I actually started this post a couple of weeks ago and today I am compelled to finish it. It’s been grinding my insides for some time.
Mollie Tibbets. Kate Steinle. Sarah Root.
Three young American women, dead at the hands of illegal aliens. I am freaking sick of it.
The suspect in the murder of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts is a 24-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico who had been living in the area for up to seven years, officials revealed Tuesday.
Cristhian Bahena Rivera was apprehended more than a month after the 20-year-old University of Iowa student disappeared, Rick Rahn, special agent in charge with the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, said during a news conference. Tibbetts was last seen jogging on July 18 near Brooklyn, Iowa — in Poweshiek County, where Rivera lives.
A body believed to be Mollie Tibbetts was discovered earlier Tuesday and Rivera led authorities to the location, Rahn said, adding that her body was found hidden in a corn field beneath several corn stalks.
The suspect told law enforcement he approached Tibbetts while she was running, Rahn said.
“He actually tells us that he ran alongside of her or behind her. And then at one point, he tells us that Mollie grabbed ahold of her phone and says ‘you need to leave me alone, I’m gonna call the police,’” Rahn said of the interview. “And then she took off running, he, in turn, chased her down. And then he tells us that at some point in time he blacks out and then he comes to near an intersection in which we believe he then placed Mollie.”
Rivera revealed to investigators that he became angry when Tibbetts took out her cell phone, according to court documents obtained by The Associated Press. He told authorities that he panicked and “blocked” his memory.
The suspect claimed he didn’t remember what happened next but later realized that he’d put Tibbetts’ in his truck after finding an earpiece from headphones in his lap, the documents said. He opened the trunk and noticed blood on the side of her head.
A jury on Thursday found a Mexican man not guilty of murder in the killing of a woman on a San Francisco pier that set off a national immigration debate two years ago.
Jose Ines Garcia Zarate was found guilty of being a felon in possession of a firearm.
Garcia Zarate had been deported five times and was wanted for a sixth deportation when Kate Steinle was fatally shot in the back while walking with her father on the pier. Garcia Zarate did not deny shooting Steinle but said it was an accident.
A prosecutor said in her closing arguments Nov. 20 that Zarate was “playing his own secret version of Russian roulette” when he shot and killed Steinle in July 2015. San Francisco Deputy District Attorney Diana Garcia derided as implausible the defense argument that he accidentally shot a weapon he didn’t know was a firearm.
On Thursday, Steinle’s parents gave what they called their last interview to local newspaper San Francisco Chronicle.
“We’re just shocked — saddened and shocked … that’s about it,” Steinle’s father Jim said of the verdict. “There’s no other way you can coin it. Justice was rendered, but it was not served.”
Deported five f**king times. Returning after being deported is a FELONY.
There was a time when Scott Root and Michelle Wilson-Root looked forward to Christmas, but not this year.
Their 21-year-old daughter, Sarah Root, was killed Jan. 31 by Eswin Mejia, an illegal immigrant from Honduras accused of plowing into the back of her vehicle as he street-raced while drunk in Omaha, Nebraska. He skipped bail. Nearly a year later, he remains a fugitive.
For the Roots, this is the first Christmas without her, their first since the tragedy put them on a path with President-elect Donald Trump, who brought national attention to the case as part of his call during the election campaign for a crackdown on illegal immigration.
The Roots and their 25-year-old son, Scott Jr., met with and campaigned for Mr. Trump in Iowa. His Nov. 8 victory was their victory, too. That doesn’t make Christmas any easier.
You might remember the mayor of Philadelphia doing a dance about Philly remaining a sanctuary city.
Needless to say, I think @janeslusser and @PhillyMayor are pretty excited about today’s ruling affirming Philadelphia as a Sanctuary City. pic.twitter.com/gdnnjZT9ps
— Steve Preston (@StevePrest) June 6, 2018
Those policies led directly to the rape of a child:
A previously deported illegal immigrant from Honduras — who raped a child after Philadelphia authorities ignored an ICE detainer and released him — pleaded guilty Tuesday to illegal reentry.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania announced Juan Ramon Vasquez, 45, faces up to two years in federal prison.
Vasquez was deported from the U.S. in 2009, but was found to be back in the country in March 2014 and taken into custody. After local criminal charges against him were dropped, Philadelphia officials did not comply with a detainer by Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Vasquez was released, according to the U.S Attorney’s Office.
After his release in 2015, Vasquez was rearrested and convicted for the rape of a child and unlawful sexual contact with a minor. He’s now serving 8 to 20 years in state prison.
“The facts of this case highlight the danger posed by the City of Philadelphia’s decision to disregard ICE detainers and release previously deported aliens from local custody,” U.S. Attorney William McSwain said in a statement.
Tonight Tucker Carlson had on an illegal alien invasion advocate who began comparing the murder of Mollie Tibbets to the alleged murders of a wife and two daughters at the hand of Christopher Watts.
Murder is always horrible, but Watts had a right to be in this country. None of the above illegals did. They should not have been in this country.
Had they been properly deported, the above three daughters do not die and another child is not raped.
You might think that liberals would be ashamed of their rigid defense of illegal alien invasion. You’d be wrong. Once faced with the fallout of their actions and policies, they resort to feigning indignation that someone might politicize these deaths and rapes. In other words, shut up about it.
Likely coming to a Trump rally near you…. Investigators: Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts death is in custody, subject to immigration detainer https://t.co/S14Mbnd7Ff
— Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) August 21, 2018
.@MSNBC Guest Dismisses #MollieTibbetts as Some ‘Girl in Iowa’ @FoxNews ‘Is Talking About’ https://t.co/lZQxBgNPjT pic.twitter.com/N98p7ZigrT
— NewsBusters (@newsbusters) August 22, 2018
And @FoxNews is leading it's 5 p.m. newscast with police news conference on missing Iowa student Mollie Tibbets
— Beth Fertig (@bethfertig) August 21, 2018
This is really pretty amazing https://t.co/T4JvF59D6d
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) August 21, 2018
It is disgusting. As if they don’t give a damn about these girls. They can all you know what themselves.
I would very much love to see Pelosi, Ocasio-Cortez, Pocahontas, the mayor of Philadelphia, the mayor of San Francisco and the Governor of California to answer these questions:
What is the acceptable number of murders and rapes of American daughters to accommodate illegal aliens?
How many deaths should America suffer for your largesse?
And here’s a couple more.
There will be another young woman killed at the hand of an illegal. Would you be willing to exchange your daughter for the one to die to save your policies? Are you willing to have your daughter die so illegals can stay?
I know, it’s not just women and girls.
Has anybody here seen my young daughter Mollie?
Oh can you tell me where’s she gone
She made a lot people happy
but they say the good die young
I just turned around and she’s gone
Has anybody here seen my young daughter Kate?
Oh can you tell me where’s she gone
She made a lot people happy
but they say the good die young
I just turned around and she’s gone
Has anybody here seen my young daughter Sarah?
Oh can you tell me where’s she gone
She made a lot people happy
but they say the good die young
I just turned around and she’s gone
Didn’t you love the things that they stood for?
Didn’t they try to find some good for you and me?
And we’ll be free
Some day soon, it’s gonna be one day
Anybody here seen my old friend Jamiel?
Can you tell me where he’s gone?
I thought I saw him walkin’ up over the hill
With Mollie, Sarah and Kate
(Tip of the hat to Dion)
Throw them all out. The cost to families in American sons and daughters is not worth it. If you’re here illegally it means you don’t respect our laws and you don’t deserve our respect.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
25 American citizens killed by illegal aliens every single day
So the democrats can fluff the census numbers and get more electoral votes and more Reps in congress.
Blood on the hands of the Democratic Party on the hands or all the Mayors and City Councils of all Santcaury Cities and on MOONBEAM Brown,Gavin Newsom and all those Open Border No Walls idiots they are all acomlences in 1st Degree Murder and all deserve Life in Prison while this monster needs to get Lethal Injection
Yes, judges grant illegal immigrants, with no record or identification in the country and who can easily slip off into obscurity and vanish, bail. Consideration for being an illegal immigrant outweighs citizens’ rights in the liberal mind.
For those liberals who love to point out that illegal immigration is “JUST” a civil misdemeanor, returning to the country after being deported is a FEDERAL CRIME. Just making that clear.
Certainly the liberal media cannot fathom not running with the story of a lawyer being threatened with life imprisonment turning into Mueller’s megaphone and repeating exactly what Mueller wanted him to say, as if it were true. However, some people have children and some people have been directly affected by illegal immigration and that is more important than the left’s extra-Constitutional fantasies.
On another thread, a girl named Jenny showed up. In a long-running argument with several of us, the was, like other liberals, quite willing and able to explain that the deaths of some innocent Americans is a small price to pay for allowing millions of illegal immigrants to swarm the nation and have their way with the taxpayers. Where she failed as a liberal was that she didn’t understand that this is a repugnant notion to all BUT liberals and it is her duty to LIE about it.
Remember when liberals said they supported the deportation of CRIMINAL illegal immigrants as they heartily supported all the other illegal immigrants? Now, driven by Trump-hatred, simply because he is against criminal illegal immigrants robbing, raping and murdering us and our children, they support the criminals as well. It will take one of them being personally affected to alter that mindset.
What brings you to tears Dr John, is not only interesting but seems to always parallel with some GOP agenda.
Newt Gingrich stated how wonderful a thing this murder can be for the GOP, telling Axios that “if we can make Mollie Tibbetts a household name, Democrats are in deep trouble”.
With the multi-murder of the Sharron Watts family in mind and that not a single Republican legislator interested in funding the soon to expire Violence Against Women Act, it’s telling that you and yours are more interested in selling racism and exploiting a murder (as long as it helps politically). Your tears are as fake and fraudulent as you are.
If you search most every major news outlet today (AP, Reuters, CNN, U.S. Today, and many many more) and we see the top stories. Fox News? We see this story front and center-the top story of the day. Like you, they sell propaganda while hiding their own shortcomings, again, for nothing more than politics.
It’s also interesting how you and yours want to hide facts like this murder has worked on a wealthy Republican farm for years.
@Ajay42302: How many 911 calls were made and domestic abuse police reports filed for the Watts couple? That luciferian killed her for the same reasons a woman aborts a baby, she was in his way.
Paystubs indicate his annual salary was about $61,500, yup we are just covering for a super rich republican, you caught us again.
Using that murder to bolster your political point is sooo much higher on the moral scale.
@kitt: Keep in mind miserable, lying little cowardly worms like AJ only look at the political value of life. Here we see him implying Newt is politicizing this murder, which only happened because of a political issue; liberals wanting millions of illegal immigrants here and voting for Democrats. Never would such a weasel admit how the left politicizes some shootings in order to forward their anti-2nd Amendment agenda. Of course, Kate Steinle’s murder couldn’t be politicized because, well, it was THEIR fault.
By the way, bringing up the Watts murders as an attempt to justify their disregard for public safety in favor of illegal immigrants illegally voting for their derelict candidates is a running theme among liberals, almost as if it has been directed so. Funny, that, huh?
Does the left ever want to discuss the weekend-murder count in Chicago, driven by their ruinous economic policies and gun control? Nah… kind of embarrassing. It makes more sense to the hypocritical cowards to bring up some random (though widely covered) tragedy than to enter into a discussion of their own failures.
I cannot imagine losing a daughter. Worse, I can’t fathom the pain a parent would feel if their daughter was murdered, thinking of the torture and pain that preceded death. But, add to all that the insult that half the political spectrum in this country willfully and knowingly contributed to the young girl’s murder and even more painfully insulting, they make up excuses for their demented dereliction of responsibility to the American people.
They see nothing wrong with the mayor of Philidelphia dancing while a child is raped by one of the “constituents” he protects, aids and abets in their illegal residency. They see nothing wrong with anti-gun liberals giving Kate Steinle’s murderer a slap on his illegal wrist instead of a murder conviction.
While Obama was President, they touted (dishonestly) how they wholly supported the arrest and deportation of criminal illegal immigrants. Now, simply because Trump is President, they oppose even that, as if supporting keeping dangerous criminals within our society is a worthy expression of their whiny, spoiled, sore loser butt-hurt over Hillary losing. I can hardly think of anything more disgusting, especially in light of the real and present danger these illegal immigrants pose.
Sabine Durden. a LEGAL immigrant whose son, Dominic, was killed by an ILLEGAL immigrant in 2012, made quite a statement recently at a Trump White House event about parents being separated from children.
She brought her son, his ashes to the event!
Before that she sent President Obama a letter about his illegal alien policy.
He never bothered to answer.
His leftist media apes his aloofness and coldness on this issue.
@Deplorable me: You notice his point was not why that luciferian is not being charged with the murder of his unborn child, carried by his wife.
CNN and the rest of the media censors news about crime by illegal aliens and other minorities.
No, that slipped my attention because I am fully aware that NO deaths are a concern of liberals other than their own, any that directly impacts their own lives or those which are politically attractive. See, they don’t really care about ANY of the Watts deaths; they simply offer them up as some sort of weak excuse that is supposed to make us think, “Oh, a citizen killed someone. Well, I guess deaths at the hands of people the federal government is charged with keeping OUT of the country is pretty much OK.” Yeah, they are THAT stupid.
@Bruce B: Sorry you have a personal stake in this argument. I wish the rest of the country could understand the loss you and far too many others feel at the hands of the left’s immigration mismanagement and malfeasance. I wish idiot apologists like AJ could comprehend this.
More proof the left’s slogan is, “America last” They probably shrug off Americans like Mollie Tibbetts as “late term abortions” and view their killers as potential lost voters
Anyone remember this guy?
He was an illegal who traversed the Texas/Mexico border with abandon. An illegal alien killing someone in the U.S. was not really newsworthy. What was newsworthy was how many he killed. BTW, he also voted in two elections, one a presidential election. (nah, illegals don’t vote, right?)
But the left doesn’t care. They only care that they can register illegals to vote who will vote Democrat. Plain and simple.
You mistake me for someone without principle. I am all for e-verify and that son of a bitch who hired this goddam animal should be beaten to a pulp.
And so should anyone who supports illegal immigration.
@Bruce B:
I am so sorry, Bruce. I aspire to to end the policies that caused your family so much pain.
@DrJohn: The Dairy farm said he was checked by E-verify 4 years ago When Rivera was hired in 2014, he presented an out-of-state government-issued photo identification and a matching Social Security card, he said. That information was run through the Social Security Administration’s employment-verification system and checked out, he said.
identity theft as usual.
The story has spun into Mollie that small town girl from Iowa, sweet, pretty, young. Yes her face book and Twitter were full of liberal talking points on pro-abortion and hate for white people and republicans, then there is the murderer worked at a Dairy farm owned by a very pro Republican family. There is even a question if the murderer is even illegal at all.
We have laws, we need stronger immigration laws and enforcement, the wall would be a more effective way to keep drugs from coming into our country.
Poor little thing, she is gone forever. Her political views dont matter she was a child without much real life experience, she didnt know she needed protection.
The murderer showed up for work every day, his co-workers were shocked, that doesnt mean he didnt do a monsterous thing, and he is not getting out of jail.
Everyday people are murdered, everyday illegals cross the border, everyday the media stirs hate and division. Dont be played wait for all the facts, they had his vehicle on surveillance and maybe him. Why this girl, every day on National TV as the face of missing when there are many missing people, for a month? What if they were tipped off by law enforcement that they were looking into this darker skinned suspect almost a month ago and suspected the worst. They want civil war, under this President, who is now being used because he commented as a defense for the perp, we all need to keep to our plan, secure the border, uphold our laws, do everything we can to keep the peace. Ignore the noise and use critical thinking. No matter how we put immigration reform we will be villified.
Dr J How bout a credit to Dion?
@rich wheeler:
I heard the murderer’s attorney stating that Trump has interfered because of his comments. THE GUY PLEAD GUILTY. He led them to the body. I hope the killer doesn’t rely too heavily on the intelligence of his attorney.
@Deplorable me: Its the attorneys job to try every angle even pathetically stupid ones.
@rich wheeler: WB RW hope you enjoyed your trip.
Apparently, Presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren doesn’t think illegal immigrants killing citizens is a problem. The problem is making sure illegal immigrants are not inconvenienced by our immigration laws.
Illegal immigrant’s feelings before the lives of American citizens. Abolish ICE. Protect criminal illegal immigrants so they can rape our children. This is the Democrat platform for 2020.
@Deplorable me: The liberals do not seem to understand that if the illegal was not allowed to be in our country, then Mollie would still be alive. I watched every liberal last night try to switch the emphasis from an illegal killing Mollie to tell how many illegals did not kill someone. This has happened so much in every situation that I believe lacking in critical thought is a prerequisite of being a liberal.
Make no mistake. I made no mistake.
I’d say that there has been guilt on both parties for years for supporting illegal immigrants. Nixon, Ford, Carter, GWHB, and Clinton certainly kicked the can. Wanta talk Reagan? Obama actually made huge inroads on addressing the problem as he deported record numbers of illegals who committed crimes. But I know, truth isn’t truth, or, something.
But your king doesn’t seem to actually be interested in those here illegally (unless you want to refer to those who came over at 3 month old and are now doctors or teachers or such with perfect records and raising a family as “illegal”) or even those committing crimes but rather seems to share his pardoned racist Joe Apario’s mindset that if they’re Mexican or perhaps, not like us, they just kinda fit the suit.
So like you said, “throw them all out”. We’ll define “illegal” later (well, no, not really, that’s just another lie).
But to my point, I think I accused you of joining Fox and Newt and such as exploiting this for political gain, making this atrocious act political hay. Yet I’m still reading on right ring outlets how Chris Watts was such a great, loving, family man. Where’s your outrage there?
No DJ, I made no mistake.
A few years before we left CA that state’s dairy industry suffered over a $billion in losses because illegals (ILLEGALS) using phony IDs got jobs on dairy farms and spread TB to the cows.
Not exactly a victimless crime using phony IDs to fake good enough health to get a job.
@Ajay42302: No, you didn’t make a mistake. You’re just a liar.
Let’s do. Take your best shot.
Yeah, the truth helps. Obama counted people turned back at the border as “deported”, so truthfully (shield your eyes; that word probably causes them to water and burn) he was an illegal immigration disaster. He also separated families, but somehow he did it nicely (in NICE cages) than when Trump did the exact same thing, only in smaller numbers.
You point is that you are a liar and you will never return to answer the questions that prove it.
@retire05: “right RING”?
@Nanny G: The HR person just ran his ID ans SS through the SS division not the proper system, the evil farmer didnt have a massive office staff to handle all the different departments the government has created. But wouldnt she be a bigot if she didnt take the documents at face value and treat him like any other person, just assume he was illegal with fake papers?