If democrats campaign on the bombs, you’ll know who was behind it. It’s just too convenient.

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How may times have you seen me write this?

Liberals have zero long term memory.

As I expected, the media is presenting news of these so-called “bombs” in an entirely isolated fashion. It’s as though history began the day these devices appeared- other than Trump’s words, that is. The media recalls nothing else.

Nothing had been established as fact when democrats seized on the issue and blamed Trump.

Without knowing any facts, Democrats immediately started to exploit the attempted attacks for political gain in the upcoming midterms. The ladies on “The View” lamented that Fox News hadn’t gotten a bomb and accused President Donald Trump of remaining silent on the attacks. They were immediately and hilariously corrected on air, then pretended they’d never condemned him.

Politico published a target list. It includes the Clinton’s, the Obama’s, John Brennan and CNN, Eric Holder, Wasserman-Schultz, Joe Biden, Maxine Waters and Robert DeNiro.

All these targets and not a single device exploded. The devices were apparently not meant to detonate. They were sent to a very specific list of people who have been critical of Trump. They were sent to people who don’t open their own mail.

Threatening to blow up things is not new to the left:

Assassination porn is the domain of the left

The NY Times’ idea of bringing the country together to end the violence was to publish more assassination porn:

The New York Times published a short story about assassinating President Donald Trump Tuesday just one day before “potential explosive devices” showed up at the addresses of multiple political figures including former President Barack Obama.

The New York Times asked novelists “to conjure possible outcomes” to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election for a Tuesday piece.

English thriller novelist Zoë Sharp wrote the short story, titled “How It Ends,” about a Russian assassin on a suicide mission who receives help from a Secret Service agent to kill Trump. A character who is working with the Russians in the story implies that Trump “was handpicked at the highest possible level” and must be silenced.

Nancy Pelosi moved faster than she has in years to blame Trump, yet last year in the aftermath of the Scalise shooting when asked if democrat rhetoric was to blame she said “How dare they?” 

“I think the comments made by my Republican colleagues are outrageous — beneath the dignity of the job that they hold — beneath the dignity of the respect that we would like Congress to command. How dare they say such a thing. How dare they,”

Then she added:

“How could they possibly say such a thing? First of all, the timing of it all … Let us all step back and examine our own conscience and see what negative attitudes we could all curtail but the sanctimony of it all — really?”

She added, “Don’t you think it’s strange that instead of being prayerful about this that they would start saying — let’s have this conversation another day.”

Liberals forget other things, but it’s always different when they’re involved.

Ricin containing letters were sent to Trump and the Pentagon. Packages were sent to Trump Jr.

As Jr. notes, Trump and his supporters have been called racists and Nazis since the day Trump announced his candidacy. One might make the argument that the devices were a clumsy attempt at retribution for the shooting of Steve Scalise, the ever injuring of Rand Paul and the violence against Trump supporters.

I had to chuckle when I read this:

George Soros’ son called the incidents a ‘threat to the future of American democracy’ as he hit out at the president in a New York Times op-ed titled ‘The Hate That Is Consuming Us’.

Alexander Soros argued that while his father has long faced anti-Semitism, ‘something changed in 2016’.

‘Before that, the vitriol he faced was largely confided to the extremist fringes, among white supremacists and nationalists who sought to undermine the very foundations of democracy,’ Soros writes.

How is it anti-Semitic to assail an anti-Semite? Remember that Soros said the happiest days of his life were spent ratting out Jews to the Nazis in WWII.

No one can say for a fact who is responsible, but democrats continue to be stupidly one-sided and hypocritical. As usual.

Then again, if you needed a boost just before election- something you could use to bludgeon Trump and the right since nothing else was working- and you didn’t really want anyone to get hurt, this would be the perfect menu item. Who on the right would do this immediately preceding an election?

The willingness to campaign on and assign blame for this without facts tends to lead one to believe they need to exact the most damage they can before the truth is discovered.

How dare they, indeed.



Called it



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Yeah, I don’t believe a Conservative(s) is responsible for all those bombs dropped. I think it’s a conspiracy made by the Democrats to further their agenda. Conservatives, at least sane ones are all around good people that appreciate tradition and family values. If anyone(s) is likely to go about planting bombs in conveniently placed areas it’d definitely be the Liberals. Can’t fool me though I have to give kudos to the person(s) behind it, you really don’t care about life and place Politics above human being(s). Then again, I probably should have expected something like this to happen eventually. Afterall, Liberals are sore losers that still can’t get over the fact that Hilary Clinton lost. Sorry Trump, I know you’re trying to make America great again but I guess some people don’t want a great America and prefer Anarchy instead. Also, sorry to those people’s whose lives were threatened by some insane fellow(s) though I have a feeling many of those “victims” knew what to expect afterall, none were harmed.

republicans: we need guns to murder liberals in case they try to stop us from destroying the planet and killing gays


Fact, Republicans were trending ahead while “the caravan” dominated the news.
Fact, these hoax bombs could build a sympathy vote for Dems.
Facts as in original text above, the Left has targeted Republicans with REAL ricin, powders, devices, screaming at restaurants, beating them with hasps and bike locks, throwing raw eggs on them, beating their cars with bats, and trying to hit them with fists.
Fact, those “bombs,” are hoaxes that contained a clock with no alarm feature, stamps altho delivered by courier, wires coming out of both ends (silly), no dangerous explosives, no biological powders, etc.
The reason this is so serious is that each one must be treated as if it is a real bomb.
There are terrorism laws on the books.
This is no mere swastika painted on one’s own garage door to claim someone hates you, or to come home disheveled after curfew only to falsely claim four Trump supporters tore off your hijab. Those are merely false police reports.
This is terrorism law breaking.
Unless the perp is on psycho drugs (or was supposed to be) I hope the book gets thrown at him.

@Nan G: i hope the republican that did this is executed, slowly, and trump supporters around the nation are investigated for encouraging this, and hopefully imprisoned

it is enormously funny to see conservatives, having spent the last two years encouraging violence against their opponents, now claiming that the violence problem is coming from the left (defending yourself against conservative terrorism is unacceptable to them)

It makes no sense that is is from a right wing or conservative person or persons. This would not drive more people to vote Republican so why do it? Unless the goal is to help Dems. Which would preclude it being a Republican doing it. The entire matter is fishy at best.


it actually makes perfect sense, as a member of numerous right-wing facebook groups, a large number of republicans have, for years, been demanding the execution of a campaign of terror and murder against their enemies.

the list also fits someone who loves bernie and didnt like what hillary and that list did… doesnt have to be someone that disliked trump given that several bernie incidents have occured..

George Soros’ son called the incidents a ‘threat to the future of American democracy’ as he hit out at the president in a New York Times op-ed titled ‘The Hate That Is Consuming Us’.

Um… SOROS is a threat to American democracy. He has stated he HATES it and wants to bring it down.

Alexander Soros argued that while his father has long faced anti-Semitism

Wait… what?

@Nan G:

Facts as in original text above, the Left has targeted Republicans with REAL ricin, powders, devices, screaming at restaurants, beating them with hasps and bike locks, throwing raw eggs on them, beating their cars with bats, and trying to hit them with fists.

Fact: The media largely ignores reporting on those incidents and so reports of these “bombs” has no context other than “violent Republicans”. See “the ghost of conservative intellect”, “republicans are terrorists” and “mully’s an dumbass” (aka AJ). Pitifully and pathetically stupid people will not understand the provocation for these attacks, if they indeed happen to NOT be a liberal hoax.

The discovered bomb count is now up to 10.

The manhunt: FBI treating serial bomber as domestic terrorism

Alexander Soros argued that while his father has long faced anti-Semitism

Indeed. Soros has essentially become one of the new Rothschilds of anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. You didn’t know this? Maybe you bought the fabricated story that he was a Nazi collaborator? He was 9 years old at the beginning of the war. All he did was survive.

@DrJohn, #13:

Soros was a child during the war years. Many who lived through the London Blitz as children are also nostalgic for era. I feel that way about the 1950s and 60s, despite growing up in a world of duck and cover drills and library basement fallout shelters. I suppose Soros’s comment might say something about what his early post-war years were like.

@DrJohn: Soros is beloved in his home country of Hungary.
His little apple does not fall far from the tree so even when his daddy takes a dirt nap the march will go on.
Yes they must get the US to fall to further the plan, they came so close, so close.


you are clueless on what constituters a domestic terrorist. you are clueless on the use of NYPD in the profiling of domestic terrorist should they exist. go back to your vodka and cookies

Yeah, I’m clueless like Trump is a unifier.

“Remember that Soros said the happiest days of his life were spent ratting out Jews to the Nazis in WWII.”

No, I don’t remember that. But I’d be interested in learning more about this, Dr. John. Can you provide a link for more information?

He helped send no Jews to their deaths. The stories are fabrication. Which isn’t to say that I like him or admire him. I suspect he may be involved with charitable causes out of feelings of guilt over how he’s made his billions. Who knows? People do eventually come to a point where their money will buy them nothing, and all they’ve got left are their thoughts and mortality.


let us assume that you can read at a high school level. you have engaged in the death of Jews by soros. prior to engaging your limitless brain to write, read William Shirer’s book The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich you might learn something. there are a number of pages to the book, no pictures, no space to draw. stay with you vodka and cookies, the world will be much safer

@DrJohn: They even put his picture on the floors of trains so people could step on his face. He is the perfect democrat a “victim.”
Without him Europeans have a country to flee to, hope they leave their crappy voting habits behind.


Many who lived through the London Blitz as children are also nostalgic for era.

Provide for us some testimonials of people who describe the Blitz as “the happiest time of their lives”. Not even Nazi pilots feel that way.

Yeah, I’m clueless like Trump is a unifier.

Well, he can’t unify those who, due to their hatred, refuse to be unified.

He helped send no Jews to their deaths.

He facilitated the “Final Solution” process.


You quote your own blog as a source? Okay. One link is dead. The other link leads to a foreword of a book where Soros says the ten months between March 1944 and January 1945 were the happiest times in his life. (He was 14.) I can’t seem to locate the part where he says the happiest days of his life were spent ratting out Jews to the Nazis in WWII. I have to watch the entire “60 Minutes” piece to find it, huh?

@DrJohn: Doc, I’ve been through a similar experience with Mr. Miller before. Making your point clear will be a sigh-inducing experience.

@Deplorable Me:

God forbid points should be clear., or even true for that matter? You prefer to make stuff up?

@mully’s a dumbass: Drivel just pure drivel. As time may show this isn’t anything like you try to claim. Go shopping today. Buy a clue and some salve, your knuckles must be sore from dragging the ground. Maybe this will help you. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/pipe-bombs-story-why-no-one-trusts-media/
Lastly this is just a sample of one of the kind of actions we see from Dems.

@DrJohn: And, Soros does this for his own profit.

@Gary Miller: One wonders how utterly crystal clear a point has to be for you to acknowledge it.

@MOS#8541, #22:

Was there supposed to be a point about George Soros in there, that your comment was aiming at? If so, you need to zero your sights.


So George Soros never actually said that the happiest days of his life were spent ratting out Jews to the Nazis in WWII.

Got it. You just … made it up. Pretty clear to anyone who’s reading this. Words matter, Dr. John. When you post on your blog that someone said something, perhaps they should’ve, ya know, actually said it.

The link from the sentence “In the introduction to his father’s book, Soros said” is indeed dead.

@Gary Miller:

So George Soros never actually said that the happiest days of his life were spent ratting out Jews to the Nazis in WWII.

No, actually you DON’T got it. You are unwilling to follow the links to discover the knowledge you lack or the motivation to possibly seek the information out for yourself… unless you fear what you might learn. If you recall, we went through this same drill ourselves.

I just looked it up, just to see how simply it can be done. I could cut and paste the address for you.

But, I won’t.

Some people are just unwilling to follow others down the right-wing rabbit hole into Crazy Land, where you have to ignore all differences between reality and conspiracy theory.