And the horse you rode in on, Hogg




David Hogg is playing the liberal media like a fiddle. One minute he’s hurling vulgar adult epithets at anyone who dares disagree with him and the second someone fires back, he morphs into a little boy, lamenting his victimhood, all while being fronted by the left.

Here are a few samples of his eloquence. First:

But, he clarified, he doesn’t feel like he’s the one who should be calling for this. “I shouldn’t have to! I’m 17,” he said, but he and his classmates feel that adults — both voters and policymakers — have failed them. “When your old-ass parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the fucking phone and let me handle it.’ Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a fucking democracy, so we have to.”

Hogg places some of the blame on voters, but his primary targets are pro-gun politicians and the NRA, both of whom he thinks care more about money than saving lives. “It just makes me think what sick fuckers out there want to continue to sell more guns, murder more children, and honestly just get reelected,” Hogg said. “What type of shitty person does that? They could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they wouldn’t take action, because they all still see these dollar signs.”

Sometimes, instead of speaking to us, Hogg addressed politicians directly. To Scott: “You’re kind of like Voldemort at this point. You should just retire, because you aren’t going to get elected to Senate.” To Rubio: “What about the $176,000 you took for those 17 people’s blood?” To Benjamin Kelly, a former aide to State Rep. Shawn Harrison, who accused Hogg of being a crisis actor: “Hey, if you’re out there, fuck you.”

Hogg and his classmates say that their elected officials “don’t give a fuck” about them. Florida Gov. Rick Scott, he says, is an opportunist who’s just trying to boost his rumored Senate bid. Sen. Marco Rubio, who in a CNN town hall after the shooting was unable to say that he wouldn’t continue to accept NRA money, is a charlatan who only cares about staying in office. When these officials express their condolences or send their thoughts and prayers, Hogg doesn’t believe them. “You can’t lie; you’ve got to feel it, you’ve got to feel for these children’s lives,” he said. “Those fuckers aren’t getting reelected.”

Classy. Give him the phone? They did, and he hung up on Trump like some adolescent puke would do instead of availing himself of the opportunity to affect change.

Did you know the NRA has a shock collar on Trump?


CNN allowed David to go Hogg wild

They let him lie unrestrained:

CNN’s Brian Stelter admitted on HLN Monday that he allowed anti-gun Parkland survivor David Hogg to lie on air without correction.

Stelter, appearing on HLN’s “S.E. Cupp Unfiltered,” said, “When I was interviewing David Hogg only ten days after the massacre, there were a few times I wanted to jump in and say let’s correct that fact.

“That’s so interesting,” Cupp responded. “Let me stop you. Did you?”

“…at one of the times I did and other times I did not,” he said. “There’s always that balance, how many times you’re going to interrupt.”

Stelter also said that Americans need to realize where the Parkland students are coming from on gun issues.

Hogg’s sister took after Dana Loesch’s kids:

He said the NRA are child murderers:

“And not take money from people that want to keep lessening gun legislation and making it even easier for these horrifying people to get guns,” Hogg told Alisyn Camerota, “because if you can’t get elected without taking money from child murderers, why are you running?”

Child murderers. He referred to the NRA, a group of five million gun owners, as child murderers and Camerota didn’t give him any pushback despite her convincing argument to Loesch last Friday that she did. Camerota owes her viewers a correction and Loesch an apology.

Laura Ingraham had enough of Hogg and she let him know it.

Hogg retaliated by blowing the boycott dog whistle:

And a number of them obeyed.

Ingraham apologized, but by then the little Mussolini wannabe had reverted to his protected Mommy’s skirt child state:

“The way your network has treated my friends and I”?  Between that and his f**k- and sh*t-limited vocabulary, it’s no wonder those colleges rejected him. “It’s time to love thy neighbor”? Hogg sets one hell of an example of loving his neighbors and being the bigger person.

Ironically, the little boy who would strip you of your Second Amendment rights cries at the prospect of having to use a clear backpack when coming to school as a violation of their First Amendment rights. And BTW, the Parkland kids admitted bullying Cruz.

Hogg wants it all ways. He wants to wield a club as an adult and mix it up with the big dogs but when the fight is brought to him he becomes the whiny little boy and wants protection from the big nasty people.

Doesn’t work that way, Hogg. You want to play in the adult world you buy in whole. So you know you what you can do, little boy.

And the horse you rode in on.





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No. David Hogg. Wasn’t in school that day. He claimed he rode his bike 3 miles to the school. As fast as he could. Yea right. He started interviewing students. He is a liberal fool. Being played and used. A snot nosed kid. Whose opinions are not with merit. He has no idea what he is talking about. He will fail.

Should we be taking advice on how to run our Republic from people who have to be told not to eat laundry soap?

@Larry Folds: #15
Remarkable resemblance to Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, isn’t it?

@Rich Wheeler:

From Day One he’s lied, so I guess he does make an excellent role model for the Left.

@Sheila Plourde:

“No. David Hogg. Wasn’t in school that day.”

This is bs and unsupported by verification. Hogg didn’t bully this kid either. Tha’st right-wing-blog nonsense.

Why is the right lying about this kid?

@Gary Miller: He was in school that day. That is correct.

@kitt: Liberals love celebrity. They think that just because someone gets in front of a camera and reads from a script, they are smart. Therefore, they think this punk kid is a celebrity and, therefore, smart. This tells you as much about them as it does about Hoggie.

@Gary Miller:

The wretched Ingraham said that Hogg was whining about not getting into college. There’s nothing factual about that at all.

No, that was a fact. Furthermore, he is whining about the recommendation backpacks be made clear and of limited size. He’s a whiner and a coward when not fed the proper lines. But liberals consider whiny cowardice a virtue. How do you feel about these kids bullying Cruz to the point of snapping and committing a mass murder? Does that make them more or less virtuous?

Would you have a link where I could read more about that?

Didn’t you read this article you are commenting on?

@Nanny G:

@Rich Wheeler: –this is a sharp young man.

Are you mental??
Even CNN’s own interviewers of him wanted to correct ALL HIS ERRORS about guns.

Well, that’s what liberals consider “sharp”. Someone that can lie (not even convincingly) is a sharp, useful idiot. Willingness to lie is the key and lying is the only means the left has to promote their anti-gun agenda.

They stopped after correcting him on his 1st error then thought (and told viewers) they were afraid -AFRAID- to interrupt him as often as they would have had to to make his narrative truth-based!

Well, if they kept correcting him, they would wreck his “credibility”… and their own liberal cred.

Bookdoc #31 brought up Cindy Sheehan.
It might do this child good to read up on how she was dropped by her “friends on the Left” once her money dried up.

After Bush was out of office. After her political utility was used up.


Surely you’re not afraid of an 18-year-old kid who speaks his mind about school shootings and firearms regulations. I suspect it’s that he’s not alone in doing so. He’s just a symbol.

He’s a symbol, all right. Sort of like the swastika, crooked and rotating on an issue falsely promoting the liberal agenda. He doesn’t speak his mind; he speaks the mind of the liberal elitists who want the public disarmed and helpless. No, he’s not alone… Soros is right there with him all the way. I bet Hoggie would gladly help pile up shoes and clothes, like Georgie did for the Nazis, for a little promotion and a uniform.

Hoggie is welcomed; he represents the true face of liberal gun control; ignore the facts, ignore the problems, ignore proven corrective measures, ignore the failures of the very measures liberals have clamored for… and concentrate only on one topic: a gun ban. The agenda could not be more clear.

@Nathan Blue:

That “Greg” and these other moron trolls don’t understand what they are fostering is truly amazing.

Oh, don’t think the liberal leadership doesn’t understand what they are doing; they can dispose of Hogg and those like him at a moment’s notice if need be.

@Greg: And surely you’re being led by the opinions of an inexperienced 18-year-old with limited professional prospects who exploits murder for personal gain, after being encouraged by adult-children to do so?

Aside from the youth, how is he any different from any other liberal?

@Sheila Plourde:

No. David Hogg. Wasn’t in school that day. He claimed he rode his bike 3 miles to the school. As fast as he could.

Well, first he had to put fresh Communist Icon cards in his bike spokes… so his bike would sound cool as he rode up.

@John Velisek:

Do they think a bunch of 2nd Amendment acolytes were going to come down, gun blazing. To try and shut them down. 

No, but some leftists might shoot the scene up in order to further make their point. It isn’t beyond belief.


He hung up on Trump? Oh sure he did.

Obama is to blame? For school shootings? And movie theater shootings? And concert shootings? Come on.

He wants to end Fox? More nonsense. Hogg thinks the bullying that Ingraham engages in is abhorrent. And Hogg is right about that.

Hogg derided adults? He sure did. Just as you do every day, Dr.

Dr. John, you expect to be take seriously on this issue?

Can you posit why anyone needs a weapon that can mow down scores of people within minutes if not for nefarious purposes? Are you expecting a cavalry to be knocking on your door?

Time to listen to these kids.

@Deplorable Me:

Hogg was not whining. It’s a GOP catchphrase, up there with Soros, washed-up, Alinsky and “who cares?”

“How do you feel about these kids bullying Cruz to the point of snapping and committing a mass murder? Does that make them more or less virtuous?”

If you could provide some sort of source of this, I’d be happy to read it. I doubt it though, because it rings of misinterpreted nonsense from right-wing bloggers. One deep thinker on this forum suggested that David Hogg has a cousin named Emily who admitted this. It’s the usual bullcrap.

“Didn’t you read this article you are commenting on?”

Nothing in there about Cruz being bullied. That’s the part you made up.

@Gary Miller:

Can you posit why anyone needs a weapon that can mow down scores of people within minutes if not for nefarious purposes? Are you expecting a cavalry to be knocking on your door?

We dont need, we have a right, I know that one will go over your head.
There are 5 to 10 million AR style rifles owned by private citizens they have been sold for over 50 years its old technology and maybe thats why there is no cavalry knocking on anyones door.

O’Reilly took a one week “vacation” and never came back. Don’t let the door hit ya Laura.

@Rich Wheeler: Wouldn’t you love to silence everyone that doesn’t share your opinion? Rich Kim Un?

@kitt, #69:

We dont need, we have a right, I know that one will go over your head.

We have a fundamental Constitutional right, which does not automatically confer a universal, unrestricted license. No right, when applied to the real world, is absolute. No right can be absolute. The Constitution is an expression of our highest fundamental guiding principles and ideals. In practice, there are and always will be certain limitations and exceptions. This truth is simply in the nature of things.

For all the political right’s posturing about superior understanding of all things having to do with the Constitution, they seem blissfully ignorant of how the fundamental principles enshrined therein apply to the real world in actual practice.

@Greg: Its easy to claim superior understanding when the other side stands with none.
I would bet if you asked Hogg what the 3rd amendment was you would get a deer in headlights answer.
Our rights are not granted and should not be limited by you or Hogg or the US government.

The Third Amendment clearly expresses an understanding that absolute principles are subject to real-world limitations defined by laws arising from circumstance. There’s that part reading, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

If stand-alone, absolute principles were adequate to govern all human activities, there would be no need for any of the refining laws based upon them.

Then why isnt this qualifier “but in a manner to be prescribed by law.” attached to any other amendment?
If a person abuses any of their creator given rights then an apt punishment can be prescribed, they have already destroyed the 6th and 7th and 10th. We have to draw the line somewhere. No place better than what can back up our claims to what remains, the 2nd.

@Greg: Damn you’re good.
A blessed Easter to all

Kitt #71 No But Ingraham walked right into it.

@Rich Wheeler: She walked right into it by pointing out facts…the B! Shut her up, end her career. Right away Richie Un. You and Greg go ahead and follow little barechested fascist that foul mouthed ignoramus that has zero respect for anyone.
We shall choose a different path to the future

@kitt: Have you ever listened to her reactionary tripe?—she only got a slot because O’Reilly–who I like–got fired.
This kid has really gotten under your skin—plays a little like
Where is Donald?—trying to calm Melania I imagine.

@Rich Wheeler: Its all reactionary tripe, does this snot nosed bully get under my skin, well yup he needs a good dressing down with facts. Hiding under liberal skirts from that. He represents the kid in the center of the aisle of the Walmart kicking ad screaming cause mom wont buy him a power ranger toy. And you are the nosey old bag with CPS on speed dial when mom picks him up and gives him a swat on the fanny. By the way the kids house most likely looks like Toys r us barfed.

@kitt: So you don’t mind Trump ranting and raving and tweeting like a mad man—but this kid bothers you???

The left is using kids to do their dirty work just like Hitler’s Youth. Hogg is obviously a very immature, spoiled, and self serving brat (look at his social media posts BEFORE this happened). Compare his posts to those of his peers who disagree. He is also very emotional and probably unstable. At some point in time he is going to have to come to grips that he used the deaths of his former classmates for personal gain. What if he develops a drug problem or commits suicide because he can’t handle his new found “fame”? Where will his cheerleaders on the left be then? They will have moved on to the next kid they can exploit. They could care less about Hogg’s future or the future of any of these other kids they are exploiting. They are a means to end. Just look at the percentage of adults who turned out at the march as opposed to the kids. It clearly shows that this is an adult driven agenda.

@Rich Wheeler: Is he demanding law makers change or add a law for that? Tripe Richie Un tripe, tough to see his opinion without the filter of MSM?

@kitt: To me this kid is using DT playbook goose/gander—why don’t you denounce Trump’s histrionics and behavior–seriously.

Another Vet Something tells me this young man will be just fine. The right should just ignore him like Trump has—so far
Lawmakers ignore him at their own risk—his message “please take action,” radical? Nazi?

@another vet: It has his whole life been What he wants

When Hogg’s family moved to Florida several years ago, they chose Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in part for the different activities and programs it offered, one of which is TV production.

Now what was it was he hiding in a clost or as the article says interviewing students while the shooter was in the school?
Does he look traumatized here, or is he horror mining for a fast 50 bucks from his local TV station, lord this kids dreams have come true beyond his comprehension.

@Gary Miller:

Obama is to blame? For school shootings? And movie theater shootings? And concert shootings? Come on.

Obama certainly bears some of the responsibility for Parkland. If not for his race-obsession policies which prevented the proper documentation of Cruz’s violent history there would have been information to have banned him from purchasing a weapon, something liberals put a lot of stock in and want to make more strict. Beyond that, there were more missed opportunities to have stopped this tragedy than rounds Cruz fired, but none of you want to discuss them, for it puts the blame where it belongs: on the “big government” that is supposed to take the place of an armed citizenry to keep us safe from violent criminals.

Hogg derided adults? He sure did. Just as you do every day, Dr.

And what does the Dr. do when people lash back at him? Whine? Demand boycotts? Call people names? Curse them out?

Hogg was not whining. It’s a GOP catchphrase, up there with Soros, washed-up, Alinsky and “who cares?”

Yeah, whining. Though there is a crescendo of liberal whining, still crying about Hillary losing, individual whining can still be detected within the cacophony of whining. Of course, Soros. He financed much of the march. Ever wonder why your liberal heroes have to be bribed and bought to “stand up for what’s right”?

If you could provide some sort of source of this, I’d be happy to read it.

Customarily, people read the articles they are commenting on, unless they are simply throwing off-the-shelf talking points at a subject.

Nothing in there about Cruz being bullied. That’s the part you made up.

Well, sometimes scalawags like Doc try to trick you by putting really important information in red so it goes unnoticed.


We have a fundamental Constitutional right, which does not automatically confer a universal, unrestricted license.

Certainly. Perfectly clear. All we have to do is read the 2nd Amendment to see all the exclusions and exceptions the Founders put in there to satisfy the Revolutionary whiny liberals that feared a public that could defend itself:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

There, Greg. There’s a full and complete list of all the exceptions to bearing arms the Founders included for your pleasure.

No right can be absolute.

Really? Not even the absolute right to an abortion that, if you close one eye and squint the other, you can see in the Constitution? Leftists will not even entertain restrictions of abortion after 20 weeks, but you want to lecture us on “absolutes”?

For all the political right’s posturing about superior understanding of all things having to do with the Constitution, they seem blissfully ignorant of how the fundamental principles enshrined therein apply to the real world in actual practice.

Well, not every has the insight into the liberal mind you do, where absolute and uninfringable rights can be redefined as rife with “or’s, but’s, unless’s and except’s” but an imaginary “right” is inviolable. Thankfully, we don’t have to rely on those who merely respect the Constitution when it is convenient.

The Third Amendment clearly expresses an understanding that absolute principles are subject to real-world limitations defined by laws arising from circumstance. There’s that part reading, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Wait, what… this one?

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

This is what you base your presumption that when people get their butt hurt real bad, they can simply redefine what the clear and specific words of an Amendment say and mean? REALLY?


@Rich Wheeler: Its all reactionary tripe, does this snot nosed bully get under my skin, well yup he needs a good dressing down with facts.

Well, be careful with that. Making liberals look stupid with facts gets your business or home attacked by peace-loving ANTIFA thugs.

@another vet:

The left is using kids to do their dirty work just like Hitler’s Youth.

Also like ISIS did with child-homicide bombers. The ends justifies the means and never let a tragedy go to waste, even if you have to concoct the tragedies.

@Deplorable Me:

There is nothing on this blog or at the links where Emma Gonzalez admits to bullying the kid. That’s the crap that you make up.

@Deplorable Me:

Soros financed much of this march too? How much?

Gary This 17 year old kid got under their skin so they’ve made up lies about him and the march’

I simply laugh at their idiocracy.—Trumpeteers all

@Gary Miller: A little research and you come up with the true organizers, high school kids are not pulling permits in DC, renting buses or coordinating anything that would draw more than a few hundred
Multi millionaires Media moguls Pushing a narrative that a majority want what they want.
The NRA cant put as much money behind politics as these players, what the NRA and other pro 2nd amendment organizations have are real live voters, bodies not just propaganda.
Nearly 14 million hunters purchased 28.3 million licenses Does Dad buying his 16 year old his first hunting rifle become a straw buyer?
1 day alone 185,713 requests for back ground checks, which was on Black Friday in 2016.
There are more than 5 times as many gun owners as hunters.
Bloomberg owns CNN, gee I wonder why the attack on a Fox personality.
His neighbor said Cruz complained about being bullied.

Dr. John wrote: Now we know why Cruz shot up the school. It was because of the bullying by Hogg, Kasky and Gonzalez.

Dr. John just made that up. There is no source that pinpoints these three to any bullying of Cruz, (As if that would be any justification for a shooting anyhow.)

Deplorable Me wrote: Soros. He financed most of the march.

Deplorable Me just made that up. There is nothing at the Front Page link to support this.

Dr. John writes that Hogg hung up on Trump, as if Trump personally called Hogg.

Dr. John just made that up.

Deplorable Me wrote that Bloomberg owns CNN?

Deplorable Me just made that up.

The gun nuts here continue to make up too much crap about the Parkland kids and this situation.

@Gary Miller: And where are your sources for this? Or did you just make it up?

@DrJohn: Coulter is worse than Ingraham it’s true.But Laura is a snarky version of her buddy Hannity, Glad to see her fold.

Bring back O’Reilly.


Hogg did not “hang up on Trump” as you wrote. You certainly made it sound as if Trump called Hogg and Hogg hung up on the President. This did not happen, Dr.

Here’s who played a large part in the shooting: Cruz, a mixed-up kid who went off the deep end and shot 17 of his classmates in six minutes. He was able to so due to a society that supports a proliferation of military – style weaponry.

@Gary Miller:

There is nothing on this blog or at the links where Emma Gonzalez admits to bullying the kid. That’s the crap that you make up.

Funny…. I opened it up and read it, though I have already read it elsewhere. Is it difficult maintaining ignorance or does knowledge sometimes accidentally leak in?

Soros financed much of this march too? How much?

Hard to say, exactly, but Soros funds Media Matters and MoveON, who promoted the march. No doubt he also kicked in funds, just as he did to support the Ferguson riots.

Deplorable Me wrote that Bloomberg owns CNN?

I did? I believe you just made that up.

Here’s who played a large part in the shooting: Cruz, a mixed-up kid who went off the deep end and shot 17 of his classmates in six minutes. He was able to so due to a society that supports a proliferation of military – style weaponry.

No, he was able to do this because of an Obama policy, which Broward County happily embraced, which prohibited minority children who display behavioral and discipline problems not be punished or their actions documented, as it “hurts their future”. So, Cruz being kicked out of multiple schools, the police being called on him 40 or so times, 30 or more disciplinary incidents within the schools he was in do NOT go onto the data base that is supposed to feed the left’s beloved background checks. Then the resource officer did not forward a specific threat about Cruz. In addition to all that, the FBI failed to follow up on 3 specific warnings about Cruz. Then, the school he was kicked out of and banned from returning let him in… WITH A BACKPACK. The icing on the cake was the resource officer not being IN the school when the shooting started and refusing to enter after the shooting, along with the rest of his department. “Proliferation of military-style weaponry” caused this? I think you just made that up. Why can’t you leftists address the actual failures that caused this tragedy instead of trying to capitalize on tragedy to push an anti-gun agenda?

I see there are some crybaby liberals who are too cowardly to answer simple questions that revel in the uproar lying little twerps like Hogg cause. Of course; this is all the left can accomplish any more, just inciting divisiveness and conflict. Actually, it represents a fine example of what the left is all about for independents to see, thus enhancing Trump’s message and supporting his agenda.

Seems all this Gary guy can do is hurl weak insults, anyone who chooses a firearm for self defense and or supports the 2nd is a “gun nut”. Spouts hysteria about the proliferation of weapons. It took 6 minutes for Cruz to do his damage, Another school shooter’s fun was ended with only 1 casualty by an officer with a gun, that didnt hide outside the school.
We can line him up with liberals that have no respect for others constitutional rights, and wont accept real solutions. Solutions that the have been proven to work at government offices and airports. Ending policies that have not worked but encourages bad behavior in schools making them less safe for well behaved students accepted by those chasing federal dollars. These policies in NY have led to a 90 percent increase in forcible sex offenses, a 69 percent increase in assaults with weapons and a 40 percent increase in assaults. 81 percent of teachers said their students are losing learning opportunities because of the disorder and violence.” Policies that allowed Cruz to have a spotless record and purchase a gun.
So we tried it the liberal way now GTFO of the way and let us try to solve this, we are not in favor of having our Sons stabbed and our daughters raped.
He also cant keep up with comments I SAID BLOOMBERG OWNS CNN, not Bill, he props up their news on the web just search CNN and you will see Bloomberg promotes most garbage coming from them. They all repeat and use each other as sources no journalism at all.

@kitt: To be clear, my opinion is that these liberals don’t WANT a solution and will only push for policies that will continue to stack up tragedies like Parkland until the 2nd Amendment can be revoked.

However, now that this bullying element has arisen, it piques my curiosity even more. I was already leaning towards a suspicion that this shooting was a set up. I find it strange that even in government so many mistakes resulted in so many opportunities missed to correct this kid, get treatment for this kid, institutionalize this kid, issue warnings about this kid or STOP this kid. There was basically a stand down order for the FBI to ignore specific warnings about this kid and the local armed protection and reaction to the shooting took cover outside during the shooting and Cruz was allowed to escape. Now we find out that the very spokes-brats for this miraculously and amazingly quickly organized “grass roots movement” were guilty of bullying and provoking Cruz. I would like to see an investigation of this entire episode.