Today, a portion of those who are members of our society have denigrated the moral underpinnings of our country and resorted to violence and intimidation of those who continue to believe in this country and the equality that we have been striving for. I was taught by a Chief Warrant Officer that there is no color in the U.S. Navy, that everyone is haze gray. I never forget that and always treated everyone fellow sailor with the utmost respect.
The progressive socialists are continuing the identity politics and tribalism that Barack Obama made a part of everyday life for Americans. Today America is split into different groups, pitting white against black, men against women, rich against poor, and various other groups that the progressive socialists can use to separate our country. The progressives and the compliant media have spouted such platitudes as “systemic racism,” “implicit bias,” “misogyny,” “systemic racism” and “inequality” in an effort to splinter the American Unity that they so abhor.
This country is not perfect, and all admit that there are areas that need fundamental work, but getting in peoples faces with threats and intimidation will only bolster the people that they are targeting. The conservatives and Christians are in the crosshairs as well as white men.
The progressive socialist Democrats have besmirched a Judge with a stellar record, making hysterical allegations that have not been proven in order to plunge our country into chaos. The hide behind the fact that they call it a “job interview” so they can continue to work with the media to lie about Judge Kavanaugh and spread lies and innuendo with absolutely no proof.
George Soros funded group MoveOn, org is planning violence along with others if Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed. The University of Maine is giving college credits to students who leave to protest. Yale closed classes to allow their students time to protest. They will claim that it is their right to protest but refuse to give the same right to pro-Kavanaugh supporters. They have torn up signs, attacked the supporters and shouted them down.
Even Robert Reich who was Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Labor in assisting in this incitement of violence. Robert Reich has already proclaimed the FBI investigation as a sham. He didn’t read it but he does the progressive socialists talking points down pat.
Not yet to be explained about this entire debacle is why Sen, Feinstein waited until the final moments to spread this trash and assure the complicit media would work with the progressive socialists in inflicting the maximum pain and damage upon the Judge, his family, and the country.
It is informative that all the media and the leftists are talking about now is not the allegations, but the temperament shown by the Judge during his last grilling by ideologues that will not vote for him anyway. I don’t blame him for being angry after what he was being accused of doing with absolutely no corroboration.
Now that the FBI has finished the investigation and found no proof of the allegations, the next step in coming into focus. So now the paid shills of George Soros, the socialist of the Hollywood crowd, and the political sycophants that are promoting the violence against members of the political class which you do not agree with are promising violence to President Trump, Judge Kavanaugh, and even the citizens of our country who do not agree with the socialist policies that they are attempting to force on the American people.
The American left is anti-Christian, Anti-unity, and have been shown to have no morality, so shame, and no decency. In the past, Republicans and conservatives have meekly allowed the progressive socialist Democrats to push the agenda. The reason for the escalating violence and intimidation attempts is because the conservatives are fighting back and see through the lack of policy of those socialists who think they are our betters and should be given the opportunity to run our lives.
The examples are growing day by day. Rep. Andy Harris, Republican from Maryland faced protesters who tried to break into his office. Republican Senators who are supporters of Judge Kavanaugh have been accosted in airports, restaurants and even Capitol Hill by protesters who are nothing more than sociopathic malcontents bought and paid for, and encouraged by the leftists. This is nothing more than what the progressives socialists learned at the altar of Alinsky follower Barack Obama and the old Soviet system. We even have Groping Joe Biden calling conservatives the “dregs of society”.
The Left is finally understanding that the policies that they espouse do not work. The demographic changes that they are attempting to bring about is not working and caused those that adhere to the traditional moral values to vote and continue to win. The American people do not want the country to turn into Venezuela, and reject the policies that would make it so. Using the Alinsky principles, the only avenue left to the progressive socialists is personal destruction and violence.
The American people understand that Judge Kavanaugh is a constitutionalist who will interpret the law as written. The leftists cannot allow that to happen. If they allow Judge Kavanaugh on the bench, they will no longer be able to use activist judges to push through the laws that the American people don’t want or need. The American don’t want a weaponized government or a party that cannot define what they are for but uses the positions of power to end any debate against those with policy differences.
I do not think the sliming will work with Judge Kavanaugh, whose stature has been beyond reproach until the progressive socialists started trying to shame him out of becoming the next Justice of the Supreme Court. They did not consider that Judge Kavanaugh and the American people are stronger than that.
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Retired military, 20 years of service, retired last April from a warehouse position at NEOPOST. I live is So, California with my wife, two dogs, and one anti social cat. I am a veteran, entrepreneur, writer, and write on the subjects of race, terrorism, the economy, and climate change.
John Veliseks’ new book “One Patriots Opinion- for the Forgotten Men and Women of America” is now available on Kindle. 330 pages that any patriotic conservative would consider a must read and enjoy.
Violence has always been part of our politics.
How many Presidents assassinated?
How many prominent persons?
How many babies killed before birth?
Violence is as american as apple pie.
It is simply that one of our two principal political parties now promotes violence. That, to my memory, has not happened since 1860. And that violence lost 600,000 lives. I would prefer not to repeat that blood bath.
But it is very ugly out there, and steadily getting worse.
good math-but no need for violence -Everyone can have their way..
Put on ballot-those who want-open boarders-illegals can vote-get full med care-
even at expense of our veterans etc etc. They only need sponsors who put up their property(home/land/paycheck) as deposit. If citizen killed by illegal- sponsor must pay($) +all cost ie:court fees and serve the same time in prison that of-the illegal.
Trees are known by their fruits.
Look at Republican-run cities, counties, states:
The unemployment rate is lower, the streets are clean and maintained, regular folks can enjoy evenings in the parks watching movies on big screens with their families.
Look at Democrat-run cities, counties, states:
Unemployment is high, streets are filthy and pot-holes are everywhere, homeless people and gangs control the streets, especially after dark.
Think voters didn’t notice?
Trump got people out to vote who had been non-voters, dems and indies.
When they voted him in they also voted in enough GOP to give him a chance to get his agenda thru.
They’ve been watching for nearly 2 years.
The Trump agenda has been good for America.
The Dem’s violent denial of the legitimacy of his Administration is a turn from a tradition of peaceful transfer of power.
Obama was worried Trump would fight the election’s outcome, but it’s been Hillary and his own Deep State fighting it.
Sen Rand Paul pointed out that the shooter who nearly killed Rep Steve Scalise was shouting something as he pulled the trigger to try to kill many Republicans.
The media hid what he shouted.
It was, “this is for healthcare!”
Please. Kavanaugh was nominated and confirmed in the hope that he would become yet another right-leaning activist judge. He’s there in the hope that he will deliver things the political right wants. His supporters have openly said as much, and gloated over their success, so it’s utterly ludicrous to pretend otherwise.
The Citizens United ruling was a product of right wing judicial activism. Five conservative Justices struck down decades of methodically enacted legislation intended to prevent big money from buying political power. They ruled unconstitutional laws that prevented billion-dollar corporate treasuries from providing unlimited war chests for candidates who would in return enact legislation financially favorable to those same corporations. If you think that hasn’t already followed on the ruling, and will greatly diminish the power that individual American voters have to influence the laws governing their own daily lives and destinies, you’re living in a fantasy world. It elevated wealth and power, and put us on the road to corporate serfdom.
With Kavanaugh on the bench, they’ll soon be going after the right of women to exercise sovereign control their own bodies, empowering the State to command them to continue unwanted pregnancies. I have no doubt that anti-choice factions are already busily crafting legislation specifically designed to bring that about. If you don’t think reversing or doing an end run around a precedent the Supreme Court itself established 45 years ago would be an example of judicial activism, you’re living in a fantasy world.
No Nan he said “Stop bailing out on that off speed curve”
@Greg: Speaking of living in a fantasy world…
Thanks to Collins’ vote for Kavanaugh, white women are targeted, too… unless they can exhibit the characteristics liberals expect white women to exhibit.
Oh, come on now. We know, don’t we? That is a rhetorical question no liberal will go within a thousand yards of. THEY know the answer.
Just because he doesn’t lean left doesn’t mean he leans right. There is no right or left to the Constitution; relying on ideology to decide judicial issues is a liberal realm.
Liberals were always perfectly happy to get 100% of union money yet don’t want others to have a voice in campaign finance. Liberals don’t want big money out of politics; they want CONSERVATIVE money out of politics.
I would hope he would, just for payback for the slimy garbage the left threw at him. He won’t, but I would support him doing it. Liberals would.
There is no right to murder for convenience.
Citizens United leveled the playing field that unions held the advantage over for decades. Of course, you would never be worried about all the money union poured into elections. Unions like IBEW that donated $2.+ million with 96% of it going to Democrats.
As to the SCOTUS; for decades now, the Democrats who could not bring forth legislation to create laws for us all to have to live by, used the court to do it. The left’s sacred cow is abortion. No one mentions that almost all abortion centers are located in poor and minority neighborhoods. Roe was not enacted via legislation but was shoved on the states by a liberal (albeit, activist) court. The line was crossed by your party when it did that. So the fear emanating from your party now is that the Dems will have to actually legislate the changes they want, not force them through the courts.
@Nan G: @Nan G: @Nan G: @Nan G: @Nan G: @Nan G:
Well said! Agreed!
there is a reason why I have two canisters of bear spray in my truck
People stand back if you think a civil war is going to be north vs south style battles you are wrong. We are in a civil war where mobs take over streets and the police do nothing as in Portland, Smashing of businesses, your auto not safe if the wrong political sticker is on the bumper. The leftist have been at war even during the last administration with riots in the streets and destruction of property. I think they are trying to get us to strike back take things into our own hands to protect our businesses and lives. We wont, we will begin to demand prosecutions long sentences, no bail. Legally, peacefully we will not be baited. We will begin to demand censure and ethics charges for politicians that call for mob actions. Catch and release for violent or destructive members of any mob must end.
And to think that we probably have less in common as Americans today then we did back then. Two days ago the mayor of our most populous city signed a law recognizing three genders on birth certificates. If we can’t even agree on something as basic and straightforward as to the number of genders there are, how can we expect us to ever be united as country on anything?
@another vet:
They probably think that is like cutting a pizza in more slices produces more pizza. They may think declaring there is another gender means 33% more votes.
Trump has promoted and encouraged it (even offering to pay legal fees for his brownshirt offenders) to the point that I don’t see how it can be avoided.
OK, AJ, give us a list of left wing Democrats that have been threatened, chased out of restaurants, had protesters in front of their houses or even physically harmed by any Trump supporter. And while you’re at it, you can list the number of Democrat HQs that have been vandalized.
You see, violence is on your side.
@retire05: Another Saturday night and he aint got nobody, hes so ugly that he cant get laid. Oh how he wishes he had someone to talk to, hes in an awful place.
He took a bath a month ago he hasn’t seen a soap since then. if he could see it he would flee it, but as yet he doesnt see it, and thats how hes in the shape hes in.
Sing it!
@retire05: Do you sockpuppets even try to differentiate to any degree? Ever?
I guess if Fox News (aka “The Trump Channel”) doesn’t remind us, it ain’t history?
Ah, a new tune.
Funny stuff.
@retire05: AJ is just here to make sure intelligence does not get out of control. He keeps a cap on the average IQ.