How many people in the country of voting age can remember when Donald Trump won the presidency. Progressive socialists like Nancy Pelosi and RINOS like John McCain, mocked our President because he said he may have won the popular vote because of illegals voting.
Is there voter fraud in our country? Absolutely. Our voter laws have been torn apart by the progressive socialists in state governments. Motor Voter laws have no verification of the applicant is a citizen. On the DMV form, if you renew your license or get a new license, you are automatically registered to vote. It was the state legislature that sent mail-in absentee ballots to voters who did not request them and they also passed legislation that ANYONE could turn in absentee ballots. How can they explain how this makes our votes in the state more secure? I know this is true in California because I live in the state. They say it to make it easier for a “citizen” to vote. I have always felt if you can make an effort to register to vote then you should not vote. There are many reasons to not vote. The most important one is being a low information citizen with no intention to vote. The questions abound about what should be considered a sacred honor paid for by patriotic citizens in the past that have fought and died for our ability to vote. Of course, civics, citizenship and American patriotism are no longer taught in our schools, so why we should we expect the students to feel patriotism for our country if the leftist teachers don’t?
There are questions that need to be asked about the voting irregularities outside of the criminal activities of Broward County. Why are there progressive socialist states that are allowed to automatically register instead of leaving it up to the voter to register themselves? Is it reasonable to ask a low information voter to put the crack pipe down and register before election day? Why are mail-in ballots being sent to those not requesting them? If a ballot is sent, is it on a list so that the same person cannot show up on election day and vote?
In California, the process now being investigated is “ballot harvesting”. The progressive socialists passed laws that allowed them to harvest thousands if not millions of votes, legal and illegal. In 2016, Governor Brown signed a bill for a small revision to the mail-in ballot process. It was used to make ballot harvesting legal although in contravenes Federal laws. There is no ballot protection law now in California. There are no check and balances allowing the coercive tactics being used to collect ballots for the progressive socialists. Once again, the leftists control 60 of 80 State Assembly seats and 29 Senate seats, controlling a supermajority with no possible Republican input. The “Jungle system” of voting in the primaries all but assure socialist doctrine for the state into the distant future. They had been found going on skid row in Los Angeles gathering signatures on ballots for the progressive socialist candidate for a cigarette or a dollar. Of course, the only ballots that were harvested were for the progressive socialists. Out of the 1.1 million ballots cast in Orange County, 62% voted by mail ballots that were unverified. If an investigation was done, I am sure the same operations would be found taking place through operatives of the progressive socialists and union members working on company time as they always have in the past. Starting with the 2016 June 7th primary, Republican voters showing up to the polls to find party affiliation had been changed, or they had been dropped from the voting rolls without any explanation. These changes can only be done from the states electronic database in charge of the voting system. To this day no valid explanation has been given. In the midterms, eleven California have more votes than eligible voters and, according to the Election Integrity Project Los Angeles County had 144% registered voters of the eligible voters in the county. And yet, nothing has been done on a state level. It will take a concerted effort on the part of the citizens of California to bring in federal agencies with subpoena power to clear this trash out of our system and return our state to the normalcy we expect in voting.
It starts with those in charge in that state. Judicial Watch, along with the aforementioned Election Integrity Project sent a Section 8 notice of voter violations to California Secretary of State Alex Padilla that was ignored. Through either total ignorance or a willful blindness to valid laws and regulations, there is not one country or state election official willing to discuss the evidence with either Judicial Watch or the EIP to attempt to bring the violations into focus.
The process of voting has been bastardized to the point that it can longer be seen as ethical or reliable. The progressive socialists had riddled the national voter law with so many amendments to state laws, and loopholes that swing the outcome in one direction. In California, we even have pre-registration of 16 and 17-year-olds taking place in schools after an indoctrination of the students to vote for the socialist leftists the teacher tells them to. It is now legal for convicted felons to vote and convicted inmates are also getting the right to vote in contravention to the Federal laws. According to the Department of Registrars, over 40% of votes were tabulated AFTER election night. And of that 40% late counted, they want the people of the state to believe 80% wend progressive socialist even in Orange County where Republicans were declared the winners by wide margins. Of course, there will not be a state investigation as it was they who set this all up and voted for it. This is the same group that would not allow the Federal government to check and clean the voter rolls citing an invasion of privacy.
In Texas, “ballot harvesting” was passed as a way to help the elderly vote or to get disabled voters votes to the polls. These wonderful citizens are the same as those in California, the only votes that made it to the polls were for the leftists. This fraud has been pervasive even before this midterm election, and voters who have no clue are having the votes that they want to be stolen by forged signatures, over voting and altering ballots.
There are changes that need to be made nationwide. Voting must once again come under federal control. The standardization of voting procedures will simplify how voting must be done. Perhaps two days of voting would help for those who claim they cannot make it to the site where they are to vote. Mail-in ballots for elderly and disables only, and mandatory voter ID. All states must have a bipartisan panel to clean up the voter rolls, so we o not wind up with situations like Ohio where we have a multitude of voters over 117 years old, and even a couple over 120.
Voting is an individual responsibility the goes directly to the core of our nation. If we are to allow these violations and corruption to continue not only in California but throughout the country we surely will become the third world banana republic that the progressive socialists have been working so hard for.
Retired military, 20 years of service, retired last April from a warehouse position at NEOPOST. I live is So, California with my wife, two dogs, and one anti social cat. I am a veteran, entrepreneur, writer, and write on the subjects of race, terrorism, the economy, and climate change.
John Veliseks’ new book “One Patriots Opinion- for the Forgotten Men and Women of America” is now available on Kindle. 330 pages that any patriotic conservative would consider a must read and enjoy.
I shared this article,”The Banana Republic of California,” on both Facebook and on Twitter, and I see that it did get posted in both places, but the counter box here for the number of times the article was shared stays at zero. What’s up with that? Yes, I also refreshed the page to make sure I was seeing it updated.
@Lee: Facebook & Twitter are part of the banana Republic of California
California’s economy is now the 5th largest in the world; its state economy is more productive than the vast majority of world’s nations.
There’s never been a single credible study that has demonstrated voter fraud on a national level to be of any statistical significance. The case for Russian election meddling is far, far stronger—as in, it’s an established fact.
Shall we talk about republican gerrymandering, methodical voter suppression, and the state level voter fraud in North Carolina?
Kalifornia is indeed a banana republic. If the left gets away with what they did there, they will spread it nationwide. Combine that with their coup to overthrow the President and in due time the rest of the country will go banana republic as well. Witness what happened in Arizona. The left wing whack job would have never won that senate seat but the transplants from Kalifornia put her in office. Now they are on their way to ruining Arizona just like they ruined California. The Domino Theory still has validity to it.
December 4, 2018 — The Election Fraud Is Coming From Inside the GOP – Undermining voters from Wisconsin to North Carolina.
Typically, republican politicians accuse others of what they’re actually doing themselves.
@Lee: Lee, what you’re seeing is called “Shadow Banning.”
Both Facebook and Twitter do it.
To you, it looks like all your “friends” and “followers” have seen what you posted, but truth is they have not seen it.
Even Pres Trump’s Twitter had a few shadow bans of some of his tweets!
All those millions of followers but less than a thousand “likes?”
Many of these liberal utopias are also sanctuary cities and many of these provide drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. Add motor voting to the formula and you have massive voter fraud with not way to detect or stop it.
And for some strange reason, California will not cooperate with Trump’s voter fraud investigation. Weird, huh?
So that justifies massive voter fraud?
The reports of massive voter fraud are legion. Indeed, there should be a study and no state that will not cooperate with an investigative study should not be allowed to participate in federal elections.
The left pretends to be concerned with the disenfranchised voter. Well, every fraudulent vote disenfranchises a lawful vote. Again, the hypocrisy and duplicity of the left is revealed.
@Greg: No one is undermining voters in Wisconsin, it was the FIBs coming across the border to vote before ID was required. pick a state
We can all thank Jimmy Carter & his Democrat friends for putting education under federal government control, thereby enabling the left wing nuts to corrupt our educational system.
@Bwax: If it was up to me I would end every federal dept that was duplicated at state level.
@Deplorable Me, #8:
It justifies nothing. It explains the fixation some residents of far less successful red states seem to have with constantly talking a progressive success like California down.
@Greg: I don’t think a state billions of dollars in debt, no hope of repaying their debt, cities filing bankruptcy and cities covered in the shit of the homeless and illegal immigrants is a success story.
@Deplorable Me, #13:
The same applies to Texas. I don’t hear the right constantly bashing Texas. How do you account for this curious discrepancy?
California’s debt to GDP ratio is actually lower than that of Texas.
@Greg: Could it be there are no formerly huge tourist cities that now look like 3rd world shitholes?
@Deplorable Me:
That’s because you aren’t a left wing ideologue.
@Greg: Texas has a balanced budget law. Texas does not carry debt. Texas also has an anti-sanctuary city law and supports the wall. Texas is smart. Be like Texas.
California has over $2 trillion in debt. They just got caught trying to tax text messages. Good luck with that.
@Deplorable Me, @17:
Not in the right’s alternate propaganda reality, perhaps, but in the real world populated by accountants capable of performing accurate arithmetic, Texas carries a whopping big debt and is currently running large annual deficits. Those are the figures that the linked state debt clock is based on.
Political memes and reality are most often two different things. The Texas balanced budget meme commenced when stimulus money was included in the arithmetic behind a claim that the state budget was balanced. The current balanced budget assessment also involves budgetary sleight of hand.
@Greg: Well, Texas actually does NOT have debt and has, instead, a $12 billion “rainy day fund” surplus to use for emergencies. We may not have a bullet train to nowhere costing billions and billions and billions of dollars, but we pay our bills.
November 30, 2018 — Legislative report: Harvey recovery has cost $2.7 billion so far — most paid by feds
If it weren’t for some people’s ears, their Trump hats would fall down over their eyes.
@Greg: So, California doesn’t get federal disaster aid? If it wasn’t for their shirt collars, liberals’ heads would fall right through their asses.
@John Velisek:
Which is why we should consider selling it back to Mexico. The loyalties of a significant portion of the state rests somewhere other than the USA.
The law doesn’t apply equally to the left. The same judges who struck down Arizona’s resistance to Obama’s DACA on the basis that the federal government is responsible for immigration law will reverse themselves in favor of the states protecting the undocumented demokrats. It’s not confined to illegal immigration either. Notice how everyone associated with Obama’s coup has gone untouched despite open evidence of breaking the law whereas everyone else gets indicted for “crimes” that wouldn’t have happened had the “insurance plan” not been implemented?
And in January 2019 they will commandeer the U.S. House of Representatives.
February 21, 2019 — The bizarre election fraud hearings that could lead to a new House election in North Carolina, explained
The GOP candidate who won has not been seated because a judge refused to certify the election results—apparently with good reason.
@Greg: California needs to return the $3.5 billion they have defrauded the American taxpayer out of for their high speed rail boondoggle.