A report this morning in Axios calls the Kavanaugh- Ford situation “ugly.”
Republicans are privately worried about the risk unleashed by an explosive allegation of a teenage sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, but still hope to push ahead to a final confirmation vote next week.
What they’re saying: “This is the ugliest situation imaginable,” said a source close to Senate Republican leaders.
Yes it is ugly.
And the person to blame is Dianne Feinstein.
A third person alleged by Christine Ford to have been present at the “party”- now also denies any knowledge of it:
A third high school student Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford claimed attended a party more than 35 years ago where the future Judge Kavanaugh attacked her denied any memory of the alleged incident in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, CNN reported Tuesday.
CNN obtained a letter from Patrick J. Smyth, a Georgetown Prep alum who graduated in Kavanaugh’s class, to Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and ranking Democrat Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). The letter was penned after Ford apparently identified Smyth as “PJ” – another teenager who was one of around five people at a drunken gathering in a Montgomery County, Maryland, home in or around 1982.
“I understand that I have been identified by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as the person she remembers as ‘PJ’ who supposedly was present at the party she described in her statements to the Washington Post,” the letter, penned by Smyth’s attorney, Eric Bruce, reads. “I am issuing this statement today to make it clear to all involved that I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh.”
Thus all three of those allegedly present have denied her story.
Ford was invited multiple times by Sen. Chuck Grassley to testify next Monday either in public or in private. At first Ford’s lawyer said Ford was willing to testify. Then Schumer hatched a plan to delay that would delay the testimony- for about two years. He said that the FBI should conduct an investigation into Kavanaugh- as they have done 6 times already- knowing that the FBI already stated that it was done and would not being doing another.
Then a second Ford attorney repeated that as a demand from Ford as well. She will testify only after an FBI investigation of Kavanaugh that will never happen. For some reason, Ford now thinks she controls the Senate committee.
Let us be clear. Ford will never testify. Never. From minute one, this has been nothing other than a stalling tactic. It is meant to throw a cloud of stink on Kavanaugh- one that cannot be proven, but the left is more than willing to destroy a man who has an unblemished career by any measure.
It is reported that Ford sent a letter to Feinstein accusing Kavanaugh of assault but wanted to remain anonymous.
That didn’t work out too well. democrats knew all too well that no one would take seriously this kind of anonymous accusation, so they outed her. They betrayed her.
Now, after 36 years, she’s not prepared to testify. It’s too much of a rush. She’s too emotional now, but she wasn’t unprepared to make outlandish accusations against Kavanaugh. The demand for the FBI investigation is just more BS. It’s a patently obvious stalling tactic and it’s not going to work. Grassley has issued a statement:
It didn’t help Ford’s case for her attorney to lie:
Contrary to suggestions by Dr. Ford’s attorneys, the committee had no plans to place Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh on a panel together, and never indicated plans to do so. Grassley’s staff offered Dr. Ford multiple dates as well as a choice of providing information in a public or private setting.
Grassley has, fortunately, called their bluff. Now Feinstein is taking heat from both sides. She received Ford’s letter in late July and sat on it until after the hearings as an means of ambushing Kavanaugh. It has backfired.
And now where are we? She’s made an absolute disaster of things. It got out anyway. If anything, by holding it so long, she has helped facilitate the discrediting of the woman who is accusing Kavanaugh here, because it looks desperate and eleventh-hour, whereas if she’d made this public before, people would have had time to process it and Republicans couldn’t have made that accusation.
But now, single-handedly, she has returned things to the Incompetent Democrats narrative. Well, no. Not Incompetent Democrats. Incompetent Democrat, singular. Beyond belief.
democrats do look like incompetent hyper-partisan hacks. If Ford does not appear next Monday, the vote should and will go on. The GOP has been more than fair. Ford made a bad choice in choosing to confide in democrats. They betrayed her.
When you go hunting for bear, you best be prepared for a bear.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
It is the revenge of the Deep State.
I taught at Landon School during the 1980s, and the sister school to Landon is Holton Arms. The two schools share a fence. Georgetown Prep is several miles away from Holton.
The behavior described by Ms Ford is consistent with the behavior of the boys I taught at Landon (at least some of them). I recall many instances of attempts to contact parents, only to learn that they were out of town. In fact drunkenness on campus led to a breakdown for one of my fellow teachers. Since the perpetrator was the son of a very close friend of the founder, no punishment followed.
The FBI has no role in this investigation. No Federal crime has been alleged. A sexual assault has been alleged, but supporting witnesses or documentation is lacking. After 36 years there is no longer any possibility of follow up.
It is highly suggestive that in 2012 Mitt Romney might have been elected President. He might have nominated Kavanaugh, and this would have resulted in overturning Roe v Wade. And this was the moment when Ms Ford discovered this memory?
Oh dear.
Oh dear.
Oh dear.
So by any means, fair or foul, Kavanaugh must be defeated. Schumer promised us.
And now Ms Ford will not appear until AFTER an FBI investigation is done?
Just who does she think she is?
This the politics of personal destruction, raised to the nth degree.
Truly sickening.
That’s what it is.
Sort of like Mueller’s indictment of Russians he felt certain would never set foot in a US court. Oops… one of them barged in and Mueller began stammering just like Ford and her attorneys.
The left thinks they can sic the FBI on this because they are accustomed to when Obama was President and the FBI was their personal tool to attack political opponents. That has changed; there’s a new sheriff in town and he honors the Constitution.
The general public is figuring them out. Call their bluff, because they are lying every time.
I saved her high school yearbooks.
Exclusive research and analysis at https://cultofthe1st.blogspot.com
@CULT OF THE 1ST AMENDMENT: Fantastic save.
Thanks for sharing.
Well done. I’ll post this here if that’s ok with you
I think there is another version to the Blasey Ford story, and it does not include Kavanaugh. Ford was 15 at the time of her alleged encounter and she was drinking- probably a lot more than she’s let on.
This is why the Republicans have to go to war now! Don’t just call their bluff! Ram it through! No more Borks or Clarence Thomases.
The filthy left wants a war. let’s have at it. Enough is enough.
When the Dems, can finally admit Teddy and his behavior or Barney and his house page scandal were wrong, then we can talk.
This is what the left has in store for the nation if they win in November. They want to completely destroy our Constitutional form of government. For that, we should want to destroy them.
I would council Mr Grassley to ask Mrs Feinstein (UNDER OATH ) if she spoke to Mr. Schumer about her knowledge of the info concerning the claim of Mrs Ford .The events that ensured SMACK OF MR Schumer’s method of operation!!!!!!
@Tommy boy: Or Harry Reid, at least. For a delay, “It worked, didn’t it?”
I should have asked before & I hope you don’t mind but I lifted (plagiarized) a few lines of your excellent commentary (” If anything, by holding it so long, she has helped facilitate the discrediting of the woman who is accusing Kavanaugh here, because it looks desperate and eleventh-hour, whereas if she’d made this public before, people would have had time to process it and Republicans couldn’t have made that accusation.”) and inserted it into my FB discussion. Hey, it made me sound smart 😉 and I like how you put it.
I love Diane Feinstein. She’s like one of those aging crazy witches you see in scary movies. And Christine Ford? Like OMG. LOL!!! She is right out of a horror film! That insane middle aged white woman, wearing a mask of sanity as a “professional” who secretely goes into her bathroom at night and stabs dolls and curses at the mirror while sucking her fingers and touching herself saying, “It’s okay, I’m okay! I”M OKAY!!!!! punches mirror, glass shatters, she starts cutting herself, then calmly stands up and says, it’s time to go to work DOCTOR FORD…”