And the horse you rode in on, Hogg




David Hogg is playing the liberal media like a fiddle. One minute he’s hurling vulgar adult epithets at anyone who dares disagree with him and the second someone fires back, he morphs into a little boy, lamenting his victimhood, all while being fronted by the left.

Here are a few samples of his eloquence. First:

But, he clarified, he doesn’t feel like he’s the one who should be calling for this. “I shouldn’t have to! I’m 17,” he said, but he and his classmates feel that adults — both voters and policymakers — have failed them. “When your old-ass parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the fucking phone and let me handle it.’ Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a fucking democracy, so we have to.”

Hogg places some of the blame on voters, but his primary targets are pro-gun politicians and the NRA, both of whom he thinks care more about money than saving lives. “It just makes me think what sick fuckers out there want to continue to sell more guns, murder more children, and honestly just get reelected,” Hogg said. “What type of shitty person does that? They could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they wouldn’t take action, because they all still see these dollar signs.”

Sometimes, instead of speaking to us, Hogg addressed politicians directly. To Scott: “You’re kind of like Voldemort at this point. You should just retire, because you aren’t going to get elected to Senate.” To Rubio: “What about the $176,000 you took for those 17 people’s blood?” To Benjamin Kelly, a former aide to State Rep. Shawn Harrison, who accused Hogg of being a crisis actor: “Hey, if you’re out there, fuck you.”

Hogg and his classmates say that their elected officials “don’t give a fuck” about them. Florida Gov. Rick Scott, he says, is an opportunist who’s just trying to boost his rumored Senate bid. Sen. Marco Rubio, who in a CNN town hall after the shooting was unable to say that he wouldn’t continue to accept NRA money, is a charlatan who only cares about staying in office. When these officials express their condolences or send their thoughts and prayers, Hogg doesn’t believe them. “You can’t lie; you’ve got to feel it, you’ve got to feel for these children’s lives,” he said. “Those fuckers aren’t getting reelected.”

Classy. Give him the phone? They did, and he hung up on Trump like some adolescent puke would do instead of availing himself of the opportunity to affect change.

Did you know the NRA has a shock collar on Trump?


CNN allowed David to go Hogg wild

They let him lie unrestrained:

CNN’s Brian Stelter admitted on HLN Monday that he allowed anti-gun Parkland survivor David Hogg to lie on air without correction.

Stelter, appearing on HLN’s “S.E. Cupp Unfiltered,” said, “When I was interviewing David Hogg only ten days after the massacre, there were a few times I wanted to jump in and say let’s correct that fact.

“That’s so interesting,” Cupp responded. “Let me stop you. Did you?”

“…at one of the times I did and other times I did not,” he said. “There’s always that balance, how many times you’re going to interrupt.”

Stelter also said that Americans need to realize where the Parkland students are coming from on gun issues.

Hogg’s sister took after Dana Loesch’s kids:

He said the NRA are child murderers:

“And not take money from people that want to keep lessening gun legislation and making it even easier for these horrifying people to get guns,” Hogg told Alisyn Camerota, “because if you can’t get elected without taking money from child murderers, why are you running?”

Child murderers. He referred to the NRA, a group of five million gun owners, as child murderers and Camerota didn’t give him any pushback despite her convincing argument to Loesch last Friday that she did. Camerota owes her viewers a correction and Loesch an apology.

Laura Ingraham had enough of Hogg and she let him know it.

Hogg retaliated by blowing the boycott dog whistle:

And a number of them obeyed.

Ingraham apologized, but by then the little Mussolini wannabe had reverted to his protected Mommy’s skirt child state:

“The way your network has treated my friends and I”?  Between that and his f**k- and sh*t-limited vocabulary, it’s no wonder those colleges rejected him. “It’s time to love thy neighbor”? Hogg sets one hell of an example of loving his neighbors and being the bigger person.

Ironically, the little boy who would strip you of your Second Amendment rights cries at the prospect of having to use a clear backpack when coming to school as a violation of their First Amendment rights. And BTW, the Parkland kids admitted bullying Cruz.

Hogg wants it all ways. He wants to wield a club as an adult and mix it up with the big dogs but when the fight is brought to him he becomes the whiny little boy and wants protection from the big nasty people.

Doesn’t work that way, Hogg. You want to play in the adult world you buy in whole. So you know you what you can do, little boy.

And the horse you rode in on.





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@kitt For someone who professes not to watch cable news you seem to have opinions about CNN?? I do watch cable and assure you CNN–Blitzer and Burnett less spin than Fox—Hannity and Co—Shep Smith notable exception.

Bill Burriss-#100–The whir of helicopters

@Deplorable Me: I dont think this was a fast and furious type operation, they will never admit it was their failure. I for one will not accept that those that failed need more control.

I was already leaning towards a suspicion that this shooting was a set up. I find it strange that even in government so many mistakes resulted in so many opportunities missed to correct this kid, get treatment for this kid, institutionalize this kid, issue warnings about this kid or STOP this kid.

I don’t think there was any type of conspiracy. It was just bureaucratic failure 101 compliments of PC policies designed to make a turd look like something other than a turd. The aftermath is what the left always does- never let a good crisis go to waste. Their long term goal is to make the rest of us subservient to them in their quest to establish a utopian neo-Marxist state. An armed populace is a great threat to that objective, hence having to resort to the exploitation of high school kids. The more immediate benefit of keeping the Hogg circus in the forefront of the news cycle is to distract from what came out last week in regards to the OIG investigation of the FBI and DOJ brass, that being confirmation of a parallel criminal investigation along with the likelihood that a grand jury has been empaneled for some time now. Pravda (MSM) needs to protect the swamp because they know where (or whom) all of this leads to.

@another vet: Yet there should be a full investigation, like an after action investigation. For ” lessons learned” instead of just the knee-jerk gun ban.

@another vet: You don’t think this could be a set up like the “fast and Furious” scandal that was not very well investigated. I understand some of those documents are now being released. Rahm will get his day in court.

I noticed that Greg brought some friends with him!


I noticed that Greg brought some friends with him!

A hundred people with no facts is still just a bunch of left wingers screaming at the sky.

@richard wheeler: Rich, Bill just hates to accept time after time after time the people that are meant to serve and protect in our top law enforcement agency continue to produce EPIC FAILURES and each time some how We The People have to give up a bit more of our freedom or rights. Its not our fault and we are done being the ones penalized for their dereliction of duty. He should just accept they are a pile of ill trained goons with badges?


I noticed that Greg brought some friends with him!

Ignore and don’t acknowledge the trolls. They aren’t here to debate only to antagonize. Notice that there are a couple of screen names that have appeared and others that haven’t. That’s probably because they are one and the same.

@Rich Wheeler: Well Rich, it looks like you missed the boat again. You have no clue what is happening since that punk kid started mouthing off. If he were your kid would you advise him to continue down this road? He has no consistent message. He continues to change the facts from interview to interview. He sounds a lot like you best girl HRC.

@Deplorable Me: Looks like Miller is one of those hit and run posters with no facts or brain!


If he were your kid would you advise him to continue down this road?

Hell, Rich would vote for him for President! A whining little liar; just his type.

This kid is using Trump’s playbook—Insult him and he hits back threefold.
Should think you Trumpeteers would appreciate and applaud him for that.

Seriously, why not just ignore him like Trump has done? You’re only giving him oxygen and helping to get poor Laura fired…

@Rich Wheeler: The kid is taking his cues from Media Matters. He has no past to make decision on. Trump seems to be doing quite well. He is up 5 points over the weekend. Trump knows when to pick his battles and how to win them. This kid likely doesn’t know what his dog leaves in a pile in the yard.

@Gary Miller: In a video clip, Gonzalez said: “Since he was in middle school, it was no surprise to anyone who knew him to hear that he was the shooter. Those talking about how we should have not ostracized him – you didn’t know this kid! Ok, we did!”
So, from MIDDLE SCHOOL on she and her cousin David Hogg ostracized Nikolaus Cruz.
The “silent treatment” is a form of bullying.
So is omitting a student from your circle.
Cruz ended up socially alienated after years of mistreatment by these two and their friends.

@Rich Wheeler: Heads’ roll?
I don’t think so.
According to a statement from Fox News Co-President Jack Abernathy, Laura Ingraham isn’t going anywhere anytime soon:

We cannot and will not allow voices to be censored by agenda-driven intimidation efforts. We look forward to having Laura Ingram back hosting her program next Monday when she returns from spring vacation with her children.

@Randy: Ras has him 50% Gallup 39% RCP average 41.8%–“quite well” in one poll. Overall approval rating remains historically low and down from the 46% he received election day.

Nan Are you blaming Hogg and others for Cruz shooting up Parkland?—be serious.
Fox vote of confidence for Laura—not surprising–think Ailes and O’Reilly each got one.
Wish they would bring back O’Reilly–A guy that was fair and balanced.

I suppose obsessing about trivial matters like David Hogg distracts attention from the mindless antics of our lying idiot of a President. Maybe somebody should explain to him that Amazon provides some 382,400 Americans with jobs, that it actually pays millions in taxes and collects state sales taxes on behalf of all 45 states that have them, that its demand for parcel delivery services is one of the few rapidly growing areas of Post Office profitability, and that a trade war with China might be enough to crash the dollar and put the U.S. economy into a tailspin. Does he understand that China has propped us up by loaning us some $1.17 trillion? That’s more than Japan, which has loaned us another $1.07 trillion. What’s with his attacks on the American tech sector, which has been one of the healthiest parts of our national economy? He’s going to destabilize the stock market, on top of everything else. He’s already doing so. The man is a d-mn Loony Tune.

@Greg: Actually Greg, he is concerned about the sweet deal the USPS is giving him to deliver packages 7 days per week and that none or few of the Amazon venders do not pay the sales tax. It does appear that you are repeating yourself. Didn’t you threaten that Trump would destroy the stock market when he was elected. Where is it now? How many real jobs, not part time Obama jobs has he created with his economic efforts?

I know you are stuck in your little world and fail to understand there is a world outside of you house, but the trade issues are being used to change the behavior of countries who are really not friendly to us and who are a threat to our national security. Watch and learn. Trump doesn’t draw lines in the sand with disappearing ink like Obama. Just think how lucky we did not get stuck with a liar, and traitor like HRC. You voted for her right? Who is the idiot? Look in the mirror.


I suppose obsessing about trivial matters like David Hogg distracts attention from the mindless antics of our lying idiot of a President.

Would that be anything like a TOTAL and MANIACAL obsession with Trump’s imaginary collusion with Russia? No, because one involves some real events and the other involves crybabies whining about Russia.

that its demand for parcel delivery services is one of the few rapidly growing areas of Post Office profitability,

Except the Post Office loses money on every delivery… but I suppose liberal economics call that a “full recovery”.

t a trade war with China might be enough to crash the dollar and put the U.S. economy into a tailspin.

Some economists (those who concern themselves more with economic reality than with liberal ideology) have noted that the Chinese response has been very small and limited, combined with a call for talks. So, apparently, Trump’s trade tactics could very well be working just like he wants them to. There are also tech issues, such as Facebook cratering due to them putting their own personal ideology ahead of data security, has an affect on the markets as well.

Remember Obama promising to address our exports and increase them? Yeah, so much for that. If anyone else would have ever addressed the trade war we are already in and LOSING Trump would not be having to do what he is doing. But, leftists never consider the consequences of their failed governance, do they?

@Deplorable Me: Don’t you love how easy it is to refute Greg’s assertions.?

@Randy: Most are silly and weak, but at least Greg will fulfill the obligation to answer questions on his own points, unlike most other cowardly liberals that appear here.

@Randy: “none or few do not pay”–double neg a positive. Trump out to hurt his Wash Post detractor-personal vendetta–typical DT.

Bill Burriss—RE Russia Probe—I’ll wait for decorated Marine Vet and registered Repub, Mueller’s report.

@Randy: Case in point.

@Randy, #117:

Actually Greg, he is concerned about the sweet deal the USPS is giving him to deliver packages 7 days per week and that none or few of the Amazon venders do not pay the sales tax.

Outrageous. However, none of of what Trump said is actually true. As noted, Amazon is providing the USPS with the single most profitable segment of their postal delivery services, and one that’s rapidly growing. The USPS decided to try Sunday deliveries because their relationship with Amazon is so profitable for them. Amazon is not being subsidized at taxpayer expense, or anyone else’s. The USPS is most definitely NOT losing money on or because of Amazon deliveries. (A big part of the postal service’s financial imbalance has to do with the curious fact that Congress requires it to set enough money aside to prefund its employee pension obligations for 75 years into the future—a level of fiscal responsibility that Congress itself seem totally incapable of attaining in any other area of budgetary concern.)

Additionally, and also as noted, Amazon now collects sales taxes on behalf of all 45 states that require them. Nor has it done anything unlawful or unusual with respect to federal tax laws—which may be more than Donald Trump can say.

Trumpy’s problem with Amazon is that it’s a far more successful, popular, forward-thinking, and useful business than anything he’s ever been personally involved with, and that one of its owners is connected with the Washington Post, which isn’t afraid to call him on his b.s. Amazon’s expanding activities have added thousands of new U.S. jobs each year. It is also making it possible for thousands of small businesses to access a national and global marketplace, from anywhere that there’s access to the internet and a post office. How is this not a good thing for the national and local economies?

@Greg: Because the USPS is losing more than $1 per package. Only a liberal can think losing money on every package creates jobs and is good for the economy.

One of the local teachers was so happy. She had applied for a Federal Grant and was awarded it. She bragged in the news paper that the grant allowed her to do so much more and it didn’t cost tax payers a dime! Typical liberal.

@Randy, #124:

Because the USPS is losing more than $1 per package.

That’s a bogus computation. Parcel delivery is actually the USPS’s single most profitable service. Thanks to Amazon, and unlike its other services, that segment has been expanding rather than falling off. Under the provisions of the 2006 Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act, it is actually illegal for the USPS to deliver parcels below actual costs. The Postal Regulatory Commission examines their fee revenue and delivery costs annually to make certain of compliance with this rule. Someone should send the President a memo. Not that he’d be likely to read it.

If you want to kill the Post Office, just take away their Amazon business.

What’s being subsidizing is commercial junk mail—the printed garbage that goes directly from your mailbox to your trash can.


If you want to kill the Post Office, just take away their Amazon business.

Nobody wants to take it away; we only want billionaires who always think everyone else should pay more to pay their own fair share. Wealthy liberals seem to have a problem with that. I guess the expenses of paying people to be outraged and protest is eating up their nest eggs.

Tuesday, April 3 — Trump administration ramps up trade war with China by releasing list of new tariffs

The Trump administration on Tuesday escalated the brewing trade war with China by releasing a long list of imports that could soon be slapped with 25% tariffs.

The move is likely to be met with retaliatory action from China and could further rattle stock markets and raise fears of higher consumer prices in China and the U.S.

The proposed new tariffs amount to $12.5 billion on about $50 billion in goods. They would affect hundreds of China-made products such as semiconductors, car and aircraft parts and machine tools.

China will likely raise the ante by targeting U.S. exports of particular interest to Trump, whether he knows it or not. One of every three rows of soybeans planted in the United States, for example is sold in China; voters of eight of every ten states that produce U.S. soybeans voted for Trump. Corn and coal are also big red state export items purchased by China. Voters of these states will also be subject to the rising prices of Chinese goods resulting from U.S. tariffs, the same as all other American consumers.

David Hogg has not yet commented on these developments.


David Hogg has not yet commented on these developments.

That’s because no one has told Hoggie what to say yet. When someone does, it will be an ignorant liberal that doesn’t understand that until we show foreign trade partners that we won’t be taken advantage of any more and won’t sit around and accept stiff tariffs on our goods without suffering the same for theirs, we will never rectify our trade imbalance.

Don’t blame the Chinese. They aren’t selling us anything we’re not buying voluntarily, and corporate America, their lobbyists, and their political contributions made it all happen.

@Greg: But we don’t get to sell the Chinese anything. The factories have to be in China and the technology has to be shared with them, then they steal the technology. But, liberals have never cared about what Communists do to us.

@Deplorable Me: You are a strange bird Burriss-why didn’t you fight the commies in V.N?–You think McCarthy a great American hero?
Shep Smith of Fox news set the Amazon bashers straight today.

You plan to post where I supported HRC.

Semper Fi you chickenhawk

Oh, look… the chicken$hit that runs away from a question, like the chicken$hit AJ, demands answers. Yeah, well, that ain’t how it works with me. If someone can’t answer simple questions about their remarks here they don’t deserve responses. Anyone that supports Obama and Hillary lose all credibility and respect anyway; being to damned cowardly to support their views with facts OR admit to an error is irredeemable.

@Rich Wheeler: Where would the President get such figures?
With the postal service losing billions each year it appears he made a liberal knee jerk assumption. Much like Tarriffs are not just an additional tax on American consumers. He has spent most of his life as a democrat I dont expect him to be perfect in his judgements.

Thursday, 04/05/2018 — Trump seeks an additional $100 billion in tariffs against China in escalation of trade confrontation

“Rather than remedy its misconduct, China has chosen to harm our farmers and manufacturers,” Trump said in a statement Thursday evening.

No, Donald, I think they’re targeting you. You should tread carefully. They’ve already fired a warning shot. If you provoke them further, they could suddenly dump their $1.17 trillion in U.S. treasury holdings at bargain basement prices, and you’d go down as the guy who crashed the U.S. dollar and burned the stock market to the ground.

@Greg: You have no idea what is going to happen. You never read the “Art of the Deal” You only read those liberal sites and listen to people who have no idea what they are talking about. Wait and see before you make any more of an ass of yourself.

@kitt: More tariffs on China today
Trump is truly the knee jerk Prez-
We know he lets his little head do his big head’s thinking–he’s got no filter.

Randy Trump didn’t write Art Of The Deal and the guy who did, Schwartz. said DT’s a phony and will most likely resign.
I believe Trump will crash and burn under the weight of his own hubris.
Fail to understand how smart STRUCTURED guys like you can’t for see this.

Burriss–Examples of my support for HRC–You got any?

Pruitt—a true swamp critter

@Deplorable Me: The left doesn’t care about good paying jobs for Americans. It’s far more beneficial to them to keep people on government handouts because they can be controlled more easily. Communism and socialism 101.

@Rich Wheeler: Seems China is willing to come to the table, perhaps they wont demand all the R&D on every product they produce, like our computer chips. Why, for national security, didnt the last administration halt the massive technology transfer to a communist nation? Gee did China pass that R&D along to Russia or NK?
I know I may be talking above your head here, with my projecting out, what could possibly go wrong.
Now without inventing some new way to make chips, protected , we cant catch up, or find a way to run electronics without chips, we cant build our military aircraft without chips from China, do you see a possible problem with that?

@kitt: Seems DT makes decisions based on what he sees on FOX.
Reminds me of Chauncey Gardner—‘I like to watch.”

@Rich Wheeler: Ok I thought you would have a thought that would require a braincell firing, you comment about FOX, is that drool for a couple of FOX babes dribbling down your chin? Or is it just Shep that gets you going?
Goodnight Richard I see your brainwashing has wiped out any ability to go beyond grunting FOX DT ummmm me no like.

@kitt: My brain cells are working better than Donald’s who unfortunately buys int0 the Fox dribble-I don’t—do you?? Good night. Did you see Peter Sellers as Chauncy Gardner in Being There?–all time great.

@kitt: Cowards prefer the cowardly way out. It will be painful to correct the problem, so just let the problem continue and get worse is the cowardly liberal method. Anyone that would have preferred to have Hillary in office, who would “solve the problem” by accepting bribes (her default position) is not going to offer a solution.

@Deplorable Me: Just trying to figure why he uses the phrase Semper fi .

@kitt: Well, that’s supposed to indicate he’s a former Marine. However, figure this: he joined the Marines when the left was attacking the war, denigrating military service and making the use of US military power evil. Yet now, he embraces those very sentiments in his support of Democrats, Obama and Hillary. If all his statements about himself are true (we know most of the other statements contain no truth), then he regards himself as a war criminal. It doesn’t, as the saying goes, add up.

@Deplorable Me: You are the admitted coward Burriss–you SAID you were afraid to join and fight.
You are also a liar–saying I supported HRC and failing to support it.
A coward and a liar are exactly what you are.
I joined The Marines in early 63 long before protests.
Once a Marine Always a Marine Semper Fi

@kitt: Reckon the truth hit a nerve? Looks like it.

@Deplorable Me: I know what semper fi means I am curious as to what it means to Rich, to whom or what he refers to. I never get the answer. Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs might want to know. I know 4 Army rangers that knew and held out 13 long hours, not to see Marines with American flags on their uniforms relieve them, they were relieved by Libyans. I wonder if the democrat president was watching that live with his drone.
The democrat SOS reportedly went to bed. Democrat SOS and purchaser of the DNC later laughs about it

CREEPY=> Hillary Clinton Laughs About the Night of Benghazi Attack

Democrat CIC that turn our Marines into dumpster divers to keep America defended.
Democrat CIC that sends billions to Iran but to our Seals…nothing
As bad as he thinks DT is to beat what the Democrat Party chose as leaders is a looooong shot.

@kitt: As I said, how can any former or current military support a party that hates their living guts AND criticize anyone that didn’t serve? Somebody’s a hypocrite somewhere…. or liar.

@Rich Wheeler: NO Rich. As I have frequently pointed out to you, you violated your oath when you fail to defend the Constitution. That means you forfeit your right to be called a Marine. You support those who support communist organizations. You support those who have violated so many parts of the constitution every day here on this blog. My Dad, a WWII Marine and a Democrat would detest you if he were alive yet.