The Week in Radical Leftism, 12/28/2018

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Welcome back for our final post of 2018! I hope that everyone had a great Christmas, so let’s get to one last week of insanity before the start of the new year!

12/20 – Leftists are Dragging This Colorado Baker to Court for LGBT Discrimination

Can we stop humoring The Radical Left when they pretend that the whole “Bake the cake!” argument is about anything more than anti-Christian bigotry?

12/21 – Can We Deport the NY Times, Please?

One of these idiotic “think” pieces that says that nobody deserves to be an American. It’s amazing for how much Leftists profess their hatred for this country none of them ever leave. And they actually want to more foreigners to live in this s*** hole!

12/22 – Social Justice meritocracy

Remember how David Hogg was crying that he couldn’t get admitted to several California colleges? He got accepted to Harvard. I’m fine with Harvard destroying its reputation, though. Personally, I would have given his spot to someone who was 1/1000th Cherokee

12/23 – Did the Media Care When Obama Fired General Mattis?

Take a guess. Go ahead, guess!

12/24 – Transgender Rage: You Can’t Have a Women’s Symbol at a Women’s College

I am so grateful that I’m not a satire writer for a living. How are you supposed to compete with reality?

12/24 – Opposition to Texas GOP Official Shahid Shafi Is Not Due to Bigotry

This is another Friendly Fire piece that you’ll see from me once in a while, and today’s target is National Review’s Jim Geraghty. He’s probably my favorite Conservative who frequently criticizes President Trump, as unlike the fussy Kristol/Goldberg/French style, Geragthy’s angle is to show how the President’s words or actions hurt his effectiveness as president. That said, PJ Media’s Robert Spencer writes a good rebuttal to Jim’s support for Shafi.

12/25 – The sermon Trump heard on Christmas Eve featured a cruel emperor, migrants seeking refuge and ‘the hardest of years

When I was writing the first few days’ of this post I honestly thought that I’d have to use something relatively light for Christmas Day, thinking that The Radical Left could hold off on the d-baggery for one day out of the year. I’m glad that I didn’t bet any money on that one!

12/26 – Are the Investigations the Cover-Up?

(In Ron Howard’s “Arrested Development” Narrator voice): “Actually, they are.”

12/27 – CNN rats out troops in Iraq for having Trump sign MAGA hats

I think that 4Chan may have already done something like this, but is it time to organize an effort to snoop on the social media feeds of anyone who works for CNN and strategically reveal anything from their past that might raise the ire of The Radical Left?

12/27 – Trump Works While NeverTrump Predicts Doom—Again

A good look at the lack of substance in the Vichy Conservatives

12/28 – The Upside for Conservatives in 2019

Closing out with some good news

Have a great weekend and Happy New Year!

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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12/20 – Leftists are Dragging This Colorado Baker to Court for LGBT Discrimination

I just hope someone concerned with individual freedom that has deep pockets is supporting this guy. It’s expensive to defend ones self against those that hate freedom of thought.

12/21 – Can We Deport the NY Times, Please?

The NYT is a moron magnate.

12/22 – Social Justice meritocracy

How long before Hoggie becomes the Harvard Law Review editor (that never publishes anything)? Well, at least Harvard (pronounced “Haaaaa-vaaaaad” has experience with taking embarrassing academic records and secreting them away.

12/23 – Did the Media Care When Obama Fired General Mattis?

At least Gen. Mattis didn’t die and we had to suffer through a week of liberal media slobbering all over his beloved memory.

12/24 – Transgender Rage: You Can’t Have a Women’s Symbol at a Women’s College

Even if you think what the left wants you to think, they want to change and control what you think.

12/24 – Opposition to Texas GOP Official Shahid Shafi Is Not Due to Bigotry

Like we don’t have enough liberal wolves in Republican sheep’s clothing.

12/25 – The sermon Trump heard on Christmas Eve featured a cruel emperor, migrants seeking refuge and ‘the hardest of years’

How many stupid memes did we see claiming Joseph and Mary were migrants seeking asylum?

12/26 – Are the Investigations the Cover-Up?

They are, but they aren’t doing a very good job. Liberal willful ignorance works much better.

12/27 – CNN rats out troops in Iraq for having Trump sign MAGA hats

Liberals hate the military and the media is liberal. We actually have some liberal who engage us here who claim to support the military, all while condoning this kind of despicable crap. Some might actually condemn this one incident, but they won’t admit this military hatred is pervasive throughout the liberal community. They still remain liberals and support the liberal ideology. Support liberals, hate the military.

12/27 – Trump Works While NeverTrump Predicts Doom—Again

From the time Trump began running for President, we have had those who vigorously attack him, then whine and rub their boo-boo’s caused when Trump strikes back in the same manner as he was attacked.

12/28 – The Upside for Conservatives in 2019

There’s always hope, but it seems the forces for justice are always making a comeback and always comeback a little weaker than before. If Barr is confirmed, he will have to identify and utilize enough personnel not absorbed into the deep state to carry out an effective and fair investigation of anything not anti-Trump in character. But, I believe that it will only take the first shoe to fall by way of an honest investigation that results in honest results to create a domino effect that will bring the entire coup and deep state down.

Happy New Year… to us all.
The California Women’s March has now canceled the January event, claiming the attendees would have been “overwhelmingly white.”
Now being liberal is not enough.
They always eat their own.
White liberals are at a loss as to how to gain a place in the liberal new world order.
There are those in the movement who would kill them!
A 6-foot tall man carrying a pink purse and wearing hoop earrings and eye makeup got all upset for being called “sir,” in a game store.
Do real females ever even go into game stores?
This roid rage is real, forks.
Yet another example of a white person trying desperately to find a niche in liberal-land.

It must be really tough to feel so left out when white started the liberal movement and compose most of the puppet masters of it.

Happy onion.. ah Saturday.
The culture war continues liberals always looking for something to “take care of, make better.”We see Good morning America, cheering the mental torture of a child. Well if that doesnt wake you up the Bakery story wont. Funny how we must respect even applaud their choices of lifestyle and child rearing or grooming.

Donald Trump and Mattis, Trump the First President in over 70 years to defy the industrial military complex and declare peace…. the Medias reaction

Just as breaking news Trump doesnt visit the troops he is landing in a war zone with the first lady

that hasnt happened since 2008 when Laura went to Afganistan, if its Christmas visits that would be way way back to Pat Nixon Driving the SS insane none of the soldiers were disarmed.

@Brother Bob: CPS should have rolled in like swat.

greta thurnberg is an ideal youth for the national socialist youth movement. Hitler and Goebells would have loved this piece of shit to mode into a single brain cell idiot-another demorat. if one recalls, and the media has no recall past the 11:00 news, david pigg was admitted into ucla this spring. so all the elite socialists from brown, yale, princeton, with 4.0 averages give a place to a low life scum bag. WOW bet some upper class white privileged NY families are going to be upset.

@MOS#8541: Actually it was Harvard, Obamas school that let him in with less than a 1300 SAT Standards we dont need any stinking standards.

Personally, I would have given his spot to someone who was 1/1000th Cherokee

You might have hit on something. Is there a rumor that Hoggie is really 1/1024 Seminole? Doesn’t that rank him right up there with Pocahontas? Now we know what floats the boats at Harvard.

@kitt: @kitt:

Actually it was Harvard, Obamas school

Well, as we all know, they didn’t lower their standards ‘in a way’. See they admitted Obama with no undergraduate work at all to their law school and then didn’t require him to do anything to get his law degree. It was just awarded based on the $50 million contribution from some rich Saudi Muslim To date, there is no record of Obama ever being seen in any college classroom anywhere.

@Brother Bob:

No, really. A gay man is on the staff of a Catholic church as a pastoral associate and people are upset. Of course, liberals rush to the rescue. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t there something about young boys being sexually abused in Catholic parishes? Also correct me if I got this wrong, but aren’t homosexuals more likely to abuse young boys than anyone else? I also seem to remember a LOT of liberal outrage over the said sexual abuse of young boys. Perhaps, as they did with the Boy Scouts, the left merely wishes to destroy the Catholic church by demanding they do the things that will assure its ultimate destruction.

For pastoral duties, isn’t sexual abstinence a duty and wouldn’t having ANY sexual preference be sort of moot? Furthermore, wouldn’t having an openly homosexual preference be a recipe for disaster?

So (again, I could be wrong) but it appears liberals simply like to bitch about anything.

@Deplorable Me: As if we can have a lower opinion of those responsible for our kids higher education

University Educator: Mowing Your Lawn & Acting Respectable Is Racist

They must sit in the teachers lounge thinking up the most ignorant sh!t to blurt out.

@kitt: You know, valuing law and order PROTECTS lives. Those who do not value laws and respect are who threaten and take lives for their own selfish needs. This fairly well sums up the liberal mindset.

@Nan G: The organizers of the women’s march don’t want to hold the event if it’s not an accurate representation of the ethnic diversity of the county. They want to make sure that everyone is represented. How is that a bad thing?

@Deplorable Me: “Abstinence” is not asexuality. If priests had no sexual feelings, abstinence would not be a sacrifice made for the glory of God.

Also: “homosexual” is not a synonym for “pedophile.”

@MOS#8541: What makes David Hogg a “low life scum bag”?


@Nan G: The organizers of the women’s march don’t want to hold the event if it’s not an accurate representation of the ethnic diversity of the county.

Those who show up are those who care. The organizers cannot dictate who is allowed to care about women’s issues. Their concern seems to be more about how they want the march to appear and if race is a determining factor, well, that is nothing but racism. And, the organization has been stained with anti-Semitism.

@Deplorable Me: “Abstinence” is not asexuality. If priests had no sexual feelings, abstinence would not be a sacrifice made for the glory of God.

They are expected to be devoid of thoughts of sexual pleasure. Therefore, someone who is a homosexual activist pretty much violates that tenet. They are ADVOCATING a sexual tendency and one, by the way, that has caused quite a bit of trouble for the Church and the victims of sexual abuse.

Also: “homosexual” is not a synonym for “pedophile.”

I believe a review of what I wrote would confirm I didn’t advocate that. However, which sexual tendency would most likely be responsible for men sexually abusing boys? That would be a pretty exclusive group. No, not all homosexuals are pedophiles, but all male pedophiles that prey on boys are homosexuals.

@MOS#8541: What makes David Hogg a “low life scum bag”?

I think it is his desire to appeal to liberals by exploiting tragedies. Scumbaggery is a requirement.

@Deplorable Me:

They are expected to be devoid of thoughts of sexual pleasure.

That is incorrect. They’re not supposed to act on those feelings. Again, that’s why the vow of celibacy is a big deal.

@Deplorable Me: Your answer about the women’s march makes no sense. First, nobody is trying to put a limit on who is allowed to believe in the cause. You blithely accused the organizers of doing the opposite of what they were actually doing. Second, if they want participation of people from all races, then that is the opposite of racism.

You don’t seem to think very clearly at all.

@Michael: @Nan G: The organizers of the women’s march don’t want to hold the event if it’s not an accurate representation of the ethnic diversity of the county. They want to make sure that everyone is represented. How is that a bad thing?

1st year, overwhelmingly white women in pink pussy hats.
2nd year pussy hats have been outlawed by the March organizers because not all women have pussies!
And, would have been overwhelmingly white, too.

If the liberal puppet-masters had wanted more POC (or, WOC) they should have paid them!
Not paying them was what killed Soros’ Black Lives Matter.


They’re not supposed to act on those feelings. Again, that’s why the vow of celibacy is a big deal.

Isn’t advocating for a particular sexual lifestyle acting on those feelings? We don’t see heterosexual clergy out cheering on heterosexuality, and if you did, they would be denounced as homophobic.

@Deplorable Me: Your answer about the women’s march makes no sense. First, nobody is trying to put a limit on who is allowed to believe in the cause.

Well, I’m sure they would accept their checks. However, they do want a less-white hue of the march, so they wanted to reduce white attendance and artificially promote other colors. In normal minds, that is nothing but racism.

Second, if they want participation of people from all races, then that is the opposite of racism.

But they want to restrict and reduce white participation. They only care about how it LOOKS. No, that is the very definition of racism, like what Democrats have done towards blacks in regards to trying to keep them from voting and participating in society. Even thought being racist towards whites is acceptable and supported by the left, it’s still racism. No, I see things very clearly. I suspect you see it too but cannot accept the facts.

@Nan G: So they’re not going to wear the hat you ridiculed, and they’re not going to stage the march that you ridiculed. What’s your beef?

@Deplorable Me:

We don’t see heterosexual clergy out cheering on heterosexuality

Seeing as how the church only officially accepts heterosexuality and only performs heterosexual weddings and has called homosexuality a sin for thousands of years while explicitly promoting heterosexuality, you clearly don’t know what you are talking about.

But they want to restrict and reduce white participation.

No, they want to drum up support among people of color to *add to* the number and diversity of attendees. The organizers came right out and said that.

@Deplorable Me:

like what Democrats have done towards blacks in regards to trying to keep them from voting and participating in society.

Even accepting the incorrect premise of what you’re saying here, working to increase minority participation in a march is the exact opposite of working to decrease minority participation in voting.

The exact opposite. “Increase” and “decrease” are opposites.

That’s accepting your assertion at face value, simply for the sake of discussion.

@Michael:@Nan G: So they’re not going to wear the hat you ridiculed, and they’re not going to stage the march that you ridiculed. What’s your beef?

Now being liberal is not enough.
They (liberals) always eat their own.
White liberals are at a loss as to how to gain a place in the liberal new world order.
There are those in the movement who would kill them!

Well hidden by Google is the video of a black woman at a recent demonstration yelling incitement to a white liberal (who says, “I’m on your side.”) that, unless he acts (violently) he’s just showing his “white privilege” and needs to die.

@Nan G: “Trying to include everyone” is not equal to “eating their own.” I mean, I’m glad that you found a keen new phrase, but you need to pick and choose where you use it. The organizers of the march are literally saying that they don’t want to hold it if they don’t have enough popular support. What I’m seeing you do is complain about them because they want to include people of color.

Please note that: you are complaining specifically because they want to include people of color in their march. If we are to designate racists in this scenario, which you seem to want to do, you would appear to be Candidate Number One.

@Nan G:

Well hidden by Google is the video of a black woman at a recent demonstration yelling incitement to a white liberal (who says, “I’m on your side.”) that, unless he acts (violently) he’s just showing his “white privilege” and needs to die.

“A black woman.” Wow. A black woman did something; surely she speaks for all liberals, black, white and brown! (Assuming the video in question actually exists, not at all a sure bet with you. After all, it has been “well hidden” by Google.) Surely I can assume that all white senior citizen women are of subnormal intelligence, since you are…?


Surely I can assume that all white senior citizen women are of subnormal intelligence, since you are…?

Is insult really necessary? I thought you were the supporter of civil discourse. Just when you think others should be civil, huh?

Supporting liberal causes shows a distinct lack of intelligence.

@Deplorable Me: As I’ve said more than once, I’m against name-calling, and I stick by that. I didn’t call her a name.

You’re the one who says that it’s okay to just state the facts, right? That’s what I’m doing; you should be applauding.

Listen, friend: you’re not the one to try lording your supposed intellectual prowess over anyone at all. As I’ve been demonstrating in this thread, your descriptions of events are diametrically opposed to the reality of the situations you’re discussing. Either you’re lying to score imaginary argumentation points, or you simply can’t tell that what you’re saying is the exact opposite of the way that things are actually going down.


@Deplorable Me: As I’ve said more than once, I’m against name-calling, and I stick by that. I didn’t call her a name.

Yes, you did. You called her a “white senior citizen woman of subnormal intelligence”. What’s more, you decided to insult the intelligence of ALL white senior citizen women.

You’re the one who says that it’s okay to just state the facts, right?

But you didn’t state a fact unless you have in your possession a measurement of Nan G’s intelligence as well as data on all white senior citizen women. What you did, in fact, was express a bigoted prejudice. But, you are a liberal, so no one is shocked.

No, I’m not the smartest one in the room; unless it’s just you and me. Keep that hypocrisy front and center, “friend”.