If democrats don’t leak their memo, they’re gutless, whining, lying cowards

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It was all too transparent. It was more predictable than day following night.

Following the release of the Republican memo, democrats went berserk. They swore they were going to release their own memo. Everyone knew what was coming- they were going to set a trap for Trump.

They were going to send Trump a memo that revealed all sort of classified and sensitive material. And that’s exactly what happened.

All that raises eyebrows among some Republicans on Capitol Hill who have read the Democratic memo. They say it contains much more classified information than the Republican memo did. The GOP paper was written so that it had a minimum of classified information in it, they explain, and indeed, after inspecting it, the FBI asked for just one small change.

The Democratic memo, these Republicans say, is much different. “It’s full of sources and methods,” said one lawmaker, referring to highly classified information. “It includes material that they clearly cannot release,” said another. “It’s nothing but sources and methods,” said a third. “Even to the footnotes.”

Now, of course, democrats are in full feigned fury. “Pencil neck” Adam Soros Schiff promised to review the redactions recommended by Rod Rosenstein:


But what are they waiting for? Why not show a little courage and go ahead and leak their memo?  Schiff is widely believed to leak whatever suits his needs.

If they really are comfortable with their memo, LET THEM LEAK IT. Don’t be “myzzled” by that darn Trump.


If they don’t leak their memo, they’re gutless whining liars.


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The Democ-Rats dont want anyone to learn their dirty dark little secrets and the nafaruous plans for america

Well, regardless of a release or not… they ARE gutless whining liars. Perhaps what is worse is that, despite a forewarning of what the Democrats would probably be trying, so many liberal lemmings, still working on that Useful Idiot Merit Badge, went for it, hook, line and sinker.


The previously blocked response of the minority members of the House Intelligence Committee to Nune’s earlier memo has now been released in redacted form, and can be read here It goes into considerably more detail than the majority memo.

@Greg: The released memo after the accused had opportunity to edit, there I corrected that for you.

Simply lying by ommission Dems approve of manipulating the FISA court to spy on an opposing campaign.
look at his eyes nutty as a loon.

The republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee investigation is little more than a distraction. It’s Special Prosecutor Mueller who is conducting the real investigation.

Trump aide’s ‘very favorable’ plea deal ramps up pressure on Manafort, experts say

Manafort could be the key that may ultimately unlock the Trump administration’s lock box. Or it might be Kushner. With all the serious questions concerning this guy and his connections, the following situation is a little difficult to process:

Kushner Still Has Security Clearance, Despite Additional Reported Issues

It’s been over a year now that he hasn’t been able to pass muster to get a permanent security clearance, yet he still has access to the nation’s most highly classified material. When have we ever had such a situation before?

@Greg: Why did they have to redact it? Why didn’t they submit it in a form that could have been released in the first place? As the title says, they are gutless, whining, lying cowards playing games.


Trump aide’s ‘very favorable’ plea deal ramps up pressure on Manafort, experts say

I wonder if they lied and withheld evidence with him like they did to get Flynn’s “guilty” plea. You do realize, don’t you, that if they HAD anything, they would not have to lie to accomplish anything.

I hope Flynn sues those responsible for ruining his good reputation. It is most disreputable of Mueller to destroy a good man that served his country to satisfy the Obama/Hillary anti-American agenda.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #6:

The redacted material speaks to the fact that there are a number things the FISA court took into account that are not public knowledge, and that were not related to the Steele document. Revealing that fact is not a matter of game playing. It was a carefully calculated response to Nunes’s bullshit memo.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #7:

Mueller is performing the task he was charged with, and he is very good at what he does. The things he has thus far uncovered, and that people have pleaded guilty to, are not imaginary. This is all leading somewhere.


The redacted material speaks to the fact that there are a number things the FISA court took into account that are not public knowledge, and that were not related to the Steele document. Revealing that fact is not a matter of game playing. It was a carefully calculated response to Nunes’s bullshit memo.

The classified information was included for the sole purpose to get Trump to refuse to release it so they could claim he was suppressing their version… which is exactly what they did. Games. Children. Liars.

Mueller is performing the task he was charged with, and he is very good at what he does. The things he has thus far uncovered, and that people have pleaded guilty to, are not imaginary. This is all leading somewhere.

Well, he got Flynn to plead guilty to something he didn’t do; something Strzok and Comey said he didn’t do by threatening him with financial ruin. Not everyone is like Bill and Hillary who can get wealthy donors to pay for their legal expenses; some people work for a living. I have a strong suspicion that this is why Gates plead out as well; to stop the financial bleeding. Because the government has does not investigate or prosecute the same transgressions when Hillary and her cohorts are involved is going to allow Manafort to beat all his charges. Mueller’s production so far has been garbage, but then again, he LITERALLY has nothing to work with.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #9:

The classified information was included for the sole purpose to get Trump to refuse to release it so they could claim he was suppressing their version… which is exactly what they did. Games. Children. Liars.

Think whatever you wish. All of the government’s judicial, investigative, regulatory, and intelligence gathering institutions are not a rotten apple surrounding the untainted, high-principled core that is the Trump administration. Our long-standing government institutions are not where the games, the childish tantrums, and the incessant flow of lies are coming from. Nor are they the focus of dysfunction and incompetence.

The people who have thus far pleaded guilty have highly competent and knowledgeable legal council at their disposal. They’re not being tricked into anything. They know perfectly well just how serious the potential charges are, and have a very good idea what the likelihood is that Mueller has evidence to prove them in court.

The Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee didn’t leak their memo without review and redaction of material that is considered sensitive. Not doing so wasn’t cowardice. It’s how things are supposed to work.


Think whatever you wish.

So, tell me, what is the alternative? They sent the memo to Trump with the classified information, later to be redacted, in it with the intent that Trump do… what? Release the classified information, for which he would be criticized or reject it because of the classified information, for which he WAS criticized? What WAS the purpose of including information the Democrats KNEW could not be published in their memo? I see but these two possibilities.

And, in reference to the title of this article, since they thought it should be published like it was, since they didn’t go ahead and publish it AS IS, they are gutless, whining, lying cowards.

If you were to open your eyes, you would see your beloved Democrat party collapsing before your very eyes. If you value it, you should be demanding they stop acting like the Russians and start trying to develop policies and programs that are better for America than Trump’s because stamping your feet and screaming at the sky for over a year is not impressing anyone. The farther to the left you go, the worse it will get and the harder recovery will be. Heed this warning.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: The Inspector generals office will straighten it out, already demotions and retirements, the applications will give him everything he needs. The judge may need to be interviewed.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #11:

What WAS the purpose of including information the Democrats KNEW could not be published in their memo?

It appears that every redacted item may relate to information regarding suspicious activities—or to sources providing information about them—that are independent of the Steele document.

The purpose of the minority memo is to demonstrate Nunes’s assertion that the FISA warrant and its renewals were based solely on the much maligned Steele report is a load of horseshit.

They’re stating there were other compelling reasons for issuing the warrant, and that a failure to investigate such a potential threat to the security of the nation would have been nothing short of criminal negligence. Please feel free to declassify the redacted material, if you want to prove otherwise.

It’s Nunes who was playing games with his own deceptive memo. That ill conceived little ploy has now pretty much blown up in is face. He should have known that he couldn’t get away with releasing such a transparently political, one-sided memo, while obviously attempting to muzzle minority members of the House Intelligence Committee.

Nunes, February 24:

“The American people now clearly understand that the FBI used political dirt paid for by the Democratic Party to spy on an American citizen from the Republican Party. Furthermore, the FISA court was misled about Mr. Page’s past interactions with the FBI in which he helped build a case against Russian operatives in America who were brought to justice. It defies belief that the Department of Justice and FBI failed to provide information to a secret court that they had provided to an open federal court regarding their past interactions with Mr. Page.”

Uh, no they don’t. Because they’re not nearly as stupid as he seems to think they are. And he’s not as smart.

@Greg: After IRS, fast and furious and Iran deal, we do think it is an attempted coup, using the justice dept. Much more likely that Billy would be with multiple hookers, and Sid Viscious and Kerry are in on this.
We are not the only ones.


It appears that every redacted item may relate to information regarding suspicious activities—or to sources providing information about them—that are independent of the Steele document.

That doesn’t answer the question. Why, unless they were looking for a political theater, would they include information in their memo that could not be presented to the public? You know the answer. I’ve given you the answer.

Hillary’s dossier was false, unverified and unverifiable yet the corrupt Obama administration used it to justify spying on innocent US citizens. The FBI knew it, but kept using it. They also kept the fact that it was nothing but Hillary’s political dirt from the FISA court. It ain’t looking good for your team.

That doesn’t answer the question. Why, unless they were looking for a political theater, would they include information in their memo that could not be presented to the public?

Have I not been clear enough? They wanted to clearly demonstrate that Nunes is a lying weasel, and his memo a simple-minded tool of deception.

The Steele dossier was not the only thing, or even the main thing, that convinced a FISA judge on multiple occasions that a serious threat to national security might exist.

It ain’t looking good for your team.

It hasn’t got to do with “teams.” It has to do with the influence a hostile foreign government may have over highly placed persons in the Trump campaign and Trump administration, and the degree to which that might have come about with the knowledge and cooperation for those same people. Uncertainty about that goes all the way to the top.

Those questions are so serious that getting clear and accurate answers to them should transcend partisan politics. They revolve around issues of personal integrity and loyalty to the nation itself.

Hillary’s dossier was false, unverified and unverifiable yet the corrupt Obama administration used it to justify spying on innocent US citizens.

That’s the meme the Nunes memo was pushing, which the minority memo indicates is a steaming load of manure. Do Nunes and his fellow flunkies want to demonstrate otherwise? Declassify the redacted parts of the minority memo. Let’s see what the FISA judge was concerned enough about to issue a surveillance warrant and multiple extensions.


Have I not been clear enough? They wanted to clearly demonstrate that Nunes is a lying weasel, and his memo a simple-minded tool of deception.

Horse. Sh!t. The President can see all this information he wants. He has security clearance. The purpose of the Nunes memo is to inform the public of the facts. It’s intention was to be released to the public and was constructed to do so. The Democrat memo was not. It was inteneded to go to the President and NOT be released so they could (and did) pretend it was not released because Trump was afraid of it going public. They KNEW it could not be released as it was written, but they submitted it anyway THEN complained that it was not released. Am I making myself clear enough?

It hasn’t got to do with “teams.” It has to do with the influence a hostile foreign government may have over highly placed persons in the Trump campaign and Trump administration, and the degree to which that might have come about with the knowledge and cooperation for those same people. Uncertainty about that goes all the way to the top.

It has everything to do with “teams”. Your team lost the election, so you are trying to overturn a lawful election with phony accusations which, by the way, you KNOW are phony. In fact, you KNOW the actual cooperation with the hostile foreign government occurred by YOUR TEAM, not the Trump team.

Declassify the redacted parts of the minority memo. Let’s see what the FISA judge was concerned enough about to issue a surveillance warrant and multiple extensions.

Read the title of this article again. If they weren’t only playing immature political games, YOUR TEAM could have released the memo as is.

Do you really want to talk “teams” and their respective records? I can’t imagine why.

The President can see all this information he wants. He has security clearance.

Trump has the highest level security clearance ONLY by virtue of his elected office. It came with the job. Otherwise, given all that’s suspected and unknown about him, there’s probably no way in hell he would ever have qualified for a national security clearance of any level. That would have required that he be investigated and any questionable issues fully resolved. Jared Kushner, his son-and-law and top adviser, can’t pass muster for a permanent clearance. There are more questionable security issues surrounding this guy than you could shake a stick at. In spite of which, he’s been running on an interim clearances for over a year. He’s far more likely to face an indictment than to ever be found qualified to have on-demand access to the nation’s most highly classified material. But he has it anyway.


Do you really want to talk “teams” and their respective records?

Not a problem. This is the very issue we are discussing; politically motivated investigations that, in fact, lead nowhere. The only reason Obama escaped convictions is that he corrupted the DOJ, which is being flushed out. I notice there was no category for Attorneys General found in contempt of Congress for being a lying weasel. Why is that, I wonder?

Trump has the highest level security clearance only by virtue of his elected office. Otherwise, given all that’s suspected and unknown about him, there’s probably no way in hell he would have qualified for a clearance on any level.

EVERYTHING is known about Trump. He’s been in the public eye his entire life. Obama, on the other hand, SEALED his records. Why is that, do you suppose?

Hillary had the highest security clearance and she shared everything with everyone. Trump, meanwhile, is having to plug all the leaks Obama left. You have peculiar standards.

All the “questions” you leftists have about Trump are all fabrications of warped minds. You whiny crybabies have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at him and you’ve gotten NOTHING to stick or even look credible. Again, ALL the accusations made against Trump by the left appear to be sticking to the DEMOCRATS! They should probably stop while they merely look stupid.

EVERYTHING is known about Trump.

That’s hilarious. It’s presently totally off limits to follow the money invested in various Trump real estate projects to see where it came from—no matter that two of his campaign associates are under investigation for their parts in a $30 million Russian money laundering operation. Trump supporters don’t even pay attention to the questionable dealings in his past that are known and documented. The man won’t release his tax returns as promised. Don’t they wonder why? Yet they’ll instantly embrace and believe any goofball conspiracy theory involving a democrat, even when there’s no evidence, or some demonstrable central fact that should reveal the entire fabrication to be total nonsense.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

ALL the accusations made against Trump by the left appear to be sticking to the DEMOCRATS! They should probably stop while they merely look stupid.

Too late they have already lied by omission to a FISA Judge, illegally spied on an opposition campaign and transition team, illegally leaked classified information to the media.
Its beyond keystone cops its sedition and treason.


no matter that two of his campaign associates are under investigation for their parts in a $30 million Russian money laundering operation.

Um…. BEFORE they were campaign associates and their “operation” is tenuous, at best. Oh… sorry. Do facts startle you?

Not one shred, Greg. Not a “smidgen” of evidence ANY of your bogus claims have any foundation in truth.

@kitt: What is going on is so obvious that it gets tiresome discussing it. Only a complete idiot would think we all don’t realize it, but it is, after all, targeted at the liberal lemming hoard.

Not one shred, Greg. Not a “smidgen” of evidence ANY of your bogus claims have any foundation in truth.

Give Mueller another few months and we’ll see what’s true. I think the truth may affect some in the Trump administration like sunlight affects Hollywood vampires. Why else would they be trying so damn hard to make sure nobody pulls back the curtains?

@Greg: Another few months. Sigh.

Hillary colluded. Obama conducted illegal surveillance. The FBI facilitated. What else do you think your party can afford to be exposed?

Kushner’s overseas contacts raise concerns as foreign officials seek leverage

Officials in at least four countries have privately discussed ways they can manipulate Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, by taking advantage of his complex business arrangements, financial difficulties and lack of foreign policy experience, according to current and former U.S. officials familiar with intelligence reports on the matter.

Among those nations discussing ways to influence Kushner to their advantage were the United Arab Emirates, China, Israel and Mexico, the current and former officials said.

It is unclear if any of those countries acted on the discussions, but Kushner’s contacts with certain foreign government officials have raised concerns inside the White House and are a reason he has been unable to obtain a permanent security clearance, the officials said.

Kushner’s interim security clearance was downgraded last week from the top-secret to the secret level, which should restrict the regular access he has had to highly classified information, according to administration officials.

@Greg: He couldn’t be easier to manipulate than Hillary was, and she was Secretary of State. Hillary took contributions from all those countries listed AND accepted a big payoff to approve the sale of 20% of our uranium to Russia. At least Kushner’s not a unconscionable money whore like Hillary.

ALL interim security clearances were downgraded. Maybe if the FBI weren’t wasting time on “other things”, they could complete the background checks from a year ago.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Greg who is obviously an expert or who ever wrote that twisted logic of he left. Manipulation in complex business why who would do that, the bastids might be trying to make money.
These security checks seem to come as fast as Hillarys Bengahzi emails from the State Dept.

Background checks for around 95 percent of civilian governmental positions that require security clearances are conducted by the National Background Investigations Bureau, not the FBI. There’s a very large backlog for routine investigations, but that wouldn’t be Kushner’s problem. His problem has to do with complex foreign financial involvements about which very little is known, and a few highly questionable contacts with Russians likely working for the Putin government. He’s had contact with Wikileaks, an entity almost certainly working for Putin, which has repeatedly published classified material stolen from the United States government.

You don’t get green-flagged for a top secret security clearance with unresolved questions about things like this—especially when you haven’t been very forthcoming providing answers, and have neglected to provide relevant documents.

FEB. 27, 2018 — White House Has Given No Orders to Counter Russian Meddling, N.S.A. Chief Says

The comments by Admiral Rogers on Tuesday reflected what appears to be a widening gap between President Trump and the intelligence agencies he runs. While the president has mocked the notion of Russian meddling in the election he won, American intelligence officials are convinced of it, and they believe Russia is now looking to interfere in the midterm elections in November.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, said the Department of Homeland Security was working with state and local elections officials to prevent attacks on electoral systems, which were wider than initially thought during the 2016 vote. She also cited a program to provide $40 million to counter Russian and Chinese propaganda, though she failed to mention that the money was delivered to the State Department only after months of delays and withering criticism from Republicans in Congress.

As for Admiral Rogers, “nobody is denying him the authority,” Ms. Sanders said before blaming the Obama administration, noting that the Russian campaign began on its watch.

So, We’re taking care of the thing that didn’t really happen, which is all Obama’s fault if it did. Got it.


There’s a very large backlog for routine investigations, but that wouldn’t be the Kushner’s problem. His problem has to do with complex foreign financial involvements about which very little is known, and a few highly questionable contacts with Russians likely working for the Putin government.

Really. So, while numerous persons have had their clearances downgraded due to still having an interim grade, HIS is special because of all your paranoid suspicions? This is due to Rob Porter not having a completed background check and the accusations of domestic violence being in his past, not your fantasy dreams.

Again, if conflicts of interest and influence peddling was something you don’t particularly like, why in hell did you ever support Hillary, the most corrupt politician to even run for the Presidency?

White House Has Given No Orders to Counter Russian Meddling, N.S.A. Chief Says

Why are you complaining? He simply deployed the Obama plan.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #30:

So, while numerous persons have had their clearances downgraded due to still having an interim grade, HIS is special because of all your paranoid suspicions?

His is more important than others because of his uniquely elevated position of access and influence inside the Trump White House, and because of his greater vulnerability by way of potential conflicts of interest. Add to that the fact that the man is totally clueless in matters of government, diplomacy, and geopolitics. That makes him a far more serious risk than lower-level White House functionaries.

@Greg: A risk for what?
Will he give billions to say… a state sponsor of terror? Will he use non-government secured computer devices in areas of non freindly areas of the world? Will he hire Pakistanis to take care of government secured computer systems…OH THE HORROR! Say his emails wont show up on a PERVs laptop! Not void the sale of American Uranium to the evil empire, gimmie a break Greg, nothing lil Jered could do would equal the FUs of the last inhabitants of the White House. NASAs new mission to make the muslims feel good what a moron Barry was https://capitalresearch.org/article/nasa/


His is more important than others because of his uniquely elevated position of access and influence inside the Trump White House, and because of his greater vulnerability by way of potential conflicts of interest.

His is more important for propaganda purposes, which is all liberals are about. Nothing more. More federal foot-dragging, impeding the operations of the government. When he sets up a classified information buffet in his bathroom we can put him in some context. At least he can negotiate without the opposite side knowing everything he is about to do, as was the case with Hillary. As for now, your ridiculously biased suspicions are totally unfounded.

@kitt: Obviously liberals either don’t know what constitutes a security threat or they simply don’t care. All they care about is having their corruption exposed; that’s the only information they try to protect.

It was White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly who ordered the changes that resulted in the downgrading of Jared Kushner’s security clearance. Gen. Kelly is a Trump appointee.

If there weren’t a problem, Kelly wouldn’t have taken such a step. It certainly wasn’t one calculated to ingratiate him to his boss.

@Greg: Due to prior mix ups the General wants things put directly into his hands, changing the procedures due to a screwed up system left behind.How else could so many with terrorist group ties get so close to our top officials?

@Greg: Because of the foot-dragging in background checks. This resulted in the embarrassment over Porter’s past. That’s it.