The DOJ-FBI Swamp

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The  FBI at this point is damaged goods. Probing for collusion since the 2016 Presidential election has produced nothing, and the Mueller investigation has gone far afield from the original purpose. The results, contrary to Adam Schiff and other bleating sheep on the mainstream media has been disappointing. What they have come up with so far as nothing more than process crimes of lying to the FBI. Gen. Flynns crimes were even called a “non-event” until FBI Agent Peter Strzok got involved.

Peter Strzok is the main feature of the entire probe. Changing words in an exoneration delivered by James Comey, being in charge of the investigations of Hillary Clinton, (not under Oath and not recorded in any way), Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills who blatantly lied over 200 times and were given immunity, Michael Flynn ( found to have lied to the FBI by entrapment) and overall the catalyst of the Russian probe into President Trump. It is amazing that he found any time for diddling his mistress and sending e mail to her.

It was Peter Strzok who interviewed Mills, Abedin, Clinton  and Patrick Kennedy, undersecretary for management for the State Department that all claimed they could not recall the details of the acquisition of  Clintons server, nor even how it was set up in a non classified location and used to send and receive highly classified information. All were given immunity by the FBI, led by Peter Strzok and the laptops destroyed.

And what to say about James Comey.  Comey was a Clinton sycophant  all the way back to his days as a U.S. Attorney. In 1997 the Clintons had made Sandey Berger the National Security Advisor, a representative to the 9/11 commission and has stolen classified information, but was let off with a $50,000 fine and to avoid any explanation of what had been taken. It is interesting to note that it was James Comey, serving as Deputy attorney general who let Sandy Berger, off with that small fine for stealing classified material from the National Archives and the cover up that followed..

It was James Comey when as U.S. Attorney James Comey closed the case of clemency for the Hasidic enclave called “New Square”  that members had been accused of having four members convicted of fraud. Hillary visited the community  and the case was summarily closed before the New York election that put her in place for her run for President as a public figure who have never lived in the state that made her a Senator.

Andrew McCabe is another member of the Clinton crime syndicate, working with Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, Strzok’s mistress  to foment the current insurrection.  In March of 2017, McCabe was heard to say to other high ranking FBI agents “ first we fu*k Flynn, and then we fu*k Trump which garnered raucous applause from at least 16 top FBI Officials, as reported in True Pundit.  These same FBI personnel are now using “burner disposable  phones to stay ahead of the investigation that will be starting, a breach of federal law. Anyone who is found using one of the phones should be summarily dismissed as it is a violation of federal law. McCabe was scheduled to testify in front of the House Intelligence Committee but was held back because of the finding of Bruce Ohr, who worked for McCabe meeting with FusionGPS, and his wife Nellie actually working for Fusion GPS.

Fusion GPS is the Hillary hired opposition research group that developed the phony dossier that started the Mueller probe into Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. A probe which has been largely discredited and is basically a group looking for a crime that doesn’t exist. With the assistance of the media and politicians like Adam Schiff they continue to push the investigation into unrelated areas in search of a crime. Fake News CNN, has been totally discredited, and even Allyson Camerota saying the dossier has “mostly” been verified can’t change the fact that the only portion of the dossier that is true is that Carter Page traveled to Russia to give a speech. CNN partakes in “agit-prop” to do nothing more that to distribute falsehoods as news under cover of once being a reputable news source.

All of this and more has come out in bits and pieces because the DOJ IG has made it available, none of this information came willing from the DOJ or the FBI. It appears that those at the higher echelons consider themselves above the maw, and that the only oversight they need it that which they place upon themselves. They seem to forget that they work for the American people, and the integrity of the rank and file members of the DOJ  and the FBI have suffered because of the lies, innuendos, and outright fabrications of the Obama-Hillary sycophants at the top.

So we have come to the point that we are at now. The convenient loss of five months of FBI emails that closely resembles the IRS-Lois Lerner debacle with tapes that were lost for two years. No one has determined whose e mails were “lost” . Was it only Strzok and Pages emails that disappeared, or how many other FBI agents have no way of retrieving information.  Why did it take five months  until one day after Mueller was named Special Council that the system mysteriously started working again.

Is it a coincidence that the “lost” emails cover the time of the Presidential transition, the firing of the Lying FBI Director James COmey and up until the appointment of a Special Council? There are many people that have answers to questions that many Americans are asking. Everyone from Lisa Page, who worked as the advisor  to Andrew McCabe, the Deputy FBI director. The Inspector General needs to fully investigate along with the Congressional Committees just what the “secret Society” that is mentions in the Strzok emails means. There are even rumors that they met “off-site”. What were they planning and who were members of this “secret society”?

And how many of the missing texts can be used to prove that there are contingency plans to cause actual physical harm to the President. A high ranking FBI official has actually confirmed this. The Secret Service under the auspices of DHS needs to investigate this concern, and see how it ties int to the “secret society the Peter Strzok and Lisa page and probably others were discussing. It is time to fully drain the DOJ and FBI swamp, put people in jail and gives the premier law enforcement arm of our government back to the people

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@Jay: Well, perhaps the Russians figured out the worst they could do to the Democrats is repeat their own statements and the results of their own policies. By doing that, it is quite possible they HELPED the United States instead of committing harm!

“The broader Russian strategy is pretty clearly about destabilizing the country by focusing on and amplifying existing divisions…attacking the American social fabric along lines of race, gender, class and creed…

Now I’m confused… are the Russians in our Congress? For, it is many of the Democrat representatives that promote that trying to secure the border is racist, that thinking adult men do not belong in little girls’ restrooms is bigoted and wanting economic benefits for everyone in America is somehow biased against the poor. You mean the RUSSIANS are behind all that?


Mueller’s team haven’t yet completed their investigation.

Yeah, sending 50,000 texts over a period of six months describing how much the current President is hated and how much the investigators want him gone cuts into the investigatory time. At that rate, surely it will take right up to the 2018 mid term elections before they reveal that though they still haven’t found any evidence of anything wrong, they better continue until the Republicans lose their majorities and there is enough whiny Democrat votes to impeach Trump for winning in 2016.

@Redteam: And Uranium One. That one wraps up the whole dirty bunch into one neat bundle.

@kitt: Notice how none of those trials have commenced yet. From what I have read, those charges are likely to be shredded in court, so Mule-er is not likely to rush to court for a decision or validation of his efforts. No, what they want is the APPEARANCE of guilt so that can be slammed over the heads of Republicans up for election. Sadly (for Democrats) they are losing their propaganda war and suffering worsening chances in 2018.


It was established in 1978.