The Week in Radical Leftism, 9/28/2018

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Yes, you’re getting a shorter roundup a day early because of an insanely busy week followed by an insanely busy weekend ahead of me. Luckily our Lefty friends have had no short of crazy to fuel this week’s update!

9/22 – Student Fired by University Journal for Tweeting Article Which Notes Women Lack Penises

I am genuinely dreading the day when Hollywood reboots “Kindergarten Cop” and early on the movie shifts focus when Det. Kimble is forced to investigate this hate crime

9/23 – It Ain’t a Case of He Said/She Said Anymore

If at first you don’t succeed, lie, lie again

9/24 – First They Came for the Corporations . . .

“This state is the birthplace for most idiotic political ideas”
“Alex, what is California?”

9/25 – Political Activists Who Aren’t Really Arguing about Politics at All

The more time I spend covering politics, the more I’m convinced that a significant chunk of grassroots political activists aren’t really arguing about politics at all. These folks are actually grappling with personal psychological issues and projecting it onto the world of politics.

Great piece by Jim Geraghty, and one I really want to flesh out in a separate post of my own. I just need a week where I don’t have to deal with mold in my basement and an incontinent dog. And yes, those two events are completely unrelated!


With all of the other idiocy that The Radical Left has displayed this week, let’s not forget about this gem!

9/27 – Brandon Straka’s #WalkAway Movement To March On Washington, D.C.

Yeah, I need to write a follow up to my previous post. Hopefully next week I won’t have to spend as much time handling a sick dog. Or a sick house.


If, like me, you assumed that a book cover with a title like “It’s Ramadan Curious George” had to be a parody, you would be wrong.

Have a great weekend!

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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I think you’ll have your work cut out for you next week. It ought to be a good one.

9/22 – Student Fired by University Journal for Tweeting Article Which Notes Women Lack Penises

So, now EVERYBODY knows?

9/23 – It Ain’t a Case of He Said/She Said Anymore

And we HAVE to believe her, don’t we?

9/24 – First They Came for the Corporations . . .

Why don’t they pass a law that says every so often they should have at least ONE intelligent governor?

9/25 – Political Activists Who Aren’t Really Arguing about Politics at All

I see this in a few family members.


I think the Kavanaugh hearings provided a clear picture of how little the Democrats actually understand how justice and the FBI works, or they simply assume their followers are even more ignorant about it than they are, which is a pretty safe bet.

9/27 – Brandon Straka’s #WalkAway Movement To March On Washington, D.C.

I am certain the lunatic fringe we see as the face of the Democrat party today does not represent most Democrats. It is only a reasonable conclusion that either the party allow a different, more moderate faction to lead it or many will leave.


Is that the one where Curious George straps on a suicide vest and blows up a bus in Jerusalem?

I feel your pain with your dog. Years ago, I had a really great dog who got cancer and the treatments made him incontinent. I think he was actually ashamed of his lack of control. He had to be put to sleep and it was a very, very painful moment. I don’t know if your situation is anything like this, but good luck to you and your dog.

@Deplorable: thanks on the dog tip. She’s only 3 1/2 & we just adopted her a year ago, so hopefully we have a few years left with her!

Soon liberals will replaced Christmas,Thanksgiving,New Years and Easter with liberal holidays like Earth Day or Obamas Birthday

This weeks selection goes out to the senate minority

Bob pepto bismol is safe for dogs Sometimes the grandson gives mine what they shouldnt have grahm crackers dont agree with Rudys tummy, but he thinks they are delicious. Why never on the linoleum always the carpet.

Like in Mary Poppins i would like to see a big wind come up and blow away all the liberal democrats