Welcome back everybody! Football is back, between college ball returning last weekend and the NFL this weekend. Just as the summer is generally a slower time of year, the steady stream of Leftist insanity we had during the warmer months has immediately shifted into high gear now that the fall is here. Let’s get to it!
8/29 – They Love Him Now: But Hypocritical Leftists Used To Trash John McCain
I had a few pieces on The Radical Left’s sudden beatification of McCain last week; here’s a more complete roundup
Andrew, Andrew, Andrew. The race for the title of “Dumbest Cuomo” is a marathon, not a sprint!
8/31 – CNN’s Cuomo Melts Down After Being Called Out On His Own Show For Defending Antifa
Chris, Chris, Chris. The race for the title of “Dumbest Cuomo” is a marathon, not a sprint!
8/31 – They Day
This proposed idiocy from Down Under is exactly what it sounds like.
9/1 – Ryan Gosling’s new movie First Man starring Barack Obama
Don’t ever change, People’s Cube; don’t ever change.
9/1 – Pope Calls Plastics Littering Oceans An ‘Emergency’
I genuinely miss the days when the phrase “Is the Pope Catholic?” was funny
Part of me wishes that these scandals with China could involve a few Republicans so that the MSM and the rest of The Radical Left in America could pretend to give a damn about this.
9/2 – Tourism still suffering after The Red Hen denied Sanders
This could be (and might end up as) a post of its own, but for now I’ll just sum this up with the prediction made by Facebook commenter Mark T:
The NFL died of COLIN cancer
9/4 – Feckless Republicans rolled by mob rule in Kavanaugh hearing
You know the headline I’d like to see some day?
“Democrats go one f***ing week without acting like a bunch of toddlers who didn’t get their sippy cup quickly enough”
9/5 – Nike’s Kaepernick Gets Endorsement From Former Leader Of Terror-Sponsoring StateÂ
In all fairness, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is probably only slightly less Anti-Semitic than you average Leftist
9/6 – University of Minnesota Tries To Dismiss Lawsuit From Shapiro And YAF
Shorter argument: “The fact that we didn’t nip our campus Brown Shirts in the bud and allowed them to flourish it’s now too inconvenient for us to stand up to them and enforce the law.” In the words of the late, great Ronnie James Dio, “If you listen to fools, The Mob Rules!”
9/7 – NFL can’t be happy about Eagles-Falcons TV ratings
After two years of declining television ratings, the early numbers from Thursday night’s season opener between the Eagles and Atlanta Falcons can’t be the start the NFL was hoping for.
According to numbers provided by NBC, the Eagles-Falcons primetime opener drew a 13.4 overnight rating, down eight percent from last year’s NFL kickoff game between the Kansas City Chiefs and New England Patriots.
And the reason? It can’t be related to wokeness!
While there has been loud criticism of the NFL by President Trump over allowing players to protest racial injustice during the national anthem, the ratings declines are mostly being driven by viewers eliminating their cable subscriptions in favor of streaming services. Starting this season, the NFL is allowing fans to stream in-market and primetime games live on their phones and tablets using the NFL Mobile or Yahoo Sports apps.
News flash, genius. The game was nationally broadcast on NBC. Which isn’t on cable.
9/7 – Boycott the NFL? Think Again
Now that I think about it, the author of this post has an interesting view of the boycotts.
From the vault, we continue the Economics for Politicians series with Lesson 2: Introduction to Microeconomics – Why Prices Matter
And of course, with the return of football season I present to you the updated for 2018 Top 100 Reasons The Philadelphia Eagles Are The Coolest Team in Football
One last note, as you go through the Tweet roundup be sure to click on the video embedded in the last one to get the accompanying audio. Watch to the end – you won’t be disappointed!
Have a great weekend!
On the heels of its Kaepernick success, Nike expands its ad campaign to Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. https://t.co/xn39tBqAEC#NikeBoycott #BoycottNike pic.twitter.com/zx0fjsLASP
— The People's Cube (@ThePeoplesCube) September 5, 2018
My woke eight year old asked "Weren't these same people calling McCain a mentally ill racist Nazi a decade ago?" Then he observed how "this cheesy hagiography only began when McCain decided to betray the voters who elected him." Then he made a fart noise. #caring https://t.co/cZq5JoCf3i
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) September 4, 2018
We need to know: Will Kavanaugh force Colin Kaepernick to stand while forcing Ryan Gosling to plant an American flag on the Moon establishing a breeding colony for enslaved Moon Handmaidens?
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) September 4, 2018
John Brennan not taking his security clearance loss very well. https://t.co/OVOibF7jFx
— Razor (@hale_razor) September 5, 2018
Hillary Clinton gets to run the first play in a Grant a Wish between the Washington Establishment and the Republican Rhinos.#MAGA pic.twitter.com/I5Av3QazDk
— Mad Liberals (@mad_liberals) September 4, 2018
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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Chris Cuomo praises ANTIFA and Andrew Cuomo calls cops Thus becuase their arresting their future voters and here we have DUMB and Dumber and their brothers
The left loves to pretend to be human beings after someone they hated and vilified is dead. They can tell any truth about them while alive, as that might damage their political goals when they have to trash them and their family later.
Well, if liberal candidates are going to capture the criminal vote (and criminals and those who support criminals are a large part of their constituency) they have to denounce law enforcement.
So, the “bad behavior” is facing reality? If one’s brain and biology are working properly, one knows what gender they are and what the other one is. I will now waste one second trying to figure out what someone else is trying to be at that moment. I could not even tell you what those in the photo “are”. How about just a simple “it”?
I’ve been seeing some ads for this movie being run now and, like Obama when he ran is first campaign, they feature the flag in the ads in various forms but, of course, omit the fact that an American flag was planted on the surface of the moon to commemorate an American accomplishment. Obama, when trying to appeal to the far left, America hating constituency, denounced the lapel flag but when he got to the general election, he began wearing the flag so he could try and appeal to non-haters a bit as well.
So, they feature the flag in ads but yank it out from under you once you’ve gotten your $12 ticket and $10 popcorn. Yeah… no thanks.
Or, is it “Quick, look over THERE! PLASTIC!!”?
Democrats only want power, total power so they can effectively undo the freedoms afforded by the Constitution and they don’t care how criminal those who achieve that are.
Meanwhile, how is Chic-fil-A and In-N-Out doing? Come on, liberals… “intimidate” us some more.
I only have one pair of running shoes and they are Nike. I won’t be destroying them but I will never buy another Nike product until they renounce this move. This will be interesting and educational to watch.
For some reason, I get the NYT feed on Facebook, and let me tell you, they are APOPLECTIC over Kavanagh. His confirmation will end the world and, somehow despite having 4,000,000 pages of documents to examine, the last batch they asked for at the next to last minute and received at the last minute is a massive suppression of information. I find it very easy to wind them up and let them whirr, especially when I recommend they send Harry Reid their personal thank you for this moment. Though the left is paying crybabies to disrupt the proceedings, somehow the Republicans are abusing the system.
That’s the moment when you should reexamine your own positions.
The left will find that some people just love to commit wanton violence against random people and once they get a taste of doing it and getting away with it, they will be hard to control. I believe, though, they’ll simply address that issue when they come to it. Right now, violence is their main weapon.
Well…. Eagles.
I’m sorry, but I just can’t watch it. The networks, to protect their revenues, will try to hide whatever kneeling is underway. The NFL will deliver strong resolutions against the kneeling (or provide the crybabies ways around them) but will wilt in the face of revolt. Even though my team, the Cowboys, have vowed, by order of The Great and Powerful Jerry, to stand, that does not hold sway over whomever they play.
I’ve watched no pre-season games and ignored Thursday’s game and lived to tell the tale. Whether or not pro football is ruined forever for me remains to be seen.
But, indeed, Nike’s stupidity has produced a wealth of very funny memes.
@Deplorable me: Re: McCain, Leftists pretend to like any prominent Republican once they get a new Emmanuel Goldstein. The same people who loathed Reagan, Bush, etc. with every ounce of their being actually believe that they liked them at the time. In 8-12 years they’ll think that they thought that President Trump was reasonable
@Brother Bob: In other words, they don’t know WHAT they like or dislike, they just follow instructions?
Republicans and President Trump couldn’t ask for better timing than the return of the NFL with its reminder of the America-hating radical left.
You couldn’t buy better ads or get better exposure than what the Left will do for us for free with NFL pro-criminal football.