The canaries die in Minnesota and Michigan

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The canary has died in Minnesota and Michigan.  They have elected two Muslim women to Congress. They are not what they pretended to be during their campaigns and both share some rather disturbing traits.

Ihlan Omar campaigned like this


She will be in Congress like this


She is an anti-Semite

Naturally, the NY Times whitewashed the story.

Indeed, if there is any silver lining to the lickspittle coverage the Times has given Omar, it may be that the Times, consciously or not, seems to realize they have to be as dishonest as Omar about progressive anti-Semitism. Had the Times provided a complete account of Omar’s public comments, afforded her critics any quotations regarding her seeming anti-Semitism, or made clear that Omar was dishonest in her campaign to avoid accountability for her bigotry, not even the median Times reader would have bought her as a heroic, all-American martyr.

The Times helps enable anti-Semitism within the Democratic Party—but for now, at least, they still seem embarrassed about it.

She flat out lied about her position on Israel

Omar misled voters prior to the midterms by opposing BDS, which she admits to supporting now that she has been elected. Her efforts to minimize the blatant contradiction by asserting that she doubts the efficacy of BDS in bringing peace alters little. All she is really saying is that she doubts how useful BDS might prove to be in demonizing, ostracizing, and harming Israel. The clear implication is that, if BDS were highly effective at these things, she would support it even more wholeheartedly than she already does.

She has a dubious past in which she has possibly married her brother.  She was arrested in 2013.

The House rules for head wear were changed specifically for her. They were not changed for Christians or Jews.

The there’s Rashida Tlaib. She was elected to the American House of Representatives but she really is the Palestinian representative in Congress. Following her election victory she wrapped herself not in the US flag, but with the Palestinian flag.

She promises to be sworn in on a Quran and wearing a Palestinian gown. She

She is also an anti-Semite. So much so that J Street dumped her:

The George Soros-funded J Street, a leading critic of Israel, has reversed its endorsement of Rashida Tlaib, the Democratic Party candidate for Congress in Michigan who advocated slashing U.S. aid to Israel, called for a one-state solution and expressed support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.

J Street’s affiliated political action committee, JStreetPAC, had endorsed Tlaib, who could become the first female member of Congress, before she made her latest controversial comments against Israel.

This allegedly is on her office wall:

She has an interesting perspective on history

“It’s important to me because a lot of Americans have this kind of feeling that Islam is somehow foreign to American history,” Tlaib said of using Jefferson’s Quran. “Muslims were there at the beginning.”

Yes. It was called the Barbary Wars. She promises to be the voice for Palestinians.

Yesterday she disclosed her primary goal

“And we’re gonna go in and impeach the motherfucker.”

i.e. Donald Trump. For bullying. This is the new democrat civility. It should be very appealing to moderates.

This is just the beginning. Minnesota will be the first Islamic state in the US. The next indicator will be the elimination of pork from the Minnesota school systems. Then it will be restaurants. Then it will be all stores. Then there will be more.

Minnesota has elected two anti-Semitic members to Congress. One of them doesn’t even represent the US. She is the representative from Palestine.

While democrats continue with their asinine comparisons of Trump to Hitler, it is the democrat party which is mainstreaming anti-Semitism.

Today, however, to support vicious antisemites in pursuit of an illiberal agenda seems to be a non-event — providing one is on board with other, approved leftist causes. Intersectionality is providing a safe space for rabid hostility to Jews and Jewish national independence.

For another sign of the times, consider two new Democratic Members of Congress elected in the 2018 midterms, Rashida Tlaib and Ihlan Omar. Tlaib calls Israel “racist” and supports its replacement with a single, Arab-dominated state. Omar has labeled Israel an “apartheid” state, damned it as guilty of “evil” acts, and is the first open Congressional supporter of BDS.

Omar misled voters prior to the midterms by opposing BDS, which she admits to supporting now that she has been elected. Her efforts to minimize the blatant contradiction by asserting that she doubts the efficacy of BDS in bringing peace alters little. All she is really saying is that she doubts how useful BDS might prove to be in demonizing, ostracizing, and harming Israel. The clear implication is that, if BDS were highly effective at these things, she would support it even more wholeheartedly than she already does.

David Harsanyi:

It’s no mistake that Omar insists Israel is an “apartheid regime,” an ugly, simplistic, misleading, and irresponsible accusation. It’s not only the propellant for anti-Semitism on campuses across the country, it’s the foundational accusation of the BDS movement, which is attempting to recreate the campaign against racist South African apartheid in the 1980s.

Israel’s laws, of course, make absolutely no distinctions based on a person’s race. Every person in Israel has the ability to participate in the democratic process, and all have equal standing under the law. Muslims in Israel have more liberal rights than Muslims anywhere in the Arab world do. What we do have is a complex situation involving one-time Jewish land that once again fell under Israeli rule after a bunch of neighboring countries tried to destroy it.

Yet Democrats, who claim to hear anti-Semitism dog whistles from every porch in Red America, rarely see a problem with this kind of rhetoric. The FBI says that Jews were the victims of 60 percent of religiously motivated hate crimes in 2017, although they were just 2 percent of the population. Whatever inherent flaws exist in these self-reporting statistics, the disparity is real. Despite the horrific shooting in Pittsburgh and Jew hatred on the far Right, it’s almost certain that the average American Jew is more likely to encounter an aggressively “anti-Zionist” BDS activist on a campus (or a progressive march) than a white supremacist anywhere.

The canary has died in Minnesota and Michigan.



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Omar misled voters prior to the midterms by opposing BDS, which she admits to supporting now that she has been elected.

Well, Democrats are always more “flexible” after they have their useful idiots’ votes in their pockets.

The George Soros-funded J Street, a leading critic of Israel, has reversed its endorsement of Rashida Tlaib, the Democratic Party candidate for Congress in Michigan who advocated slashing U.S. aid to Israel, called for a one-state solution and expressed support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.

It’s not that Soros is anti-anti-Semitism; it’s that he doesn’t want to spend his money on those who just blurt it out in public. Not good business.

No doubt the next synagogue massacre, encouraged by Democrats’ CONTINUED embrace of anti-Semites and anti-Semitism, will again be blamed on Trump and his “hateful rhetoric”. Tell me, how is the guy that is attacked by the media, Democrats (redundant) and even some Republicans is “the bully”? He doesn’t even sic the IRS, FBI, EPA and DOJ on his political enemies like the last administration did.

The subversion of the American populace into leftist useful idiots was being conducted quietly behind the scenes, until Trump came along. Now the timetable for destruction has been moved up, and the creatures are crawling out from under their rocks. Their force is overwhelming, but at least they are out in the open now for everyone to see what they are doing and what their ultimate objectives are.

I fail to see what the problem is…how do you know a Muslim is lying..they open their mouth. It’s really not all that hard. Ok overly simplistic but more often right than wrong with the hard core Islamists. allahfubar

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton made his position clear when he told citizens of that state if they do not like the growing Muslim Somali population in Minnesota they can leave.
Why are there sharia police cars in Brooklyn, no go zones ?
A judge released terrorists that were training children to do school shootings and murdered a disabled boy, just let them go….New Mexico.
Lets see if ex CIA director Brennan would like a bacon cheese burger…..
The canary has been dead for a long time.