England is in the midst of a crime wave. It is also in the midst of a cultural war that sees the country verging on fascism. British girls are being raped on an “industrial scale.”
- “Between acts of abuse sometimes stretching over a number of days, the Oxford men ensured girls were guarded so that they could not escape. In addition to being abused in various locations in Oxford, some of the girls were taken to other towns and cities such as London and Bournemouth for the same purpose.” — Oxfordshire Serious Case Review.
- “I turned up at the police station at 2/3am, blood all over me, soaked through my trousers to the crotch. They dismissed it as me being naughty, a nuisance.” — Victim’s testimony, Oxfordshire Serious Case Review.
- “I made a complaint about a man who trafficked me from a children’s home. He was arrested, released and trafficked me again.” — Victim’s testimony, Oxfordshire Serious Case Review.
- “Police wouldn’t tell us addresses so we could go and bring her home.” — Victim’s parent’s testimony, Oxfordshire Serious Case Review.
- “She was a minor but we were told it wasn’t our business.” — Victim’s parent’s testimony, Oxfordshire Serious Case Review.
Knife attacks are on the menu nearly every day:
The critically injured man, thought to be in his 30s, was found lying outside the police station in Ilford High Road just after 4am on Sunday.
Paramedics rushed to the scene and took the stricken victim to hospital.
Police cordoned off the area and are currently investigating the brazen attack.
There have been no arrests so far.
That’s because they don’t put the perpetrators in prison:
AN Islamic teacher who repeatedly molested a terrified girl of 11 as he taught her the Koran has escaped a jail sentence because his wife’s English is so bad.
Suleman Maknojioa, 40, repeatedly rubbed the youngster’s leg and reached under the folds of her prayer headscarf to touch her chest.
He was given a suspended sentence because the court heard the father of six’s family were so dependent on him and he is ill with kidney problems.
Sadi Khan’s gun free policy isn’t cutting it. Sometimes you get the combo plate:
A man has been arrested after a 28-year-old woman was stabbed to death in Brent last night as a man was blasted with a machine gun and three others stabbed.
London’s violent crime epidemic appears to show no sign of ending after another spate of brutal violence gripped the capital.
Brent, in north-west London, saw the worst of last night’s bloodshed where a 43-year-old man was arrested for the woman’s death.
Officers were called at 2.32am and found the woman unresponsive inside a residential address in Neasden Lane.
Here are a few more examples of life in London
But you know who the British authorities will arrest and imprison?
Anyone who notices what they ignore. Anyone who investigates what they ignore.
Detective Maggie Oliver was bullied and harassed out of law enforcement for investigating grooming gangs:
Maggie Oliver said her professional life was made “torture” after she told senior officers that police were not doing enough to protect girls from a predominantly Asian paedophile ring.
The former detective constable resigned from Greater Manchester Police in late 2012 over failures that allowed the Rochdale perpetrators to escape justice for many years.
However before she quit she alleges she was bullied for a year and a half while working on Operation Span, the investigation into Rochdale.
Ms Oliver has not spoken publicly about her bullying so as not to detract from the way in which the young victims were let down by the police.
However, she has now decided to speak out to support another detective John Wedger who the Sunday Express revealed last week is suing the Metropolitan Police for a psychiatric injury he suffered as a result of bullying.
She said: “I’ve never spoken publicly about my personal treatment because I never wanted to deflect from the fact the police had failed the child victims of Rochdale. But in trying to expose criminal neglect by senior officers that for me was on a par with Hillsborough, I was threatened and bullied.”
Ms Oliver, was tasked with gaining the trust of vulnerable but hostile victims. However, when they began to identify Asian grooming gangs, she said the police cooled their interest in the investigation.
And then there’s Tommy Robinson.
Like Ezra Levant, Australian politician Pauline Hanson gives a warning as well:
“Tommy Robinson has been arrested in the UK for ‘breaching the peace’ while reporting on Islamic grooming gangs. This is what happens when a society doesn’t foster a culture of open debate & honesty. This is a stark warning for Australia not to continue down the same path. –PH”
American news outlet The Gateway Pundit, calls the UK a police state and its author adds:
“The UK government is so eager to silence him that they have even placed a restriction on reporters covering the case or his imprisonment.”
Dutch politician Geert Wilders replies on Twitter and says:
“Arrested for ‘breaching the peace’ while reporting on a Islamic grooming gang trial? Is this Saudi-Arabia? Has the United Kingdom become a police state? Jail = a death sentence for Tommy Robinson. Come to your senses United Kingdom!”
Tommy Robinson is being persecuted:
Robinson did not do anything outside this courthouse that other reporters do not do on a regular basis. The information he supplied, including the names and ages of the defendants, came straight off the BBC website. The critic who expressed such tender concern about “police time” actually argued that Robinson, by reading off all those Muslim names, might have formed unfortunate “preconceptions” in the minds of potential jurors that would make it impossible for them to give future Muslim defendants a fair trial. Is he suggesting that in order for any of these thugs to get tried fairly, the entire British public should be kept in the dark about the reality of Muslim grooming gangs? “Robinson was not just on the street, he was sending a running commentary to the internet,” complained one correspondent. “If any other journalist was found doing that, he or she may also have been sent to prison under a gag order until the trial ends.”
The coup de grâce?
The perpetrators are always described as “Asian men.” They always belong to the religion-that-shall-not-be-named. This is akin to saying “She has a sickness” instead of identifying a disease as cancer. You can’t treat something you cannot properly identify. It’s even worse if you choose not to properly diagnose the problem. It’s negligence.
It seems there is something that Brits fear more than death.
It’s being called a racist (even though Islam is not a race). It’s being politically incorrect.
They fear that more than death itself. They fear that more than they fear for the welfare of their children and their families. England is now on the edge of becoming a fascist state in order to maintain the status quo. It is tragic to think that Brits will go on in denial until they have lost their country. I have many friends in England and they are nearly all in denial.
England is dead.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and possibly Austria, as well, now that it has voted in anti-Islamization leaders. The EU may use military force to make them comply with the destruction of European culture.
First they threatened to impose €250,000 per migrant for countries that want to avoid EU-imposed quotas for the resettlement of Muslim invaders posing as asylum seekers. Now, European globalists are preparing to “force” Central European nations to accept mandated Muslim migrant quotas and open borders, according to Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban.
While the new military coalition is being praised as a program to facilitate a ‘common defense’ for the superstate, one can only wonder how it might be applied to “force” dissident nations to comply with the diktats of the internationalists in Brussels.
What will the USA do if Putin comes to the aid of these eastern countries?
Western nations suffer from a sever birth rate shortage. They need laborers and believe they can import them impoverished countries. Now, they have a BIG problem and to solve it they have to admit they made a BIG mistake. Since liberals are running these countries, they do what liberals always do when they have made the problem worse; they try to ignore it. Only problem is, people are getting hurt, raped and killed. Do you see them putting the safety and lives of citizens above their own agenda? Nope.
@Deplorable Me: What did they pound on when we were in school ..population explosion is causing the destruction of our planet, so we began to have fewer kids to stop the coming ICE AGE. That worked so well it reversed to global warming and not enough money being stolen to support social security ponzi. They also say we need illegals to do jobs our kids wont, but push automation will end these low end jobs. No conservative solutions allowed we are to mean we want people to have the freedom to solve their own problems or face consequences.
Who will the EU use to fight those countries in central/eastern Europe that are refusing to accept Muslim migrants?
The EU doesn’t have a young population of military-aged men.
Except for Muslims.
But Muslims won’t fight for fellow Muslims to get perks inside their own countries, much less in other European countries.
Russia won’t have to defend those countries fighting forced migration.
The EU has not fight in them.
@kitt: The guy that handles my retirement is from England. He went back a year ago and took his son. He said he won’t be going back to London; it is unrecognizable. I guess that’s another “fundamental transformation” for you.
@Nanny G: The EU will lose more members, like Great Britain, if they keep forcing their blind eye towards Islam policy. It might be too late for Britain, but others seem to be seeing the warning signs.
@Nanny G: The Muslims will fight these are Christian nations that refuse to support them on the dole, EU refuses to count the christian refugees from war torn Ukraine that are in Poland, who were welcomed with open arms.
50 million Muslims in Europe many of fighting age, many coming of age. The NWO not going to let that resource go to waste.
Will they fight for Europe no, will they fight to conquer it?
Actually, they generally arrest, prosecute, and imprison the perpetrators, as the individual articles linked on the list below indicates.
List of sexual abuses perpetrated by groups — United Kingdom
Nor are rude, belligerent, dangerously volatile a-holes restricted to any particular nationality, race, or religion. Defective human beings can be found just about anywhere. I’d cheerfully exchange the lot of them for well-meaning people of any sort any day of the week.
Baghdad Greg defends the indefensible. Europe is being run by unelected (and elected) leftists/socialists who cannot change course because they can only think in terms of absolute political concepts that fit the agenda. Unfortunately, the majority of their citizens are similarly afflicted. It would take a miracle at this point to jar them out of their trance-like groupthink. They are all going downhill on a crazy train, where the engineers only know how to hit the accelerator, and the passengers meekly pretend with a stiff upper lip that everything is under control. Very Kafkaesque.
God, you conservatives are such vile scum. It’s a waste of time even trying to discuss this with you, in your mind, Muslims are pediphile rapists full stop, and the Nazi who founded the EDL is a “persecuted” hero. I hope he rots in prison just because you want him to be freed.
@The ghost of Jim robinson:
I would have to say that the record of their pedophilia and rape bears this out.
@Deplorable Me:
Conservatives don’t pay attention when a white guy commits rape, but every time someone from South Asia does it they lose their fucking minds and take it as proof all Muslims are rapists.
Hopefully your Nazi hero dies in prison
@The ghost of Jim robinson:
Well, actually we do. In fact, they go to prison. Now, if the rapist happens to be a wealthy liberal or a liberal icon, THEY don’t go to jail, white, black or indifferent. But, others certainly do.
No, every time it is done EN MASSE and INSTITUTIONALLY, as has been happening everywhere Muslim “refugees” have been welcomed by the west, it draws attention. Then, when the authorities turn a blind eye to it so as not to “offend” the rapist animals, it draws further attention.
Islamic rape culture spreading across Europe
Crimes by migrants soared 50% in Germany, 2016
To avoid being raped by Muslims, women should stop “asking for it”
More Muslim crime in Sweden
Muslim immigrants in Sweden murder a gay man that offered them food and clothes.
Coverage of New Year’s rape rampage not covered in Germany
Though sexual assailants are all Muslim immigrants, German media cautions not to jump to conclusions… just like OUR media
German police covering up extent of Muslim immigrant crime
Sweden is now the rape capital of the west
Rapes by Muslims in Sweden the bulk of rapes
And, of course, radical Islamic terrorism is a WHOLE different subject.
Tell me, how is Tommy Robinson anything resembling a Nazi?
@Deplorable Me:
He founded the EDL you stupid fuck
@The ghost of Jim robinson: Well, are you going to explain how that equals Nazism, or are you too fucking stupid?
@Deplorable Me:
Lmao sorry I forgot the Vogue thing now was to pretend you guys aren’t Nazis because it hurts your feelings. Awwwwwww. Poor babies.
@The ghost of Jim robinson: No, the “vogue thing” is for whiny idiots, when they find something that causes an outbreak of butt-hurt, they call it “Nazi” or “racist”. Now, what is in vogue for ME is to ask these morons to explain WHAT it is that makes the person, behavior, organization or whatever the left chooses to hate at that particular moment “Nazi”, then watch the fun as, without fail, they dodge, duck, dive, squirm, quiver, dash, run, flee, recoil from actually answering the question which is, in fact, the answer. Because, lo and behold, the answer is, THERE IS NO SIMILARITY and the idiot making accusation has no idea what Nazism was.
Thank you for entertaining me. See, you just proved you are stupid.
@The ghost of Jim robinson: #16
I thought you sounded familiar:
Yep. I may not know you, but I recognize your style.
@The ghost of Jim robinson:
Ugly, stupid leftist troll. Ignore.
@Petercat: Guy sounds like Whoopie ” it isnt rape rape”, and the rest of the leftists that cover for pedos and rapists in Hollywood.
@Deplorable Me: WTH, did they clone the Moron Greg? Now we have another dumbfuck Communist.