ‘Radiatively Important’ Greenhouse Gases With IR Absorption Temps Similar To CO2

Scientists: Oxygen & Nitrogen ‘Radiatively Important’ Greenhouse Gases with IR Absorption Temps Similar to CO2

By Kenneth Richard on 10. February 2020

March 19, 2020 – Greenland’s melting ice raised global sea level by 2.2mm in two months

At least we don’t have plagues of locusts. Uh…

February 28, 2020 – Swarms of locusts forced Somalia to declare a national emergency. Skin-crawling photos show how menacing their plagues can be.

This is why I’m spending more time lately watching Turner Classic Movies. Occasionally escaping into the past can be a good thing.