And the horse you rode in on, Hogg




David Hogg is playing the liberal media like a fiddle. One minute he’s hurling vulgar adult epithets at anyone who dares disagree with him and the second someone fires back, he morphs into a little boy, lamenting his victimhood, all while being fronted by the left.

Here are a few samples of his eloquence. First:

But, he clarified, he doesn’t feel like he’s the one who should be calling for this. “I shouldn’t have to! I’m 17,” he said, but he and his classmates feel that adults — both voters and policymakers — have failed them. “When your old-ass parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the fucking phone and let me handle it.’ Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a fucking democracy, so we have to.”

Hogg places some of the blame on voters, but his primary targets are pro-gun politicians and the NRA, both of whom he thinks care more about money than saving lives. “It just makes me think what sick fuckers out there want to continue to sell more guns, murder more children, and honestly just get reelected,” Hogg said. “What type of shitty person does that? They could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they wouldn’t take action, because they all still see these dollar signs.”

Sometimes, instead of speaking to us, Hogg addressed politicians directly. To Scott: “You’re kind of like Voldemort at this point. You should just retire, because you aren’t going to get elected to Senate.” To Rubio: “What about the $176,000 you took for those 17 people’s blood?” To Benjamin Kelly, a former aide to State Rep. Shawn Harrison, who accused Hogg of being a crisis actor: “Hey, if you’re out there, fuck you.”

Hogg and his classmates say that their elected officials “don’t give a fuck” about them. Florida Gov. Rick Scott, he says, is an opportunist who’s just trying to boost his rumored Senate bid. Sen. Marco Rubio, who in a CNN town hall after the shooting was unable to say that he wouldn’t continue to accept NRA money, is a charlatan who only cares about staying in office. When these officials express their condolences or send their thoughts and prayers, Hogg doesn’t believe them. “You can’t lie; you’ve got to feel it, you’ve got to feel for these children’s lives,” he said. “Those fuckers aren’t getting reelected.”

Classy. Give him the phone? They did, and he hung up on Trump like some adolescent puke would do instead of availing himself of the opportunity to affect change.

Did you know the NRA has a shock collar on Trump?


CNN allowed David to go Hogg wild

They let him lie unrestrained:

CNN’s Brian Stelter admitted on HLN Monday that he allowed anti-gun Parkland survivor David Hogg to lie on air without correction.

Stelter, appearing on HLN’s “S.E. Cupp Unfiltered,” said, “When I was interviewing David Hogg only ten days after the massacre, there were a few times I wanted to jump in and say let’s correct that fact.

“That’s so interesting,” Cupp responded. “Let me stop you. Did you?”

“…at one of the times I did and other times I did not,” he said. “There’s always that balance, how many times you’re going to interrupt.”

Stelter also said that Americans need to realize where the Parkland students are coming from on gun issues.

Hogg’s sister took after Dana Loesch’s kids:

He said the NRA are child murderers:

“And not take money from people that want to keep lessening gun legislation and making it even easier for these horrifying people to get guns,” Hogg told Alisyn Camerota, “because if you can’t get elected without taking money from child murderers, why are you running?”

Child murderers. He referred to the NRA, a group of five million gun owners, as child murderers and Camerota didn’t give him any pushback despite her convincing argument to Loesch last Friday that she did. Camerota owes her viewers a correction and Loesch an apology.

Laura Ingraham had enough of Hogg and she let him know it.

Hogg retaliated by blowing the boycott dog whistle:

And a number of them obeyed.

Ingraham apologized, but by then the little Mussolini wannabe had reverted to his protected Mommy’s skirt child state:

“The way your network has treated my friends and I”?  Between that and his f**k- and sh*t-limited vocabulary, it’s no wonder those colleges rejected him. “It’s time to love thy neighbor”? Hogg sets one hell of an example of loving his neighbors and being the bigger person.

Ironically, the little boy who would strip you of your Second Amendment rights cries at the prospect of having to use a clear backpack when coming to school as a violation of their First Amendment rights. And BTW, the Parkland kids admitted bullying Cruz.

Hogg wants it all ways. He wants to wield a club as an adult and mix it up with the big dogs but when the fight is brought to him he becomes the whiny little boy and wants protection from the big nasty people.

Doesn’t work that way, Hogg. You want to play in the adult world you buy in whole. So you know you what you can do, little boy.

And the horse you rode in on.





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While Hogg’s grades were good, his SAT was merely average.
What mistake he made was applying to colleges where straight, white males are the enemies.
And he, as far as we know, is a straight, white male.
(Now, should he “come out” he might get that acceptance letter.)

was this asshole even in school at the time of the shooting?? liberal have nothing to do but promote fake everything. so three or four collages have turned him down. maybe he should apply to the university of tehran. his pattern of behavior and the liberals is no different than Hitler’s invasion in Russia. William Shirer has written a very insightful book The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich . Would suggest reading this seminal work on Hitler’s rise to power and desire to rule the free world. the behavior of Hitler youth movement is no different that what the pig(hog) and the liberals are attempting to do. pig is a true representation of Hitler’s youth

This useful little idiot gets other useful idiots together and parade through the streets of Washington D.C. carrying stupid signs and banners with stupid slogans writting on that and chanting mindless poppycock and say WE WANT BIG BROTHER and all the efforts are having the opisite effect more denations to the NRA that one member of the Brainless Jackass Party(Democrat)called Terrorists here’s how Americans react to the useful idiots

Boy first needs to hold a bar of soap in his mouth while holding up the corner with his nose. Then a lesson in civics, Hogg we do not live in a Democracy. Yes colleges might look at your social media prior to acceptance, see if you can learn to use spell check.
So sad your school doesnt offer a class in manners, but that might have dragged down your fake weighted over 4.0 GPA, BTW 5.0 would be the bar then, your average SAT score means you are truly just a C student. Try a nice community college.

Hogg places some of the blame on voters, but his primary targets are pro-gun politicians and the NRA, both of whom he thinks care more about money than saving lives.

Notice he doesn’t bother to blame was is AT FAULT: a failure of the Big Government to protect the students due to Big Government deciding it was more important to use race as a means to determine who gets disciplined for bad behavior and who doesn’t than to identify potential future violent criminals.

“It just makes me think what sick fuckers out there want to continue to sell more guns, murder more children, and honestly just get reelected,” Hogg said. “What type of shitty person does that? They could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they wouldn’t take action, because they all still see these dollar signs.”

Really. That’s funny, because those are exactly who are using you as a useful idiot prop.

Ingraham apologized, but by then the little Mussolini wannabe had reverted to his protected Mommy’s skirt child state:

I don’t know when conservatives are going to learn: NEVER apologize to liberals. Be careful about what you say, be honest and accurate but NEVER apologize.

@MOS #8541:

so three or four collages have turned him down.

He should apply at Harvard. They seem to have no standards and can polish a liberal political turd up real nice.

You forgot some, Doc. Him, his horse, and everyone that accepts his message.

Notice his button WE C ALL B.S. well Hogg is spewing B.S. he spews potty talk and bathroom language and is arrogant and a stuck up snob and frankly he needs a little lesson in humility and taste of crow followed by a desert of humble pie

@Spurwing Plover: Hogg has driven conservatives insane with rage, which is good. They suck and mocking them is funny.

Hogg really has the gun nuts rattled. Good.

@Thomas Hartman: @SkippingDog: Actually, few are rattled. Hogg’s insanity is making the points we have been making for years. The left does not know what they are talking about. I think if one looks at who are the “gun nuts” that are committing the murders of children in gun free zones, they appear to be “progressives” or nuts with left leaning tendencies. The real “gun nuts” are democrats.

Love this kid. Ingraham was stupid enough to take him on. Hogg took it and gave it right back to her. Now she looks even worse, apologizing “in the name of holy week.”

@Thomas Hartman:

@Spurwing Plover: Hogg has driven conservatives insane with rage, which is good. They suck and mocking them is funny.

Which is, of course, all liberals are capable of achieving. Conservatives find it repulsive that using tragedies to advance their political agenda and making sure more useful tragedies occur strikes liberal idiots like you as funny.

@Gary Miller:

Love this kid. Ingraham was stupid enough to take him on. Hogg took it and gave it right back to her. Now she looks even worse, apologizing “in the name of holy week.”

What happened was that Hoggie showed himself to be nothing but your typical liberal. They loves them some spouting off, vomiting out whatever they feel like dumping out of their anus-like mouths. However, they whine like little bitches when someone dumps a load of facts over their pointed heads.

Just your typical, run of the mill liberal. A whiny little baby that can’t take a spanking.

@SkippingDog: People want to have civil discourse but having discourse with children Hogg’s age is usually not worth it because children his age already know everything.

He does kind of look like a Nazi.

@Deplorable Me:

A whiny little baby that can’t take a spanking.

Eventually he’ll turn 18 and will be a legal adult. That means when he spouts off and tries to bully people (like all good little leftists do) and gets clocked, he can’t hide behind being a minor. Ditto for slander and libel.

It says a lot when the “adults” of the left have to hide behind high school kids to promote their agenda. And Ingraham screwed up. Never, ever try to rationalize or give an inch to the lefties. She should know by now that they don’t think rationally and they hate anyone’s guts who disagrees with their views.

@Gary Miller: I think Laura will be around and doing fine long after this little Hogg is long forgotten. He’s a one trick pony and his time in the spotlight is almost up.

Young people are part of the coming wave that’s going to vote out those who are too stupid or too indifferent to listen. Insulting them will only increase their determination. How people ever come to be adults without figuring out such obvious human psychology is a puzzle. It makes one wonder who the children actually are.

We live in a nation where those who know little are skillfully manipulated by the cynical and greedy in pursuit of their own selfish, short-sighted, materialistic agendas. Half of the population have been conditioned to believe absurd notions—that their children are safer when there’s easy general access to all classes firearms for example, when 1 of every 10 childhood deaths in America now results from a gunshot injury; or that the EPA is an enemy of the people, when the average level of arsenic in American-grown rice is now so high that it’s unsafe to eat more than a single serving per week.

The young are entirely within their rights to be angry. Their elders will be leaving behind one seriously screwed up mess for them to try to sort out—problems ranging from an incomprehensible mountain of debt, to a toxified, progressively overheating environment where once-common species of plants and animals are already dropping like flies—and half of us don’t seem to give a good g-damn about any of it.

Those on the right are making fun of their youthful inexperience and growing anger at their own peril. Remember, what’s also growing is their political power. Yours is not.

@Greg: So, what to do, Greg?
You hate meats because of how animals are slaughtered.
Now you won’t eat rice, either?
How about white rice from India/Tibet or wild rice?
There’s the workaround.
Unless you’re so poor you can’t afford a rice that you don’t scoop out of a barrel.
Even Jewish people are looking forward to man-made pork because it is kosher!

@Greg: Yes, indeed. But what’s not covered in the press (because it would possibly slow down the donations to political parties, reduce tension, and make less news) is that the pro-left atmosphere in schools and on college campuses has resulted in a very strong pro-right group of young people.

Of course if you are shilling for the right the perception that the next generation of voters will all be communists needs to be maintained.

Truth be told, conservatives are actually the majority. They are just afraid of their opponent.

@Follow The Money, #22:

Truth be told, conservatives are actually the majority.

It depends on how you define the term. I think I might actually be more conservative than Donald Trump, if you consider his actions rather than his words. I find little about him that corresponds with my own views of conservative thinking or behavior. But then I don’t consider support for a woman’s right to choose, or concern about permanent corporate and high-end tax cuts when we’re looking at a trillion-dollar-per-year deficit budget, or the growing gap between the wealthiest and the rest of us, or a desire for greater traditional decorum in the White House, or concern about global warming and environmental degradation, to be inherently non-conservative concerns. I think conservatism has been hijacked by materialistic opportunism. The term has been misappropriated. And liberal has been purposefully mischaracterized.

People who wish to preserve traditional American values are probably in the majority. I appreciate that impulse myself. It has great value. I also realize that I cannot return to the past, except in my memory. Ignoring changes and denying the problems that come with them doesn’t make anything go away. The Second Amendment defines a right, not a license; a muzzle-loading rifle is not an AR-15 equipped with a 100-round magazine and bump-fire stock. One does not repeal, one clarifies, as we have done for generations. It does not benefit anyone to deny common sense.

@Greg: I’m surprised your knees haven’t given out on you yet as you jump on another liberal drive by bandwagon.

A theme song for Hogg would be YOUR NO GOOD


Young people are part of the coming wave that’s going to vote out those who are too stupid or too indifferent to listen. Insulting them will only increase their determination.

It’s good to know they are no more informed than their adult liberal string-pullers.

We live in a nation where those who know little are skillfully manipulated by the cynical and greedy in pursuit of their own selfish, short-sighted, materialistic agendas. Half of the population have been conditioned to believe absurd notions

Sounds like a confession.

that their children are safer when there’s easy general access to all classes firearms for example,

There isn’t, except when the government chooses NOT to investigate violent behavior, fill in the background check blanks (remember background checks?) and use the tools liberals whine for to prevent violent, mentally ill people from buying weapons. But, hey, let’s ignore all that and enact ANOTHER pointless ban! Because liberals lie and whine really effectively!

when 1 of every 10 childhood deaths in America now results from a gunshot injury

And how many of those occur in liberal enclaves where gun ownership is already severely restricted?

The young are entirely within their rights to be angry.

Yeah. They should be mad as hell at the very liberals manipulating them into making fools of themselves because it is THEIR policies which allow tragedies like Parkland to occur. Obama’s social engineering and gun free zones combined with non-accountability of government officials that fail to do their jobs assures tragedies like Parkland will be a part of everyday life.

The liberals will be leaving behind one seriously screwed up mess for them to try to sort out

There. I fixed it for you.

problems ranging from an incomprehensible mountain of debt, to a toxified, progressively overheating environment where once-common species of plants and animals are already dropping like flies—and half of us don’t seem to give a good g-damn about any of it.

Like the threat to public safety posed by law abiding citizen practicing self defense, global warming is another control issue the left has to lie extensively about to be able to use it to drive their agenda.

Those on the right are making fun of their youthful inexperience and growing anger at their own peril.

Those on the left replacing truth with naivete’ and ignoring that these protesters have to be bribed and paid to get them to be “outraged” are making themselves irrelevant.

It depends on how you define the term. I think I might actually be more conservative than Donald Trump, if you consider his actions rather than his words. I find little about him that corresponds with my own views of conservative thinking or behavior.


But then I don’t consider support for a woman’s right to choose, or concern about permanent corporate and high-end tax cuts when we’re looking at a trillion-dollar-per-year deficit budget, or the growing gap between the wealthiest and the rest of us, or a desire for greater traditional decorum in the White House, or concern about global warming and environmental degradation, to be inherently non-conservative concerns.

No, those are what we call “bullshit”. If you were so concerned about any of that, you would not have supported Obama or Hillary.

The Second Amendment defines a right, not a license; a muzzle-loading rifle is not an AR-15 equipped with a 100-round magazine and bump-fire stock.

A muzzle loading musket was the latest technology of the time. an AR-15 is far from that today and, as Cruz proved, one can be just as devastating with 10 round magazines as 30; more so than with a 100 round magazine, since they fail and jam. Too bad about bump-stocks; Obama should have left them illegal.

Explain how public safety was enhanced when Clinton banned them.

Far right reactionaries like CRAZED Laura have picked on the wrong “kid”–she’s lost 12 sponsors so far.
I only hope Sean will jump in and call him a Nazii
Maybe ol bone spurs will lob one of his legendary tweets at this high school senior.

Hogg hid in a closet during the shooting, thank goodness he was not a victim, but as he is shoved infront of every camera to preach HIS hate and cover for his Daddys buddies at the FBI, the Sherriff and Obamas liberal policy of cash for letting little criminals free to cause carnage.
They are simply being used to further some agenda, poor victims that cant be asked hard questions, allowed to spew coached lies in a most offensive way.
Good luck with your future at CNN little Hogg

@kitt: CNN maybe–after he rolls some heads at Fox perhaps. Picking on this kid is a losing issue for Conservatives–I think Laura’s learned–sure hope Hannity jumps in.
Some people just can’t shut up– .

@Deplorable Me, #26:

No, those are what we call “bullshit”.

I’m aware of that. It’s part of the reason your elected representatives need to be and will be voted out of office at the earliest opportunity. David Hogg will grow up. Some people never will.

@Greg: @Greg:
He will, hopefully, someday become an adult and cindy sheehan and sandra fluke
can fill him in how how libtards treat their tools after they are finished using them

@Deplorable Me:

The wretched Ingraham said that Hogg was whining about not getting into college. There’s nothing factual about that at all. The kid has taken his rejections well, and he’s been accepted into other colleges. That’s just Ingraham being a nasty woman.

The kid gave it right back to her, which is laudable. How stupid is Ingraham for getting herself into this mess?


Ingraham is on thin ice over this.

We’re now reading that the shooter was ostracized and bullied by these punks. We’re wondering why we too must be subjected to his nastiness? Where is this kid’s father?

@Rich Wheeler: He is too busy rehearsing his coached but ignorant talking points for the next nazi style, my way or else, rally. What big name singer can they hook to get a crowd? That was Obamas secret to big crowds. Im glad to see you as a Marine officer ready to be ordered around by a kid waiting for his first chest hair.


Ridiculous comment.

@kitt: Sorry Kitt–this is a sharp young man.
Ingraham has shown herself a fool–no surprise to me.
Lets see if her buddy Hannity jumps in.
I’m sure Gen Kelly is telling ol bone spurs to stay out–so far so good but I’m not sure he can stop himself
Marine Officer–both capped.

The kid’s not ordering me around though he’s certainly got the talking heads at Fox scrambling–good for him.

Now Trump’s daughter in law, Lara, is asking me for money. WTF–I’ll send her over to you.

Dr. J Fox is propping up a “kid” from Parkland who is a gun advocate–you seen him?

@Rich Wheeler: The MSM talking head dont GAF about these kids not one has talked about just about every one of these mass shooters were on prescriptions, messing with their brains. You know why? Cause big pharma is their biggest sponsor. They are also a much bigger donors to politicians than the NRA pour huge bucks into lobbying they the ones that are turning these people into psychos.
The media are just using these kids, one that thanked her teacher cause all the notes from her speech came from her. Dope and program.
These kids dont need mental health care that dopes them with methylphenidate pills, little johnny is acting out grab the script. Dont let them run around to work off excess energy give them a joystick and another pill.
Ages 2-5: Approximately 388,000 children
Ages 6-11: Approximately 2.4 million children
Ages 12-17: Approximately 3.3 million children
Suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death for college-age youth and ages 12-18.

@Rich Wheeler: –this is a sharp young man.

Are you mental??
Even CNN’s own interviewers of him wanted to correct ALL HIS ERRORS about guns.
But they didn’t.
They stopped after correcting him on his 1st error then thought (and told viewers) they were afraid -AFRAID- to interrupt him as often as they would have had to to make his narrative truth-based!
Letting him continue in his misrepresentations of facts led him to think he was correct when he was not.
Now his tantrums are supposed to be treated with gentle acceptance?
Maybe by his parents who want a perpetual child for a son, but not by others in the real world.
One day he will have to face facts without his support system to buck up his ego.

Bookdoc #31 brought up Cindy Sheehan.
It might do this child good to read up on how she was dropped by her “friends on the Left” once her money dried up.

Finally, last point, David Hogg is a bully who didn’t start being a bully with his attack on Laura Ingram.
By his cousin Emily’s own admission she and he used to mercilessly bully Nikolas Cruz for YEARS before he became the shooter.

This kid is one nasty foul mouth punk. He would fit right in with
the HitlerYouth.

@Gary Miller:Yeah just like those that tried to get Limbaugh off the air. I suggest you get a towel and dry behind your ears.

Have a nice day.

@Deplorable Me: I think that horse should be a donkey?

Surely you’re not afraid of an 18-year-old kid who speaks his mind about school shootings and firearms regulations. I suspect it’s that he’s not alone in doing so. He’s just a symbol.

@Greg: Oh hell no why would anyone be afraid of a young man just speaking his mind like “I want to be a professional school shooter”, not the FBI or their kids.
Having alternative views on how to protect the schools booed and shouted down.
We are calling BS that he represents a majority view of high school age kids. I bet if he had to work flipping burgers or washing cars to pay his way to the interviews and speeches he wouldnt do it.

Damn, this article was troll-bait! Must have hit a nerve.

No, it’s not right that a kid can defame and lie and call people names with impunity, and then one opponent repeats his report of not getting into college they get destroyed (yes, she was insulting him, and yes, that’s totally ok).

The Left wants…DARES the right to anything back against their aggression so they can escalate. The left wants the right dead. DEAD. They want to silence any voice they deem worth silencing.

That “Greg” and these other moron trolls don’t understand what they are fostering is truly amazing.

But I’ll say it makes sense that a kid is the new spokesman for Libs/Dems. They speak like children, blaming everything else, having limited experiences and always looking for love and belonging by hating and excluding.

The Left has become the just like the Fundamentalist Right in the 80s…the enemy they think they are still fighting. They lost, because they become something worse.

@Greg: And surely you’re being led by the opinions of an inexperienced 18-year-old with limited professional prospects who exploits murder for personal gain, after being encouraged by adult-children to do so?

You’re pretty stupid, Greg, and you’re not alone in being stupid, but I’d hope your time in Puerto Rico and ‘Nam and enjoying retirement would grow you up at least a little bit past the maturity level of Hogg.

Well, some idiots follow “symbols” quite easily, which is why the US is in crisis.


Limbaugh isn’t making the money he made ten years ago. Nowhere near it.

@Nanny G:

“…by his cousin Emily’s own admission she and he used to mercilessly bully Nikolas Cruz for YEARS before he became the shooter.”

Would you have a link where I could read more about that?

@Gary Miller: I also call B.S on Nan’s assertion..

@Nathan Blue: I consider you a pretty reasonable guy.
Has America ever had a worse role model than Donald Trump?–it’s pathetic that we’ve got an absolute low life commanding our ship.

This kid Hogg has got under the skin of the right wing—you’d be better off to ignore him
Personally I hope he brings down that whole lot of stupid, vaporous, pompous fools at Fox—-bring back O’Reilly

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