It was a great speech- especially if you measure it in terms of liberal discomfort. It was the most enjoyable SOTU speech I have heard in about ten years. It was patriotic. It was about America.
I liked it very much, but what left the biggest impression on me was the use of the words “we” and “they” instead of “I” and “me.” I wasn’t the only one to notice.
President Trump talked long on Tuesday night, “the third-longest State of the Union in the past 50 years, according to The New York Times. But he rarely talked about himself — unlike his predecessor.
President Obama’s first State of the Union speech in 2010 featured the president saying some version of “I” or “me” nearly 100 times. That was nearly four times more than Trump managed — 98 personal references to a mere 26.
For all the media have attacked Trump about his ego, it was Obama who earned regular criticism for being self-referential in his speeches. His first 41 speeches showed this tendency was off the charts — mentioning himself nearly 1,200 times – 1,198 to be exact.
It got so I could not stand to listen to obama. I’d almost forgotten what it was to hear a President not so excruciatingly self-absorbed.
democrats were beside themselves. They made faces:
At the sound of “USA” Luis Gutierrez fled the room:
Trump brought American hero after American hero to the SOTU
- The parents of two young women, Nisa Mickens and Kayla Cuevas, friends who were brutally murdered by MS-13 gang members.
- The first blind, double-amputee to reenlist in the Marine Corps, Corporal (Ret.) Matthew Bradford, who had been injured by an IED explosion while serving in Iraq.
- The founder of a non-profit rescue and recovery organization that has provided aid to thousands of people across the South victimized by floods and storms, including Hurricane, Jon Bridgers.
- Fire prevention technician David Dahlberg who saved 62 children from a raging wildfire in Southern California.
- Police Officer Ryan Holets, who has served six years on the force in Albuquerque, New Mexico, been shot twice and, along with his wife, adopted a baby from parent who suffered from opioid addiction.
- Coast Guard Aviation Technician Ashlee Leppert who rescued dozens of Americans during last year’s devastating hurricane season.
- Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Agen Celestino “CJ” Martinez, whose investigations have led to arrests of more than 100 MS-13 gang members who have been prosecuted for crimes, including homicide, assault, narcotics and weapons trafficking.
- U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Justin Peck, who was directly responsible for saving Chief Petty Officer Stacy’s life after Stacy was severely injured during an explosion in Syria last year.
- A veteran’s son, Preston Sharp, who has organized the placement of more than 40,000 flags and red carnations on soldiers’ graves, in honor of their service to the country.
- The president and vice president of Staub Manufacturing Solutions, a contract manufacturing company, who gave increased bonuses to their employees, thanks to last year’s tax reform legislation.
- A skilled welder, Corey Adams, who, with his wife, became first-time homeowners and invested extra money into their daughters’ education savings as a result of tax reform.
Democrats brought illegal aliens.
Trump reminded democrats that “Americans are dreamers too.”
Trump received many standing ovations, but not from democrats. These the things for which they would not stand:
1. The National Anthem
Trump touted the patriotism of a young boy named Preston who planted flags for veterans.
“Young patriots like Preston teach all of us about our civic duty as Americans. Preston’s reverence for those who have served our Nation reminds us why we salute our flag, why we put our hands on our hearts for the pledge of allegiance, and why we proudly stand for the national anthem.”
2. ‘In God We Trust’
“In America, we know that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, are the center of the American life. Our motto is ‘in God we trust.’”
3. Tax Cuts
“And just as I promised the American people from this podium 11 months ago, we enacted the biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history.”
4. Record Low In Black Unemployment
“Unemployment claims have hit a 45-year low. African-American unemployment stands at the lowest rate ever recorded, and Hispanic American unemployment has also reached the lowest levels in history.”
5. Veterans
“And we are serving our brave veterans, including giving our veterans choice in their healthcare decisions. Last year, the Congress passed, and I signed, the landmark VA Accountability Act.”
Perhaps worst of all, they booed the parents of the victims of MS13
Trump’s theme was so very different from obama’s not just in self-reference, but in content:
The theme of President Obama’s addresses usually hinged on the idea that for the poor and middle-class to succeed, government must grow and expand. This worldview stood ready to transform every difficulty into a public policy issue, and it led to Obama executing plans without Congress—via “pen and phone.” The predictability led me to sum up President Obama’s addresses in five words: more spending, dependency, and regulation.
Trump emphasized work and self-reliance.
After all the garbage about white privilege, the left brought out a poster boy for white privilege, and all he could do was drool.
Once again, democrats called Trump a racist for siding with Americans over illegals. So far left have they gone, they have no idea how far removed from America they are on this issue.
Voters across both party lines appear to be in agreement with President Donald Trump’s immigration priorities, a new Harvard-Harris Poll finds.
The poll, weighted to be broadly representative of the U.S. population, found that 65% of voters overall agreed with Trump’s position that any bill codifying Obama-era protections for illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children should be accompanied by funding for a wall, ending chain migration, and ending the diversity visa lottery program.
The individual elements of each of Trump’s demands remain broadly popular as well. On the most controversial subject of the border wall, 53 percent of respondents said they supported “building a combination of physical and electronic barriers across the US-Mexico border,” and 61 percent said current security along the US-Mexico border is inadequate.
79 percent of respondents said they believed “immigration priority for those coming to the U.S. should be based on a person’s ability to contribute to America as measured by their education and skills or based on a person having relatives in the US.” The statement is broadly representative of Trump’s bid to end chain migration via family ties and prioritize immigration policy that favors high skilled individuals.
75% of views approved of the speech.
Donald Trump had a great night. All in all, democrats had a very, very bad night.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Cut back on the pork barrel spending no more money to the war chests of liberal leftists special interests groups cut back on the funding to the Useless Nations and the IPCC build the border fence and Screw California and that idiot Moonbeam Brown and lets have Obama and Clinton (Both of them) sent to prison
Very nice speech, most of it looked like Pelosi was fussing over something stuck in her dentures.
Young Kennedy lacked any convincing tone but a nice speech, yes he was drooling the Dems sat for his speech too.
Dem women in mourning for their dead party all wearing black.
I, too, got to where I could not endure his speeches. The first few times he spoke of healing and bipartisanship, I hoped that would be the case, but then he went right out and made it clear elections have consequences, the Republicans were enemies that needed punishment, they should either vote HIS party line of sit in the back seat and shut up and followed a partisan liberal agenda. So, I totally gave up on him every uttering a positive and factual word in any of his speeches.
I keep wondering why it is TRUMP’S responsibility to end the “divisiveness”? The only thing he has done to contribute to divisiveness is defeat the worst candidate in the history of the world and get elected. From thence begat divisiveness because Democrats cannot accept that fact and do not respect the office of the President of the United States. So, why is it solely HIS responsibility to heal the divisiveness and what in hell could he POSSIBLY do to end it? The answer is, there is nothing he can do to satisfy Democrats. Even if he resigned, they would still hate and vilify him as long as any memory of his existence exists.
So, the burden of healing the divisiveness lies on the shoulders of those who thrive on it… the Democrats. They are going to have to lay down the pacifiers, crayons and stuffed animals, put on their big-boy pants and accept the fact they should NEVER have offered Hillary as a candidate and start working to help the citizens of the United States (and stop placing all their hopes on diluting the citizenry with illegal immigrants that can vote). Yeah, I know… that sounds depressing when I read it, too.
Yeah, I noticed that cucaracha fleeing the sounds of patriotism.
And the Democrats could not stand for them.
I wondered, who did that baby think she was, Ruth Bader Ginsburg? Sleeping through the SOTU?
Well, in their defense, they were probably booing the reality of what their immigration and sanctuary city policies yield. They prefer to showcase a few clean illegal immigrants and present them as the sole example of what illegal immigration does to this country, not the crime their policies inflict upon innocent people.
I don’t agree with amnesty, but once again I am willing to compromise that point (to a certain and definitive degree) to achieve a broad agreement on immigration and security. Democrats are not; they simply want to oppose. Well, if they don’t want to disappear entirely, they had better figure out how to oppose Trump without opposing everything that is beneficial to America and as long as that is what Trump is supporting, their task is very, very difficult.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: But as mini kennedy said “This is not who we are” I guess we are someone who after they break into the house murder our kids we just hand over the keys and credit cards.
@kitt: I wonder if the Democrats put a garbage truck on the tracks to crash the Amtrak the Republicans were headed to their retreat on, trying to kill them and take over the majorities in Congress? We need a special prosecutor….
@Bill… Deplorable Me: I heard they thought it was a dreamer driving it and sped up to ram it.
We are to ignore the 75 % approval that was just a poll of those that watched th speech, not those that the media will lie to.
Note Pres Trump makes every DACA-eligible illegal jump thru hoops for 12 YEARS before they can become citizens.
If someone is going to mess up, 12 years is a long time to fake it.
He will mess up and be deported well before those 12 years are up.
@Nanny G:
And they should learn to speak English
@Bill… Deplorable Me: The lefties have already taken took to Twitter to celebrate and make jokes. These people are beyond associating with or respecting. This is one from a CNN lackey.
@another vet: They must keep their constituents stupid. Ignorance is their only hope and is why they want illegal immigrants to be able to vote for them before they learn English.
I thought of a way to get every democrat on their feet cheering. Bring in Ali Khamenei the supreme leaderand begin to out shout the USA Chant with DEATH TO AMERICA
I am SO PROUD of my/our President TRUMP!!
Compared to all the LECTURES Americans have had to ‘endure’ from the Marxist Obama on how ‘horrible’ America and Americans are. Obama the Marxist ensuring this “Message” of hate stayed and swirled in the Democrat/MSM Echo Chamber.
Hillary is a Progressive aka “Communist” and we dodged a very big Bullet….Thank God! What? No input from her on the SOTU? With this ‘Memo’ swirling around perhaps she is staying on the down low…because the storm is raging….
President Donald J. TRUMP is a breath of FRESH AIR! MAGA!!
@Bill… Deplorable Me: Grueber and Podesta confirmed that with their statements of what they need(ed) to do to get their far left agendas to succeed.
I see the ACLU is whining becuase Trump used the word America several times never mind for the fact that the A in the ACLU in AMERICAN when the ACLU should be called the Atheists Communists & Lawyers Underground
@Spurwing Plover: That’s just another desperate attempt by the left to shut down discussion in which they cannot make their points valid. Clearly, speaking of family, God, country and prosperity is something that makes chills run up and down the spine (not leg) of a liberal.
It’s understood that there’s an attempt here to rile or provoke the left or perhaps stir for discussion (only of course for an opportunity for the sock-puppet patrol to sell their hatred) but it’s statements such as that where you jump the shark of any reasonable dialog. To be clear, it isn’t even arguable in the real world that Trump is the most self centered and egotistical president in history. And being a polished or perhaps sedated Teleprompter Don reading a word for word script doesn’t change the real Toilet Tweeting Don.
But of course, this is coming from a place who bashed Obama to no end as a liar, chastised Bill Clinton for his sexual shenanigans, and cringed at the the obstruction of Dems (oh, and did I mention something about a teleprompter) and now genuflect in unison to Donald Jesus Trump.
But I suspect that once Trumps succeeds (as GWB did) in crashing the economy, the loyalist here will forget and deny that they ever supported Trump, just as they now make that dishonest claim of GWB.
Did anyone else see that insignificance?
@Bill… Deplorable Me: #17
You mean the insignificance of the comment above yours?
Saw it, didn’t read it.
It’s insignificant.
@Petercat: Yes. The Moron Who Shall Not Be Named deserves no recognition.
Nothing like sock-puppets having each other’s back. And Trump isn’t self-absorbed?
Pure slap stick comedy!
@Frijay42302: Whoops, that’s Frijay42302. Try to keep up
@Frijay42302: Frijay42302
Trademark of the Soros trolls. Sock Puppet, the copyrighted language of the Soros operation.
@Bill… Deplorable Me: 5
My very first comment when I heard the report. There is NO WAY that was an accident. Huge garbage truck ‘parked’ on the railroad track with the crossing gates closed. hmmmm….
Yea, ha ha, especially after hearing Obozo stuttering thru his teleprompter speeches. He couldn’t even make a speech without the TP and could only stutter very badly with the teleprompter. Uh, Uh, uh, if if if if uh ;uh uh, but but but uh uh uh if if uhhhh That’s was the first 19 words of every Obozo sentence as read from his teleprompters. Frijay, would you like a link to one of those speeches so you could watch it for a couple hours? I know you must be homesick with Obozo gone for a year now…. If you want the link, just let me know, I have a roomful available. uh uh uh uh if if if uh uh……
here’s one;
@Petercat: I think I again sensed that same fart-like presence in the room, a worthless occupation of air.
@Redteam: #23
The only time I’ve been at a crossing when a train with congressmen on it came through, the road was blocked by police well before the crossing for at least fifteen minutes. The LEO I spoke with while waiting said it was standard practice.
So why not this time? And why were the police right there when GOP doctors tried to get off and help?
Where were they before then? They must have been very close.
Yea, ha ha, especially after hearing Obozo stuttering thru his teleprompter speeches. He couldn’t even make a speech without the TP and could only stutter very badly with the teleprompter. Uh, Uh, uh, if if if if uh ;uh uh, but but but uh uh uh if if uhhhh That’s was the first 19 words of every Obozo sentence as read from his teleprompters. Frijay, would you like a link to one of those speeches so you could watch it for a couple hours? I know you must be homesick with Obozo gone for a year now…. If you want the link, just let me know, I have a roomful available. uh uh uh uh if if if uh uh……
The undeniable hugeness of his awesomeness…with democrats, of course, predictably disgusted by America’s greatness.
It must be that, right? I mean, what else could possibly be putting them off? Everybody knows democrats hate America.
And if anyone still has doubts, your representatives go out of their way to prove it.
What I Learned From Three Weeks Watching Fox News Nonstop
For FOX, Trump is a perfect fit. The audience cultivated by FOX are the people who elected him.
@Greg: I watched CNN and MSNBC yesterday and they assume their viewers are totally ignorant of all things but what they are told on CNN and MSNBC. They obviously target a very stupid audience.