Something very important came out today- proof that Clinton violated the Espionage Act



Something very important was disclosed today, and it was related to Peter Strzok. The Strzok hearing today was utterly astonishing. It is painfully clear that Peter Strzok, just like James Comey, has an impervious and unflinching sense of self-righteousness and papal infallibility.  Strzok absolutely dripped with hubris and audacity.

You will remember that Strzok interviewed Hillary Clinton, albeit not seriously. As his text messages showed, Clinton was never going to be in legal jeopardy.

You will also remember that it was Strzok who changed Clinton’s mishandling of classified information from “gross negligence” to “extremely careless.”

It is not a coincidence that Strzok was in a critical position to control two investigations in which everything that could have gone favorably to Clinton went favorably and everything that could have gone poorly for Trump and associates went poorly. Strzok tried to bury the Clinton emails that were on the Weiner laptop until after the election. And there it is.

Hillary Clinton did violate the Espionage Act and Strzok obstructed justice.

A member of the House Committee on the Judiciary said during a hearing Thursday that a government watchdog found that nearly all of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails were sent to a foreign entity and that the FBI didn’t follow-up on that finding.

The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found an “anomaly on Hillary Clinton’s emails going through their private server, and when they had done the forensic analysis, they found that her emails, every single one except four, over 30,000, were going to an address that was not on the distribution list,” Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas said during a hearing with FBI official Peter Strzok.

“It was going to an unauthorized source that was a foreign entity unrelated to Russia,” he added.

The IC IG told Strzok about this and Strzok did nothing.

Gohmert said the ICIG investigator, Frank Rucker, presented the findings to Strzok, but that the FBI official did not do anything with the information.

Strzok acknowledged meeting with Rucker, but said he did not recall the “specific content.”

“The forensic examination was done by the ICIG and they can document that,” Gohmert said, “but you were given that information and you did nothing with it.”

Here is the exchange:

Gohmert: You said earlier in this hearing you were concerned about a hostile foreign power affecting the election. Do you recall the former Intelligence Community Inspector General Chuck McCullough having an investigation into an anomaly found on Hillary Clinton’s emails?

Let me refresh your memory. The Intelligence Community Inspector General Chuck McCullough sent his investigator Frank Rucker along with an IGIC attorney Janette McMillan to brief you and Dean Chapelle and two other FBI personnel who I won’t name at this time, about an anomaly they had found on Hillary Clinton’s emails that were going to the private unauthorized server that you were supposed to be investigating?

Strzok: I remember meeting Mr. Rucker on either one or two occasions. I do not recall the specific content or discussions.

Gohmert: Mr. Rucker reported to those of you, the four of you there, in the presence of the ICIG attorney, that they had found this anomaly on Hillary Clinton’s emails going through their private server, and when they had done the forensic analysis, they found that her emails, every single one except four, over 30,000, were going to an address that was not on the distribution list. It was a compartmentalized bit of information that was sending it to an unauthorized source. Do you recall that?

Strozk: Sir, I don’t.

Gohmert: He went on the explain it. And you didn’t say anything, you thanked him, you shook his hand. The problem is it was going to an unauthorized source that was a foreign entity unrelated to Russia and from what you’ve said here, you did nothing more than nod and shake the man’s hand when you didn’t seem to be all that concerned about our national integrity of our election when it was involving Hillary Clinton. So the forensic examination was done by the ICIG — and they can document that — but you were given that information and you did nothing with it. And one of the things I found most egregious with Mr. Horowitz’s testimony, and — by the way Mr. Horowitz got a call four times from someone wanting to brief him about this, and he never returned the call.

Strzok had selective amnesia frequently through the day and he was full of crap for the parts in between the memory lapses.

All of Hillary Clinton’s emails were hacked by a foreign actor. She used a vulnerable server, obama knew about it and she compromised the security of the country.That wasn’t extremely careless. It was gross negligence.

And a violation of the Espionage Act.

The irony in this is that despite Strzok’s pledge to “stop” Trump by burying the Clinton emails on the Weiner laptop he might have helped Trump win.



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Horowitz that name seems vaguely familiar IG the one that plagiarized Comeys style, by a creating a lengthy report on biased activities then concluded no bias. Should he have his position if he cant return calls was he setting up plausible deniability? Were the emails going to the muslim brotherhood, Hamas operatives?
Huma or Val might know.

Gomert made this bombshell revelation that Hillary not only was hacked, but some other nation was receiving ALL her emails as if they were on the mailing list, and what did liberals want to whine about? That Gomert, in the context of Strzok’s total lack of credibility, his affair. Oh, poor, poor Strzok. He used his position to try and pick who would be the next President, tried to make sure someone he KNEW was an idiot, a liar and a criminal became President instead of allowing the American people to make THEIR choice, but mean old Gomert might have hurt his widdle feewings.

Democrats are making themselves irrelevant and, as important as our two-party system is, it is well that those who support lying, corruption, incompetence and lack of support for the United States become irrelevant.

Could this somehow be related to the Anwan brothers having all of the information from the house servers?

@Deplorable Me:

And basically, Strzok admitted that there were THREE copies of the dossier. Two were just alike but the third was not. And who was connected to the Fusion GPS dossier (paid for by the DNC and the Hillary campaign)? None other than Bruce Ohr, FBI big wig, whose wife worked for Fusion GPS and was hired to do opposition research for the Hillary Campaign.

Let’s also not forget that Strzok admitted that his polygraph exam, required by the FBI, was questionable and that he did not pass it. And that was a couple of years ago.

As I said here yesterday, the Swampmeister (Strzok) did not help the image of the nation’s top law enforcement investigative body yesterday. Not have we seen such arrogance since the “I did not have s#x with that woman, Ms. Lewinski” days.

One other thing: it was clear the legal counsel for the FBI was doing every thing he could to help Strzok to evade even the simplest questions. Now, I believe that Strzok is entitled to personal counsel, but not have the FBI legal counsel sit there and whisper in his ear and hand him notes. If a top ranking FBI agent doesn’t know what he is allowed to reveal in testimony under FBI rules, there is not a backhoe big enough to dig that agency out of the shite it’s in.

Of course, the Democrats had their circus planned. Obstruct by parliamentarian procedure, and if that fails, #Outrage. Sheila Jackass-Lee needs to have her cornrows removed so oxygen gets to her brain.

Strzok should have come into the committee hearing, acted highly professional, answered the questions without emotion and at least give the impression of being helpful. Instead, he was cocky, hostile and even combative at times. Body language says a lot; he would smile and nod his head when questioned by a Dem, but when questioned by a Republican, combative in both facial expressions and answers. His hatred for Donald Trump, and his goal of exonerating Shillary was so obvious even a blind man could see it.

And can anyone tell me why Peter Strzok is still on the taxpayer payroll?

@Kaysi: Who the hell knows? Hillary’s email server was so porous that it is probably impossible to tell what foreign hacker got what. They were probably fighting over the classified data she presented like hyenas fighting over a carcass.


Instead, he was cocky, hostile and even combative at times. Body language says a lot; he would smile and nod his head when questioned by a Dem, but when questioned by a Republican, combative in both facial expressions and answers.

Because he is still pursuing his mission, which he has had since Hillary announced her candidacy, of defeating Trump and revoking a legal election.

And can anyone tell me why Peter Strzok is still on the taxpayer payroll?

Either they want to keep him handy or there is absolutely no accountability in government service.


And can anyone tell me why Peter Strzok is still on the taxpayer payroll?

We all know why
the resistance continues, while he doesnt have time to get congress documents requested, Roddy interjects himself and his God complex into the Supreme Court appointment and confirmation process, where the hell is Sessions. How extensive a back ground check does a guy that has been in the system including working for the White House really require? Did at one time Kavanaugh use Russian dressing on his salad so Sessions must recuse? Someone needs to slap the deepstate down, dont just threaten, begin with arrests and sitting in solitary confinement (for their own protection) until full cooperation is obtained. Perhaps after 3 or 4 of them are chilling the others will take a hint.

@Deplorable Me:

Either they want to keep him handy or there is absolutely no accountability in government service.

I suspect it’s both.

Here’s the thing; Strzok played right into the hands of the Republicans. Had he controlled his mouth/body language and come off like a likable, helpful guy, he would have neutralized any Republican anger over his texts/actions as head of the FBI investigation into Hillary’s actions/Trump dossier. But he didn’t.

If he was a witness for the defense in a murder prosecution, the defendant would wind up with a death sentence due to Strzok’s total lack of credibility. Bias is actually a legal term. Witnesses are discredited all the time due to overt bias and a total lack of impartiality. They are treated as a “hostile” witness. This is why a defendants spouse generally doesn’t testify in any criminal case. The spouse is usually “biased” in favor of the defendant.

And Strzok wants us to believe that he was demoted from an extremely high ranking position and assigned to the cleaning supplies closet and he doesn’t know why? Is the FBI saying that the hierarchy at the FBI is so arrogant that it does not have to tell a subordinate why they are being demoted when all FBI agents have performance reports entered in their files (which the employee has a legal right to examine)?

The FBI has become so political that is has lost all credibility and Americans no longer have any faith in the agency. Strzok was a prime example of the “above the populace” attitude that was only exacerbated under the Obama regime.

All of Hillary Clinton’s emails were hacked by a foreign actor.

She compromised National Security and belongs in jail.

It was gross negligence.

Over 2,200 classified emails means it was more than gross negligence- it was intentional. She belongs in jail.

The irony in this is that despite Strzok’s pledge to “stop” Trump by burying the Clinton emails on the Weiner laptop he might have helped Trump win.

The NYPD has stated that those emails contain classified info, evidence of criminal activity including money laundering by not only the Clintons but dem members of Congress as well, some really disgusting sex type stuff possibly involving children, and references to Bill’s 20 plus visit to Epstein’s island and Hillary’s at least 6 visits. Trump knows what was found just like he knows what was in those millions of communications Montgomery took from the NSA especially the evidence of all of Obama’s spying. He could be waiting for the system to work the way its supposed to and drain the swamp. If not, he should declassify everything for the people to see. It’ll be a terrible blow to the country but necessary if we hope to stay a Republic.

Rosenstein is supposed to have a press conference today about a “law enforcement announcement”. We shall see.

The Democrats tried hard to either postpone, delay or just stall the hearing. They claimed attorney-client privilege when Strzok didn’t have a personal attorney present. They delayed with a vote on indicting Bannon. Time and time again they brought up illegal immigration and the “caged children”. They criticized the committee for not taking up those issues instead of dealing with this.

Personally, I can’t think of any issue more critical, dangerous or important than a government law enforcement agency being involved in trying to alter the outcome of a Presidential election, obstructing justice to shield a candidate from criminal prosecution for national security violations or illegally spying on either political party campaigns. Our process of transferring power is the most important aspect of the ongoing strength and greatness of the United States of America.

If the party or candidates I supported were defending and making excuses for such seditious activity, I’m not sure what my exact reaction would be, but I goddamn sure wouldn’t be defending it.