The Week in Radical Leftism, 02/22/2019

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Welcome back everyone! Let’s get right to it:


I’m not a fan of Trump’s National Emergency declaration either, but let’s stop pretending it’s anything new or unprecedented

2/15 – Cops do their job, snowflakes triggered!

I’d like to see how these snowflakes react when cops decide not to trigger the perps of crimes against the Snowflakes themselves

2/16 – On the rebirth of socialism

This rot is going to take a long time to root out of our society. I’m actually not sure we haven’t passed the tipping point where the United States becomes a Kelly Turnbull novel.

2/17 – Don’t Call Them “Open Borders” Useful Idiots To Protest Plan That Safeguards U.S. Border Or Something

I like how an allegedly mainstream publication like The Hill quotes some of the more insane views from The Radical Left as an excuse to spread editorial content of which they happen to agree.

2/17 – Autopsy of a Dead Coup

Victor Davis Hanson gives a lengthy but thorough rundown of the attempted coup against President Trump. The truly scary part is that the perps feel absolutely no fear of consequences for their actions. Let that one sink in.

2/18 – For the Record, Obama Made Mincemeat of the Constitution

I’d be curious to hear in the comments – how many of you with Lefty friends watched them blindly worship a man who regularly used The Constitution as toilet paper suddenly proclaim a love for that outdated, slaveholder-written document some time in late 2016?

2/18 – NYT: Republican 2020 message is “if you’re a Democrat, you’re either a socialist, a baby killer or an anti-Semite”

I reject this misleading NY Times headline suggesting that among the Dems’ 2020 candidates, “if you’re a Democrat, you’re either a socialist, a baby killer or an anti-Semite”. What’s with this either/or garbage? Isn’t every one of their candidates so far all three of these?

2/19 – Australia’s Obsession With Hopelessly Intermittent Wind and Solar Wrecking Entire Power Grid.

Unreliable, expensive, and under government control – the ultimate goal of every element of society under Socialists

2/19 – Iconic Statue of ‘Kissing Sailor’ Vandalized With #MeToo, Just Days After the Sailor’s Death

H/T Flopping Aces commenter Another Vet. Yet another sad sign of the times in which we live.

2/20 – Republican Spenders: Where’s the Backbone?

Another good link to bookmark. Yes, entitlement spending has been ignored, but if simple, common sense measures to cut spending like these being proposed by our president are being overruled by a Republican controlled Congress what hope is there?


Yep. The people we’re trusting to educate our kids are fighting for their “right” to indoctrinate them


This is one of those “Inconvenient Truth” stories

2/21 – Statue Of General Lee Vandalized In North Carolina. It Was The Wrong General Lee.

Part of me was expecting to read that some idiot had vandalized a statue honoring Bo and Luke Duke’s famous Dodge Charger.
I wasn’t even slightly surprised that what they actually did was almost as dumb.

2/22 – Just Say No

There’s actually a debate over stripping citizenship of people who leave the US or UK to join ISIS? What are they complaining about? A short walk to a long rope would be more appropriate

From the archives, we go back to 2012 where I put forth my modest proposal as to how We Can Balance the Budget. Right Now – No Tricks, No Gimmicks, and No B.S. Look at your personal share to pay off the Federal debt. Now keep in mind that when I wrote that piece eight years ago our debt was $16.2T – now it’s $22T. So whatever insane number you would need to pay, you can increase that by 50%.

On that cheery note, have a great weekend!

And be sure to click the first tweet this week – it’s a great thread of fake hate crimes.

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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The Wrong General Lee. the original had the doors welded shut

The General’s trunk was filled with sand or concrete to keep it from tipping on its nose. Want one just 50 to 150K
The show destroyed 309 of the 68 and 69 chargers.

Pols in CA want to re-name John Wayne Airport in Orange County.
An old Playboy interview he did where he weighed in on things that trigger snowflakes today.


It is an emergency of Democrat making. Trump is merely doing what Congress voted to do TWICE before, even appropriating money for it, but was never initiated.

2/15 – Cops do their job, snowflakes triggered!

I’m sorry, aren’t students supposed to get SMARTER in college?

2/16 – On the rebirth of socialism

You’d think it would be enough to show the stupidity and hypocrisy of those pushing it to dissuade support, but that doesn’t seem to be effective.

2/17 – Don’t Call Them “Open Borders” Useful Idiots To Protest Plan That Safeguards U.S. Border Or Something

Yeah, pointing out their support for open borders makes them look like they’re anti-American. They don’t mind knowing it… they just don’t want others to know it.

2/17 – Autopsy of a Dead Coup

Under Obama the left got a taste of what it was like to ignore the Constitution and just do whatever served the liberal agenda. They’re happy to see whatever needs to be done to keep someone out of office that stands in the way of that.

2/18 – For the Record, Obama Made Mincemeat of the Constitution

It takes someone adhering to the Constitution to remind Democrats there IS one, but that starts them off to declaring it all un-Constitutional. Weird.

2/18 – NYT: Republican 2020 message is “if you’re a Democrat, you’re either a socialist, a baby killer or an anti-Semite”

I’d say that’s a pretty accurate list. You could add “dumbass”, but I guess that goes without saying.

2/19 – Australia’s Obsession With Hopelessly Intermittent Wind and Solar Wrecking Entire Power Grid.

Hey, you think we could get us some of that green miracle? Gosh, that would be swell!

2/19 – Iconic Statue of ‘Kissing Sailor’ Vandalized With #MeToo, Just Days After the Sailor’s Death

And just like that, all problems were solved. Good work, liberals!

2/20 – Republican Spenders: Where’s the Backbone?

We need a balanced budget amendment. I don’t hold out much faith in Pelosi’s “PayGo”.


Well, if it’s any comfort, I’m sure there’s SOME political messages they will forbid.


When the left gets rid of the billionaires… what of the billions? Better preserve them; there’ll be no more.

2/21 – Statue Of General Lee Vandalized In North Carolina. It Was The Wrong General Lee.

Maybe when you are out on a statue-defacing pogrom, it is best to know what statue you are defacing?

2/22 – Just Say No

I say we compromise; she can come back and live in US territory. I hear GITMO is nice this time of year.

@Nan G: Compromise. Call it Duke Airport.

@Brother Bob: As DeBlathero says, there’s plenty of money, it’s just in the wrong hands.

@Brother Bob:

It’s not so much the billionaires they object to – they just like to pick who they are – Castro, Chavez, etc.

Exactly. A common misconception is that the communist utopia that the left wishes to impose here is not a classless society in practice. There are definite classes in communist countries. Where you stand with the Party determines how well off you are. In this country for instance, if you were a Barack Obama, George Soros, or Nancy Pelosi, you’d be living in a mansion eating whatever you want. If you were a low level member of the Party apparatus who pushes the Party’s agenda at the street level (such as RW), you and your wife would be living in a one or two bedroom apartment/condo eating steak a few times per month. If you were a peon with no value to the Party, you and your family of six would be living in a one or two bedroom apartment and would never eat steak unless you got it on the black market that is always prevalent in those Communist utopias. Finally, if you resist the efforts of the Party and don’t want to play along, you are either in a prison or a grave.

@Brother Bob: Yep and they deny it when confronted with those beliefs. If you compare what they say to what people like Marx, Lenin, Castro, and their other idols said, it’s all the same theme just worded a little differently. There was even a dem (a senator I believe) who used the old argument in defending the “Green New Deal” that this time socialism would work. They always say that and it always turns out to be the opposite. They also love to point to the “success” of socialism in Europe conveniently forgetting the fact that we foot the bill for their security for almost fifty years. If we didn’t do that, they wouldn’t have been able to afford socialism because they would have had to pay for their own defense; they would have gone bankrupt doing both, or the Soviets would have marched right on in there and taken them over.

@another vet: OR they would be enjoying some really GOOD socialism, Soviet-style.