She hasn’t even been elected and she’s made herself into a complete laughingstock- updated

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The gift that keeps on giving.

Ben Shapiro challenged her to a debate. She called his offer “catcalling.”

Shapiro responded:

Ocasio-Cortez, like all liberals, has zero long term memory. She called such an offer “catcalling” but here she stalking Joe Crowley, demanding a debate.

Among those she supports? Ilan Omar. A rabid anti-Israel radical.

The Washington Post did a brutal fact check take down of Ocasio-Cortez:

1. “Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. Unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week and can barely feed their family.” — July interview on PBS’ “Firing Line.”

2. “ICE is the only criminal investigative agency, the only enforcement agency in the United States, that has a bed quota. So ICE is required to fill 34,000 beds with detainees every single night and that number has only been increasing since 2009.” — May interview with The Intercept

3. “They [national Democrats] were campaigning most when we had more of an American middle class. This upper-middle class is probably more moderate but that upper-middle-class does not exist anymore in America.” — August interview on “Pod Save America”

4. “In a Koch brothers-funded study — if any study’s going to try to be a little bit slanted, it would be one funded by the Koch brothers — it shows that Medicare for all is actually much more, is actually much cheaper than the current system that we pay right now.” — August interview on CNN with Chris Cuomo

5. “The reason that the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act is because they ruled that each of these monthly payments that everyday American make is a tax. And so, while it may not seem like we pay that tax on April 15th, we pay it every single month or we do pay at tax season if we don’t buy, you know, these plans off of the exchange.” — August interview on CNN with Chris Cuomo.

False. False. False. False. False.



Let’s hope she doesn’t quit.


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Then the famous debate “ONE failed politico-economic worldview—Ah! Ah! Ah!” the Count said, dealing a fatal blow as Ocasio-Cortez stormed off the set.

At publishing time, she had tweeted that the Count’s offer to debate was akin to “catcalling” and that Sesame Street producers should have labeled the segment as satirical.

Remember Ms Cortez if they are attacking you, you are doing something right, so carry on, cause comedy is dead except when we listen to you.
Pug eyes lololololol
Do watch the F.U.-ture of the Democratic Party clip, cause every one she endorsed lost.

To quote Nancy Pelosi, “He (she) is a gift from God.”

One of the Alinsky tactics is to isolate and ridicule the opposition. Sadly, no one is clever enough to set-up the humiliation Alexandra brings upon herself. The entertainment value of her silliness and stupidity is almost as potent as the damage she is inflicting on the Leftist-Socialist brand.

Let the games continue.

I like the women’s responses to her calling it a catcall.

Katie Pavlich

I thought strong women could stand up for themselves and hold their own in any situation…apparently @Ocasio2018 isn’t one of them.


Erielle Davidson

Crying sexism in order to avoid a debate of ideas is not a feminism I want any part of.

9:09 PM – Aug 9, 2018


Natalie Johnson

Replying to @Ocasio2018
For one, this statement is the biggest disservice to women who want to be taken seriously in politics, but more importantly, you’re undermining women who have been sexually harassed. How dare you.

8:24 PM – Aug 9, 2018

Nothing says girl power like playing the, ‘I’m just a girl,’ card.
I just hope the Left keeps her in the media for as long as possible.

I would have thought that the white male head explosions from a less than all right female kicking a prominent white male’s ass would have diminished by now.

I guess it was just a bit more traumatic for the white male’s ego than I thought.

But by all means DJ (and the DJ band of kowtowing merry-men), if it’s therapeutic for you, carry on.

@Ajay42302: Oh dear you figured it out, we are so busted. We are so heart broken about a democrat losing his seat to a socialist pug.
You can just stop with the “W” word he is caucasion you racist luciferian.
Taking a world population into consideration a true minority. Less than 12% on this planet.

How could anyone determine if the jibberish gobbledy-gook in #5 is true or false? I don’t think she has to worry about catcalls. Ratcalls, maybe, but not catcalls.

@Ajay42302: So, you are a supporter of Ocasio-Cortez? You think she makes such solid and valid points that any criticism HAS to be based on gender and race?

@Deplorable me:

So, you are a supporter of Ocasio-Cortez? You think she makes such solid and valid points that any criticism HAS to be based on gender and race?

With the realization I’m actually responding to one with the proven intelligence of soup, uh, what???????????????? Did I say I supporter Cortez? Never mind as your idiocy is obvious,

You have no issues (or your clones) with “gender or race:”?

One quick question and it’s yes or no.

Should transsexuals (being you invoked the gender card) be allowed to vote? It’s no more than a question if blacks (since you invoked the race card) be allowed to vote.

You nor your clones nor you masters will answer that simple no-brainer question. You won’t do it. You’ll make weak tea excuses that’s it’s unwarranted because I defaulted on something or another, or something akin to soup stupidity.



With the realization I’m actually responding to one with the proven intelligence of soup, uh, what???????????????? Did I say I supporter Cortez? Never mind as your idiocy is obvious,

Wait. You are calling someone an idiot and accuse them of saying something they did not say because they asked you two simple questions which were:
“So, you are a supporter of Ocasio-Cortez?” and “You think she makes such solid and valid points that any criticism HAS to be based on gender and race?”

Looks to me like you’re projecting.
Now, care to answer the questions posed to you?


Should transsexuals be allowed to vote?


Now, you answer questions put to you.

@Ajay42302: I would have thought that the white male head explosions from a less than all right female kicking a prominent white male’s ass would have diminished by now.

I guess it was just a bit more traumatic for the white male’s ego than I thought.

Should transsexuals (being you invoked the gender card) be allowed to vote? It’s no more than a question if blacks (since you invoked the race card) be allowed to vote.

Seems both the race and gender card came when you slithered into the thread.
Some of my best friends are caucasian males so watch your racist and sexist tone. Stop dehumanizing entire groups of people.


Did I ask you?


Well, maybe I did.

Did the sock piuppet answer?


Well, maybe he did.


I thought you said something about no answering unless spoken to. Accordingly, by your own rules, please stfu.

Or, maybe you were spoken too. I suspect it’s hard for the sock-puppets to keep track.


With the realization I’m actually responding to one with the proven intelligence of soup, uh, what???????????????? Did I say I supporter Cortez? Never mind as your idiocy is obvious,

So, you DON’T support her. OK, then we can further assume (since you are short on details) the the reason you don’t is because you don’t like her ideas. So, one must wonder, why do you (as you do 100% of the time) immediately play your well-worn race card on those who also don’t like her ideas and openly criticize them?

You have no issues (or your clones) with “gender or race:”?

Nope. None. Yet, YOU do. SERIOUS issues. Note that YOU brought the issue up, not anyone else.

Should transsexuals (being you invoked the gender card) be allowed to vote? It’s no more than a question if blacks (since you invoked the race card) be allowed to vote.

If they meet all the requirements of a legitimate, legal voter, of course they should. Why would they not?

????? I don’t see what is so tough about those questions. Like your earlier stupid questions about voting for Hitler, Stalin, etc, they are such stupid, moronic, idiotic questions that one wonders why anyone would ask such questions with such obvious answers. But, as you can clearly see (but will claim the opposite), I readily answered them. Now, if only you would answer all those questions I’ve asked of you over time, but I know that truth and facts are not your style. George would bet so MAD if you honestly answered questions.

Another question: what is a “piuppet”? Won’t George the multi-billionaire spring for Spellcheck?

@retire05: Note also that he did NOT answer the question.

@kitt: AJ actually thinks that scurrying out from under the refrigerator and committing one of his drive-by accusations of racism actually makes people smart enough to know what actual racism is feel guilt or shame. Perhaps he is a CONSERVATIVE plant to make liberals look incredibly stupid, idiotic and cowardly. If so, NICE JOB!

By the way, Alexandria is now claiming fact-checking her is “sexist”. Apparently, she’s read all of Hillary’s books.

@Deplorable me:

There seems to be a great deal of Democrats that you don’t fancy to their “ideas”. As a matter of fact, there’s been an admission from you and yours that you’d vote Hitler or Stalin or such rather than a Democrat. The hatred and bigotry of the FA crowd is well established. Cortez seems to bring that ire to more of a rapid boil. Go figure!

Regardless, we do seem to have finally agreed on something. I too think the Republican Voter ID laws that have disenfranchised over 80,000 transsexuals in several states because of the language of the gender question is wrong.


As a matter of fact, there’s been an admission from you and yours that you’d vote Hitler or Stalin or such rather than a Democrat.

Again, you are a liar. I didn’t; the opposite, in fact. However, YOU regularly express support for candidates that share the politics and tactics of Hitler, Stalin and Mao so, obviously, if George told you to, YOU would support them as well.

I too think the Republican Voter ID laws that have disenfranchised over 80,000 transsexuals in several states because of the language of the gender question is wrong.

It is difficult to determine if you are merely stupid, an idiot or insane. HOW have voter ID laws disenfranchised ANYONE, much less someone so confused that they don’t even know what sex they are, much less who they should vote for? I know you have a cowardly policy of NEVER answering questions (and blatantly lying about those of us who DO answer your stupid questions), but TRY to get your balls back from George and answer that one.

I also challenge your “fact” of there being 80,000 transgenders. Since you won’t provide any data to back that up, we will simply declare that, along with the rest of your positions, a lie as well.

But, surprisingly, we DO agree on some points. We agree that only Republicans care about fighting voter fraud, while Democrats protect, embrace and utilize it. We also agree you are a liar and a coward; I state it and you go forth and prove it.

@Skookum: Have not heard from you lately. Can you read this document and comment?

It is truly amazing in effort and scope. Rings authentic, too.

@Deplorable me: @kitt: @retire05: Gentlemen, many people here have commented that it never pays to get down in the mud with the pigs. The pigs love it there. I sometimes also forget that and get muddy, too, in my attempts to educate those who are less fortunate than us.

She hasn’t even been elected and she’s made herself into a complete laughingstock

…and yet she scares some people silly. I understand why. She’s not afraid of wearing the “socialist” label the right reflexively uses to demonize anybody they don’t like.

A measure of socialist thinking is a necessary component of any modern, enduring capitalist-based economy. It’s a necessary part of the balance mechanism that keeps the wealthiest from becoming aristocracy and everyone else from becoming serfs. It’s why the the children of the nation’s poor have access to public education, and why the disabled and those too old to work don’t die in abject poverty.


…and yet she scares some people silly. I understand why. She’s not afraid of wearing the “socialist” label the right reflexively uses to demonize anybody they don’t like.

That level of stupidity allowed to roam about freely is scary. As a candidate, though, I hope and pray some Republican can face her. Oh, please, please, please!

She’s not afraid to embrace the title of socialist because she is a socialist. Among liberals, this is a badge of honor since, as you say, so many are too cowardly to openly expose their belief system. Trying to buy votes with the false offer of “everything for free” is a characteristic of most Democrats nowadays.

@Greg: Name one successful socialist country.

@Randy, #19:

Name one successful capitalist country that has no collectively supported social programs a majority of the population benefit from and rely upon.

You people like to pretend capitalism and socialism are two mutually exclusive, all or nothing propositions. That has never been the truth. I won’t play that game.

@Greg: Greg, I apologize for once calling you stupid. I thought you already knew!

@Greg: Funny how the only way to fund socialism is with capitalism. Socialism itself is a disaster. Socialists in control of capitalism destroys them both.

@Deplorable Bill: Liberals never make this connection. They only see what they want to see.

I don’t think you really know what socialism is. There’s very little about our nation’s economy or governmental institutions that corresponds to any sort of traditional socialist model, either in theory or practice. Social Security isn’t really part of a socialist system; it’s a form of social insurance. Collecting taxes to to provide for the general welfare of the people isn’t socialism; it’s the only way of sharing our collective social responsibilities to one another with one another. Progressive tax schedules aren’t socialist; they’re the fairest way of doing the aforementioned, while simultaneously redistributing a portion of concentrating wealth to prevent capitalism from self-destructing.

In U.S. politics, socialism is mainly one of the right’s favorite boogie men. It’s a tag they stick on things they don’t like to scare people. They’ll use it in reference to efforts to provide greater access to health care, in reference to public education, in reference to unions and collective bargaining, in reference to publicly funded nutrition programs, etc, without ever once feeling any need to explain what such things actually have to do with any reasonable definition of socialism.

Most likely I’ll be called “stupid” for pointing that out. That’s certainly the easiest alternative to demonstrating that what I’ve said is wrong.

@Greg: You are right! You are stupid. Glad you finally agree with all of us who know that. Get off your ass and go to a country with real socialism and live there for a while. Then you can understand what socialism really is and how it destroys the country.


There’s very little about our nation’s economy or governmental institutions that corresponds to any sort of traditional socialist model, either in theory or practice.

How about we keep it that way and keep mindless socialist drones like Alexandria out of our government?

After what Obamacare did to health care and insurance, people SHOULD be afraid of socialists and socialism. You know, the $42 trillion tab for Bernie and Alexandria’s socialist plan is not the total budget; that is just the cost for THEIR programs. Is this where you turn off your concern for debt and deficits again?

If it weren’t for some people’s ears, their Trump hats would fall down over their eyes. Have you ever bothered to look up the definition of socialism? You won’t find many real world examples of it. In truth, there’s hardly anyone who seriously advocates socialism as a workable alternative to capitalism. Democrats are not socialists. Democracy is a political system, not an economic system. What the Democratic Party advocates is a more equitable system—not an entirely different one.

@Greg: More equitable than a system that provides equal opportunity for all and has raised more people out of poverty than any other system in the world?

Nice try, Greg. After seeing the opportunity, wealth and growth capitalism provides, Americans are not going to buy into giving up their freedoms and rights for the sake of providing “free” benefits to those that won’t lift a finger in their own behalf.

I guess the biggest question is, why did they pair Alexandria’s picture with one of Michelle?

More equitable than a system that provides equal opportunity for all and has raised more people out of poverty than any other system in the world?

Nice words, but in truth they’re only cover for a cabal of looters and liars currently engaged in another unprecedented cash grab that’s going to leave the wealthiest even more powerful and wealthy, while adding trillions to the national debt, raising everyone else’s taxes, and leaving the social safety net full of gaping holes.

How do I know this? Because that’s what they’re actually doing. All one has to do is ignore their words and examine the logical consequences of their actions.

@Greg: I think that little speech is best made on a stage with fake Grecian columns and a “Hope and Change” backdrop.

And, of course, as I proved, you are wrong; the tax cuts are paying for themselves and while owners of businesses doing MORE business naturally make MORE money but jobs are created and wages are increased and MORE opportunity for others to start businesses are created.

What we DON’T need is socialism. Obama proved how corrupt that can get.

Yep. You proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt, with geometric logic. Yet the party of fiscal responsibility has somehow set us up for another quick round of trillion-dollar-per-year deficits.

Meanwhile, after just a few years, 80 percent of total continuing tax cuts will be going to the wealthiest, while taxes paid by the rest will be higher than they were before tax reform.

Does this joke republicans keep telling about tax cuts paying for themselves ever get to the punch line?

@Greg: No, I proved it with math. The tax revenues are higher than they were BEFORE the tax cuts.

Meanwhile, after just a few years, 80 percent of total continuing tax cuts will be going to the wealthiest, while taxes paid by the rest will be higher than they were before tax reform.

It is only necessary to vote to extend the middle class tax cuts because Democrats would not support ANY tax cuts. So, will Democrats support tax cuts for the wealthy in 9 years or will they vote for tax cuts for the middle class? Right now, their campaign platform is for raising taxes more and more and more. What do YOU think they will do?

Does this joke republicans keep telling about tax cuts paying for themselves ever get to the punch line?

The punch line is 4% and greater consistent growth. Isn’t that funny? Obama said those days were gone, along with low unemployment and manufacturing jobs; Trump proved what an economic idiot Obama actually was.

@Deplorable me: If we get the seats required we are going to have to pressure the reps to make sensible spending cuts, and reduce the size of federal government. Get ready Trump cant do this all by himself.

It is only necessary to vote to extend the middle class tax cuts because Democrats would not support ANY tax cuts.

When the nation is already $21 trillion in debt and relying on increasing levels of borrowing just to pay the bills, declining to support another round of huge tax cuts is known as fiscally responsible behavior. Giving enormous permanent tax cuts to those who needed them the very least, and who already had historically low tax rates, is a stunning example of self-serving stupidity.

Trump and company have brought the mindless worship of wealth and the republican culture of corruption back with a vengeance. They’re the cancer that might kill capitalism, by perverting it into something with consequences that the people won’t tolerate.

That, Virginia, is where things like socialism actually come from. They’re made to seem appealing by way of comparison.


When the nation is already $21 trillion in debt and relying on increasing levels of borrowing just to pay the bills, declining to support another round of huge tax cut is known as fiscally responsible behavior.

You really don’t understand the part about the tax cuts encouraging business growth AND paying for themselves, do you? See, under Obama the economy was stagnant and debt just grew and grew (and YOU ignored the $10 trillion Obama added to it). Under Trump and with his tax cuts, the economy is stimulated and growing which has increased tax revenues.

EVERYONE got tax cuts, but the middle class tax cuts (not for businesses like the “tax cuts for the wealthy”) had to be separated in order to be passed without the 2/3rds majority since Democrats NEVER want to cut the amount of money they have on hand to buy votes and waste. Had the Democrats supported it, the middle class tax cuts would be permanent. You are trying to blame Republicans and Trump for a problem caused by Democrats (again).

The evil “income disparity” grew under Obama. Why do you neglect to mention that?

No, the encouragement of socialism comes from Democrats lying about conservative values, goals and accomplishments. Democrats cannot get enough sane people interested in their ongoing agenda of failure and poverty so they have to make false promises of free everything. This appeals to the laziest and greediest of our society, hoping to capitalize on the hard work of others and punish those who succeed.

You really don’t understand the part about the tax cuts encouraging business growth AND paying for themselves, do you?

What all reasonable people understand is that the Laffer Curve rises, flattens at its peak, and then turns steeply downward. It doesn’t actually demonstrate ever-increasing revenue with each additional reduction in tax rates. That irrational interpretation is a fairy tale.

@Greg: The tax cuts are just part, smaller government, less government interference, and free and fair trade and everyone benefits. The next steps are to reforming the technocracy.

The tax cuts are a cash and power grab, plain and simple. All one must know to figure this out is where the most of the money is going, and who will ultimately be left paying more taxes than before and holding a bag of debt.


What all reasonable people understand is that the Laffer Curve rises, flattens at its peak, and then turns steeply downward.

OK. But Trump’s tax cuts, like Bush’s, is stimulating business and purchasing resulting in increased wages and a growing economy and adding revenue to the treasury. What DOESN’T work is high taxes, excessive regulation and forcing industry overseas.