As we go into the three day weekend that marks the unofficial start of summer with the holiday to honor our fallen heroes in the military, of course Leftist insanity takes no vacation. Let’s start off with some crazy that missed last week’s post:
5/14 – John Oliver Explains Venezuela: Things Are Terrible But Don’t Blame Socialism
This is like saying that John Oliver is an idiot but don’t blame his lack of common sense
5/15 – Mob Attempts To Strangle YouTuber’s Breakout Success Upon Ditching SJW-Infested Comics
Yep, yet another form of entertainment loved by normals that The Radical Left seeks to ruin
5/16 – Male Accuser Finally Turns The Tables Against A Female In Campus Kangaroo Courts
As much as I despise this and feel terrible for the girl, I hope that we see plenty more of this to get The Radical Left to see the insanity of this policy. Hey Betsy DeVos, here’s some good low hanging fruit for you to pick off!
5/18 – FLASHBACK: Vile Names Democrats Called The Tea Party (P.S. MS-13 ARE ‘Animals’)
I’ll sum this up with the tweet I keep pinned on my Twitter feed:
It will be a great day and a horrible day when Democrats come to hate the people who want to kill them as much as they hate conservatives— #FreeCountDankula Brother Bob (@Brother_Bob) November 19, 2015
5/18 – The Success of Socialism: Part 16 — Soldiers in Venezuela are starving
And let’s not forget how Venezuelans have reduced their collective carbon footprint!
5/18 – Are Liberals Finally Driving Their States Off The Fiscal Cliff?
5/18 – If Renewables Are So Great for the Environment, Why Do They Keep Destroying It?
If there is one thing about being a Leftist that I truly envy, it’s not having to give a damn about who or what gets hurt as a result of their policies.
Remember the days when The Radical Left got a good chuckle out of how paranoid President Trump was when he said that the Obama administration was spying on him? I love how seamlessly they not give a damn when they get busted
5/19 – The Left should start a new reality show The Biggest Liar
Former head of the DNC edition:
It will be a great day and a horrible day when Democrats come to hate the people who want to kill them as much as they hate conservatives— #FreeCountDankula Brother Bob (@Brother_Bob) November 19, 2015
5/19 – I Can’t Wait Until We Have Socialized Medicine Like Canada
Considering how intelligent Leftists like to tell us they are, how come I am yet to meet a single one who can understand that having a piece of paper saying someone will pay for your doctor visit and actually seeing a doctor and receiving prompt treatment are two completely different things?
5/19 – ‘Deplorables’ rejoice! Hillary Clinton plans to ride into midterm election battle alongside Dems
Your good news of the day!
Remember the eight years of getting our European friends mad at us over stupidity like a bust of Churchill, our president golfing during a head of state’s funeral, etc? Now we anger the Europeans for things like pulling out of idiotic treaties and what you see at this link.
5/21 – Obamas Launch ‘Higher Ground Productions,’ Sign Netflix Deal
I keep seeing Conservatives posting on social media that they’re going to cancel their Netflix subscriptions over this. Wouldn’t it be more constructive to keep your subscription and give each of their shows the one star ratings that they’ll no doubt richly deserve?
5/21 – Swedish girls fearing forced marriage told to hide spoon in underwear
It will be a great day and a horrible day when Democrats come to hate the people who want to kill them as much as they hate conservatives— #FreeCountDankula Brother Bob (@Brother_Bob) November 19, 2015
It will be a great day and a horrible day when Democrats come to hate the people who want to kill them as much as they hate conservatives— #FreeCountDankula Brother Bob (@Brother_Bob) November 19, 201
5/23 – Stacey Abrams Defends Out-of-State Campaign Donations: Georgia Is a ‘National State’
I can’t say I blame her – if I were accepting dark money from outside the state trying to subvert the will of the voters this is as good a way to justify it as any.
5/24 – Restoring the EPA’s Scientific Integrity
Wait a minute – using scientific methodology in an agency whose authority is based on actual science? What a radical concept!
5/24 – Facebook Demands Driver’s License, Social Security Number to Run Ad for Obama Expose Book
As The Swedish Chef from The Muppet Show might say, “Vert da Ferk?”
5/25 – Summit Shut Down
Of course, Nancy Pelosi declares our president walking away from a potentially bad deal a win for the bad guys. Maybe President Trump should have handed Lil Kim a pallet of cash to build nukes without any verification?
ICYMI, I’ve finally gotten back on the horse and published two new posts outside of my usual “Week in Radical Leftism” roundups. The first post offered A Simple Piece of Common Sense Gun Legislation the Will Actually End Mass Shootings, while the second asks the question, Supergirl, Fear The Walking Dead, and Star Wars: Is Hollywood trying to tell us that Men are Superior?
For something a little bit lighter, with Disney’s latest installment in its attempt to destroy the Star Wars franchise, Solo, having been released yesterday, let’s look at an economic study from a few years ago – Blowing Up the Death Star Didn’t Destroy Economy, Building It Did
For this week’s trip into the archives, with the start of the NHL finals let’s go back to what is to this day the post from my blog that’s gotten the most traffic – Top Fifteen Reasons Why Hockey is the Coolest Sport Around
And finally, don’t forget that Memorial Day is more than an excuse for a three day weekend. Even though this holiday is for those who’ve served who gave all, thanks to all who have served or currently are.
Louise Mensch tweet: Hummus is Russian
Women's March tweet: Trump loving hummus is cultural appropriation and also sexist to generations of Arab women who slaved over a hot stove to make hummus for their family
— Noam Blum (@neontaster) May 23, 2018
Trump tweet: Just had some hummus. Delicious!
Jen Rubin column: Why I no longer love hummus
Max Boot column: Why Trump's love of hummus spells disaster for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Krassenstein tweet: Boycott all hummus. RETWEET IF YOU AGREE!
— Noam Blum (@neontaster) May 23, 2018
I'm so old I remember when liberal journalists didn't defend the US government spying on American citizens because of their political differences. I'm three.
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) May 22, 2018
Weird how the Obama admin sent zero spies to the Clinton campaign after Democrats refused to turn over the Russian-hacked server.
— Razor (@hale_razor) May 24, 2018
In Beltway Vegas, whores screw you
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) May 24, 2018
Follow Brother Bob on Twitter and Facebook
Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog
Obama still claims he had a scandal free presidency WOO HOO good try Obama now tell up all about the Big One like the Mat people on the Moon Pilt Down Man The Cardiff Giant the Hitler Diaries, Al Capone’s Vaults and the Earth is Flat
@Spurwing Plover: The sad/scary part is how many of his disciples genuinely believe he was scandal free
I make my point, somewhat desperately, again. My first example was Kenye West. Now this PROVES that if the liberal entertainment and media actually wanted to, they could serve society by condemning drug abuse, sex abuse, violence, crime and hate. They show they wield tremendous power to focus a message and block out others. But, no. They don’t even try because continuing to spew a message of dominating women, violence for the sake of turf or business and the coolness of drug abuse is their 1st Amendment right. True, it is, but when they show a willingness to abuse that right when it pleases them, why don’t they try using their power “for good instead of evil”?
Behold what you have wrought. The left’s prime strategy is to use freedom’s weaknesses against it. I suppose they never imagined the injustices they create to be turned against them.
Of course, Tea Party members were also called racists, though there was never any exhibition of racism. Remember, Obama described anyone that did not agree with his immigration policies as “enemies that must be punished”.
I was never as appreciative of Obama making me “wealthy” as perhaps I should have been.
Didn’t an Illinois Senator go on to establish the most corrupt Presidential Administration (though scandal free) in US history?
Liberals invest heavily in renewables. Just saying. Meanwhile, millions of people are starved for water in California for the benefit of a minnow.
Anytime anyone tries to name the stupidest liberal headline, it must be understood that usually, as soon as the article is written, the expiration date is past and we have a new champion.
This would have to have more categories than the Academy Awards.
I have to believe this was the most delicious moment in media history.
And, once again, she does so under federal investigation. If she falls down some stairs again, she should be dusted for hand prints on her back.
Other nations only look at their economic benefits of doing business with terrorists. It is why sanctions were not working with Iraq and we were led eventually to war; too many were being bribed by Hussein with “Oil for Food” money. Europe may not see Iran’s missiles pointed at them and choose money over world safety, but they are, as usual, wrong.
Well, thanks to boy toucher Kevin Spacey throttling the Clinton documentary “House of Cards”, perhaps the Obama’s can contrive some sort of combination of that and “The Trailer Park Boys” to show what it was like in the Obama administration?
Um…. can’t they just not go?
Will she use any of that money to pay her outstanding taxes or, like most liberals, is paying taxes and debts optional?
Well, don’t worry. They always take care of that stuff.
If you see many of the NYT articles and see the comments of liberals, it is pretty obvious no one on the left has any idea what a “negotiation” is. If pallets of cash and surrendering of all your strong points is not given up first, they don’t comprehend the process. I don’t care if Trump gets credit or not, I am excited about the prospect of more peace on the planet. I didn’t root for the Iranians to out-negotiate Obama, I wanted Obama to make a better deal for the world. I don’t understand cheering for the enemies of peace and freedom simply because you don’t like the President. But, then again, I’m not a liberal.
@Deplorable Me:
silly rabbit, but what will they do with all these under-age girls, they cant go home for fear Dad or brother will honor murder them.
How to lose 5 to 15 million paying customers with one really dumb decision…ask Netflix.
The summit may still happen, those twinkies and pallets of dingdongs ….Peace through Hostess.
@kitt: Sort of semi-sarcastic. All these wonderful countries where young girls are not allowed to have any free will.