Democrats, Please Don’t Appropriate my Culture by Celebrating Independence Day


Believe it or not, Lefties, my request is not as outrageous as it may first sound. There is nothing about this holiday for you to like, so I’m really not asking you to give up much. We know that you hate it when Americans appropriate foreign cultures, so in all fairness we have to ask that you not appropriate a culture that is entirely foreign to you! Let’s go through the various elements:

Grilling: Feminists have declared that grilling is sexist, as seen in this video from the always excellent Mark Dice

Meat: Of course, grilling means meat! No self respecting American thinks of throwing a quinoa burger on the grill. So of course Leftists are against meat

Beer: I’ve heard that there are people who run a grill without a beer in their hand. Really! I just don’t understand why anyone would chose to do so. Before The University of Delaware killed its fine tradition of tailgating we had a motto that was a take on a bad ad campaign that the Army used back in the 80s: “We drink more before 9:00 AM than most people drink all day”.

Where was I? Oh yes, Leftists and beer. Yes, lefties will drink beer, but a pumpkin spice IPA doesn’t exactly go with grilling. Which may be why the Radical Left had one of their usual meltdowns over some patriotic beer cans that Budweiser used two years ago. Hey, Bud’s not my first choice either but on the 4th of July why not?

Fireworks: Pollution is bad for the environment. Unexplained with that theory is how the world doesn’t end every July 5th from our horribly polluted environment.

The Flag: Lefties have never found a disrespectful gesture toward the flag that they didn’t love. Sorry Lefties, the flag doesn’t go on the grill!

The Declaration of Independence – OK technically it wasn’t signed on the 4th, but it’s as good a day to commemorate as any. So Lefties are against it because… somehow it enabled slavery.

America – No, we can’t celebrate the birth of the greatest nation in the history of this planet until it’s “fundamentally transformed” into some Marxist utopia where misery is equally spread and a handful of members of The Radical Left become wealthy off of the misery of the people.

Then again, Independence Day is a holiday for all Americans, even those who can’t appreciate what a great country we live in. So if you’re still capable of enjoying anything besides harassing women serving the Trump administration or throwing a riot, by all means join us in celebration!

After all, I’m getting paid to spend the day not working because the government told my employer he has to pay me to take a day off, so I guess I’m guilty of appropriating your culture!

Happy Independence Day, everyone!

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Happy 4th of July! I will be going to Fort Hood to watch the ceremony for my nephew returning from a tour of duty in Europe and I hear there will be a fireworks display as well. Probably grilling and beer as well. A benefit for the most part, there are no liberals around these parts to harass and make miserable as they try to enjoy life with their families.

HAPPY WORLD UFO DAY EVERYONE, Remember they come in Peace
First the grill must be seasoned with bacon briskly rubbed on the grates, make sure every animal attending the celebration are still under the picnic table waiting to grab any plates left a fraction of an inch over the edge. Children should be allowed to eat the dessert first leaving more meat for the adults. The dogs normally steal it from them anyway. Then its off to put the dogs away before the fireworks dosing them with the properly prescribed tranquilizer, even if wrapped in cheese and stuffed into the center of a hotdog they will manage to spit it out under the dining room table so expect to come home after the finale and find them under the bed shivering with eyes as big as saucers.
Say your prayers of thanks for this wonderful country,
Fireworks will be on clearance but by next week the dog will come out from under the bed.
Happy Fourth everyone. Be safe.

I liked a nice grilled Burger or Hot Dog that Eco-Wackos will claim backyard BBQ’s contrubute to Global Warming/Climate Change like some idiots claim that Animal Agriculture is bad for the enviroment never mind the fact that livestock have been on this earth for Eons proof that total vegans may have shrinking grains if their stupid enough to fall for that poppycock I can still remember the Idiot Greens and their NO MOO BY 92 or CATTLE FREE BY 93 back when King William the Rapists held the Throne. The only Holiday greens celebrate is Earth Day just want them running around in silly outfits

Our community supports a whole day celebration on July 4th. This year we are honoring WWII vets. We have a full day with a 5K walk/run, pancake breakfast, a 2.5 hour parade, a street fair and ending with fire works if it is not canceled due to the dry weather. The parade is a place where adults teach children how to honor our nation’s flag during the 2 hour parade. People started putting up their lawn chairs and canopies along the parade route early on Monday morning, two days early with no fear of vandalism or theft. Our politicians actually participate in the parade and none are booed based upon their party affiliation.

People not running or walking show up at the pan cake breakfast before 7 am to see friends they may only see infrequently in this busy world. Afterwards, young parents prepare their children for the Children’s Parade followed by the Community Parade. Afterwards, the street fair provides lunch from various venders and the opportunity to purchase hand crafted items. There is still time to return home to grill dinner before finding a place to view the fire works donated by community businesses and individuals. For a small community, the 30 minute fire works display is quite an event.

Numerous veteran organizations participate in the parade and they are treated with respect. Our local police and fire departments also participate and receive applause for their service to the community. The two high schools have sports teams and other school organization that participate. Despite a vigorous competition between the schools, not one adverse comment will be heard.

Our community is honoring our WWII veterans not just as veterans, but as part of “the greatest generation”. We do that every year by perpetuating the community awareness, showing respect for all even for those with whom we disagree. On this day we celebrate those who sacrificed their fortune and lives to initiate a country unmatched by any other. We explain to our children the importance of showing our respect for the flag of our country, respect for those who serve our country and the importance of the effort that is required of each of us to maintain this country.

If tomorrow was July 4, 1900, our celebration would closely resemble their celebration. It is impossible to be a part of our community during this celebration with out swelling with patriotism. At days end, there will be well over 100,000 people who participated in the events of July 4th 2018 in a community that the 2016 census listed as having a population of 17,661 people. A celebration like the one we will have tomorrow can only occur by a community where everyone works together respecting each other for the common good. Unfortunately, communities like ours can only be found in “fly over” country!

If you don’t like it here bob, why not get the hell out? Maybe find you a place where everyone is white and thinks exactly like you?

@Brother Bob: You again lie. From your own admission, your hatred of liberals forbids you to be of interest of anything they say. Lying has seemed to have taken a new high with you frauds.

But getting back to your irony, that you continue to hate liberals because of something about how they hate, or, something, if they offend you so and force you to stay consumed with hate, why don’t you just move to somewhere you like?

I mean then we could all be happy. You could stay where everyone is white and we can stay here and enjoy hotdogs and fireworks while we celebrate what you brownshirts and plutocrats haven’t yet robbed from us. Oh wait, in your hate rant, you were bellowing something about us hating hotdogs and fireworks. I suppose in your babbling and incoherent nonsense, it’s again those drunken liberals not making sense.

The Democrats who want to have ICE abolished are all traitors to America let them wait and celebrate their fake celebration of Kwanza

Well, guess what idiot just interjected race into the 4th of July? AJ whines about those who can’t stand liberals, then he presents the textbook case for why any American should despise them.

@Randy: To the left, your community’s festivities represent everything wrong with America because it reflects xenophobia and racism. In their little minds of course.

i like to watch it when people set off their own fireworks Grand Bloom Flowers and all those that give off all those colors

This is why the movie “An American Carol” wasn’t funny. Conservatives (at least very partisan conservatives) have a really skewed notion of what liberals are and believe. It’s so exaggerated as to look ridiculous to anyone not already on your page. Then, when you try to make it funny, or snarky as here, you exaggerate it more. And it loses any connection to anything real. Of course liberals can be patriotic and love America. They just tend to be less jingoistic about it.


But getting back to your irony, that you continue to hate liberals because of something about how they hate, or, something, if they offend you so and force you to stay consumed with hate, why don’t you just move to somewhere you like?

We’re already somewhere we like, we’re just trying to keep guys like you from changing it into someplace we don’t like. If you don’t like it, YOU move.

@Ajay42302: If hate is measured in vitriol, you take the prize for Hater of the Century. I’m sure some Socialist nation would suit you much better than trying to exist with those you hate.

I’m just thankful that our evil Capitalistic, jingoistic land of selective liberty was able to provide loving Liberals with the computer capacity to lovingly point out how just how evil and oppressive their nation is. I would, however, like to remind them to throw their empty craft beer bottles in the proper recycling bin. After all, their servants deserve a day of rest and reflection, too!

Semperfi America, Oorah

@James Greenlee: No, the reason it wasn’t funny was because what liberals have done and want to do to this country is pretty sad.


If I’m not mistaken (and I don’t think I am), it was bigot bob that was belly aching, not me. To be clear, I’m fine where I am and it was he that seems to be having a problem with it. I’m quite sure you don’t get that. Rabid racist trump licking brownshirts and fascist enablers never do.

Of. Ourse AJ is fine with things as they are; everyone else does all the work and heavy lifting while he lies and calls them all racists.

@Brother Bob: You just can’t easily find humor in liberals deliberately attempting to destroy America. The funniest, which simply poi red out their naive stupidity was “Team America, World Police” .

@David Horning: I would like these American hating people to actually spend some time in other countries that does not have a Bill of Rights or protection by a constitution. I spent a great deal of time talking to Iraqi people during my 3 years there. I doubt that Ajay and his ilk would not last a week. The things he wrote on this post would qualify him for a Thursday night trip to Southern Iraq where he would be forced to kneel on the edge of a trench awaiting a 9mm bullet in the back of the head if he was lucky. The trench he would have fallen into along with the rest of the people who made the trip would eventually be covered by some excavating equipment after the birds were fed. To qualify for the Thursday trip one only had to smile at the wrong time at an official or to fail to hang a photo of the beloved leader. It could be that you failed to respond to the Call to Prayer often enough. There were a lot of people who just were in the wrong place at the wrong time who ended up there. Did you jerks ever wonder why so many people who have lived in other countries want to move here if life here is so bad?

@Randy: Of course, being gay would get him thrown off a building.

The nail hit squarely on the head

It was miraculous

You are all responsible for this.

@James D: @James D:
Why thank you! Proud to have helped the country put a LEADER in the White House. The anger of libtards just makes it even more enjoyable. I will be seasoning my barbecue with libtard tears.

@Brother Bob:

I’ll take that as an “ork ork”, one cloned sockpupprt hi-fiving another cloned sockpuppet. You frauds kinda have your mirrored rubber/glue game down to what you’ve become to believe is fool proof.

Stupid trump lickers!

@Ajay42302: Tell your luciferian pals to get off The Statue of Liberty, trying to hang an Abolish Ice banner the pedo sympathizers

ICE Rescued 904 Children from Being Raped and Molested — Democrats Want to End This

Ice saved 904 little souls from you democrat pervs.

@Deplorable Me: Enjoy!

I do professional fireworks. Helped set up on another pyro’s barge show all day yesterday and will put in close to a 22 hour day today putting on my own show for a decent sized municipality.

At Ft. Hood they had boots for every soldier with their name and date of death killed since 9/11.

Liberals dont like Fireworks because it disturbs and scares away wildlife even though the wildlife returns just like the NASA space luanche’s scared the Birds they still returned and still nest there today Liberals are just a bunch of pantiewastes and snowflakes


How can anyone be proud of this?

@James D: Did you miss the memo? The Eighties Called, They want Their Foreign Policy Back. That memo released 2012

@James D: Imagine the shame of having the most corrupt, lying criminal incompetent ever in the office had Hillary won. Count your blessings.

@Deplorable Bill: Donald Trump was the worst of all possible choices. His election was the product of America’s stupidity. Live with the shame of that, Deplorable. You’re part of the rabble helping a greedy bastard who has no character at all to destroy America’s greatness. He’s the head of a family of well-groomed parasites. They only care about their own kind. They join forces with their own kind and call it government. Trump has more in common with Putin and the Russian oligarchs than you or the American people. His election was a shame and a stain on the history of a great nation. It may destroy America like an incurable cancer. The disease that is Trump is no blessing.

@James D: Maybe the Clinton criminal enterprise was better? So far it looks like they have compromised many in the justice department, the FBI and the CIA as they accumulated more than a $billion from enemies of our country. You sound a lot like Rich under another name!

@James D:

Donald Trump was the worst of all possible choices.

Well, obviously THAT’S a wrong statement. First, before he ever took office, he was a far better choice than someone that proved herself totally incompetent as Secretary of State, had no respect for classified information or human life, expects everyone to believe her transparent lies, sold US influence for her own enrichment, guilty of perjury and is corrupt. No matter what propaganda about Trump you choose to believe, giving THAT waste of humanity the reins of power would have been a global disaster.

His election was the product of America’s stupidity.

Again you are 180 degrees off. The stupid believed Hillary destroyed laptops, phones and 33,000 emails demanded by the State Department because they had personal information on them. The stupid saw nothing suspicious with Bill getting paid $500,000 for a “speech” to Russians just before Hillary approves the sale of 20% of our uranium to a company known to be controlled by the Russians. Stupid is believing a dottering, lying, corrupt alcoholic should be able to choose the next two or three Supreme Court justices. I guess you voted for her, huh?

Live with the shame of that, Deplorable.

I am PROUD to have contributed to keeping Hillary out of the White House. That saved the nation.

You’re part of the rabble helping a greedy bastard who has no character at all to destroy America’s greatness.

He is so greedy, he has not accepted a single penny of pay for being President. He has contributed millions to disaster relief. He is restoring and repairing the damage caused by Obama’s failed administration. YOU supported greed and corruption.

He’s the head of a family of well-groomed parasites. They only care about their own kind. They join forces with their own kind and call it government.

A family that has created tens of thousands of jobs and helped countless families. Now, compare that to the criminals YOU supported who created a “foundation” to help Haiti and which has NOT helped Haiti (it is still a chaotic disaster) but they have made millions and millions of dollars. They spend about 10% of the foundation income on charity; the rest goes to the Clinton ATM.

Trump has more in common with Putin and the Russian oligarchs than you or the American people.

He never promised Putin he would be able to curry to his whims once he faced no more elections. Trump has been far tougher on Putin than Obama or Hillary ever were. Again, you express how totally ignorant you are.

His election was a shame and a stain on the history of a great nation. It may destroy America like an incurable cancer. The disease that is Trump is no blessing.

His election was the salvation of the nation. No matter what he accomplishes or doesn’t, HILLARY isn’t President. THAT would have been a stain, a shame, a disgrace, a disaster. For THAT, you can thank your own corrupt DNC, for they simply ordained Hillary the candidate and then she went on to LOSE what should have been a slam-dunk election; she proved her incompetence before she got the chance to infect the White House with it.

@Randy: You spelled “bitch” wrong.

@Randy: There is no Clinton criminal enterprise. That’s why they have never been indicted for having one.

@Deplorable Me: You are a fool.

@James D:

There is no Clinton criminal enterprise. That’s why they have never been indicted for having one.

You don’t follow current events too well, do you? Obviously not. The reason there have been no indictments of any Clinton is due to the liberal corruption within the DOJ and FBI. This is rapidly changing.

YOU are the fool. A willfully ignorant fool.

@Deplorable Bill: There will be those that never “get it” they are being left behind. No one must love Trump, we never loved Obama, we rejected Hillary. She may or may not answer for her sedition, treason and espionage. It doesnt matter, we are moving ahead, cleaning up more than a few messes made in the last 20 or more years. They were protesting his policies before he was even sworn in, goofy bastids. Best we just leave them to have the temper tantrums sorry kids no ice cream and candy for dinner. We have to start pushing those just riding on coat-tails to get to work. Little Jimmmie D is a turd caught up in the opinion news he watches on cable. He cant see that China did not have a stealth fighter 10 tears ago, all that technology was given to them by the liberals, oh they will say it is stolen technology, who was in charge of guarding it? With Trump talking about a Space Force , we have better much higher technology.

You’re proud of this sort of stuff? You don’t understand what such comments say about the moral emptiness and character deficiencies of the man who says them? Is this a reflection of the kind of America you want?

You’re proud of this sort of stuff? You don’t understand what such comments say about the moral emptiness and character deficiencies of the man who says them? Is this a reflection of the kind of America you want?